Feb 16th, 2009 Archives

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Hi guys. Today I’m pleased to bring you another interview I did recently, this time with Francis Godin from the recently launched 12Dreams autosurf. It’s been open for investments since the second of February and has recently completed its first round of payments on expiry to investors, myself included. Just to refresh your memory, 12Dreams is an autosurf of the “classic” variety offering the chance to earn 12% daily on your investment for 12 days in return for surfing 12 sites per day. For a more detailed analysis you can always refer back to my original review published here. But first let’s meet Francis and see what he has to say about 12Dreams.

1) Hi, Francis. Please introduce yourself to the readers of Money-News-Online and tell us what online experience you have in running autosurfs. Is it your first program or do you have there been others? Are you running 12Dreams alone or do you have any assistance?

Hi Paul and hi to all your readers, my name is Francis Godin, I am 38 years old and I am one of the 12Dreams admins. I spent the last 3 years as an investor so I know what it takes to make investments successful. I joined 12Dreams to share my experience and to show the online community that dreams do come true.

2) What is the plan 12Dreams offers to the potential investors and why did you choose exactly this plan? Do you think it will make your program sustainable in the long run?

The 12% for 12 days plan is by far the most successful one in the autosurf industry and we chose it long before the official launch because it made sense to us. You can make 44% by living the dream and cash out your principle plus profits after 12 days.

3) On 12Dreams site you claim that you receive much of your income from advertisement sales? Can you tell us more about this? What other sources of income do you have for your program?

We installed a three man team to sell advertisements, we also invest in eastern European markets for the simple reason that there is growing potential and long term stability. These markets are in a unique position to offer products and services at a lower cost in comparison to the rest of the industrialized world. Close to the European market, yet competing at below average prices.

4) What is the minimum amount to deposit in 12Dreams? If I miss a day of surfing does it mean I will lose my earnings for the day?

The minimum is $6 what is classic and also a fair and small amount for everyone to dream with us. If you do not surf a day, you not make money on this day. Yes we pay you for surfing, so our advertisers have their websites viewed.

5) What payment processors do you accept and why did you choose them as your payment options? Is this the final list of payment processors or should we expect more additions in the near future?

12Dreams accepts LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, StrictPay, SolidTrustPay, AlertPay and EvoWallet (this one is new and was recommended, so far no one is using it, so we might drop it in the future). If you know different payment options, feel free to share it with us, we might add it into 12Dreams.

6) What kind of script do you use to run 12Dreams on? Do you think it provides all the necessary features to run a successful autosurf program?

We chose the neversay script and it has turned out to be easy to use and completely secure. I am not sure there is any other good script on the market, but I can say we are absolutely happy with neversay and their support.

7) What hosting provider did you choose to host 12Dreams? Why was that choice made and did this provider meet your expectations in terms of uptime and accessibility of your site to the members?

We ordered the surf package, design, host and banners from hushhosting.com at a very reasonable price. They took care of everything and I love how it looks exactly like my dream, I love their hosting and design support. Most other autosurf sites are slower and have trouble with uptime but hushhosting.com has provided excellent security and DDoS protection so far.

8 ) What are points of contact the members of 12Dreams can reach you when they have some issues with their accounts? What is the most common question you were contacted with?

Most common is I love your site, lol. But we are online almost 24 hours every day to fix issues if there would be any.

9) What is your promotional strategy especially now when the first payouts on expiry have already been processed? Are you satisfied with the members’ support so far? What level of reinvestments do you think will be the healthiest one for 12Dreams program?

We have strategically placed ads on well known sites and I am proud to tell you that more than 700 new members signed up in just 12 days. We also selected your site! So you see, we only pick the best.

10) What are your plans for the near future? How much time do you honestly think 12Dreams program can be running? What if your investment strategy fails and you lose the most part of the money? Do you have some reserve funds in order to run your program for some time if the members’ support is low?

12Dreams has an advantage. We invest part of our incoming funds while we aggressively push (and award) ad sales.
An autosurf program can only survive if these primary activities are on track, otherwise it becomes nothing more than a Ponzi. We have a dream, and the dream is to make this program the biggest and best ever. Besides, we would not call our program 12Dreams if we didn’t plan at least 12 months ahead!

11) What do you think will differentiate 12Dreams from similar internet autosurfs? In other words why should an average investors make the choice to invest in your program?

As mentioned in the previous question, we make investments and push for sales, this should split us apart from others, and make this dream a beautiful one.

12) What is your honest opinion about MNO blog? Do you think it provides the most up-to-date info from the HYIP and autosurf world? What would you change if you were an admin of MNO?

I particularly like that you take the time to inform people about faltering programs, and try to help good programs to succeed, I sincerely hope that this interview will lead to many more favorable comments on your part. With your recommendation, our dream is well on its way to become long and successful!

Thanks a lot to Francis for taking the time to answer my questions. I think it was all pretty straight forward and easy to understand. I’d just like to add that 12Dreams and its admin have proved their intentions to run a serious program that will hopefully survive for several months to come. There has been a number of decent quality autosurfs launched recently and I believe 12Dreams is among the better ones and can be considered as extremely competitive. This one might just run for quite a while. Of course only time will prove if this is true but for now I have to say they are well worth a few dollars. Don’t be afraid to dream at least, lol!

P.S. By the way, I just want to mention that I have joined SteadyDailyProfit today. This is a very promising autosurf which is paying 14.5% daily for ten days (145%) in return for surfing twenty sites daily with the payouts processed on expiry. There is $10 minimum upgrade with four payment processors currently accepted: LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, AlertPay and StrictPay. Although SolidTrustPay is listed on the site I was not able to find it among accepted payment processors yet. I suppose STP will be added later. You should be aware that SteadyDailyProfit is charging a 2% deposit fee so prepare to pay 2% more when upgrading. The site of SteadyDailyProfit launched just a couple of days ago but already has more about 300 members. It’s already survived the first DDoS-attack which was successfully mitigated by their hosting provider BlockDos – the world leader in providing DDoS-protection for autosurf websites. The site is hosted on a BlockDos dedicated server and is using Neversay script. The design is pretty good and the payments are promised to be processed within 24 hours upon request. There is also 3-tier ref commissions available so SteadyDailyProfit looks pretty good for successful promoters as well. Anyway, the site looks better than a usual autosurf and I hope it will bring us some profits. I’m going to review SteadyDailyProfit on my blog tomorrow, so don’t miss it!

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