Jul 21st, 2008 Archives

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Hi, guys! I didn’t mean to write this article as I don’t like dirty tactics but somebody should put an end to this and open the eyes of investors to the scammers. They seem to form a large part of this industry of course which can’t be denied, and the majority of them are really easy to describe. They open their sites, then scam the members, leave them and open other sites under different names. So there’s a good number of scammers in circulation out there we can see.

But some of the scammers which this industry is full of really amaze me by how they are pretending to be good guys, defenders of the industry while having stolen thousands of dollars and continue pocketing thousands more while “saving” the industry with some ridiculous and unfounded statements.

As you may have guessed already I’m talking about Kent Black – the real shame of this industry who opened MyCashForum after stealing the money from the victims of his 2007 year scam. Read the whole story here about his lies.

Well, I guess Mr. Black has not forgotten his disgraceful past scam so he decided recently to take over 14DHS – once being one of the largest autosurfs in 2007-2008. Well, to tell you the truth I was always suspicious that 14DHS was Kent Black’s site though it was claimed to be from so-called Jens Fox. In reality, we know now for sure who was behind it. I’ve always refused to promote scammers and that’s why I never told you to join 14DHS as for me it was an obvious scam from the beginning. Now the refunds were promised to the members of the old 14DHS by Kent Black (who else would pay them, lol?) but will they really be processed in the future? I doubt it as I believe Kent will find an appropriate excuse to avoid paying those refunds (it’s his money anyway now, and he doesn’t care it was stolen). With such a “great” model the renewed 14DHS promised to its members (6% for 24 days with payouts being processed within 15 business days upon expiry) Kent has so much time to collect more money before making up another unbeatable excuse.

Just remember that anything that Mr. Kent Black is promoting on his sites, for example 14DHS that he “took over” recently (from himself?), are probable scams. But it’s also a great indicator for the investors which programs you should avoid at all costs. And the opposite is true as well. The programs Kent is bashing should be worth your attention.

Such a thing happened recently with 8DailyForever that probably became another stone in Kent’s shoe. I really don’t know why he targeted 8DailyForever with his absolutely unfounded and ridiculous claims but I guess this site is some kind of threat to his baby 14DHS. In addition, he decided to show himself off as a savior again. Just look at the statement he recently put on his forum (taken from MyCashForum);

If you all remember Bayu (Not sure of the spelling) He ran Green link ads. This was a site heavily promoted by ASA. Well, he is back and is under an assumed name and is running 8DailyForever. I found this out after the newscast or I would not have used them as the site of the week. My apologies for this.
Bayu, once again, built his site up, then made some excuses for having to leave, and left his members hanging. 8DailyForever will probably end up doing the same thing. Do not join this site. Bayu used us once, don’t let him do it again. Once again, if I am wrong, prove it.

Have you actually seen a shread of real evidence in any of his claims? Well, I didn’t and I would be grateful to you if you could point it out to me. Just because Kent said so everybody should believe him? One scammer bashing another scammer? You’re gotta be kidding me.

As you may know from another article that was published on my blog in February Kent Black tries to censor everything on MyCashForum owned by himself. Heck, he even banned me just because I simply asked him inconvenient questions that he probably couldn’t lie his way out of. So he banned me instead – it was an easier option than answering reasonable questions.

Really, his forum is full of cheerleaders that not only inhabit MyCashForum trying to censor all reasonable critics of their master but also occasionally appear on another forums including MMG trying to save their master’s reputation or what was left of it. I guess they are so successful at it that their lies provide waves of new greedy customers just straight into Kent’s dirty scamming hands. I don’t think the renewed 14DHS will become a success and many will join it just to hit-n-run. But will Kent allow them to do it? I doubt it because honestly he’s a very talented scammer and I really can take my hat off seeing his smart lies and revelations to save our money (to put them in his scams instead?)

Kent’s just another ponzi operator and not the God which he seems see himself as. Giving us unfounded statements and warning signs on MyCashForum only makes me laugh and shows us the real danger he poses for this industry. Please don’t fall victim to his lies!

I would really not protect 8DailyForever as I don’t see anything special about it nor I think this autosurf can change the industry. But I firmly believe that nobody should be accused of being a scammers without substantial proof. Something which Mr. Kent Black seems to have difficulties providing to his readers.

