Oct 23rd, 2008 Archives

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Today I would like to review another program called InoFund. The program is really of good quality and if you consider that it has been paying from the beginning of September you will understand why I’m so excited about it. I was already paid my principal back from the 3 day plan and of course I reinvested. Honestly, I only wish I found it earlier. Let’s analyze the program’s main features.

1) Investment plans.

InoFund offers three investment plans with a gradually increasing minimum so the higher the minimum is the more profit you can earn from your deposit. I think it’s a very wise investment solution that encourages the average investor to deposit more after he’s in with some testing deposit. So let’s take a brief look at the three investment plans being offered.

a) Growing plan will pay you 1% daily for 3 days. The principal will be returned at the end of your investment term. Growing plan is intended for testing purposes as the minimum to invest is $5, and the maximum is only $35. As you can see the term is very short but the return is also low as after 3 days you will get only 103% on your investment.

b) Waiting plan will pay 2% during 7 days. You will get your principal back at the end of the investment term as well. So you have the opportunity to earn 114% in just 7 days. Waiting plan is intended for an average investor willing to deposit from $35 to $500.

c) Celebrating plan is the most profitable one but also the riskiest. You will be in profit only after 31 days if you utilize it. The returns from this plan will be 3% during 31 days and the profit by the end of your investment term will be 193% (including your principal). Celebrating plan is intended for bigger investors as the minimum to invest is $500 and I personally know a couple of investors that were paid by InoFund from this plan.

2) Withdrawals and payment processors.

InoFund accepts the two most undeniably most popular payment processor among HYIPs nowadays: LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. The good news for LibertyReserve account holders – the withdrawals to LibertyReserve are processed instantly while PerfectMoney investors should wait up to 24 hours before their payments are processed. That’s why in my opinion it’s preferable to invest in InoFund via LibertyReserve if you want faster payouts.

3) Script and DDoS-protection.

InoFund uses licensed GoldCoders script a little bit tweaked to suit the program’s needs. In my opinion, it’s a good choice for a HYIP especially if you use SSL-certificate for more secured transmission of data. If you look at the choice of the hosting provider we will see that InoFund uses Dragonara hosting which is a perfect solution for a HYIP (I remind you that PerfectMoney payment processor is also using Dragonara services). InoFund is hosted on a DDoS-protected dedicated server which is together with registered for two years domain on the name of David Brown giving us some guarantee that InoFund program is here for the longer term that usual HYIPs.

4) Design and commissions.

I like the design of InoFund site very much. It gives an impression of lightness and is easy on the eye but at the same time it’s very professionally designed and easy to navigate. The banners are also pretty good and remember that by promoting InoFund you can earn ref commissions of 10% which is definitely high and will certainly attract many members to InoFund and in turn allow them to not spend too much money on advertising. Also InoFund received some quite good feedback from investors for the first 50 days of its existence.

5) The company.

But here another question arises: if InoFund has any substantial income being generated to allow it to run for a long time. Here’s what I found on the About page of their website:
InoFund Inc is a Seychelles Company operating on the investment market since 2006. Our online activity began in 2008.
Company was established by Mr. David Brown as an attempt to prove efficiency of fundamental analysis as a means of ensuring profitable investment in equity and bonds as well as defensive portfolio of an investor

The info about InoFund seems to be original and everything is explained perfectly though I couldn’t find any documents provided confirming that InoFund is a real registered company operating in the Seychelles. Also there is no point of contact as no physical address or phone number was given. I hope to conduct an interview with the admin of InoFund soon on my blog and find out what proof can be presented to the investors and if the returns are really sustainable in the long run.

I hope the admin will answer my questions honestly because InoFund seems to be a really interesting program worth the investors’ attention. The only drawback or question that may rise in the investors’ mind: is it too late to invest in InoFund? In my opinion, it’s not too late and so far I’m satisfied with the speed of withdrawals and have now funds in two plans running. After the admin answers my questions and I will know more about the investment activities I will be able to recommend this program to you. But so far everything about InoFund is great. Who knows how long it will last but in my opinion it’s worth trying anyway.

Other news for today.

