May 31st, 2008 Archives

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Hi, guys! Today I would like to present you with another interview, and this time it will be with Amanda, the admin of V-Project. Generally speaking, it’s not just another interview and if you’re not an investor of V-Project it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t read it. Amanda is really quite a professional and an expert in the field of HYIPs and I can proudly say that we share many similar opinions about the HYIP market and its current development. Recently Amanda wrote the SHYM report where she described what is Small High-Yield Market is and what direction it’s moving now in a very detailed and comprehensive manner. I was very pleased that Amanda let me have a look at this report. And I found it very impressive. Moreover, I hope to publish it on my blog soon with Amanda’s kind permission so you can make sure that the admin of V-Project really knows how the market is functioning and what to expect from the industry soon.

Now a couple of words about V-Project itself. The program has various different plans that will satisfy every customer starting from 4.2% for 28 days. V-Project accepts all major e-currencies including LibertyReserve, Pecunix and V-Money and the site is perfectly protected and the script is secured and licensed. V-Project program is already more than a month online and survived more that 3 LR outages while many programs had to leave the scene because of this. It indicates that V-Project is strong and has some back-up resources to sustain the payouts. It’s actually not just another ponzi-game and Amanda outlined and explained it clearly in the interview that is published below. Read it and you will not be disappointed!

1. Please introduce yourself to my readers and tell us if you have any experience in running your own investment program. How did you come up with the idea to make your own HYIP?

Hello Paul, thanks for giving us this great opportunity.

I’m Amanda Hamilton, partner of a very exclusive and private investment club, Venus Traders Ltd., and CEO of Venus Project.

Our company’s natural inclination to experiment with developing fields of online business and finance, turned out to be an important trump card. Recently, among the most promising online business fields at the cutting edge of investments, Venus Traders has identified the one of the high yield investment programs that we define as the “Small High-Yield Market” (SHYM). After serious research, we strongly believe that an additional and completely innovative source of financing for Venus Traders can be found in the SHYM.

V-Project is not properly my own investment program: it is the “online branch” of Venus Traders Ltd. I manage V-Project on behalf of Venus Traders: to sum up, I’m the one who arranges for new funds to be gathered in this new market, so that they can be invested together with all those sums deriving from other funding sources Venus Traders draws on.

Yes, I have a solid experience in the SHYM and, on the basis of this experience. I have recently written a report which contains an easy economic analysis of this market: I would be very pleased if you published it because I think that investors should be better informed of what the SHYM really is.

2. Who is involved in running V-Project? Can you tell us in detail about the outside sources of income for V-Project? Do you have any proof of your activities that can be presented to your investors?

I manage Venus Project together with 4 collaborators and the constant support of 1 programmer and 1 designer, both very experienced in the SHYM.

Behind the scenes there are our colleagues of Venus Traders, an offshore company founded in Roseau (Dominica) in 2003 and mainly operating at Forex, Precious and Base Metals markets.

Venus Traders’ positive performances are the result of the combination of our know-how and fiscal benefits ensured by the offshore jurisdiction where the company is located, the relatively low costs level due to the mainly online business and, most of all, the consolidated trade network. Well, I can finally say that our trump card is represented by this unmatched network of trade relationships and therefore by the capacity to get strategic informations and particularly advantageous conditions.

Of course we have a lot of proof of Venus Traders’ activities and we reserve to present them to our major investors, most trustworthy partners or anyhow in very specific cases.

Paul, I would sincerely like to thank you for your positive and fair review on Venus Project. I just want to highlight that in this review there is a very important consideration: “[…] Of course, I would not risk with $50K in this program (it’s an HYIP and not a bank) […]”. Please, look at the same concept from our point of view. The SHYP is not properly a pretty nice place: we cannot find there the same “offline” investor as the one of banks, who deposits most of his savings and gives us his ID card. This is an unregulated market, lacking a central authority protecting both investors from frauds and legal programs from unfair competition. So, both investors and admins must always be prudent and wise.

All this is better explained in the above mentioned “Report on SHYM” and I would like if you published.

3. Why is there such a variety of plans in your program? Which plan is suitable for what kind of investors? Are the plans sustainable in the long run?

Well, the first aim for the wise investor should be to get the principal back as soon as possible and then to earn a reasonable clear interest, which is higher than the one offered by a traditional form of investment, but not so high to let suppose that the online investment program could collapse. We see that skilled investors apply this criterion both for pyramidal schemes and for legal investment programs backed by a real business, like V-Project.

This is exactly what Venus Project offers: clear interest highly sustainable (from 0.62% daily) and short plans duration (from 28 to 60 days).