To be more unbiased I contacted 8DailyForever‘s admin and told him about these warnings coming from Kent and this was his reaction:

Admin went to the thread and responded a couple of times. It appears that it has now been removed, and yet we are still listed on the “Caution” thread, based on Kent’s say-so.
As Kent made these unfounded allegations, shouldn’t the burden of proof be his? Let him publish the proof so we have real information to defend against and not just words and rumours. Rumours like this one can do enormous damage to any program, and it’s extremely frustrating when they are false. None of the 8DF team has ever been to Bayu’s site, and we have no idea who he is even.

Well, we have one word against another and no proof at all having been presented. So whom would you believe: an experienced scammer who is Mr. Kent Black or just to a regular admin of a program that is accused of something based entirely on Kent’s words? I think the answer is obvious. I would believe anybody but scammer.

I’m not saying it can’t be true as I really don’t know anything about the possible connection between Bayu from GreenLinkAds and 8DailyForever. But to hear it from such an infamous scammer as Kent claiming something wrong without providing any solid proof? I think it’s ridiculous.

Of course, his legion of adoring cheerleaders (which are only allowed on his forum by the way) supported his point of view. Just look at the couple of paragraphs taken from MyCashForum thread dedicated to possible “8DailyForever” scam:
I view Kent as trying to be proactive in protecting his members with this thread. He also invited the admins to correct him if his information is incorrect. Better cautious than sorry.
100% agree to that. MCF has everyones best interest. Before registering here. I have been coming to MCF for many months, i believe 8 now and this site in my opinion is run by people that care very much about others trying to do the right thing.
I totally agree Kent is a great and honest man with only our best intrest at heart. As far as i’m conserned I take anything he says having to with this industry very seriously as I am in this buisness to make money, and so far because of him I have.
Thanks for this Kent. You are becomimg a top Industry watchdog. It was lucky that I had no money as I may have given 8Daily forever a go. There is always something that rings false when they say forever. Congrats on being first to uncover the identity of this fraud.

Well, after reading this I had some thoughts. Is Kent really an industry savior and an honest man trying to protect his readers or is he a famous scammer trying to gain popularity by making unfounded claims in order to get more members to his site? In my opinion, the answer to this is obvious. But I will let you be the judges of that and encourage you to give your opinion in the comments section for this article. I just wanted to share with you my thoughts regarding the matter and I hope you appreciate this.

Other news for today.

It seems that LR is still fixing the issue with their SCI interface so the deposits in many programs can’t be done yet. Instead you can make the payouts manually to many programs and then contact the admin with the request to add your deposit. There are many different programs that issued an update regarding this LR problem. Here are some examples:

SafeAtom: “There is some problem at LibertyReserve with automatic payment system (to accept new deposits). Nothing can be done, we have to wait till they fix their problem. But you can make direct deposit manually to our LR account (U3292297) and let us know payment details.

ApolloInvestGroup: “We have added a manual Liberty Reserve investment option. You can now deposit directly to our LR account by selecting “LibertyReserve Manual Processing” option. For more information please visit “Make a new Investment” link on the navigation bar and follow the easy steps to complete the deposit. This payment option will be available until the LibertyReserve fix the SCI malfunction that is causing problems with deposit.

e-Confidence: “LibertyReserve SCI is still unstable. You can invest into us manually.

BristolCapitalGroup: “Currently LibertyReserve restored operation of all basic services except SCI and API. If you have problems while making a deposit and receive message “invalid target account”, please don’t panic. LibertyReserve will fix it soon. Meanwhile you can invest into our company manually. For this login into your LR account, and transfer the desired amount on our account U8967111, indicating in the commentary your username and investment plan. After transfer send the batch on our email service@bristolcapitalgroup.com. The amount of your deposit will be added manually promptly.

UniCreditInvestment: “Because SCI and API from LR are not working, we’ve made the payments from inside our LR account so you won’t get an confirmation email for them. Please check your LR account to verify that you’ve got them. Also, because of the same reason, some members might not be able to deposit here so they should use the same method – transfer funds from inside your LR account and email us the payment details and username and we’ll add them manually for you if that’s the case.

Though LibertyReserve is still unstable, it seems not to be having a major adverse affect on most of the HYIPs. At least, I received my own payouts from such programs as UniCreditInvestment, SafeAtom, VideoAdSurf, AcmosTrade, 12Daily.Pro, AgriFund, LargeSum, ProfitsAddict, MaxShare, EliteMoney, e-Confidence, BristolCapitalGroup and ApolloInvestGroup. There’s only one program that is currently on hold and it’s LibertyInsider that for some reason didn’t pay to some members yet. I was paid last night and will wait till tomorrow before making any decision on LibertyInsider but be careful with it until the admin explains why the payouts are delayed. I’ll see you tomorrow on my blog!

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