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17/11/07. News: BPP offers new incentives for voting


BusinessProfitPro is going quite well with daily ROI of about 8-9% daily. I think it’s a good achievement comparing to what we could watch several days ago. I continue to make a good income from this site reinvesting 80% of my earnings. I’m on CEO level and keep getting 120% of daily ROI. Also I received another email from the admins last night informing me of some incentive I can get if I vote for the program. I think it’s a great idea in further promoting of BusinessProfitPro and here is the email itself:
To further promote our site and put us on top of the 4 major forums (MMG, ASA, TG and DTM), and to show that our site is paying, we will reward you when you post that you got ‘Paid’ at the forums. What will happen is, when you receive your ‘You Got Paid’ email, you will cut and paste the info included to the 4 forums and the system will give you a bonus of $0.02 per post going directly to your cash balance. The reward may be small now but remember that this will help in the longevity of the program and you should be doing this anyway as your support to the program. Bonus will also depend on the amount of upgrades we get so it could go up anytime.
The four (4) forums are:

I hope that you’ll participate on this extra incentive. Thanks. Go BPP!

There are also many new features for members to come and I will tell you about them soon. But all you should know now: BusinessProfitPro is going to become one of the hottest programs of the year 2007. I am almost sure about it. And if you’re not in this program yet you’re missing something.

A happy coincidence occured yesterday when both of my upgrades in SurfMargin and MultiStreamOnline went to pending. It could be better if not for a small glitch in SurfMargin script which automatically puts all the expired upgrades to [no plan] status. I already submitted a ticket to support regarding this issue and hope Charles will get it right. This is the update Charles gave his members last night:
I’m running an uphill battle at the moment! Yesterday my trusty steed (I call it THE BEAST because it is/was very powerful) stumbled and failed me for the first time in 4 years. Right now I’m not sure whether it’s been clobbered with a zero day virus or if my hard drive has given up the ghost through sheer exhaustion. Either way I can’t get access to the drive to do a repair or even re-install Windows. So in order to pay folk out I have been using my step-daughter’s new (pink, yuk!) lap-top computer to access the web and the ADMIN/CMP’s of the sites. What all this means to you guys is that I will not have access to a lot of stuff on my old drive for a while until I get a new one and re-load and salvage stuff from the old one. So please do not send me emails but please use the ticket system instead. Capability Angus (the MankyScot) will be able to look after your requests for me during the short period of time I need to get things fixed“.
Many members are getting very impatient about this glitch that keeps them waiting but I’m sure Charles will sort the things out when he’s able to do it. By the way, for the latest updates regarding SurfMargin you can go to ASA website and watch the new videocast. I will watch it tomorrow as I have many things to do tonight and will post my review of it tomorrow. Notice also that if you are logging a support ticket you should use the following url: and not the Contact Us page, as it sends an email to Charles and will probably not get read for a few days while he sorts out a new computer.

That’s all the news for today and see you tomorrow!

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