Dec 7th, 2007 Archives

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Ok, guys! Below you will read the long anticipated interview with Dave, better known as “exist1”, the admin of BusinessProfitPro. I didn’t think that the interview would be so honest and revealing. I really believe that after reading this interview you will want to join this wonderful program. If not then I think you will find out some curious details from the insider’s point of view. Anyway read and enjoy!

1. Hi. Please introduce yourself to my readers. What was your online experience prior to launching BusinessProfitPro?

My name is Dave, my MMG, ASA, TG, DTM, MCF forum name is exist1. I live in the USA right now but I was born and grew up in another country. I started in the autosurf business when there was only StudioTraffic and 12dailyPro dominating the scene. In ST, I worked as one of their LHD (Live Help Desk) for about 4 months and I was also one of the high rollers in there. In 12DP, I was a member of the 6K Club early in the game and I was doing 3x3x3 then. I had a ton of downlines at 12DP and some of them are also maxed out so I actually earned a lot of money from that program. I was getting between $5K-$6K a week from my own investment and referral commissions. Those were the good times!

2. I know that the current level of participation is far from ideal. Do you still think that the model you chose initially is perfect to make your program sustainable?

Actually, I am also asking this myself. Both LightHalzen and DarkHalzen were successful using this profit-sharing method. So I see no reason why it wouldn’t work now. Three reasons I can think of right now… (1) I am not going to blame anybody if participation is low, I think it is just that time of the year where members are more than likely to withdraw and hold on to their money to buy gifts and/or buy some food for the coming holidays. (2) There are too many programs right now that offer high ROIs and even though majority of the HYIPers and autosurfers know that it is going to close after 1 or 2 cycles, they still take the gamble, hoping that they can get some profit before the admin makes a runner. (3) HYIPers has evolved in their thinking of this game already. Gone are the days when surfers are content with ‘1% per day for 1 year’ or ‘12% per day for 12 days’ and receive their money in 6-7 more days. And I do not blame them, there’s just too many programs after ST and 12DP that came and scammed. Now, people want to earn and get their money as fast as they can. That’s how they think now.

3. What measures do you plan to implement in the near future to boost members’ participation?

Right now, I’m more focused on how I can get my members to participate in all the incentives I give out currently. I want to prove to my members that I am here to stay and that I am different. I ran this program because I’ve been in their shoes before… I got scammed so many times too. When I started this program, me and my programmer Gotenks talked about making this program #1 the moment we launch until next year and then the next and the next, etc. That is how much we want this program to be successful! Obviously, if we can make this successful and make a lot of money for our members, we also get a share of that. I have many future plans but they aren’t final yet. If members continue to support me then all those will come into fruition.

4. Don’t you think that the program’s rules seem quite hard to understand for many members? Maybe because of that many potential members would choose a regular HYIP with a fixed daily ROI instead of paying attention to your program?

I admit that at first, it might seem confusing or difficult. But it was designed to keep the program running for a long time. As long as you see that there is a percentage in the Live ROI, the program has the funds to keep on going and keep on paying. All funds that goes to the program has a percentage designated somewhere. If the percentage goes down all the way to zero, then there is no payout, so there is no one to blame in the end. I will not blame the members because of their lack of participation or support and they cannot blame me because there is no payout, they do not have money to withdraw.

5. Would you call your program a pure “ponzi-scheme” where everything depends on current level of members’ participation or are there some additional income sources available?

As I’ve explained in #4, as long as there’s a percentage in the Live ROI, the program has the funds to pay. It was designed that way. It is raised by other income sources such as site advertisements, banner ads, EG to LR exchanges and soon, paid emails. I am also in contact with some of our members who suggest good sources of income for the site.

6. What is the formula for successful programs in your opinion? What is the secret that can make a program last long?

This one is easy… a competitive and honest admin, fast payments and a supportive memberbase! Combine all that and the program will grow non-stop! It is no secret that when the members support the program and their admin, others will see that and be interested or curious. Now, how do members support the program? By voting at monitors, posting at the forums when they get paid, and by promoting the program. It’s that simple. If all my members can do this simple task every single day, I think we’ll have more members right now than we can handle and our ROI is always max.

7. How much time do you plan to stay online and what would you say to the potential investors that are still sitting on the fence?

I will stay here as long as members support me. I’m not going anywhere. If it takes one, three or more years then so be it. It’ll be cool to know that in the end, people will say that I had the longest running program and the most popular one in this industry. I say to those who are still waiting in the sidelines, you are losing big time by not joining now. If there’s only 5 bigtimers/big spenders that join this program and upgrade to the max, our Live ROI will shoot to the max also. Domino effect then will happen,… member’s support, confidence and participation will be the result.

8. What is your honest opinion of my blog and its features? Would you make any suggestions to improve it? What do you think about the idea of giving a monthly interview on my blog to share your experiences of running BusinessProfitPro with the investors?

I wouldn’t put a link of your blog in my banner advertising space if I didn’t think it was interesting :). Just continue your great reporting and admin interviews because potential members are always interested to read that. If you could also add some interviews with high rollers on a program (like mine would be littlescot, jake234, konabreak and dorky) as to what they think about the program they are in, then it would be a great addition as admins also like to read what others think about their program. As for the monthly interview, just email me your questions anytime.

P.S. Just received an email from Dave: “Seeing that the new ‘Intern’ level rule made a lot of members concerned about their accounts, me and Gotenks decided not to go with this option. Although it is not out completely, we merely devised a simpler way of detecting a non-supportive member and HARs. I won’t say how but the system rules in place will be much lighter. My apologies if you got concerned about your account“. This email proves again and again that the admin Dave always listens to what his members are saying and it’s the most unique feature of BusinessProfitPro in my opinion.

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