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06/08/08. Attacks on TrustyPig and Payment Processor News


Hi, guys! I must say that I take it very seriously when it comes to DDoS-attacks as I myself experienced such an attack before moving to BlockDos servers. It was really an awful experience as my old hosting provider was totally helpless against such powerful attacks my site had experienced. It seems that today TrustyPig faced the same powerful attacks from unknown competitors or just malicious or jealous people. It surely means that, as the TrustyPig site becomes more and more successful by the day, someone really doesn’t want it to happen.

Anyway, now the site of TrustyPig is back online and I was able to surf my 50 sites as required to earn my daily rebate. The admin of TrustyPig Costy managed to handle things in the right way by contacting the hosting provider of the site which faced the attacks despite the powerful server with a mighty firewall installed. Finally, after several hours of downtime things were back on track and the admin of TrustyPig issued another update:

The problem was fixed. The hosting provider put the server behind a powerful dedicated firewall so there shouldn’t be any more problems. The site loads fine for me right now, but I’m waiting for your feedbacks too!
It’s the second attack we had: the one on the script and now when the script it’s fixed and secured they attacked the hosting. I can’t figure out who we upset so much… or perhaps the support that the members offer to our program didn’t please someone.
As everyday passes I realize that it becomes harder and harder to mind your own business because they are others that seem to want to meddle into TrustyPig private affairs.
But I’ve always been a winner and along with our supportive members will get over each of their attempts to get us down.
Special times require special measures. That’s why for today and tomorrow, while the firewall is working on filtering the bad IPs we’ll reduce the number of sites to be surfed from 50 (normal requirement) to 10 (special requirement).
Please note that this is only a temporary measure and the normal surfing requirements will be come active again as of the day after tomorrow.

I’d like to add that if TrustyPig site is still down for you or hard to load just be patient and try again in a little while. I’m sure everything will be alright soon as I fully trust in the admin’s professional capabilities to handle things and work out any issues that might happen with the site on its way to success. You should read my interview published here to feel this determination and strength and find out about the great plans TrustyPig site is preparing for its members in the near future.

Other news for today.

Profit-Family changed their plans again (!) for the third time during the first week online. It really must be a record as I can’t remember ever coming across such an unstable program before. This time though the admin of Profit-Family promised that it would be the last change and that it would add to the stability to the program in the long term. I really hope it will be so as apart from these constant changes I have no complaints to the Profit-Family administrator. I have been paid daily and instantly to my LibertyReserve account as the current changes in plans don’t affect the investors that deposited in older plans. The latest changes eliminated the only plan with daily payouts (10% for 12 days). In place of it a 110% after 5 days plan has been established with the minimum to invest set at $10 and the maximum at $1,000. The interest rate in the Test plan has been reduced from 104% to 102% after 1 day (you can deposit from $1 to $10 into this plan). I can add that since Profit-Family continues to pay instantly I can’t see any red flags here. Let’s watch how Profit-Family program will go with these BRAND new plans. If you’re interested to know more about this program please read my interview with the admin of Profit-Family that was published here.

Though I was paid yesterday from my upgrade in VideoAdSurf I decided to reduce my next upgrade in it. I did it mostly because of the inactivity of the admin on the forums and monitors and the reduced amount of total upgrades shown on the site. I really hope that the upgrades are not the only income for VideoAdSurf program because with such an attitude the program can face its end very soon. I may be mistaken though, and the admin might yet surprise us all in the future but for now I can’t see any activity from him. You can read my interview with the admin of VideoAdSurf published on my blog here.

MaxShare autosurf seems to be running pretty well so I increased my deposit in it today. I know that with such an experienced admin that has been running several sites for over a year MaxShare will be a great success. It surely will be a wise choice for you if you are into low-ROI stable autosurf sites. With 3% for 40 days and the unique concept of controllable growth which I described here in my review  MaxShare will be online for a long time.

Another quite good program with an experienced admin is CapitalizedInv. The program had some difficulties with accessing the site a couple of days ago but now it seems that everything is ok and CapitalizedInv is growing at a steady pace with more than $10,000 deposited just after 22 days online. And it’s no wonder: everybody who knows the admin Paul and enjoyed the profits from his previous program back in 2007 has already joined CapitalizedInv without a second thought. They know that the admin is honest and straightforward and has some additional sources of income to be able to run the program for a long time. With the sustainable plans of 6%-7% for 20 days and 110% after 12 days CapitalizedInv has every chance to outperform his previous program that ran for 4 months. The interview with the admin of CapitalizedInv Paul can be found here. Today the admin Paul added PerfectMoney as their third payment processor and now you have more options to make a deposit:
Good news! We now started to accept PerfectMoney payment systems as another way to invest in our program. Update your account details and add your PM account details and make your deposits now. Thank you for your continuous support.”

