Hi, guys! To tell you the truth I’m quite excited about URInvest. I have been watching this program closely for quite a long time now and finally after two months of successful online activity, I decided to join. In my opinion, URInvest has everything to become a long-lasting and successful program. So let’s discuss what features they are and how they can affect the program’s long term performance.
1. Reasonable and well-balanced plans.
Starting with the plans URInvest offers to online investors I must say I’m quite impressed with how these plans are presented.
a) The first plan is intended for daily payouts and you will be paid from 4% to 6.5% daily for 30 business days. Your principal is included in these daily payments and will not be returned to you. The daily interest is credited on your account on business days (Mon-Fri only) and you can withdraw them anytime. Your rate of daily interest will depend on the amount deposited: for $5 -$99 you will get 4% daily, $100-$249 will get you 4.5% daily, for amounts of $250-$499 you will receive 5% daily, $500-$999 will give you 5.5% and finally if you invest $1,000 and more you will get 6.5% daily during 30 business days. So actually you have an opportunity to get 120% – 195% on your investment after 42 days (or 30 business days). This gradual increase of payments allows URInvest to attract bigger investors and ensure a long-lasting program.
b) The second plan is a monthly plan. It is paying on expiry and if you deposit on this plan you will get 150% (if you deposit from $5 to $99) or 160% (if you deposit from $100 to $249) after just 30 calendar days. The limit of $249 was introduced by the admin of URInvest Paul (by the way, I hope to publish an interview with him soon) to ensure that this plan will be used only as a promotional plan among investors wishing to deposit more into URInvest.
Currently, URInvest accepts three e-currencies: LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and V-Money. You can make a deposit from as little as $5 and be in maximum profit in a calendar month which is very reasonable as you don’t have to wait for months before profiting from the program. In my opinion, such reasonable plans will ensure the stable work of the program in the long run as well as allow the investors to make some good profits.
2. Licensed script and Staminus protection
URInvest is using licensed GoldCoders script so there should be no problems appearing with possible backdoors into the site which unlicensed versions of GoldCoders script have. The DDoS-protection is provided by Staminus network – one of the leading hosting providers which can insure the site has one of the best DDoS-protection services available. So far there was only one glitch when the site of URInvest was unavailable for several hours and it was due some hardware failure within the Staminus network. Over their two months online URInvest has changed hosting providers a couple of times and even changed a domain name. In my opinion, the site is quite stable and safe now for investing.
3. Ultimate Ratio Investments LLC
This is the official name of the parent company behind URInvest site. Of course, when we are first introduced to any new program there is always one question that arises: what does this company do to generate the additional income for the investors and sustain the payouts in the long run. In my opinion 2 months online is a good achievement but still the program should specify where exactly the money is invested. That’s why I’m going to ask the admin of URInvest about it in detail in my upcoming interview with him. Unfortunately, Live Chat on URInvest‘s website didn’t work and I couldn’t ask the questions I was interested in.
In a nutshell, URInvest is a good choice for investors because it lasted for 2 months, has sustainable and reasonable plans to offer, licensed script and great DDoS-protection. We will see how the program will perform later but even now I can see its potential to grow and stay online for some time.
Other news for today.
As you might have noticed my site was offline due to DDoS-attack for the last 24 hours. I don’t know what was the source of the attack and I don’t want to make any allegations yet, but you should be aware that somebody wants me to shut up and allow them scam the investors just like they wish. Well, they will not be able to do it and I will continue to fight scammers and provide you with the best info from the HYIP and autosurf world. These 24 hours were very hard for me and I’m grateful so much for all your support you gave me in the emails. It makes it all feel worthwhile for me.
I would also like to say special thanks to my provider BlockDos and its support team that worked around the clock to get my site back online as soon as possible. You may know that it’s the best hosting provider for HYIPs and autosurfs and the fact that the best HYIP and autosurfs, Tradelite and MegaLido, are using BlockDos services speaks volumes about its quality. By way of proof, MegaLido has more than 20,000 members now and handling all this traffic and fighting DDoS-attacks can only be done by the most experienced and reliable hosting provider which is BlockDos. In my honest opinion if you ever consider opening your own online investment program or monitoring site there can’t be a better choice than BlockDos. And the example of the most successful programs online indicate this fact perfectly. By the way, the admin of BlockDos told me that if you mention that you were referred to BlockDos by Money-News-Online site he would give you a some good discount. I don’t know exactly what kind of discount you will get but anyway, just mention my site before purchasing their services and you will not be sorry.
Anyway, back to today’s news. The biggest buzz around today is over MegaLido. No, it didn’t disappear or stop paying. Not at all! Though this decision made by the admin of MegaLido Michael (read my interview with him here) made all LibertyReserve users shiver. Here it is:
“Most of your payments are being sent as usual, and much faster then the maximum time, set at 48 hours, but during the past few weeks we have been facing some problems with LibertyReserve, I always thought they were a very trustful payment processor as they are very known, but things are not working fine between us and them.