Obviously not only myself keeps receiving emails where my readers ask me if HYIP industry will be affected by the world financial crisis which we are all undergoing now. Well, to tell you the truth I know that most of the HYIPs are virtual and are not affected by the ups and downs of the world economy. They mostly depend on the cashflow and payment processors and their site issues and they are only affected by the crisis to a much lesser degree. I believe though that ResidualForexIncome is from that small percent of the real programs that really invest their funds (read my interview with the admin here for more info). So the program’s admin had to seriously answer these concerns from ResidualForexFund members in his latest update and here it is:
This is our short explanation to a number of requests concerning the world financial crisis and its influence on RFI performance.
We do not dare to say the recent economic events had no impact on the global market dynamics. The tendency is that markets are getting slower and subjected to different experts’ expectations.
Since RFI is not that big to feel desintegration in its functions and since we use diversified trading model there is very low risk in suffering any loses in the long run. We are quite optimistic as RFI is long term orientated which definitely gives us great advantage over short term risky investments which are very likely to collapse in this situation. As you can see RFI keeps stable work and good reputation. We are always committed to let our members earn good profits.
RFI is not striving to be #1 popular investment but working hard to be the most stable and reliable one among serious investors.
You can contact us anytime asking detailed questions on this issue or any other questions you might have.
Thanks for staying with us and stay tuned!

As you know the investment programs are affected largely by the payment processors and so now I am awaiting of the comments of the programs’ admins on the possible demise of AlterGold payment processor. Since I haven’t heard any encouraging news from AlterGold administration I wouldn’t have expected much in this case. It’s very sad that AlterGold scammed like just e-Bullion did earlier this year but it’s the nature of these anonymous payment processors. You sometimes have to pay a high price to stay anonymous in this field and it’s always better to go with payment processors where you should prove your identity by undergoing some kind of verification process and have a proper support like AlertPay, SolidTrustPay and StrictPay. As for AlterGold I’m really disappointed by the lies they were sending just a month before their demise therefore giving us some hope that they would be back on track. Apparently it will not happen now and we should be prepared for the worst consequences of how it can affect the industry as a whole and the pograms that accepted AlterGold as their payment processors. Will they survive? In my opinion, yes, if they didn’t have much money in AlterGold and if they are strong enough to meet the consequences of this long-awaited demise. In my honest opinion such huge programs like MegaLido or SafeAtom have nothing to worry about. MegaLido is a huge program and in my opinion Michael should simply ignore all AlterGold payouts as if nothing happened and continue with the rest of the payment processors. I noticed that AlterGold processor was no longer an option if you decide to upgrade in MegaLido.

Speaking about MegaLido the program had more problems with their servers that couldn’t cope with the amount of traffic more than 12,000 members were sending. So it was decided to upgrade the servers so no problems would appear in the future. The process continued for a few hours hours yesterday and you might have noticed some temporary difficulties when trying to access the MegaLido site. Now the site upgrade process is complete and Michael sent out this short update today that will give you some information regarding this:
I want to let you know that we have now moved our server into a much more powerful machine, so that we should be able to keep MegaLido‘s performance, the program has been growing a lot and that server upgrade was necessary in order to make sure we wouldn’t have a server overload.
The website is now back online and faster than ever. I apologize if this downtime caused any inconvenience but it was necessary in order to maintain our website working as usual. It will be much easier for me and for the staff crew to work on the website, things will be a lot faster now.
Thanks for the continued support, I really appreciate it, MegaLido wouldn’t have gone so fat without it. A big thanks for the ones who have been building up teams for MegaLido and for everyone who is a part of the program. There are over 10 thousand members in our family and it just keeps growing, I have huge plans for MegaLido, what you have seen so far is very little if compared to what MegaLido is going to be soon

After AlterGold is gone some programs strangely also had big problems with payouts. So it goes with FinoFex for example. It stopped paying and answering my emails just before AlterGold processor went down. Well, I guess the rumors about their connection with AlterGold were not so groundless after all.

But really you were the most unlucky people if you had your money deposited with e-Bullion to SafeAtom, then lost it, then the admin of SafeAtom gave you hope and told you he would pay your e-Bullion earnings to AlterGold accounts. Now when AlterGold is probably dead I wonder why he did it. Is it possible that he had some deal with AlterGold regarding attracting more new customers in exchange of paying the debts for e-Bullion users? Well, it’s very possible in my opinion. SafeAtom program has been paying from the beginning of 2008 and for AlterGold it was really a clever scamming tactic to come to the rescue of those who lost money with e-Bullion. Yeah, it was really clever to get hundreds of e-Bullion customers that deposited in SafeAtom. It was a “win-win” situation for both parties. Now that AlterGold is gone the admin SafeAtom has to think about another solution and I hope he will find it. This is what he said, taken from SafeAtom site: “In 2-3 days we’ll let you know about AlterGold and E-Bullion investments.