Our Daily x 28 plan is intended for test spend. In particular, it allows the $100 investor to get back progressively his principal (only 23 days) and then to earn a reasonable interest during the last 5 days (23,2%). The investor will get 4.4% daily: about 0.8% clear profit + 3.6% principal back. This is really better and less risky for investors than plans like: 123,2% ROI after 28 days or 0.8% x 28 days and principal back at the end of the investment period.

The other plans are based on the same concept: of course, the more the crediting frequency decreases, the more time we can invest money. So there is also a greater increase of the interest rate After a test spend I would suggest Daily x 56, Weekly x 8 and Beewekly x 4 plans.

I also hope that investors could understand that our promotional plan is not Daily x 28: in this case the interest we pay is substantially equivalent to the taxes that we do not have to pay because of the offshore jurisdiction: all the rest is our commission. The real promotional plans are Monthly x 2 and Bimonthly x 1: for these plans we pay a clear interest until 2.5% and this interest is sustainable thanks to the very low commission we get (…very next to zero).

4. What e-currencies do you accept now and do you have plans to add more currencies in the near future?

We are accepting offshore e-currencies: LibertyReserve, V-Money and Pecunix.

Many investors would like us to accept e-Bullion too. As you can see on our website, we are working on it. Anyway, we cannot underestimate that since July 2007 GDCA has been issuing a warning about eBullion ( it seems they would have frozen many accounts, waiting for documentary verification of holders’ identity. It seems also that often accounts would not have been unblocked even after doing identity-verification. So, the only way for Venus Project to accept e-Bullion is to complete the verification procedure right now, before we start accepting this e-currency in a permanent way. We are patiently waiting for e-Bullion to answer our request…

In any case, we strongly suggest to investors to exchange e-Bullion into LibertyReserve, V-Money or Pecunix, before investing in any online investment program: many estimeed exchangers do not accept e-Bullion any more, other exchangers seems to be about to stop accepting it or have a very low reserve of e-Bullion. This is another clear “red flag”.

As for E-gold, well… it is an onshore payment system which now seems to be obsolete, having lost all those features that make it suitable for the SHYM: we are not planning to accept it in the future.

Notwithstanding this, you should consider that e-gold is a little better than e-Bullion. If your e-gold account is frozen, you can open a new one and choose to accept payments from your previous blocked account: that way your money is almost always safe. On the contrary, e-Bullion doesn’t offer this chance…

Finally, I would like to clarify this point.
Many investors ask us to offer an ecurrency exchange service. We cannot do it, this service would be incompatible with our activities.

Let’s take an example: say ….today we have to process $1.000 payments with LR, $200 with V-Money and we only have those sums available in our accounts because the rest has been sent to Venus Traders in order to be invested.

John Doe, our investor, has made his deposit with LR but he has also earned $200 V-Money refcom. He doesn’t have a V-Money account. So, he asks to withdraw his refcom through LR: it means he want us to exchange $200 V-Money to $200 LR and then to pay $200 LR.

If we accepted his request, this would be the result:
– we would have $800 LR available ($1.000 – $200 paid to John Doe): not enough to process all today’s payment with LR ($1.000);
– we would have $200 V-Money which today nobody will withdraw and no-one will invest (John Doe’s refcom has been paid with LR and not with V-Money, indeed).

Please bear in mind that, in order to offer an ecurrency exchange service, every investment program should keep a dedicated reserve of ecurrency (+$200 LR to pay John Doe’s refcom) and wouldn’t be able to invest the whole deposited sums ($200 V-Money, which have not been paid to John Doe, because he has received $200 LR).
Frankly speaking, we prefer to invest those sums!

Furthermore, each investor should open an account in every major ecurrency and should know the most reliable exchangers on the market.

5. How much time do you plan to stay online? What will happen with V-Project in case your investment activities fail?

We have not planned to limit our stay online for a specific period of time. Also from this point of view we represent “something different” in the SHYM: we are here to stay.

Furthermore it is very hard to suppose that Venus Traders investment activities, that “feed” Venus Project, but are independent from it, could fail: this is not a concrete option.

Anyway, do you want me to imagine the worst hypothetical scenario? Well, let’s say that in 2009 Venus Traders draws its conclusions and realizes that the SHYM has not reacted to V-Project as we expected. In this case there would be one only choice: we wouldn’t accept deposits any longer and Venus Project would close after paying the last penny.

6. What script do you use for V-Project and what was the criteria why had it been chosen for your program? Are investors’ funds secured when dealing with this script?

Like many other first-rate investment programs, we use a licensed GoldCoders script. You’re right: some people like it, some don’t. We definitely like it more than the custom script we tested before launching Venus Project: we have realized that even if a custom script, according to DD’s fanatics, is “cool” and gives a “touch of class”, all in all it is rarely as reliable, easy to use, secure and tested as the good old licensed, zend-encoded, GC script. Furthermore GoldCoders offers excellent 24-hours support and periodically updates the script.