We keep our funds in several accounts of our associates and they have been blocking some of the accounts with funds that are related to MegaLido. I’m really tired of funding LibertyReserve with big bank wires and getting the accounts locked, because of that, upgrading from LibertyReserve is no longer an option on MegaLido.
I don’t know if they have anything against big merchants like us and I really hope it is just a mistake and that we can add it again in the future, but at least for now, that is not an option. If you are used to upgrading with LibertyReserve, you can use it to fund your SolidTrustPay or StrictPay account very fast and with low fees.
A lot of people have pending payments with LibertyReserve, all the ones that are less than $500 will be paid as usual, but if you have a payment that is bigger than that, I ask you to e-mail be at with your MegaLido account and e-currency accounts information and I’ll find a solution so that none of you will lose money, you will get paid to another e-currency, don’t worry about that.
I’m really sorry but this is something that needs to be done, we can’t afford to risk thousands of dollars daily and simply hope that LibertyReserve won’t lock the funds, if we solve our situation with them, it will become an option again later. I’m really sorry for any inconvenience this may cause you and I appreciate your support. I promise you that no one will lose money because of this, you will all be compensated and it will be good for the program.
Thanks a lot for understanding my situation and for being a part of this successful project, MegaLido.”
In a nutshell, LibertyReserve is not accepted anymore as an upgrade source in MegaLido until the further notice and the members with $500 or more in pendings or upgrades via LR are advised to contact Michael to be paid to different payment processor.
Well, in my opinion it is an absolutely appropriate solution and it’s always better be safe than sorry later, after this LibertyReserve issue will affect every upgrade and make the site close. If LibertyReserve is blocking any accounts without prior notice some measures should be implemented in order to safegaurd the program. In my opinion Michael has been an absolutely remarkable and far-sighted admin made the only right choice he was left with – he temporarily discontinued the usage of LibertyReserve. So far we have been left with three payment processors only: SolidTrustPay, AlertPay and StrictPay. So as you can see there is still a plenty of choices of your favorite e-currency. By the way, if you upgrade via StrictPay for the next couple of weeks you will receive 6% bonus from Michael which you can withdraw to your StrictPay account immediately. Some good news also was that missing upgrades will be taken care of soon, new support ticket system coming and the admin’s promise that all payouts will be still made within 48 hours and not 5 business days as was planned before.
As you can see there’s definitely many things to consider and think over which Michael mentioned in this update sent to the members of MegaLido recently:
“Several members got confused with last week’s newsletter when I asked your opinion about increasing the time for payments to 5 business days, as I’ve said, we’ll not implement that anytime soon and we’ll only do that in a far future if we think it is necessary, that is not something you should worry about. The maximum time you’ll wait for payments is still 48 hours and won’t be changed anytime soon, period. No more discussion on this topic, your opinion on that is very clear and we won’t change anything.
Also, do not forget out special StrictPay bonus, you’ll get a 6% bonus on all upgrades made with StrictPay, they are a new payment processor and we are fully endorsing them and do not forget our MegaContest 3 – Mega War is going on, there are a few thousands of dollars to be made in there, don’t miss it.
If you have upgraded your account and the funds didn’t show up, go to our private forum, the response will be much faster than sending us an e-mail, you should do it until our support ticket system is ready, after that, it will become much easier to solve these problems, just be a little patient, you are not going to lose anything, don’t worry.
Our new support system (that will work with tickets) will be ready this week, hopefully tomorrow and it will make things much easier. When it’s ready, please act with caution and do not panic, just take your time and submit the problems you have correctly, provide all the requested info, otherwise the process will be longer, just follow the instructions and the new support system will work perfectly.
Once again, I ask you all to help each other on the forums, I always read them but I don’t have much time to answer everyone in there, so if you know the answer for a question, answer it, you’ll be saving my time and you can get a prize from our contest just for doing that, a big thank you to the ones who are already doing it, I really appreciate that.
Sometimes we have good days, sometimes we have awful days but don’t let this ones hurt you. I’ve had plenty of deceptions and they were very useful to make me grow as a human being. Life is good, it’s the only thing you have and that will always be yours, money and properties come and go all the time, but your life doesn’t so it is our obligation to take good care of it and enjoy it. We don’t know how long we are going to be here, but as long as we do, let’s make this the most enjoyable thing we have.
Your life and the lives of the ones around you are the most precious things you’ll ever get to see, so go out there and live them, enjoy them, we’ll never know what comes tomorrow so make your life as enjoyable as you can and I’m sure it will be always be worth living it.
Another week is gone, and a better and stronger one is about to start. Have a good week!”
By the way, have you received the spamming emails from the admin of EuroMillionBux pretending to be paid emails from MegaLido. They were sent from address which doesn’t belong to the admin of MegaLido. Please beware of this spam and don’t join any program that is advertised by means of spam. They are certainly scammers looking for easy prey and you should be aware of them before joining this program.
