February 2009 Archives

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Hi everybody! Well it’s been busy start to the week so far in terms of programs coming and going with some recent ones appearing to falter somewhat and have some payment issues. More about that in a moment in my news section. But first I think it best to start, as usual, with something more positive. A new autosurf I’ve been watching for a while now is 16DailyPay and I’d like to review it for you today. I should just point out first by the way that if you were expecting a review of SteadyDailyProfit today but as I have now received my first payment on expiry from 16DailyPay I decided to review that instead. Check back here tomorrow to see more about SteadyDailyProfit.

I admit I have been keeping this review on the long finger for a while and perhaps wrongly so. In light of some recent events concerning autosurfs and the fact that a lot of rumors began to circulate on various forums suggesting possible links between 16DailyPay and other programs. I was never really convinced about these links anyway but decided it best to wait until the first payouts on expiry were made. That was enough to satisfy me that 16DailyPay was worth a review. All I can say to those of you that might be a bit suspicious is that many programs are indeed run by the same admin but unless you have some connections in the FBI you’re not going to conclusively prove anything. Better then to just treat every program individually like a game and accept there is a certain risk involved in all online HYIPs and autosurfs.

And so on to the investment plan. 16DailyPay offers you 16% daily on your investment for 8 days. Thats 128% in total. For this you need to surf just eight sites daily. The minimum investment here, I.e the price of one ad pack is $8 and the maximum number of ad packs you can buy is 1,000 or $8000 in value. There are for the moment a total of four payment options available including LibertyReserve, StrictPay, AlertPay and the recently launched EvoWallet.

16DailyPay is hosted on a dedicated server which has to be considered a major plus in any programs favor. It’s hosted by HushHosting who are widely respected in this area for providing a good all round service to their clients with a decent level of anti-DDoS protection and a decent level of technical support. The script is the ever popular Neversay.

The growth of 16DailyPay has been a bit sluggish to say the least until now. Due in no small part I’m sure to a lot of negative comments being passed around the forums linking the admin to a variety of other sites. Little evidence was ever presented as far as I could see to back any of this up though, and if anybody out there has any facts, I am still waiting to hear them. Another factor that didn’t help was the admin being somewhat slow in addressing some payment issues. A perceived lack of interest can never be welcome by investors. 16DailyPay does seem to be turning the corner now and after completing its first round of payouts on expiry and more and more investors are giving the program a second look. The admin finally seems to have gotten herself organized as well and is now much more active in managing the program and dealing with members concerns. And maybe the slower growth might not be entirely a bad thing either. We have seen a couple of high profile autosurfs with very rapid growth in the early stages get into some trouble recently so maybe a slow burner like this might not be so bad. It might just add to the long term stability of the project.

So to conclude I’d like to say that despite some negative opinions being thrown around, the fact remains that 16DailyPay is in fact a paying program, but like all programs treat it like a gamble. There are better programs out there but you know there are a whole lot worse too. Worth a few dollars as part of a diversified portfolio.

Other news for today.

Wow, what a day it was, guys! It seems everything is collapsing and many promising programs are on the way down. Take 12Dreams for example. Yesterday I published an interview and today the admin stopped payments and the admin Francis doesn’t answer emails and seems to be gone. On 12Dreams site it is stated that the payouts are processed twice a day but for the last 24 hours nobody has received anything. Of course, the lack of communication from the admin was the last straw that made me put his program to Waiting status on my monitoring page. Even if the admin magically appears now and made all the payouts the damage has done already and it would be extremely difficult for him to regain members’ trust in the program.

Giant-Investment is also gone and just two days after an interview with the admin was published on my blog the payouts halted. It’s been moved to Not Paying status already. There seems to be a strange pattern developing with some programs going down shortly after they give the interview for my blog. I don’t know what can be done about this but if you have any ideas about how to eliminate such problems you’re welcome to share them with me.

Strictly speaking it’s not only a problem on my blog. Look at how the admin of URInvest behaved – he published a couple of interviews on some other blogs and just after two days the payouts stopped. (By the way, he asked me to publish another interview on my blog but I refused as I honestly believed there was no reason for it.) To tell you the truth he promised to pay to all the members soon and blamed the issues with the database which caused an issue with double payouts. This is the latest update published on public forums today:
For general information, due to previously reported database errors, we sent several duplicate payments and ask users to return funds (thanks to those who already did).
We currently are continuing payouts in manual mode to users with bigger deposits and to the accounts which we know don’t have any errors, but there might be delays in processing of payouts to the rest of our users, due to the large volume and the need to correct our database errors.
Per our communication with supporting software experts, the error was caused because of the multiple database tables having the same names. This is an error is not a software, but that of our staff.
When we were adding extra credits for missed days to users, whose deposits were not processed automatically for technical reasons, we’ve created the same name customized plans to account for such credits, which is now causing errors.
Our apologies for this issue.

