Hi, guys! Today I’m publishing an interview with the admin of Frogress program, Jake, who appears to be a very humorous guy. And it doesn’t just apply to the name of the program but also to the way he speaks. The interview was quite a very lively one with his colourful expressions and turn of phrase. Sometimes I thought I was magically transferred to Wonderland. But seriously, Frogress is a good quality 12% for 12 days program that was already described in my review here. So I won’t repeat myself and will instead give word to the admin of Frogress Jake.
“1. Hi Jake, please introduce yourself to my readers and tell us a bit about the history of Frogress. Why did you decide to open your own program? Do you have much experience in online investment programs?
First off. My name is Jake Terrano. I’m single and I am 28 years of age. Deciding to open an autosurf website of your own was not an easy task for me. I had to study and research how these autosurf programs worked and how I will be able to handle one. It needed a lot of dedication, time and patience to put up one. I had to make sure that it will be sustainable too so I decided to use after expiry payout plan. I have much experience as a member of programs and I will use that to my advantage. I will look at my website from a member’s point of view and then from there I will be able to pinpoint what the website needs to improve and cater to members’ needs.
2. What are the plans available from Frogress to invest in? How many sites do members need to surf in a day and will they be penalised somehow for missing a day?
Frogress only has 1 plan and that is the ever super duper amazingly popular 12% daily for 12 days and paying after expiry for that added stability on top of it all. You only need to surf 12 pages everyday and with a timer of 20 seconds. Members will need to contact froggie, ah sorry I talk like this on the forum and I got used to it. My name is jakethefrog over there, froggie for short. I will add the missed earnings if I am informed about it. But it has to be manually.
3. What are the minimum and maximum amounts investors are allowed to deposit in Frogress? What payment processors are you currently accepting? Will you be expanding this list anytime soon?
Minimum upgrade is only $6 and maximum is $6,000. Each unit cost is only $6 so you can start with as little as $6. We have 4 payment processors we accept right now. SolidTrustPay, AlertPay, LibertyReserve & StrictPay. I have no plan to expand the list right now but I am looking at PerfectMoney as an option in the future.
4. Online security is an ever increasing concern for my readers. Can you tell us about the security of your site? What script are you using? Are you on a dedicated server? What kind of protection do you have against hackers and DDos attacks?
Frogress uses neversay autosurf script which has proven itself as a very secure script to be used for autosurf. Frogress is on a powerful dedicated server with firewall and security measures in place to prevent hacking attempts and DDOS attacks as well. Although if DDOS attacks become too heavy for the security in place, we do have additional reinforcements in our arsenal. So no need to worry about it. Froggie is in control.
5. Frogress is certainly an eye-catching website but what kind of advertising plan / promotional strategy are you using to spread the word among potential investors? Are you holding any contests for the members to promote you?
Thank you for the nice words about the look of Frogress. I am impressed by its looks too. Very easy on the eyes. Currently we do have a referral contest and a promo, full details can give read here. Winners can win $100, $50, $25 and $5 in our contest and 5% for our promotions. Click that link to learn more.
With regards to advertising, we do have banner advertisements on most popular other programs and monitors and forums too. Frogress is also being advertised through word of mouth advertising by the happy froggies, oops sorry, I meant members. This is the most effective way of advertising as proven so far.
6. So what’s your verdict on the program’s growth and development so far? Are you pleased with the level of support offered by members? Could anything be improved on?
I am just so happy to see the growth on Frogress exceed my expectations. We have more than 1300 members so far and upgrades are overflowing on all 4 processors. Members are happy to express their support and are happy to be part of Frogress. I get e-mails and messages from members how happy they are and that is very fulfilling.
7. Christmas is fast approaching and that can often be a pretty quiet time for both HYIPs and autosurfs. Are you confident about getting through this? What plans do you have for the near future? Where do you see Frogress going between now and the end of January 2009?
I am confident that if members are happy with the program they will stay even if they are quite busy. I may add a no-surf plan for the member’s convenience at that time. Do you think it will be useful? Frogress will surely endure until January judging by the growth rate as I see it now. I cannot say that it will be the best autosurf for everyone but I can say that it will be one of the leading options if one wants to make money on autosurfing.
8. On a less serious note, I just can’t help myself but ask about the name “Frogress” and the whole frog theme. Where did you come up with all that?
I was watching this news channel on TV and I heard the word Progress when they were discussing about a country’s economy. Being a humorous and fun person as I am. I played with the words and changed P with F and it became Frogress. Frog is used by chinese folks as a lucky charm with those frog figurines with coins in their mouths. I am not chinese but found them fascinating. Progress and Frogress do not sound so different so I thought about introducing Frogress. Checked it online and it was available to my surprise. Then that is it. I knew people would be intrigued and that’s one selling point of Frogress.
9. What do you think makes your program any better than any other autosurf around at the moment?
I know I cannot boast and brag about how unique the program is when it is not unique at all. The design might be unique but that’s secondary to what members are looking for.
What I can only say is that you can be assured that Frogress is one of the websites with the best customer support. Members like a fast response and I mean fast by the minute or just few hours at max. You can survey the members from Frogress and ask them about my customer support. That is one thing I can brag about. Members feel confident when they get answers quicker. And that’s where I stand out.
10. There seems to be an almost baffling number of online investment programs out there now competing for our money. If you have just one thing to say to investors to encourage them to pick yours before any other, what would it be?
I have to agree with you Paul. There is a big number of new programs sprouting everyday and it’s hard to stand out on the competition but as my answer to previous question, I suggest to try Frogress. If you encounter problems or have questions send a support ticket. See how quickly your concern is addressed and judge it from there. Do you want to be part of a program that takes days to answer your urgent questions or not receive an answer at all? I bet you don’t so try Frogress. Being a member too I know how important customer support is. Frogress stands out in that area of concern.
11. And finally, what is your honest opinion of my blog? Is it a beneficial resource for investors do you think? Would you change anything?
Money-news-online is a haven for investors and administrators alike. Quality reviews and interviews are abundant and honesty is a key point. Your website has all the elements that make it complete and qualified to be called a one stop shop for everyone who is looking for quality information. 3 thumbs up to you Paul! Ok so now you know I am a man. Haha. Have a nice day Paul!”
I also think that Frogress is already a very successful program with more than 1400 members already and I agree the admin is providing the very fast support and is working hard on all the other issues an autosurf site can experience. Since the first payouts on expiry have now been processed, an explosive growth in membership is really about to begin in earnest for Frogress. And I honestly think you deserve to become a part of Frogress program and step into the profitable Frogress kingdom. See you on my blog tomorrow, guys!
Filed under Interviews by on Nov 11th, 2008. 2 Comments.
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