Therefore, as concerns the script, we have chosen…. Toyota (cheap, made with component tested for a long period of time: it never breaks)…. instead of BMW (expensive and stylish, made with new and even experimental components: it often needs maintenance because of technical issues).

7. The design of your site is quite good and seems to be professionally created. Can you tell us who developed it?

I agree, our Italian designer is simply great. We just gave him the theme of “Venus de Milo”, which means “tradition, beauty, balance and solidity”. After that IMO he developed the most original and pleasant design in the so called “hyip arena”.

Anyway you will notice a little “restyling” very soon: we want to offer our clients a “Due Diligence Corner” and some traffic statistics. We are also planning to reduce the number of widgets on the home page, because we think that some of them (based on java) could be somehow implied in the difficulties that in the last few days some Chinese investors had in loading Venus Project with Firefox.

8. What forms of support service do you provide to your investors and what are the possible options to contact your support if I have further questions?

As our investors have already experienced, we offer a very fast and effective email support that is available everyday 24/7 (the support form is organized on the basis of a number of “codes”, which allows our Support Team to classify each request and answer as soon as possible).

From the beginning we provide a live support too, available at least 8 hours a day. However, we have just integrated in our system a new, extremely professional, live chat software.

Last but not least, we offer our partners and our major clients the possibility to contact us directly.

9. What anti-DDoS protection do you have installed for the V-Project site? Are you sure that the site is fully protected from possible attacks to avoid unnecessary downtime?

We started with a high-level DDoS protection. Then, few days ago, we upgraded to the best solution available for the SHYM, provided by BlackLotus (you can find the verification seal on our website: temporarilyy placed on the support page).

We also have some access up to our sleeve, which could allow us to “elude” some kinds of attacks: a couple of backup servers, with different IP, domain name and DNS, where our website could be migrated at once. Frankly speaking, I don’t think we will need such an extreme solution but, as you can see, it is necessary for our peace of mind.

10. What promotional strategy do you use to make V-Project known to your potential investors? Where do you prefer to advertise and how much do you spend on your advertising budget?

We believe that the ad campaign for a program like V-Project must be not “invasive”: we just want to be progressively known, but we do not want to be too obvious and intrusive.

Why? Because we are offering something special and, consequently, we are aware, since the beginning, that investors need a little more time to understand that our plans are better than the ones of the other programs and that we are as reliable as we claim to be. Besides, DD rules teach us that the investor should be very cautious before investing in programs leading an “extreme” ad campaign: we agree with this rule.

Since advertising on SHYM is sensibly cheaper than advertising in the offline markets (a single insertion on a famous newspaper could cost much more than the entire ad campaign of a first-rate hyip), we do not need to have a predefined budget: we simply ask Venus Traders what we need for promotion.

Where do I prefer to advertise? Well some blogs and monitors are managed by very expert and fair Admins, which really know what they do and therefore select the investment programs on the basis of reasonable and serious DD rules. Their websites are like an “haute couture hyip boutique”: there is where I prefer to advertise. As concerns visibility, I think that some famous monitors and – at the beginning – banners on forums are the best classic solution. As concerns the quality of advertising: legit opt-in mailing list and …. a close examination on!

11. Can you tell us what differentiates V-Project from similar online programs? What would you tell to your potential investors to encourage them to try your program?

We are very different in many senses: look at our plans, our seriousness and reliability, our steady performances (despite of 3 LR outages!!), our knowledge on this market, our high-quality support, our communication strategy, our not intrusive advertising policy…. The only thing I could say to our potential investor is: “We are not in a hurry. So, visit our website, test our support, make some due diligence, make your calculations with our plans and compare them with the ones offered by our competitors. Then decide”.

12. What is your opinion about my blog? How do you think if it helps the investors to make reasonable decisions on choosing the right program to invest in?

Your blog? It is the best one both for professionalism and fairness: you know what the SHYM really is and honestly highlights what in your opinion are the pros and cons of each program. Simply carry on like that!

Yes, the interview was long enough but I hope you liked it. I liked that Amanda actually speaks her mind freely about V-Project and the current state of things on HYIP market. I’d like to add that I have received the Certificate of Incorporation of Venus Traders LTD. that was given to the company in 2003 by the Commonwealth of Dominica authorities but since I promised her not to publish it publicly I will keep my word.

All in all, V-Project seems to me another reliable opportunity to earn some money. I already published a very favourable review of the program where I outlined all the strong features of V-Project. You can read on my blog here if you haven’t done it yet.

I’d like to thank Amanda for this wonderful interview which surprised even me and wish her and all the investors a prosperous summer ahead. Remember, it’s starting tomorrow already? And you can expect from me that I will add more articles on my blog this summer and will work tirelessly as usual to provide you with good information about quality online investment opportunities. See you tomorrow!

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