Although from my own personal experience even if the above mentioned is true (which I doubt very much btw!) it’s almost impossible for a program to recover after such an issue. However if URInvest is a real investment opportunity and not a ponzi scam like the admin stated many times it will not be a problem for me even if the cash flow is affected so it would be a real good test of survival for him. But I really doubt that URInvest was a program with real investments involved as there was no evidence presented on it. Ever. Moreover, it seems kinda weird to me that the admin of URInvest Paul promised to introduce AP and STP soon and delayed it till the last moment. Now I can see the reason for it – he probably didn’t want to get his accounts verified because as you may know AP and STP will freeze your account if there is suspicion of fraudulent activity and of course the admin didn’t want his money to be confiscated by these processors. Let’s wait and see anyway what will happen but for now I’m putting URInvest to Waiting status! So far I can see no votes on forums that anybody got paid so it’s not recommended to waste money on URInvest now.

ImmenseInvest is paying selectively. Alas, I can say this after I received some angry emails from some of my readers. Of course I contacted the admin and of course he didn’t reply. Moreover, you can see on the site of ImmenseInvest that the rating page was removed which speaks by itself. I have been paid today but maybe it happened because I invested via PerfectMoney. I don’t know what the reason for not-payment yet but it’s enough for me to put ImmenseInvest to Paying selectively status on my monitoring page. It’s definitely not recommended to invest in all the programs that are listed as Problematic no matter what status they are having.

The most popular autosurf now – AggeroInvestment (reviewed here) – were having some issues today. AggeroInvestment for example seemed to have had some database issues as no one was able to login to their accounts. It seems Roger was called back once again to fix this issue and he did so brilliantly in less than an hour. The only concern now is the missing upgrades or withdrawals that might be discovered by the members so you’re advised to double-check your accounts and if you find put something not ok please contact Roger regarding this. Here is the latest update from him:
Kindly check your accounts after logging-in and make sure everything is fine. I mentioned this because based on the number of members signed-up before it went offline, I believe we are two down as of now. So I am not sure if some of the deposits or withdrawals were lost also.
If you find anything, please email me at aggeroinvestment@gmail.com and include all the details. Thank you.

Is 24over going down? I don’t think so. Honestly, there would be reasons to worry if the admin was not on MMG forum calming down everybody. If you don’t know what happened yet I’m in hurry to report that 24over7 was hit by a large DDoS-attack today which seems even BlackLotus couldn’t handle properly. The site of 24over7 is currently inaccessible. It appears today there might be a surf holiday announced but I’m not sure if the admin of 24over7 Jim (read my interview with him here) will do it. Anyway, he promised that nobody would be affected by this constrained downtime meaning everybody who would not be able to surf will be credited when the site is back up. I have no reason to doubt him as I can see that he’s doing everything possible to get the program back on track. Here is the latest update from BlackLotus regarding this downtime:
James, The protection should be ready in less than a day. Unfortunately, it takes some time to setup the routing. Right now I’m waiting on my data center to do their part.
So don’t panic and wait when the site is back online! Anyway, there’s nothing we can do about it.
EDIT: Now the site is back up for me and I can already surf and earn again. If you still can’t access 24over7 allow several hours until it’s accessible in all parts of the world. The protection has been upgraded so hopefully DdoS-issues will be a thing of the past from now on.

As I have already mentioned in my review of 16DailyPay I have received my first payout on expiry today. It was quite a big amount which was paid pretty fast to my StrictPay account so I’m going to reupgrade more tomorrow. Although 16DailyPay is growing very slow (only 61 active members currently) I believe it was a result of the issues with missing upgrades from the beginning and low support from the admin. Anyway, everybody seems to get paid now and the admin just sent an update today informing that the first payouts on expiry have been processed:
Dear members, We have paid all members as of yesterday, except for a member with user id = 57 who did not include his/her StrictPay payment details correctly. We are progressing and will like to thank all members for the support.

