Dec 17th, 2007 Archives

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Hi, guys! Now when there’s just several minutes left till the official launch of FastProfitPro I’m publishing the interview with Dave, known also as “exist1”. We talked about many things that will probably be of some interest to you.

“Hi, Dave! Here are some questions regarding your newly born program FastProfitPro.

Hi Paul, I’m sorry if I will be short and direct in some of my answers as it is the weekend here and I just found a little time to answer your interview questions…

1. How did you come with an idea to open high-ROI HYIP at this slow Christmas period? How can it help your main program BusinessProfitPro?

It’s funny how it started, I was watching TV last week and one of the characters mentioned the old saying “If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em”, that was where I got the idea to open up this new High ROI HYIP. I told myself, if I cannot “beat” these other High ROI HYIPs, then I’ll “join” their ranks and go up against them. And also thought why not let it help Business Profit Pro (BPP) while we’re at it, by giving 5% of all upgrades to increase the Daily Live ROI. The following day, I mentioned it to Gotenks and he thought it was great idea! Then ideas after ideas came up, we were both excited just like the time when we were brainstorming about BPP. I think it is great because even though it is the slow holiday season, HYIPers still look around new programs and gamble with them even though they know it will eventually scam, hoping in the end that they’ve made a profit before it closes.

2. Could you please outline what the main difference is between your major program BusinessProfitPro and the new FastProfitPro?

Business Profit Pro is a profit-sharing program while Fast Profit Pro is a basic high-paying HYIP game. BPP’s variable Live ROI is dependent on member’s auto-repurchases and fresh money upgrades, while FPP has only one investment plan which is to pay a set 20% every 24-hours for 6 days on every upgrade a member deposits. Of course, both programs (or any other program for that matter) need member’s participation and support. Any program will die eventually or slowly once member’s support stops or decreases.

3. Please tell us about the investment plans in FastProfitPro and payment processors accepted. May the members with e-gold accounts only join your program?

There is only one investment plan for FPP, 20% daily for 6 days. We tried to make it as basic as possible so we can start it as soon as we can. We didn’t want to make it complicated like BPP.

Anyway, it will also give a 5% referral commission to the referrer. No compounding allowed. Maximum deposit per day per member is $1,000. Liberty Reserve and Solid Trust Pay payment processors accepted. That’s as basic as you can get. No-frills investing!

If you only have e-gold then FPP’s sister site BPP can help out. BPP has a built-in EG to LR exchanger for member’s only. The rates are very competitive, 7% fee and you will have your LR funded in less than 24 hours. You can then deposit to FPP after receiving your funds.

4. Don’t you think that FastProfitPro will not last long because of hit-n-runners joining your program only with one main purpose: to make some easy money before Christmas? Do you have some anti-HAR protection like you have in BusinessProfitPro?

FPP will last longer than most other High ROI HYIPs because me and my prorgammer Gotenks don’t have any plans whatsoever to run away with the member’s money! Heck, we could run for a very very long time as long as members support the program. As long as there is funds to pay out, we are online! HARs can make a lot of money here if they stop thinking that I’m going to scam them. That is also why I put the “FUNDS STATUS:” stat in the main page, so member’s can see how the program’s doing. As long as it says “HEALTHY” then it is safe to deposit. That will be updated daily based on the amount we have on our funds. And no, there is no anti-HAR protection. I am just hoping nobody will act as the grinch for everybody else as I believe this could go on a long time if given the chance.

5. Ok, suppose FastProfitPro has some success and lasts for some time. What will happen next? Do you plan to open round 2 or is it just a once-off project?

If it lasts for some time then that’s great! That means that member’s are starting to realize the potential and honesty of the program… which is what it has from the very first time it launches. I plan on opening this every time a high profile HYIP opens up that member’s believe is ran by a scammer. I don’t know how many rounds it will take but it will go on until scammers realize that they have to change their ways and realize also that this arena can be ran simultaneously by honest admins if they only try.

6. You know that many members will eventually lose their money in FastProfitPro. Will it affect your reputation as an honest admin in some way? If yes, will it have some major impact on the future of BusinessProfitPro?

I suggest to everybody who wants to join to read the RULES and FAQs first, because the moment a person signs-up for this program and upgrades, he agrees to play by the rules of this game. Yes, it is a game and a gamble. I will be blunt in saying that some members will make money but unfortunately, some members will lose money also. I’m sorry but that’s how it works in this industry. In the end, there should be nobody to blame but themselves if they lost money… not me or the one who invited them or their referrers, but JUST THEM. The only guarantee I can give them is we will not run away with your money and that every single penny left in FPP’s account will be given out if and when we close. That is a way better option than gambling with other HYIPs that you do not know if it will scam in a round or two.

My reputation? It shouldn’t affect it whatsoever as long as they know the rules that I’ve mentioned. And it won’t have any impact on the future of BPP because I will continue to pay my members there each and every single day. BPP and FPP are two different entities run by the same admin and programmer and that’s the only common thing they have. I cannot be honest on one and a scammer on one… one of them has to overrule the other and I will prove that my honesty rules.

Thank you for your answers. I hope many people will benefit from FastProfitPro.”

Guys, I hope you enjoyed reading this interview. See you tomorrow!

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