AcmosTrade has been inaccessible for me for more than three days already. Thank God, the members of the support staff were able to come online today and assure everybody that the site would be back on track soon: “Our website can be inaccessible from some places at this time but we are working as fast as we can to resolve this issue.” The best part of the update issued by AcmosTrade admin is that he admitted some actual delays in payouts (what I mentioned previously in my article “AcmosTrade Warning Signs” that you can read here).

The latest update from AcmosTrade can read below:
To all members with e-gold withdrawals – we are transferring our funds to other accounts and it will take 2-3 days. E-Gold blocked many accounts without any reasons so we will setup additional accounts to solve this problem.
Last month we got very good results because we plan EUR/USD will go up to 1.5950 – 1.600 level. We added additional funds to this currency and our profit was doubled and because of this issue – additional profit from our trading teams will be paid out to VIP members who made deposits choosing the monthly plans.
Since our company was opened for public we got several problems, attacks, etc… but you can see – we are working as usual and all members got their profit. We think that you understand we all need additional time to solve some problems (if any). Yes we can have some delays – but you don’t need to panic. We will do our best. We are in 1 team now and the best way to get good results is by supporting each other.

Payment processor news.

Well, I don’t know if AcmosTrade will be able to pay its members as usual after all these e-gold troubles. Well, now the second processor they use – e-Bullion seems to be in danger. It was predicted long ago that e-Bullion will share the unfortunate fate of e-gold with its owner being accused of money laundering. But it was obvious that e-Bullion being under jurisdiction of Big Brother will be handed over to the US government and it was just a matter of time before it happens. Well, the recent unfortunate events that happened with Pamela Fayed (who was one of the co-founders of e-Bullion company) that was stabbed to death recently, allegedly by her husband James (another co-founder of e-Bullion) attracted the public scrutiny of the U.S. authorities. The details of this shocking story with photos can be found on the Los-Angeles Times site here. So as you can imagine some money might be involved in this murder as the couple were involved in a divorce process. Anyway, you’re strongly advised to withdraw all your money from e-Bullion and don’t use it at least for a while. There’s a strong possibility that Uncle Sam will be really interested in emptying or seizing e-Bullion accounts especially now, when they have their hands untied and must investigate this incident thoroughly. So I repeat: get your funds out of e-Bullion asap. Although it might even already be too late as I noticed that the site is down for some prolonged maintenance. If it is too late then all I can say is put it down to expierience and remember that no payment processor can be considered as totally reliable. And never keep a large amount stored with them for too long.

Despite all the e-gold troubles it seems strange that AlterGold enabled adding funds to your AG account from e-gold but at the same time suspended all withdrawals to LibertyReserve. But that’s what has been done recently according to the update I received last night from AlterGold administration:
We have something new for you. AlterGold is gladly announcing that E-gold funding is available again. You can now fund your account by using E-gold, this transaction can be done fastly from your “Account Home”. Just go to “Add Funds” and choose E-gold as method. Please check our Services page to know more about fees involved.
Also AlterGold is suspending withdraws through LibertyReserve. We are committed to serve our clients with the best solutions, and we understand that you can get quality exchanging services by using one of the Exchangers that accept AlterGold. For more information about Exchangers check our Merchants Directory page.

By the way, if you’re looking for a quality and reliable exchanger where you can exchange your AlterGold, PerfectMoney, LibertyReserve, V-Money, Pecunix and other e-currencies instantly and automatically you should take a quick look at SuperChange – a reputable exchanger that is online since 2005. I can recommend it to you as I myself use it for exchanges quite often. The recent additions to the list of e-currencies they offer an exchange for are AlterGold and PerfectMoney – two new but already very popular payment processors for HYIP investors. So you can join SuperChange and receive a discount on every subsequent exchange you do through them.

This was all the news for today and I just wanted to add that I received payments from many different programs for these last two days. Among them are: TrustyPig, UniCreditInvestment, CapitalizedInv, LargeSum, BristolCapitalGroup, SafeAtom, ApolloInvestGroup, MaxShare, e-Confidence, EliteMoney, AgriFund, Profit-Family, Tradelite and VideoAdSurf. I put AcmosTrade on hold on my monitoring page because I can’t access the site for a number of days now.

To finish I would like to add that I made up my mind to change the feed my subscribers receive daily to their mailboxes. So from now on you will receive only partial feed of my post and you can click the link and read the whole post on my site if you’re interested. I did it because of a complaint I received recently from one of my subscribers that my feed is too long and he would like to see it shorter. I hope it won’t be a difficulty for you to click the link sent to you and read the whole article on my blog. Please send me your opinion about it if you disagree and would like to receive the full feed again. I can reconsider my decision anytime if you don’t like it. Well, I think this is the end of my post for today and I’ll see you tomorrow!

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