Well, at least the admin of SafeAtom is trying to find an appropriate solution for the members of those two payment processors. But will other admins react somehow tn this obvious demise soon? Will they offer the investors of AlterGold something in exchange for their lost investments with AG? I think there is no universal solution existing for every program but at least the admins of the programs that accepted AlterGold in the past should come out to the members that deposited in their programs via AG and let them know if they completely drop such investors’ deposits or if they can somehow compensate for this thing. The silence in this case doesn’t help and I really appreciate the point of view of the admin of GoldNuggetInvest that came out with such update a week ago even though AlterGold was still online but showed all the signs of pending closure. I hope other admins will follow this example and we’ll here something from them soon on this matter.

I hope you read the review of BlueBorgartFunds that was published yesterday here. Since I don’t want to be biased I decided to give the admin a word in his defense. Here are his comments that I’m obliged to publish and which is why I’m still listing it in my Top 12 Recommended programs (because I’m not 100% sure that BlueBorgartFunds is from the same admin as BlosFinance as I mentioned yesterday). I will not be giving any comment on what he had said and we will just wait and see who was right. Later on after a couple of weeks if BlueBorgartFunds is still online by that time I promise to publish an interview with the admin (so far the program is paying me daily) where he will explain more details about his program. Enough on this topic – better read his comments on yesterday’s review of BlueBorgartFunds:
1) For the SSL and WHOIS, I believe you have read the posts from talkgold senior members’ comment on it, whois.domaintools.com is not always reliable.
2) As you may notice many other programs use hosting from BlackLotus too, you may also find that some of their IPs are over used, for example, let’s say, its first client is sourcelinkads.com, second is blosfinance.com and third blueborgartfunds.com. If I am questioned “are you admin of all these three programs?” Then what should I explain???
3) I wanted to use AlterGold and PerfectMoney as well. But I was aware that AlterGold is often down these days, and PerfectMoney is not widely used at all, very few exchangers provide PerfectMoney exchanging services. I notice many other programs accept LR only too.
4) Similar discriptions are often found in HYIP programs, especially with GC programs. As you know, most hyip admins are not web designers. They have purchase designs from web designers.
5) I am not a native speaker. But I believe my English is not that bad. I am not sure if there is a word “cooperationship” in origin (but in fact I found quite a lot from google search), but I would like to tell you the truth that “cooperationship” is used almost in each email with our new clients in our trading company in Rzeczpospolita Polska, Especially in emails with our Chinese and Middle East customers. You know that most hyip admins have their real jobs in reality, so do I, I am business staff in a garment trading company in Rzeczpospolita Polska, I have 3 partners in BlueBorgartFunds, and they are my colleagues as well.
The “font” I am using in each email is “Courier New”, I don’t think it is “Simplified Arabic Fixed font”, it is one of the most widely used font behind “Times New Roman” and “Arial”. It is default font here in our mail client in each PCs in our company.

I was paid by many programs today including: MegaLido, SurfExchange, HermisCapital, GrandEarners, 8DailyForever, InoFund, VolcanoInvest, QuantumInv, Commoditex, FxSlaughter, AggeroInvestment, PanaMoney, Tradelite, FastProfitSurf, MaxShare, SilverInvest, GoldNuggetInvest, SafeAtom, LargeSum, TopProfitWorld, BlueBorgartFunds and SummitReserve (the first ref commissions were received).

Today I joined another program that seemed interesting to me – LibertyFunds. The program has an interesting script and is hosted on a dedicated DDoS-protected server by BlackLotus. LibertyFunds program just launched a couple of days ago so I think there is a good chance to be in profit with it. There are four plans being offered that you can make via LibertyReserve: 107% after 5 days ($5 minimum), 118% after 10 days ($50 minimum), 142% after 20 days ($100 minimum) and 196% after 40 days ($500 minimum). Remember that LibertyFunds is a program that utilizes a script so you should sign up to make a deposit and make a withdrawal in order to get paid. I will review LibertyFunds after I receive the first payment from the 5 day plan where I made my investment for testing purposes. Stay tuned for that and I’ll see you tomorrow on my blog with more news and reviews from the industry!

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