Nov 27th, 2007 Archives

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The horrible days I had here! Sorry that I didn’t update the blog for 5 days but I had a reason for that. Somebody cut my internet cable off in the basement so I had no proper connection from my PC for 5 days. Just recently guys from the phone company fixed everything and now I have the opportunity to write an update. Now back to the news!

Ok, these days I kept reinvesting in ArivaFund. Now withdrawing my profits it seems that everything is going ok here. The payments are being done instantly, the site seems to me very stable and strong. Now after 7 days online I still think that ArivaFund is worth investing in. Have you noticed that the site changed its layout and now have Christmas theme? I think it’s nice but don’t get me wrong. The site will NOT still be online at Christmas time, believe me. It’s just a trick to attract new investors, but in my opinion it can last long enough to make profit. I estimate 1 or 2 weeks more. You might have been noticed that ArivaFund is now “paid sticky topic” on MMG forum. I think it means that the promotion is increasing and also means that the program will not disappear, at least within this week. So I decided to make this site my next “pick of the week”.

BusinessProfitPro opened an exchange service from e-gold to LibertyReserve with very attractive rates. You can now make exchange from e-gold to your LibertyReserve account for 7% fee, but if you want to deposit using your e-gold account they will charge you 5% only. This new feature is only available to the members so if you want to take the opportunity of using their service you should become a member and deposit at least 1$. But I think the exchange service is worth it especially if you don’t have the LibertyReserve account yet it would be a perfect opportunity to have one for a very reasonable fee.
The percentage for the last couple of days dropped to 1-2% daily. But I see that the admins are very inventive and always have an idea or two to attract more members. He re what was offered for today:
In my effort to increase our daily Live ROI, I came up with an incentive that needs collective effort from all of you members. I need your reply on this one. ‘200 $5 EFFORT’ means if 200 or more members would deposit at least $5 on their account tomorrow then I will raise the Live ROI to max of 10% whatever the final Live ROI is. The deposits have to come from 200 or more ‘unique’ members to qualify, meaning if one member deposits $10 then that doesn’t count as 2x$5. It also has to be fresh money and not auto-repurchase. For STP, since the minimum is $10 then that will count as 1 member also. My question is: are you willing to support this challenge? If yes, are you willing to put in $5 or are you willing to put in more than that? Please reply as I want to know the interest first before we implement it. Thanks“. Well, as there are only 2 hours more left until the server time changes and only 34 members deposited I don’t think this will happen. So they need to think about other incentives. I have a strong feeling that despite all their efforts the level of members’ support is declining with every day. It’s the worrying trend and I hope BusinessProfitPro will be online for many days ahead because it’s only the longevity of the program can make members trust this HYIP with their savings, especially considering that the Christmas season is usually almost dead.

There’s a problem with SolidTrustPay payment processor. Please read the following update if you haven’t received it yet:
As many of you have noticed, we are currently experiencing some database inaccuracies in our password login tables. Although we have been resetting members’ passwords, as soon as they logout, the password flips to the secondary password on file. The last logged IP address is also reverting to an old one. We cannot determine if this is due to a recent power outage at our server resulting in SQL errors or an IP detection system installed over the weekend. We are working with our programmer to resolve this issue as quickly as possible.
We fully understand that this has caused great inconvenience to our merchants and members, as many of you are experiencing login difficulties.
As soon as we have resolved the matter, you will be notified when you can login again. We will be restoring all login passwords as contained in the most recent backup before the database started experiencing difficulties.
Your patience is appreciated. We hope to have everything back to normal within 24 hours. We do ask that you refrain from sending in a support ticket so that we can devote all our time to technical support
I myself couldn’t login yesterday so I sent a support ticket but after that update I only hope that they will resume their work as soon as possible.

STP problems affected such programs as SurfMargin and MultiStreamOnline. Here’s the last update from Charles:
I’m sure those of you with STP accounts have by now received an email from STP informing you of their ISP and password problems. Until moments ago I had a problem logging into my admin account lol and was wonderring what the hell was going on. Now it’s OK though and I’m able to send you all this email.
STP should be back online by tomorrow morning. They are still contactable by telephone (number on their website) but I would advise you not to call as they are frantically trying to get their site problems sorted and another telphone call will just delay things.
I am now going to cashout any egold members who are due payments and will catch up with the STP payments as soon as I can get into my account tomorrow. So please don’t panic it’s just program upgrade problems as far as I can tell. I’ve had a few of those myself I remember.
The old adage “If it works…Why fix it!” Still holds true but most of us still want to improve things and I guess STP is no different
I have to receive my payouts today so I changed my profile to e-gold to get them faster and redeposit.

There are the same problems with AttractiveAds. Though Larry paid me to my e-gold account he doesn’t have an access to STP and cannot process STP payments. Hopefully soon STP will be back on track.

Latest news for those who participate in PSTraffic: “Member’s accounts have been transferred to a subdomain. Please do not be shocked if you log into your account and it has been reset. I will send out the link to the subdomain for those who wish to log into their old account. Upgrades and cashouts have been disabled while the restructuring is going on. I post in ASA and MMG forums to keep members updated. Those who don’t read my emails and/or my posts in the forums are not keeping themselves updated. I hope other members will pass on my updates to their fellow PST members“. As for me I will eagerly await for the renewed PSTraffic to come. And I’m ready to make another upgrade once it opens.

SolidHYIP seems to be under DDOS-attack as the site is inaccessible and I just received this email from admin: “I’m admin of solidHYIP, we were under DDoS, but now we are uplading our script again, it will be available fast. We are really sorry about that“. I remember this site offers you free 5$ deposit just for signing up. So I think it’s worth your attention! Though I will NOT make a deposit.

MInvestment is continuously paying me daily and there’s only 12 days left and I can request my principal.

I’m sure that I will update my blog regularly again despite all the obstacles. So stay tuned for more useful info!

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