Nov 18th, 2007 Archives

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Today is Sunday and that means there’s no big news for this industry but a couple of things happened today and I’m going to tell you about them.

Pretty encouraging update I got from PSTraffic admin today. He will definitely restart the program after the winter holidays but it will be no 50/50 surfing site but completely new business model. Sounds intriguing? Well, I can’t wait for that to happen. Anyway, here’s the update itself:
PST and PSA will restart after the holidays as requested by members. Payments are still being made as I receive other profits from outside income streams. The STP and AP audits caused a major delay in the over all progress of the programs. There was a more detailed discussion regarding this in ASA forum. Other members also experienced these issues regarding their accounts. No one will lose money as usual. As I said, payments will continue. This process will take time since I’m also waiting for returns. Most members requested to expedite this process PST/PSA should restart after the holidays. So please stay tuned for that. I appreciate everyone’s patience. I will continue to post here and ASA to keep everyone updated. I do not want to disclose the new business model until after the holidays but all I can say is the 50/50 rule will be removed and the new business model will be a much more stable one. PST is going on 1 year old now so when I mean much more stable I’m talking about years…

BusinessProfitPro hit 6.71% today. Not bad if you remember that today is Sunday. It means the activity of the members is less than usual. By the way, I received my first incentive of $0.08 last night after voting on every forum they mentioned in their “get paid” confirmation email. And it really took about 10 minutes to get the money. Yes, I know this is not much but will certainly help with the further promotion of the site. Exist1 and Gotenks are doing a great job in my opinion and people that are still sitting on the fence should realize this and invest here as soon as possible. You know that time is money and my active deposit grew from $52 initial investment to $135 tonight. And I’m still on CEO level reinvesting 80% of the profits. Remember that for some unknown reason SolidTrustPay website is down now and the pending withdrawals have been processed to LibertyReserve only. But the percentage is 4.21% already only after 2 hours since the server time changed. And of course it’s growing! I decided that BusinessProfitPro deserved to become my next “pick of the week” website. It means if you join BPP sometime next week you will receive 85% ref comm. back from me for your first deposit and 50% for all your subsequent deposits made later. Just email me for that with your program username and the sum you deposited.

Remember that I promised you to post a review of the new ASA newscast regarding new SurfMargin conference? Well, I for myself didn’t find anything new in this newscast but those of you who are not familiar with the site and just stumbled upon this program will be very delighted to see Charles himself and will certainly find the answers for the majority of questions they have. Is SurfMargin really the future of the autosurfing industry? Find out the answer here and make the conclusion yourself.

That’s it for this quiet Sunday. I’m going to say goodbye and see you tomorrow!

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