Feb 26th, 2009 Archives

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Hi everybody! I don’t know about you guys but I for one am always interested in learning more about the inner workings of the HYIP and autosurf industry. There is a lot more going on there than just the investment programs and it never hurts to get as good an understanding as possible on every facet of this business. Today I have an interview with a man who many of you will already be familiar with and hardly needs an introduction at all. He’s the manager of one of the most successful autosurfing programs in recent memory with AggeroInvestment and has proved himself time and time again to be a man impeccable character and integrity. I am talking about Roger Clark and in an industry that is quite frankly infested with crooks and con men, men like this are a rare asset. It’s interview number three with Roger but today I’m not talking about his role in AggeroInvestment. I’m talking with him in relation to his latest project, an online e-currency exchanger called XChanger. Really, is there anything the man can’t do, lol! He is currently offering exchanges between SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve and StrictPay. I’ve checked it all out myself personally and I have to say it works perfectly, as you might expect from anything Roger is involved with, but the rates are highly competitive too. Let’s hear what he has to say about it all.

1. Hi, Roger. Please introduce yourself to the readers of Money-News-Online and tell us a bit about your background.

Hello MNO readers! I am Roger Clark, admin of both AggeroInvestment (AI) which is a manual surf site, and XChanger, an e-currency exchanger. Early this month, I transferred over the reins of AggeroInvestment to the Premium Ads Club (PAC) admins to further pursue some of my other projects (one of which is the exchanger), but due to unforseen circumstances regarding the closure of PAC, I took over AggeroInvestment again last Feb. 22nd.

2. What led you to open your own exchanger? What purpose did you have in mind when launching XChanger?

This has been me and my programmer’s other pet project from the start but was shelved due to AI’s demand for attention and time. Our original plan was to integrate this to the AI script, but we went further ahead and decided that this should be a completely separate program but with the option to easily integrate to ANY program currently out there. The main exchange feature is already working fine, but the business integration is still currently being worked on.

3. Do you think the new XChanger will be successful and able to compete with other well established ones?

I believe so. I am staking my name on this one. Many people already know that I am honest as proven by how I run AI. They can even ask the PAC admins that I transferred all AI funds without asking for payment or anything in return. All I wanted was to retain the referrals I’ve built in PAC from promoting their program. And access to the AI Admin area so I can continue helping members who needs support.

I am also using the three most popular payment processors being used right now in the HYIP and autosurf industry while other exchangers don’t, so that gives me another edge.

4. I know that you are accepting three payment processors currently: SolidTrustPay (STP), StrictPay (SP) and LibertyReserve (LR). Why only these ones? What about AlertPay (AP) or PerfectMoney (PM)? Do you plan to accept more payment processors for exchange in the near future?

It is really unfortunate that AP cannot be included as it is a violation of their User Agreement to allow exchangers. We contacted them but they turned down our offer. Maybe I just have to prove myself first in the long run then I can request again in the future. As for PM and any other payment processor for that matter, if the demand is high and we believe it can be profitable then we will definitely add them.

5. What are current exchange rates? Will it be flexible and how often are you going to change it?

Currently, the exchange rates are as follows as taken from the main page:

From STP to LR –> 8.0% + $0.25
From STP to SP –> 8.0% + $0.25

From LR to STP –> 4.0% + $0.25
From LR to SP –> 4.0% + $0.25

From SP to STP –> 4.0% + $0.25
From SP to LR –> 4.0% + $0.25

It will be flexible based on the market’s current trend and demand. But for now, we will stick with these rates.

6. How much time will it usually take from the moment of sending the money to you to the member actually receiving back to their e-currency account?

It will depend on what e-currency they are going to use. STP and SP exchanges takes not more than 72 hours for a first time exchange (BRONZE level), not more than 48 hours for a second time exchange (SILVER level), and not more that 24 hours for a third (or more) successful exchanges (GOLD level). This is done for security purposes as we verify from the payment processors directly if the exchange is valid and non-fraudulent. As for LR, it is fulfilled within 24 hours no matter what the level as they have a strict no-refund policy. We also have other security measures in place to prevent fraud which includes maximum amount that can be exchanged per week and the number of exchange allowed based on your level. All of which can be found under ‘Membership Levels’ on the main XChanger page.

7. Does your XChanger have some official sanction from LibertyReserve, StrictPay or SolidTrustPay? Are they aware of your existence?

Yes, from all of them. They all know our existence. I made sure that none of our accounts will be blocked should they find out about us. We can contact both STP and SP to verify a transfer deposit to our account. And LR will give us an exchanger account (starts with an X instead of a U) after 5 months of successful exchanges.

