Nov 12th, 2007 Archives

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Recently I received two very suspicious emails supposedly from MInvestment. They seemed to be not original because they were sent not to my email address I specified during the registration process. Of course they were phishing (the sites were and Can you see a slight difference here? Here they are:

1) “Dear Member, This email is to confirm that we’ll send Bonus and credited your Bonus to your account Ballance. The following are your Bonus details: Bonus : $500 cash bonus Bonus will be added to your Balance Available for Withdrawal after you fill this form completed“.

2) “Dear Member, We are currently performing regular maintenance of our security measures. Your account has been randomly selected for this maintenance, and you will now be taken through a series of personal identity. We require all flagged accounts to verify their information on file with us. This is the right link for Update Account page. Protecting the security of your Minvestment account is our primary concern, and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause“.

Of course they are complete fake but this is also an indicator that MInvestment is becoming really popular. Paying since May without any interruptions is a great achievement in my opinion. My investment with them is going to expire in 20 days. But anyway the return on my investment is about 250% now. So I never regretted having joined them. The other question is: will MInvestment be able to survive Christmas season? - Real Company. Since 2000. Up to 2.3% daily. Phone Support.
Here is the official reply from MInvestment published on their site: “We would like to warn you about the phishing spam emails you may have received or may receive later. This emails look like they come from us and request you to either send back the requested info about your account with us or provide information about your account by filling out some forms online. The online forms are located on fake websites with designs identical to ours and similar domain names, such as or These websites are a scam. NEVER REPLY TO SUCH EMAILS OR CLICK ON THE LINKS CONTAINED IN THEM“.

Also I remind you that today is the Veterans Day, which is an official holiday in the US. It means no interest will be paid on this day from MInvestment. But I would like to use this opportunity tosend regards to my American readers on this holiday.

As you know I’m a free member in PSTraffic now but anyway I tried to watch the recent news from the program as I like the idea and Jamie himself as an admin. Recently the site was moved to “suspension” folder on ASA forum because of long delays in payments which were caused by different factors but most of all by the lack of support from members. Here is the latest update from him, with great suggestion in my opinion: “I am working on getting returns from other income sources. However, it will take time before I get a hold of them and it will take a little more time to process payments since I need to continue to roll the profit to make more profit. I know that everyone has been patient and I appreciate it, however, even I know that patience does run out at some point or another. Although I will continue to build up funds again from other income sources, I think in order to expedite the whole process we may have to consider a restart or reset of PST and PSA. I will only do that if members are willing to give that a try. Another reason a restart might be an advantage is to minimize any further complaints and just to simply get the show back on the road as quickly as possible and to minimize losses as quickly as possible. If not, I will continue what I’m doing now: building more funds to continue with payments and get caught up but please remember that this process will take time. The forum is open for discussion. Let’s all please keep it in a mature manner even though some may feel like cursing me“. I think it’s a good idea to restart the programs resetting everybody’s accounts to zero but there’s a holiday season ahead. That’s why I would suggest Jamie to wait a little until it’s over. You all know that this is the dead season for starting any program. But I like the idea of restarting so we’ll wait and see.

I received my weekly payment from AttractiveAds today and will continue to support Larry by upgrading more. I only can see now that the program is growing in quite a steady manner. But from this time I will upgrade using SolidTrustPay instead of e-gold I usually did. I’m trying to keep as little money as possible in my e-gold account now due to widely known problems around e-gold.

BusinessProfitPro hits 3.28% for today. Not bad in my opinion. The program is going quite nicely and without a hype that we could watch before the DDOS-attack. There’s nothing to say more except that I set my account to CEO again.

Thank you to all who subscribed to my newsletter. Soon you will get more free gifts and special incentives from me. For those who are still sitting on the fence use the form on the right side of my blog to become the member of Money-News club. You will not be disappointed! That’s it for today, see you tomorrow!

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