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23/07/08. CapitalizedInv Review and Other News


I have found a promising new medium-term program which is only 8 days online and is called CapitalizedInv. The program accepts LibertyReserve and AlterGold and offers two medium-term plans. More than $2,000 has been deposited already so I think they’re off to a good start. This happened because among so many similar medium-term programs I think CapitalizedInv really stands out from the crowd. And there are several factors that make me say that. Let’s list all of them and see if CapitalizedInv is really worth our attention.

1) Experienced admin. The admin of CapitalizedInv Paul was successfully running the T3Invest site back in early 2007. He’s not hiding now under the different name. And really he should be proud of his past achievements as T3Invest was running for 4 months which is very good for a program that was offering such a high return as 7% for 20 days. Of course, it had to end at some point because Paul’s partner decided to run away with the money. At the end T3Invest program could attract more than $200,000 in investments which is really a good result in my opinion. If you take into consideration that CapitalizedInv offers more sustainable plans you will see that the possible stability and longevity of the program could be incomparable with other programs.

2) Sustainable plans. As I already mentioned the plans CapitalizedInv offers are really sustainable and I’m sure it will help the program to run for a long time.

The first plan is called Gadget Investments and is suitable for you if you are ready to invest from $5 to $1,000. You will be paid from 6% to 7% daily during 20 days depending on the amount deposited. The principal is not returned at the end of your investment term so you have the opportunity to earn from 20% to 30% pure profit at the end of a 20 day investment period.

The second plan is called Short Term Investments and offers you the chance to earn 110% after 12 days. As you can see the possible profit is less for this plan. But the main advantage for this plan is that you will be in profit after 12 days already. The minimum to invest in this plan is higher and is $50 and the maximum is $500 only.

3) Licensed script. Needless to say that using licensed script is a must for any serious HYIP nowadays. And CapitalizedInv is no exception as it uses licensed GoldCoders script. There’s no doubt the admin is serious as he knows perfectly well that using unlicensed script can not only scare off many potential customers but also become a reason for hacking attempts. The site of CapitalizedInv is hosted on NVHserver which is a very good quality hosting company in my opinion and has a good anti-DDoS protection service.

4) Outside income. This is the most interesting point in my opinion. Many programs claim to have outside income which will help them to stay online for a long time. But the admin really ran his previous program for 4 months having some outside income by reselling cheap electronics. In CapitalizedInv he seems to have outside revenue as well. For the Gadget Investments plan it is noted on the site: “We invest your money as capital for buying in bulk of gadgets such as mp3, mp4 players, optical mice, and more cheap gadgetries.” I will try to question the admin about this in detail when I conduct an interview with him and publish it on my blog. So stay tuned for that!

All in all, I have quite a good feeling after reviewing CapitalizedInv. In my opinion, the program is brand new and has a great chance to become a very popular one with time. As you remember the previous program ran by the same admin lasted for several months. CapitalizedInv seems to me a very well thought-out program and if there’s really an outside income available it has a great chance to run for several months at least. This will be enough to make some decent profit with CapitalizedInv. But remember those who will join first will get the more benefits as it’s obvious that CapitalizedInv will be here for a long time. So I’m glad that I found this program so early and hope the admin won’t let us down and CapitalizedInv will be the same success as his previous program was. Stay tuned for my upcoming interview with Paul!

Other news for today.

I received the first payout from VideoAdSurf today as my first upgrade has expired. As was promised I had not long to wait and got my payout within the 12 hours timeframe as promised by the admin in his update dedicated to the first payouts and published a few days ago:
Congrats First Payout! Thank you for those who supported us from the first day. Too bad that LR has been down for 4 days. Many hyip and autosurf ran out of business and gone. Just in time – LR is back to normal before the first upgrade expires, and we can process payment smoothly. We will not delay the expiry payment but please expect your payment within 12 hours after expired. We are looking forward to do business with all of you.
I’m very glad that I made the right choice and invested in VideoAdSurf – the unique program based on the concept of video advertising. The plan 10% for 13 days with payouts on expiry seems to be a sustainable one and I just reupgraded again today. If you want to read more about VideoAdSurf please refer to my interview with the admin published here.