8. Why can’t I make an exchange without signing up? Please tell us more about the different member ship levels and what the difference is between them.

This will help us verify your status in the future should you want to make more exchanges. We do not need a lot of info from the customer… in fact, we just need a username and an email address. The username will be tied to your level, while the email address will be used to send status updates of the exchange. I will also use the email address to send updates regarding the exchanger so members would know the new features being integrated. As for the membership levels, please see #6.

9. Where is the XChanger site hosted? Is it safe from possible hackers attacks or database issues? Do you run the site alone or is there somebody helping you out?

We actually looked for a highly rated hosting provider that is not tied up with HYIPs nor autosurfs. I believe we are safer with them against hackers. We are mainly concerned more about the uptime that the host can provide. One of the reason for this is we really do not expect a lot of traffic and bandwidth on our site as not everybody really needs an exchange. The site’s security itself is built within the script. Just like AI, it was our priority when it was being programmed and tested. Right now, I and my programmer can run this by ourselves.

10. You’re online for more than a week already. Tell us about the experience so far. What did you like the most: running a surfing program or an exchanger?

Glad you asked this! Comparing the two, it is way easier and stress-free to run the exchanger than running a surfing program definitely! It can even be boring at times. But they are two different worlds though, it just depends on how much time you can dedicate to running each one. Currently, XChanger has a little over 200 members while AI has more than 8000 members now. I’ve had more time before to run AI but I sacrificed a lot along the way. I knew I had to give up being an admin of AI to get my normal life back on track. That was the reason I handed it over to the PAC admins. But I had to get it back again as they get their program back on track. Now, many were asking me why not just hire helpers, but to tell you the truth, it is more complicated than that (no details but it is a “trust” thing if your readers really want to know). I really cannot trust anybody to run the program efficiently and better than the PAC admins so I approached them… but the rest is history and now I am back!

11. What are the ways that you’re going to promote your program? Do you have some advertising budget or will you be relying only on word of mouth?

I am glad I still have access to the AI database via mass email and banners… best promotional tool currently! And of course, the trust that I have built along the way with my members. Add to that MNO blog then I really do not need to pay anybody else to promote. Most of my customers will be people who are members of AI and PAC and your readers anyway.

12. Do you have a referral program for existing members and if yes how does it work?

Yes. Simply sign-up and use this link https://www.xchanger.biz/signup.php?ref={your username here} to promote the site. Take note that you should use https:// and not http://. Once a prospect clicks your link then they will be signed-up under you and you will receive a percentage of the profit we will make. Currently, we are still discussing the rates that we are going to give and is not implemented yet. But you can already sign-up people under you. The banner links for promoting the program are:


13. I know that your exchanger just started its online work. But I would still love to hear about your plans for the future? What other features (if any) are you planning to launch soon?

As mentioned above, some of my plans for the exchanger are (1) business integration with ANY programs currently out right now. (2) Additional payment processors based on the amount of request and popularity. (3) Better turnaround times and better exchange rates. (4) Buy and sell e-currency via bank wires and/or Western Union. And (5) Debit cards.

As for my OTHER plans in the future, none at the moment, but we’ve had talks on how we can improve AI some more, plan more exciting contests, raffles and bonuses, and a little talk about a new long-term program.

14. What do you think are the main features that will distinguish your XChanger from other exchangers? What would you like to say to the readers of Money-News-Online blog?

I believe our exchanger will stand out because (1) I will be using the popular processors that are being used most often by members of different programs. (2) Our turn-around time is better than the other exchangers. (3) Trust between me and the members is a big factor in their decision. (4) No exchanger currently can be integrated in HYIPs or autosurf programs. (5) Support I give is definitely on par, if not better, compared to any of them. So with that, I invite you all MNO readers to try XChanger and see the difference a trusted admin can make in all your exchanging needs.

I was thinking of a good way to sum up my own opinion of XChanger, but honestly I can’t possibly come up with a better summary than Roger’s last answer. So I’ll just be lazy and tell you go back and read it twice, lol! Seriously though, anybody who has dealt with Roger in AggeroInvestment will know what to expect here. The level of service here is on a par as he said, not with the other exchangers, but with AggeroInvestment. That level exceeds what is offered by his competitors. He has been building his reputation and earning the trust on the online community by leading by example and seems to have some kind of Midas Touch when it comes to project management. I have no doubt that only time will tell if I am right but I honestly think we’ll be hearing about XChanger for a long time to come. Expect it to become comfortably one of the leading and most competitive priced e-currency exchangers in operation. So I’ll just finish by congratulating Roger on his new business and wish him every success for the future!

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