Last night Angusmitch, Charles’ herald and support person, published an important update from Charles, admin of one of the most popular autosurf of 2007 – SurfMargin (SM) and of its older brother site MultiStreamOnline (SMSO). Below I publish this update with my comments:
Due to the recent problems with SolidTrustPay and their server move. The passwords to SM & SMSO were changed by STP, and this caused a problem with the auto-upgrade feature in the script. Currently, if you upgrade and your purchase is not reflected in your SM/SMSO members area, then Charles will have to add these manually and will do so when he gets chance. If you are one of these members, please log a support ticket using the relevant link at the bottom of this update. Please ensure that you state your User Id# and a copy of the transaction. There is no need to log a new ticket EVERY day about the same missing upgrade, this will only slow Charles down. Charles is in the process of fixing the script, so the auto-upgrade feature will be working soon.
Comment: As far as I can see now the upgrades is automatic in SMSO while in SM it doesn’t work yet so the members have to submit a ticket to support so your upgrade can be added manually later. I see that Charles is working hard on all the issues and hopefully he will fix them soon.
As you are aware, cashouts are a couple of days behind. This again is due to STP. Currently, SM cashouts are on the 3rd December and SMSO has a couple left for 2nd December.
CHARLES EXPECTS ALL CASHOUTS TO BE UP TO DATE BY THE END OF THIS WEEKEND, and then normal payout schedule will continue.
It may look like some members are being paid before others, but this is only true when it comes to E-Gold members. Remember that Charles only has limited E-Gold, so you won’t necessarily get paid quicker if you change your PP info.
Comment: I’m glad that Charles set up a deadline for all pendings to be paid by the end of the week. It’s a kind of commitment. Knowing Charles I must say he never promises what he can’t fulfil. So I’m sure we will get our pendings in time. First step has been made already. I received my pending payment from SMSO today for 06/12 and awaiting one more from SM for 07/12. I will report on my blog when I receive it. So far there were many members today reporting they got their payments.
Xmas Non-Business Days
Monday 24th December, Tuesday 25th December and Tuesday 1st January are all classed as non-business days. Please remember this when taking into account your pendings. Charles may have a chance at the weekends to do some payments, but that depends on family commitments.
Comment: Of course Charles deserves some rest after turning his initially small program SurfMargin into a big and successful venture. But now it’s not the time to relax. Only members’ support can get the program back to the days of its glory. And to gain the confidence back Charles should process all the pendings as soon as possible and fix all glitches in the script. I know that it may take time but it’s really vital for the future of both SM and SMSO.
$1 Million and 1 Year Old
SurfMargin is approaching $1 Million worth of advertising sold and should break this barrier by the end of the year, which will also signify SurfMargin’s 1st Birthday.
Comment: I became a member of SurfMargin in the early 2007, possibly March and was a member #26. The site came through many trials (the biggest was the AlertPay hacking fraud back in July) and still alive and kicking. Can you name another program that could achieve so much going through all the obstacles on the way?
Lower Daily %
After all of the hustle and bustle of double figure % days, there have been a few 5% days recently. This has happened due to a couple of reasons. The 7business day cashout terms, means that the turnover of ad-pack purchases has slowed down. With the holiday season upon us, many members are taking money to pay for presents etc. At this time of year in the advertising industry, members become very wary of all programs, based on past history, it can become a bleak period.
MultiStreamOnline is still growing nicely and early next year we should see some good daily %’s
Comment: In my opinion, the only reason for 5% days recently is payout delays. Of course the members are aware of that and holding the money back. Once the payouts are done and glitches are fixed all should be back to normal. The question is: how long will it take? We’ll see if Charles can fix everything by the end of the week.
The merchants and franchise projects are delayed until all other aspects of the program are back to normal. So expect some progress news after New Year.
2008 is looking very promising for SurfMargin and MultiStreamOnline and continued growth will enable more members to benefit.
Comment: I hope all the plans will come to life in 2008. I just saw too many autosurfs with even greater plans that they failed to fulfil.
There are 4 main forums in which you can discuss SM & SMSO.
Charles is currently not active at MyCashForum due to lack of time, but will be signing up, this will be in the New Year. There is currently a good debate about the impact that SurfMargin could have on the industry by the exposure brought on by the pending franchise scheme. Also with the launch of the Spanish site and future plans for further languages. The link is:
Comment: You should be a registered member to read this thread. I will do it soon and probably will find something interesting to share with you.
I hope you found my comments interesting. But remember that it’s just my personal point of view. We will all see if SurfMargin and MultiStreamOnline are equal to our expectations in the coming year.
Other news for today.
I received my pendings from MultiStreamOnline and Xtreme-Hits today. Also I bought more units in AttractiveAds (the site is one of my favourites). Don’t miss the opportunity to upgrade without 3% upgrade fee till January 10.
FastProfitPro is still the hottest HYIP. People are investing like crazy there. I get paid and reinvest daily as am feeling quite comfortable so far. And even its mother site BusinessProfitPro was affected by that explosion. For the second day in a row it hits more than 2%. It’s a very good level comparing to the recent 0.5%.
And now, surprise! Stay tuned for the interview with Gotenks, the second man behind BusinessProfitPro and FastProfitPro. I can’t wait to get to know him better. Hopefully you too! So once I receive the answers I will publish it here immediately.
Filed under Daily News by on Dec 19th, 2007. Comment.
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