Another great autosurf is undoubtedly MaxShare. The admin continues to develop his program and move in the right direction of controllable growth which was declared from the beginning and about which you can read in my detailed review of MaxShare published here. Today I noticed that a fourth payment processor was added – Pecunix. So now you can deposit also using this e-currency and as usual the maximum deposit was increased to $95 this Monday. The other accepted e-currencies are LibertyReserve, AlterGold and PerfectMoney.

By the way, I have to mention that everything I published about PerfectMoney before was only heard from other people and if I’m wrong or mistaken I’m sorry but my work is to publish all points of view. And to be completely unbiased I have to publish the PerfectMoney point of view and prove that I’m not trying to destroy any company’s reputation but am just seeking the truth:
Information published on this blog is false. We never ask hackers to attack websites, it’s nonsense for our business. Attacks on PerfectMoney website is regular situation, but it’s all mitigated by company. Swiss payment system PerfectMoney is owned by Perfect Money Finance Corp. Company No. 596918. License No. 1267339-1-596918-2008-105548. Address: World Trade Center Zurich, Leutschenbachstrasse 95, 8050 Zurich, Switzerland, Tel: 41 44 308 39 10, Fax: 41 44 308 35 00. Perfect Money Finance Corp. possesses A-class financial license for performance of transactions with finances of the third parties and precious metals. In case of any questions or suggestions you can call to headquarter of PerfectMoney by the phone number indicated above. PerfectMoney is company registered in Panama. We operate from the financial center of Europe – Zurich, Switzerland. Our banking accounts are located in Cyprus and Switzerland. Switzerland banking details are available for Premium Business members, because Swiss Bank Policy we should match is know-your-customer. Seems that black PR campaign has been started against Perfect Money, but we’ll continue our business to let people know that Perfect Internet Banking is reality. You’re free to publish this information.

Here’s also the reply from Dragonara Company which provided the protection to PerfectMoney and to LibertyReserve. I have to say that I don’t know if it’s true or not and I’m just publishing the info based on my policy of neutrality. So here’s what Scott from Dragonara sent me recently:
Seems that you have wrong information about Dragonara Company and ddos protection services offered to our clients. LibertyReserve bought ddos protection from our reseller, who is using our resources to protect own customers, like BlackLotus (reseller) and Staminus (Datacenter). Attack was very big (over 1gbps), but ddos protection reseller (ddos guardian) didnt upgrade it’s bandwidth allocation, didnt pay for traffic, because LibertyReserve declined our offer ($10,000 per each 1gbps of protection – our standard price ). So, you really published wrong information and please update your blog yourself as soon as possible.
PS: Perfect Money is our direct customer and using Dragonara Collocation services with own hardware installed, protected by Dragonara against DDoS.
I stay away from any war, but posting wrong information can harm company’s reputation. if you are not sure who is right, I should repeat the full story about LibertyReserve again – we’ve offered several billing options to reseller, but he said LibertyReserve declines them
all. It was not difficult to protect LibertyReserve for Dragonara. It’s like you need hosting with 100 mbit and when your hoster said – your current traffic usage is 1000 mbit, but you paid only for 100 mbit…

I repeat that it’s up to you to decide who is right and who is wrong here but you should know that any info can be false because there’s large amounts of money involved and the war between payment processors will continue till the end of time. I can only say that regarding e-gold I was right and it seems it’s completely dead now.

Many programs have dropped e-gold already and will do so in the near future. For instance, EliteMoney informed its investors today about it:
Due to E-gold new problems and restrictions we have stopped accepting e-gold. Also we will stop paying into E-gold in a few days.
If you are one of our E-gold investor please email us your new payout account (E-Bullion or LibertyReserve only) as quickly as possible.

I like such attitude from EliteMoney administration that e-gold investors will not be forgotten and their issues will be fixed. At least it’s much better than to sit and wait while your funds will vanish from your e-gold account soon. I wish all the programs that are still accepting e-gold would follow the example of EliteMoney and think about its investors. In my opinion, EliteMoney is one of the best low-ROI programs now and to find out why you can read my review of the program published here.

I received my payments today from LargeSum, e-Confidence, AgriFund, MaxShare, CapitalizedInv, ApolloInvestGroup, SafeAtom, BristolCapitalGroup, EliteMoney, VideoAdSurf and AcmosTrade. So really all the programs I monitor keep paying me and I’m glad that I joined them. See you tomorrow, guys!

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