Feb 22nd, 2008 Archives

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Hi, guys! Today I’d like to present to you the interview with Chris, the admin of UltimateHYIP. Since the site pays me daily and without any hiccups let’s get straight to the interview and will let Chris lead the conversation. Just remember that if you want to find out my opinion about his program you can always read my review here.

1. Please introduce yourself to my readers. Do you have previous any experience in running an HYIP program?

Hello Paul! Thank you for having me here. My name is Chris Blake and I am the owner, admin, webmaster, chief cook and bottle washer of UltimateHYIP. No, I have never operated a HYIP program before I started this venture. I had a software company once, but due to ongoing growth and the common problems of financing new and large developments, I took the best offer and sold it to a competitor. That was 1998. I travelled the world then for about two years, visited all the spots I’ve been before only on short business trips and back home got bored. Then I started to invest some of my funds online, mostly in stocks, forex trading and later I discovered arbitrage betting, what has become a kind of obsession for me, because one can’t lose. I made last month alone more than 500% profit. But let’s talk about HYIPs. Ok, on the way through the net I found them and naturally burned my fingers a couple of times. But I found out soon what’s important, where to invest and when to invest. So running a HYIP previously no – but I have quite some HYIP experience.

2. Tell me about the history of your program. How did you come up with the idea of opening your own HYIP?

I’ve got the idea of running a HYIP by myself in 2006. I registered the UltimateHYIP domain, bought a script and started to get some admin experience with a revolving HYIP game, while working on the concept for what UltimateHYIP has become now. Originally I planned to start in mid 2007, but then the upcoming e-gold problems put a spoke in my wheel. Since I was not in a rush to start I sat back and waited for a kind of successor. Today e-gold is still there and still accepted in the industry, but about 90% of my investors are using Liberty Reserve.

3. Do you invest the money collected from investors somewhere or is it just purely a ponzi-game where there should be more incoming spends in order for current investors to get paid?

Nice question! Did any admin ever admit that he is running a ponzi-game?
No, about 85% of every investment is out-exchanged and invested. The remaining 15% are used for – call it our DGC cash-flow. For payouts, marketing, referral commission etc. For everything we have to pay in e-currencies to maintain the smooth operation of our program.

4. Do you think with these plans UltimateHYIP will be sustainable for the long term?

Yes Paul, I think so. Otherwise they would be different. I used quite some time for calculating these plans for the long run, considering the diversity of our investments. The initial idea was to start with 1.5% for the basic plan and up to 1.9% for the Platinum plan, but that seems too risky for the long term. 0.2% is a lot if you pay week-daily.

5. What payment processors do you accept and do you plan to add other processors in the near future? Tell us about the EPay option. What is it?

We are accepting Liberty Reserve – and as mentioned before that is our main processor. Then we accept e-gold, V-money and Pecunix and Bank transfers via the EPay system. EPay is a convenient payment processor. They are offering private and merchant accounts and all accounts can be funded direct with a bank wire, IBAN transfer in the EU or instantly with e-gold or Pecunix. Great is the fact that they are offering a debit card which can be funded instantly through the EPay account. It’s not the standard no-name DGC card which can be used only at ATM’s and POS, but also for online purchases, PayPal verification or payments in Restaurants. Cardholders name is imprinted.

6. What script do you use in your site? What other special features does it have (secondary password, etc.)?

We are using a licensed Goldcoders Pro script and despite what you might have heard about backdoors, SQL injections etc. what happened with pirated GC scripts, I am quite fine with it. It is safe, I have checked it with all the tricks in the book known to me and their support is – also despite what you might have heard, great and responsive. We are using the transaction code feature that requires that for each withdrawal request or change of account data a special transaction code has to be entered. Furthermore we are using the so called Brute Force Handler feature that blocks any account after three unsuccessful login attempts. In this case our members are automatically receiving an email informing them about the login attempts and a link for unblocking the account and we do not allow the change of the email address on file. Finally our database is permanently mirrored to a backup server.

7. I heard that your program was DDOS-attacked recently. How did you manage to mitigate it so quickly? What security features do you use on your site and how can the members be sure that their funds are safe with you?

We have been under attack virtually since we are online. I was expecting this and therefore have chosen a reliable and responsive host. At the beginning there were very lite attacks around 500Mbit, so the so called transparent protection was strong enough. At the beginning of February attacks reached a maximum of 6Gbit, so the site was null routed and not accessible at all. The data center installed a SecurePort then within hours and since we haven’t been offline at all. This and what I have mentioned before should give our investors confidence that their funds are safe with us. But we are not resting and will introduce more features in the near future, probably starting next week to give our members even more convenience to invest with us.

8. What are your plans for the future? Do you plan to stay in the industry for a long time?

Yes, I came to stay and I am not willing to leave that soon. But that does not mean that I am planning to open one HYIP after another. My short term goal for the next six months, or let’s say till the end of the year is, to make UltimateHYIP a strong, reliable and trusted player in the industry. And for the time beyond there are plenty of possibilities. One might be to register it offshore and going the step from a virtual to a real company.

9. What differentiates your program from the similar low-ROI HYIPs and what would you tell to your potential investors to encourage them to participate in UltimateHYIP?

First at all I am there for my members. Six days a week, twelve hours a day. CRM or Customer Relationship Management is barely existing in this industry. I am permanently communicating with my members, our monitoring partners or forum admins. I am going different ways to market my site. Not only through the three big forums. Withdrawal requests are processed almost hourly between 9:00 and 16:00 (GMT) from Monday to Saturday. Representatives will be installed in some key markets in the next couple of weeks, to support different language markets, like South America, France and Italy. Due to my partly Swiss origin – my mother is from Switzerland and I was raised in Zurich, I can take care of the German speaking market. We have already strong support in the Russian market. But please remember, we have just started and as my father used to say, “a day at a time.”

Another feature I would like to express is our VIP service. Each member who already invested a minimum of $1,000 and is willing to invest significant more is getting comprehensible examples of investments, we have done in the near past in different markets to fully understand the system behind our investments. It is important for me to show my key accounts that their money is safe with UltimateHYIP.

10. What do you think about my blog?

Paul I read your blog for quite a while now and in my opinion you deliver already a very high standard. Just keep on your fine work and once again, thanks for having me!

I would like to thank Chris for the interview and hope UltimateHYIP will be here for a long time. I’d like to inform you also that I will be away tomorrow so you should expect my next post on Sunday. I think I was inside the industry daily for so much time and I deserve a little rest too. Have a great week-end, everybody and see you on Sunday!

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