The admin of SteadyDailyProfit that I joined just yesterday came out with some good news today. The program is growing fast and the admin’s SolidTrustPay account was finally verified and STP has been added as another payment processor. Well, I myself received the first payouts from SteadyDailyProfit and am going to review it on my blog tomorrow. This is today’s update from the admin of SteadyDailyProfit which is paying 14.5% for 10 days:
I welcome you all to SteadyDailyProfit. As you know, this is our first news letter since site was launched barely 72 hours ago.
Our growth rate has been very promising. As at last count, SteadyDailyProfit has well over 300 members with almost half of our members as upgraded. This is an average of 100 members per day. I am sure by the end of today, our membership base would have gone up drastically.
Lots of members have been calling for addition of SolidTrustPay payment option to be added to our site. I am please to inform you that STP has been added. Members can now upgrade their account using STP.
Contest will follow as soon as we hit 1000 members. We will always keep you posted as new issues arise. Ensure you vote and leave your comments on forums. This will enable us know and respond swiftly to members concerns. Thank you all for making SteadyDailyProfit a success story.

Let’s finally talk about some HYIPs which impressed me recently with their stable performance. First It’s ResidualForexIncome (reviewed here). Yes. This program is celebrating 6 months online. I myself as being an active member since the first days would like to send my best regards to the admin Mike (read my interview with him here) who made ResidualForexIncome a huge success though not many of the investors believed it would last for so long at that time. There was some new temporary plan introduced that will pay you 111% after 10 days. The deposit amounts can range between $10 and $3,000 and all three e-currencies are accepted: LibertyReserve, AlertPay and PerfectMoney. I don’t know for how much time this plan will be available for the investors so don’t miss this opportunity. Here is the email I have received from the admin of ResidualForexIncome today:
Here is some special great news. Today RFI is celebrating the 6th months anniversary online!
Step by step we made passive money making possible for over 1600 members already. Let’s grow together!
ATTENTION! We would like to announce a special gift dedicated to celebrating this event.
For a limited time of 10 days only anyone is free to join RFI Espresso investment package of 111% AFTER 10 DAYS for every deposit ranging from $10 up to $3000. We know that most of our members prefer short term investment. Now it is possible to enjoy it!
Just log into your RFI account and check “Deposit” section. Espresso limited package has been added into the profile for a limited time of 10 days only.
Thanks for staying with RFI and stay tuned!

BVIuion (reviewed here) is still doing well and I’m impressed so far with how the admin is handling things. Despite that he refused to answer my questions for the interview (maybe it’s a good thing after all, lol) I have decided to move BVIuion to my list of Personal Favorites today as a reward for a flawless performance and instant payouts for quite a long time already. I hope BVIuion will keep its cool performance in the long term. And this is the latest update from the admin:
First of all,we have been noticed some member received some spam sign by BVIuion recently. Now we announce to everyone that we will not spam in anyway, and we hope our members will not promote us by spam. You can promote in general way like post topic in some HYIP forum, or rate us for ‘great’ in HYIP monitor. We appreciate what you have done.
Secondly, Automatic Payment is the payment way we will insist on (PerfectMoney is not included). If you don’t get paid by using automatic payment,the reason of this is our account don’t have enough to pay you,don’t worry about it,pelase contact us immediately,and we will add funds to bank as soon as possible to make sure the system is working.
If you have any advice, please feel free to contact us by email.

Finally I would like to mention about another update I received from the admin of SilverLodge (formerly SilverInvest):
I was getting many emails that some earnings not showing up minutes after the server time switch over, the weekly plan is somehow a few hours or even up to one day different as the server time shows, so please do not send more support tickets all is fine, until I have time to answer all this emails it shows up already and I check the accounts for nothing, but loose time in transferring the few missing people
The minimum request is now $2.5 and so you cannot request cashouts under this amount.
We are now in progress to compare the old database with the new one and all payments will run normally as from there on.
I also like to mention we spend a lot of time and money to make this progress and change happen for the safeties for our members, I am proud to did this and be happy we make a difference in your investment portfolio.
Please be also informed 48 hours from now we will repoint the SilverInvest page to SilverLodge so you cannot access the old site from this moment.

As far as I know the majority of members have been transferred already and I know that Louise works hard to assure that every account has been credited properly. I have a surprise for you, guys. I believe it’s the time to publish the interview with the admin of SilverLodge Louise and I think I’ll do it on Thursday.

Before saying good-bye I would like to report on the payments I have received today and yesterday from the following programs: AggeroInvestment, ResidualForexIncome, ImokTrade, 24over7, GoldNuggetInvest, ComradeFinance, NovalexFinance, CapitalCorpex, BVIuion, MajorBarter, 16DailyPay, Online7Trades, UCGCapital, ForexInv, Pioneer-Fund, AcrylicTrade, NordicMutualFunds, InstantPayments, IntensifyFunds, Nova-Surf, NanoMoneyCorp, HermisCapital, ANOI, TrustCapital, 4BrothersInvestments, DukasFund, ImmenseInvest, PanaMoney, and SteadyDailyProfit (the first ref commissions received). See you on my blog tomorrow and hopefully it will be a better day for investors!

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