Speaking of scammers I received several concerned emails from my readers where they stated that some of the passport scans used on NoRiskInvestment‘s “AboutUs” page are forged. Well, I don’t think that it will somehow affect the performance of NoRiskInvestment (read my review here) as we all know there was a slim chance of them putting their actual passports online. But it doesn’t mean that the program will necessary scam tomorrow. I still think NoRiskInestment is a good choice and this is why. Let’s take a look at another program that I reviewed and concluded that they had no physical address in London. I’m talking about Olympex-Group which is still performing very well though I know for sure that the program has no real office. Does it make it a bad program? Of course not. But will their lies affect their performance? Surely. But these peograms proved that they are here for the long haul and can be trusted even though they are just HYIPs and not online ventures. Another example is the interview with ANOI administration that I’m going to publish tomorrow and that will disclose that they probably don’t have proper registration either. Will it make them a bad choice for an average investor? Of course not as ANOI can certainly attract much money because it has a decent website with all the great features that I described in their review published here. Or finally take MajorBarter that stole texts from another website but seeing my review the admin changed the texts really fast. Do stolen texts prove that MajorBarter is a scam and don’t trade on Forex? And even if they were trading on Forex would they last longer than just a regular well-organized ponzi HYIP? There are so many questions to be discussed that I invite you to do so in my new forum that is going to be launched soon. I really hope that by discussing these things openly we could raise our education and general awareness level about HYIPs and autosurfs that will help us make our reasonable decisions in the future to make more money in the industry.
Let’s return to our regular news though. 8DailyForever autosurf that has been also affected by the severe DDoS-attack on BlockDos servers yesterday seems to be completely recovered and continues to reap the rewards of the enormous popularity of their 13% for 13 days plan that is available for everybody for a limited time only. It seems that 8DailyForever is still doing good being online for almost 6 months already and I hope it will continue like this. You can read my review of 8DailyForever for more details about the program here.
SurfExchange seems to be doing ok as well. The payouts are being processed fast and the program is growing steadily having reached more than 1,500 members already. Despite DDoS-attacks SurfExchange experienced yesterday it survived and the admin of the program (read my interview with him here) seems to be as confident as ever regarding the bright future for his program. Here’s the latest update from the admin of SurfExchange:
“Yesterday, we did some changes on our site for several hours. Our site went through a very strong DDoS attack. This was huge and the intention I guess was to bring us down permanently.
Immediately, we went to work to restore members confidence. We understand some members where already jiltery and all sort of comment where already coming in. For several hours, we where trying to ensure we solve this problem. I am proud to inform you that we have overcome this huge attack and we took some strong measures to ensure that it doesn’t happen again.
Now, we have moved to a dedicated server and a thoroughly monitored IP against ddos attack.
After solving this problem, all cashout were fulfilled and list of payments sent for your viewing.
If during the course of this change you experience some abnormalities in your account, please forward your complain and we will look to your issue and solve it as soon as possible.
If you have been paid, please ensure you post a snapshot of payment in monitor sites and forums according. SurfExchange is prospering and we are making alot of money. All members are happy because they are paid promptly.
You have been there for us so far and we promise to do you proud. Be confident, be positive, be optimistic and above all, enjoy a smooth experience with SurfExchange.”
Another successful autosurf Frogress that is paying 12% for 12 days with the payouts made on expiry (read my review of the program here) started accepting StrictPay yesterday. That’s why the admin sent out the update dedicated to this and how you can add StrictPay to your Frogress account:
“Just sending this e-mail message to inform you that Frogress is now verified with Strictpay and you can upgrade your account with StrictPay now.
In order to update your account and input your StrictPay payout details, you can click MODIFY PASSWORD link in your members area and you will see the instructions there.”
VolcanoInvest started to make refunds to those who lost money due to AlterGold’s collapse and I’m glad to report that I received my withdrawals to LibertyReserve today with an exchange ratio 5:1. Well, anyway it’s better than nothing. And I think the admin of VolcanoInvest (read my interview with him here) deserves our appreciation for running his program for nearly a month already. And it’s a great achievement for a program that is paying 105% in a day, 110% in 2 days or 120% in 3 days I must say.
TopProfitWorld site returned online after more than 24 hours of downtime which the admin explained as being down to some hosting issues. Anyway, I have requested my payout already and will report when I’m paid. So far TopProfitWorld has “Waiting” status on my monitoring page.
All other programs I’m monitoring seem to be doing well and I received many payouts for the last two days. All these programs paid me: MegaLido, 8DailyForever, NoRiskInvestment, FastProfitSurf, SurfExchange, MajorBarter, Commoditex, VolcanoInvest, GoldNuggetInvest, AggeroInvestment, Frogress, InoFund, Tradelite, SilverInvest, LargeSum, ANOI, URInvest, BlueBorgartFunds, WSSavior, MutualForexFund, HermisCapital, W-MTFund, MaxShare, SafeAtom and PanaMoney. I’ll see you on my blog tomorrow! Take care, guys!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Nov 5th, 2008. 1 Comment.
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