December 2007 Archives

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Ok, guys! Christmas season is coming. Great time of the year! But not for us, investors. Particularly at that time there are many short-term scams that come for our money and go into the night after making small fortunes. That happened with ArivaFund and TimesProfit. But you know what? You can make money even from these short-term scams if you know how to play them correctly. I for one made 160% from TimesProfit and about 150% from ArivaFund. But it was not my intention today to talk about these short-term and risky HYIPs. I’d rather talk about stable programs that can also undergo hardships at such times. And meanwhile as dishonest scammers just take money and run away honest admins think about new changes to implement to survive the Christmas time.

So today I would like to make a serious analysis of the two programs with such changes in terms. The currently extremely popular SurfMargin and stable but low ROI BusinessProfitPro. Two different situations with both programs affected by the Christmas slump.

Let’s start with SurfMargin. Charles recently sent quite an honest email to all the members about these hard times. Of course, he never addressed it straight to the point. But thoughtful readers could make a conclusion about possible cashflow problems. Anyway, here’s this email:

As skipper of the good ship SurfMargin every now and again we have to make a few course corrections. Over the weekend and yesterday I very carefully looked at our current course and decided that we should make a correction regarding cashout fees on the payments. The situation is simple we have two conflicting pressures upon the system and we need to remove one. Let me explain.

The current daily advertising bonus percentage fluctuates between 5% and is 15% and everyone is happy that we are seeing those fifteen percents fairly frequently as more and more members, new and old, continue to purchase ad packs with us. However that success brings about a problem that, unless we do something about it now, could create an even bigger problem later on if we continue to ignore it.

The problem is that members are going to pending too quickly! Now I’m fully aware that it is great for the members! However I’m also aware that because of that situation the partners do not have the time facility to use money (up to 30%) from the main advertising pool to invest and produce additional income for us. In addition the fee payments system creates an even more dynamic cash-flow and speeds thing up even faster.

Therefore the following course corrections will take effect with immediate effect.

1. There will be no fee option facility.
2. All payments will be made under the normal 7 business day rule.
3. Those members who have a fee option currently active will be paid their bonuses in full (no deductions).
4. Upgrading members please ignore the fee option facility and let it default to 7 business days.
5. I will remove the option as soon as possible.

We will look again at the fee option facility next year. For the mathematicians amongst us; we do increase the Advertising Bonus margin in relation to the growth of the active membership. I mention that because I do not want a lot of emails suggesting something that we are already doing. That side of things is firmly under control!

This correction will ensure that we stay in business, serving our advertisers, for the foreseeable future. I apologize for any inconvenience this may create for you, our valuable members. I hope you will understand why this decision, to back-track on the fee payments options, was necessary.

One suggestion to you could consider is to split your upgrades so that you always have sufficient in your PP account to purchase new ad packs as soon as one goes into pending. This way you will never lose commissions if one of your referrals upgrades and your account has reverted to free status.

Another suggestion is to join MultiStreamOnline timing your ad pack purchases so that you always have two active accounts running with sufficient funds in your PP to upgrade as soon as one goes to pending“.

Ok, here we go. If it was not Charles the members would start panicking when they received such an email. Really, 7 business days is a rather long term. But it doesn’t seem to work with SurfMargin. Charles is a very experienced admin and could write such letter for members that made them reupgrade instead of hit-and-run. The ROI yesterday was 12%, and today 11%. Bravo, Charles! But I would advise the members to reduce their upgrades in SurfMargin and just wait until the Christmas time is over. Anyway, Charles mentioned that he would consider changing the cashout terms after the New Year.

You can also join MultiStreamOnline as Charles suggested in his email. It’s a 130% profit share site similar to SurfMargin but the minimum upgrade is 25$ and it expires when it reaches 130%. I see that many members took Charles’ advice and joined MultiStreamOnline as today’s daily ROI was 7% instead of usual 5%.

