25% for 5 days plan, unique script and DDOS-protection – it’s all about YourProfitHere, the brand new short-term HYIP which is only 3 days online but already has 370 members with deposits exceeding $8,000. I think it’s a very good achievement. So the question arises: what makes YourProfitHere so popular now? I have already tried to answer that question and you can read my review of this program here. But it’s always better to get the answers first-hand so I would like to present to you the admin of YourProfitHere that kindly accepted my invitation to take an interview.
“1. Please introduce yourself to my readers. Is it your first experience in running an HYIP program?
My name is Marc Turner. This is my first own HYIP project. But I am an experienced investor participating in HYIP’s and autosurfs for quite some time now and I know what investors want.
2. You program uses new script by Waylex which I’ve never seen before on any HYIP site. Please tell us about the advantages of using this script compared to say GoldCoders. Why did you choose it for YourProfitHere?
The main advantage of this script is it’s security. This script uses a special algorithm, which prevents the possibility of money loss while using instant payments. It is also quite easy to use for both admin and users.
3. Why did you pick 25% for 5 days plan with instant withdrawals? Do you think it’s possible for a HYI program like this last for at least 30 days?
I think that this plan is optimal for the program. On the one hand this plan is not so long, which means an investor can have his principal back just after 4 days. On the other hand it is quite stable and our program is able to pay for a long time with it.
4. What payment processors do you accept in YourProfitHere? What is the minimum and the maximum amount to deposit? How many active deposits can one actually have? Is compounding allowed?
In YPH we accept E-Gold and LibertyReserve. The minimum deposit amount is 5$ and we have a 5000$ maximum. The number of active deposits is not limited. We offered compounding at first, but we decided to deactivate it and it’s currently not supported.
5. Please tell us what security measures did you implement on YourProfitHere site that keeps it protected from DDOS-attacks and hacking attempts?
First of all it’s a DDoS protected dedicated server offered by Black Lotus Communications. We also have SSL encrypted communication between the server and investor, which prevents any data theft. And, as I already mentioned, our script has a high security level.
6. What promotional strategy will you use to attract more members to YourProfitHere? Do you have some plans for the future that will allow your program to thrive for a long time?
Our primary strategy of attracting new members to the program is advertising on the most visited resources which deal with investments. Our future plans are as follows: further promotion of our program on similar resources and stable payments. I’d also like to point out that only with our investor’s support the program will be able to prosper for a long time.
7. What differentiates YourProfitHere from similar online programs? What are the key factors that will determine its success in your opinion?
The most important difference is the script of course. People might notice that the script is quite new and rather easy to use. I think that the Waylex script will be very widespread among HYI programs like YPH in the future. Furthermore our site offers instant payments which is another good reason for joining it.
8. What would you like to say to all the investors that are reading this interview right now to encourage them to try your program?
Currently our program is very popular and might become one of the best. So don’t miss the chance and register with our site.
9. What is your opinion about my blog? Do you think it provides investors with necessary info for picking the right programs online?
I used to visit your blog very often to find out many useful things about the industry. In my opinion your blog is very informative for investors and it introduces the most current and promising programs out there. I wish you the best of luck and thank you for the interview!”
I would also like to thank Marc for answering my questions and I’m sure he will be a good admin. Also if you read my review of YourProfitHere you must remember that I had suspicion that Marc and the admin of Fund4Future are actually the same person. But I can assure you now that I was wrong and they are different. Probably I received the invitation email from Fund4Future admin because Marc paid for the advertising of his program YourProfitHere. But this fact will not change my opinion: I still think that YourProfitHere will be a big hit very soon as more interested investors will realize its potential and read this interview. At least I hope so.
Tramael round 2 is officially closed last night because of insufficient funds coming in – all the details on my blog tomorrow. Also tomorrow read the review of a new program I joined yesterday SafeAtom (first payment has already been received!). See you tomorrow!
Filed under Interviews by MONEY-news expert on Mar 21st, 2008. 2 Comments.
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