Mar 9th, 2008 Archives

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Hi, guys! I guess everybody already knows that SurfProfitPro and BusinessProfitPro are no more. But all good things must come to an end and tomorrow you will be able to read my complete analysis of the sudden demise of these programs. I hope I will shed some light on what has happened with Dave and his programs (it will be worth your while, I promise).

You must also know that when the one opportunity closes another one comes knocking. I consider AdProsperity as possibly the rising star in the autosurfing industry right now. The plan is 10% for 13 days with two cashouts allowed weekly (I already got paid twice this week). If you haven’t had a chance to read my opinion about AdProsperity please refer to my review of this program here. Today as promised I would like to introduce you to Daniel, the admin of AdProsperity and let him tell us about his program.

1. Please introduce yourself to my readers. Do you have any previous experience in running an autosurf program?

Hi Paul, first I would like to take a moment to thank you for this interview and the introduction of AdProsperity on your blog. Also I would like to thank all the members out there supporting us on the public forums and rating sites.

As most of the members of AdProsperity know, my name is Daniel and I have been involved in the industry for more than 3 years and this is the first time I am doing the “admin job”. I have done some work for admins in the past in respect to idea development and support help. Before AdProsperity I had an understanding of how a program is operated and I believe I am proving it now by my actions and the astonishing support I receive from our members.

2. How did you come up with the idea of running an autosurf program by yourself? What are you trying to achieve by running your own program?

The market is not the same as before. The autosurfing industry is being remodeled and we are in a period of changes and establishment of some regularity. With that said, I decided to contribute to this whole process. What influenced me the most was the challenge factor. I am trying to establish a long lasting adsurf program through stable growth which will keep us online as much as possible. You can read more about the Adsurf Industry and AdProsperity in our User Guide.

3. Tell us about your rebate plan. Do you think that the plan can be sustainable in the long run? Why is the maximum allowed upgrade only $500?

The rebate plan has a limitation of $500 with the purpose of preventing the program, as much as possible, from “hit-n-runners”. To make significant profits you need to be a consistent member, which is vital for the longevity and sustainability of the plan – very important factors for the solvency of AdProsperity. With these aspects in place together with the cash out rules and the support AdProsperity receives at the moment, I believe the program is set for the long run.

4. What are the surfing requirements to earn the daily rebate? Are missed days penalized?

To earn your daily rebate (10%) you have to surf at least 15 sites. Missed days are penalized and you cannot get credited for that.

5. What payment processors do you accept in AdProsperity and do you plan to add more options for upgrading in the near future?

At the moment AdProsperity accepts only Liberty Reserve and SolidTrustPay. These two companies have been on the market for a long time and have proven themselves to be trustworthy and reliable companies. Adding more processors will add more work load. If there is a big demand for certain processor, I might consider adding it.

6. Do you invest the members’ money somewhere to provide such a high return or is it just purely a ponzi program?

As it is described in the User Guide, our policy is to not put money in HYIP sites or other similar sites. Our revenues come from advertising packages and sales, commissions from marketing other opportunities and others.

7. What script do you use? Do you have some anti-DDOS protection that will prevent possible DDOS-attacks?

The script AdProsperity uses is bought from “neversay” with few modifications. At the moment there is implemented DDOS protection and right now I am considering upgrading to a higher level as the program grows.

8. What plans do you have for the future of your program? Are you trying to become one of the most popular programs in the autosurfing industry?

At the moment the only plan I have in place is to settle consistent cash flow through promotional activity. Our promotional plans will be executed only in times of need, not at once. I think the ultimate goal of every honest admin is to make his program the most popular and eventually become a leader in the Industry. However, achieving such goal is conducted by first achieving small goals, step by step.

9. What differentiates AdProsperity from similar surf programs? What would you say to your potential investors who might be watching your program from the sidelines?

The major thing that differentiates AdProsperity from the others is my tremendous dedication which can be noticed in my activity and the support I give to the members. The next thing is that I give a chance to the small advertiser to earn some profits. Furthermore, the plan together with the cashout rules makes it hard to allow hit-n-run activity. At last but not least, the program is well designed, as I started the planning process in November 2007.

10. What is your opinion about my blog and do you have any suggestions in order to improve its quality?

I read you blog on a daily basis. I like your reviews and comments. It seems you put a lot of dedication in running this blog. I think every surfer should have MNO in their books.”

Like I have already said I consider AdProsperity as the next big thing. I hope you will support Daniel in his attempt to run a stable and honest program. I would like to thank Daniel for the interview he gave me and I’m sure his dedication to running AdProsperity will be rewarded with members’ support which I wish to him and his program.

I remind you that I will see you tomorrow with the news you will not want to miss if you are a part of the autosurfing industry. To ensure you will not miss my important news and updates I encourage you to subscribe to my RSS-feed and join my “Money-News club” where I give away free paid products on a weekly basis. Soon the members of my club will be surprised with more changes I’m preparing for them now so don’t miss your chance!

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