I also would like to say that my upgrades expired last night in MultiStreamOnline and today in SurfMargin. And I’m back in again but this time with the minimum upgrades in both programs. I will stick to my strategy and wait till the New Year not to risk too much.

On the side note, I’m getting paid from FastProfitsCode and MInvestment every day and you can watch other programs I’m a member of on my monitoring page here. I update it daily so there’s only the newest info regarding my investments.

Another program that struggles to survive at this time is BusinessProfitPro. The daily percentage dropped tremendously and is now less than 1%. I think it’s a very dangerous level after which it can be only road to nowhere even with the greatest admins and programmers. If members don’t want to support the program it is doomed to die.

That’s why Exist1 implemented so-called “Intern” level that would affect “hit-and-runners” and would make other members redeposit with fresh money. Below is the email which was sent to all the members recently:

I hope you are all doing well. I am sending this out to only upgraded members as this concerns you.

Here are the rules of the ‘Intern’ level. Some of you might squirm and scream foul but know that this is being done so that our program will outlast any other programs. If you are supportive to the program that pays you daily then you won’t have any problems. Know always that you can reply to this email if you have any suggestions. Anyway, here it goes…

– Intern level will start Dec.9, 2007 server time.
– Intern level will earn 20% of the Daily Live ROI
– You will become an Intern if you haven’t auto-repurchased AND brought in fresh money (minimum of $1 for LR and $10 for STP) to the program FOR 5 DAYS
– If you become an Intern, you are LOCKED to be an Intern FOR 3 DAYS
– If you DO your auto-repurchase and deposit within that 3 days, you will be UNLOCKED ONLY AFTER THE 3 DAYS IS UP
– If you DO NOT deposit nor auto-repurchase within that 3 days, you will remain an Intern until you deposit AND auto-repurchase. You will then be unlocked the following day.

Example #1: You became an Intern and deposited fresh money and auto-repurchased the 1st day, you will become an Employee the 4th day
Example #2: You became an Intern and deposited fresh money and auto-repurchased the 4th day, you will become an Employee the 5th day

Remember, this is not a ‘forced re-spend’, it is still up to you if you want to earn your ROI faster. This level just makes our program more stable as it keeps out hit-and-runners. And don’t get me wrong, our program is stable. We just don’t want it to be ruined by others who want to cause our program harm. And if business catches up next year, we could lighten up the rules a bit, like make it 7 days to auto-repurchase and upgrade fresh money and get unlocked the moment you do both.

Now, I also gave you enough time to think about how you are going to go about with your strategy as we’ve been talking about this for more than a week now. So I hope you are not shocked that I will implement it on the 9th already. Here’s a trivia for you, if we implemented it today Dec. 7, 90%+ of all members are Interns right now.

Also, in other news… due to the up and coming holidays, my weekends will be very busy… payments might be a little slow but I will still find time to pay all those pending requests during the day. That’s all! Thanks everybody!

All I can say regarding this is “wow”! I have never seen such a strict anti-HAR policy in any of the programs I was a member of. I can make a note of serious intentions of the admin to make this program last long enough. It will of course scare off new potential members in some way. But on the other hand it really CAN boost the percentage up as more and more members start to realize that it’s not really profitable to just “hit-and-run” as they did in any other scamming programs. Here all we need is the team effort to make BusinessProfitPro prosper. And I really believe that we can do this with such an admin.

By the way, guys, I was really impressed with Exist1’s answers to my interview I had sent him earlier. I plan to publish it on my blog a little later so stay tuned and you will be stunned with this man’s commitment and determination to make BPP the best site ever. I hope you will make a decision to join BusinessProfitPro then and become the part of the team!

So until next time, folks! Stay tuned and bookmark my blog, or subscribe to it by email or RSS-feed. You know, I’m very committed to providing you with the best info about online investments and becoming the best in my niche.

P.S. If you’re a member of AttractiveAds or Xtreme-Hits don’t forget to request cashout today as Friday is the only day of the week when you can do it.

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