Nov 28th, 2007 Archives

Place your banner here for $150/week or $500/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $145/week or $480/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $140/week or $460/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $135/week or $440/month. Available NOW.


Hi, guys! One more HYIP I discovered last night which looks quite similar to ArivaFund. I’m talking about TimesProfit that is running for 4 days already. This HYIP has the same BlockDos web hosting and uses licensed GoldCoders script. Even the plans are similar: 25-28% daily for 5 days and 135-150% after 5 days depending on the amount invested. There’s also so-called “test plan” where you can get 103% after 1 day, but can deposit only up to 10$. They accept e-gold, LibertyReserve and Pecunix. I like the concept and plans. With such heavy advertising campaign I think TimesProfit can last up to 2 weeks. I can be mistaken but all points to this scenario. Anyway, I deposited and am waiting for my first withdrawal which will be instant of course.

ArivaFund itself is also performing quite well and with daily instant withdrawals I’m already in profit there. If you’re in remember to play it wise: withdraw all your money and play with profits only! Such HYIPs can be quite risky especially before Christmas season.

It seems that SolidTrustPay is back on track. I have no login issues anymore and it seems neither do the admins. I received payments last night from 3 programs at a time: AttractiveAds, SurfMargin and MultiStreamOnline. And the amount was quite high for me: more than 500 bucks. Of course, I put the most of the money back in because in my opinion these surfing programs are quite stable. At least I trust their admins: Larry and Charles. They will do anything for their sites to thrive.

Also I have a strong belief in Exist1 and Gotenks. They are very innovative admins that can be trusted. Though “200 5$ Effort” failed and admin withdrew it even before the server time changed there are many more plans in hand so stay tuned for more incentives in BusinessProfitPro:
Like I said before, I am doing my part AND still doing it… all I wanted was for the members to do their part also. How can I continue giving the members incentives when I see that it’s going to be a failure? I have so many more lined-up incentives I was supposed to introduce in the coming weeks and months but I am thinking twice about it now. Did you know the next one was supposed to be a high-percentage “referral commission” to all our members and promoters for a full week next week? And then there’s more after that, like a Christmas & New Year’s raffle of sorts coupled with gifts of Max ROI as our gift.
Members, Christmas time or not, crucial time or not, I am going to be here as long as you support me. I hope you already got that by now.
I was a member of 12DP that JB mentioned, in fact I was a member of the 6K elite club in there doing 3x3x3… although I do not think we’ll come anywhere close to what the admin there achieved in terms of funds, me and Gotenks are hoping to last way longer than them

I wish BusinessProfitPro could last at least for six months like MInvestment. That way the members could earn a decent income. I for one got 220% pure profit already from MInvestment and the site is still paying. I think it’s an incredible achievement!

Guys, if you’re not a member of Operation BlackBox you are missing something huge. The membership is completely free and you will get many PAID ebooks and incentives you will not find anywhere else on the Net. I’m already downloading my products and enjoying my membership privileges, and you? Below is the last update from Sean Wu, the owner of Operation BlackBox website.
Our recent launch for Operation BlackBox was totally CRAZY, with literally 1,000s of people trying to signup all at once (which caused our servers to BLOW UP).
We’ve also reached the Alexa Top 7000 Most Visited Websites In The World too, which was really cool!
Anyways, I’ve added another dedicated server to handle all downloads and the site is working fine, so you should be able to access everything now (if you had problems earlier).
It’s as easy as logging into your account and using our HUGE selection of copy-&-paste promotional tools, to tell people about the FREE $10,686.84+ Operation Black Box Charter Membership.
Not only will people LOVE you for showing them how to claim their Charter Membership, but you’ll also make some nice commissions too (up to $72.75 per “Upgrade”, less Clickbank fees).
FOR EXAMPLE: If you refer just 100 people and ONLY 10 of them upgrade to Gold, you’ll earn *$727.50* (less Clickbank fees)
So what are you waiting for? Go visit Operation BlackBox and claim your membership right now!

See you tomorrow, guys! And remember to save some money for the Christmas presents for your loved ones.

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