April 2008 Archives

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Place your banner here for $145/week or $480/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $140/week or $460/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $135/week or $440/month. Available NOW.


Hi, guys! There are some things in this industry that I just can’t understand. For example, I can’t understand why the highly successful ProfitGame had to close. I don’t mean “close” in the traditional meaning of the word. The admin Stiven has just disappeared without saying a word, leaving ProfitGame site after only 8 days. Those who joined the site straight after my review was published had a good chance to be in profit from it while others I hope just recouped their principal. We all knew it was a game but it was a shock for me to realize that the program is already gone. It had every chance to become big and I don’t quite understand why the admin had to end it like this but this doesn’t seem right at all. I wonder why no one can run an HYIP game honestly? Maybe it’s just a bad time for investing now?

Anyway, since the long-term HYIPs are much more stable (such HYIPs like AcmosTrade, UltimateHYIP, SafeAtom and OG Fund have been paying me for quite a long time already) from today I’ll try to increase their share in my portfolio and will diversify my funds further. I have already joined another such program today that is called Tradelite. I will write a detailed review of this program tomorrow. For now I can say that Tradelite has three investment plans: 118% after 20 days, 147% after 40 days and 197% after 60 days. The minimum is every plan is $50 and they only accept LibertyReserve as their payment processor. The big advantage in those plans is the fact that if you want your money back for some reason before your investment term matures you can get it excluding 10% fee. If you are interested you can visit Tradelite website for more information.
Tradelite Finance Corp.
Now back to today’s topic. I can’t understand the admin of PSTraffic and PSAdvertising Jamie that appeared on the MMG forum today only to leave such a short message: “PSTraffic/PSAdvertising is officially closed due to insufficient funds. I have asked MMG mods to move this thread to the closed section.” Short and sweet! There’s nothing more: no further explanation, no talk about refunds etc., just a strange reappearance to move PST and PSA into “Closed” topic folder. Two weeks we have been waiting for this but he came with this announcement only now! I wonder why he kept accepting upgrades from unsuspecting members all this time just to end things like that. Is it stupidity or just arrogance? Well, I don’t think Jamie was so stupid and his unexpected reappearance makes perfect sense to me. He just didn’t want anymore discussion in those topics about his multiple ID’s (I remind that Jamie was accused of being also Michael from SurfWarrior). I think he has even more personalities and the fact he urgently wanted to move his programs to “closed” folder indicates that he has some hidden agenda in doing this. In my opinion seeing that the conversation can harm his new program RandomROI he considered it would be wise to quench the fire till it’s not too hot and distract the attention from his multiple personas and the new admin of RandomROI (which is probably Jamie himself under another disguise). Then the puzzle is solved and all things make sense to me. Jamie/Michael won again but he couldn’t go away unnoticed and many smart members have drawn the necessary conclusion and the lesson has been learnt.

Regarding this fact of multiple ID’s it seems that it’s a common practice in HYIP/autosurf world. I didn’t know this and was really surprised after I exposed DesiresHYIP scammer. But I’m not a newbie anymore and know how it’s made and how it can be easily done. But some members like Jamie/Michael are doing it in a smart way while others like Emma(?) from EmmaInvest can’t do it properly and are being banned from MMG forum for having multiple ID’s. Despite of all the admin’s assurance that it was an unfair decision I still think there’s no smoke without fire and MMG wouldn’t just ban people without any good reason. Anyway, there is some possibility that there was a mistake and Emma told me today she hasn’t received any proper reply so far from MMG regarding why she was banned. Anyway, I’d like to emphasize again and again that EmmaInvest is paying and probably there’s no reason for panic. But anyway my task is to inform my readers about anything strange that’s happening with any program I monitor so it would be not fair to hide this info and tell you only the admins’ point of view. We all know how deceptive they can be and in my opinion an investor should always be armed with every piece of info about any program and make his investment decision accordingly.

Another thing I can’t understand is why Robert, the admin of SurfLibertAd is nowhere to be seen after he announced that the first payouts can be requested already next Monday. Doesn’t he understand that his silence doesn’t make his program any good? I have to put SurfLibertAd to “Waiting” status on my monitoring page because of the uncertainty that still surrounds this program. And until the payouts resume it will stay there. By the way, Robert reappeared on MMG forum several hours ago just to say: “Sorry for not being online yesterday, please wait I will be back in 1 hour.” Anyway, I don’t think this small phrase can satisfy our curiosity so I will just wait and see.

I have sent the questions to the support stuff of AlterGold today and now I’m looking forward to their reply. I hope they will be able to shed some light on some controversial points surrounding AlterGold payment processor and allay any anxiety with which we may have, as with any new processors which are yet unproven. By the way, if you are website owner and place the AlterGold banner on your site you will be credited with $10 on your AlterGold account balance. But hurry up as only the first 500 sites will be approved! As you can see I have put the banner on my blog and have already been credited with $10 so you can do it too. Just register the new account here, place the banner and write to support with the appropriate request.

When having checked my account today I noticed that AlterGold is now offering an AlterGold Visa Card which you can order by regular mail for free (the total price of the card itself is $59.95 which will be deducted from your AG account if you agree to order it). The details of this offer and many more I’m going to find out in the upcoming interview with the support stuff of AlterGold. Stay tuned for this soon!

That is all the news for today and I’ll see you tomorrow with more news from online investment world!

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