Mar 5th, 2009 Archives

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Hi guys! This as you may notice is my second post today and the first time I’ve had to do this but really I just want to clear the backlog of programs I signed up for recently and haven’t managed to review yet. Hopefully I won’t have to do it so often as it can be a bit time consuming and I know also it is a bit much to hold everybody’s attention until the end, or to expect regular readers to read my blog twice. But then again if you think the reviews and interviews are somehow interesting I hope you won’t mind so much. And so for today’s second post I want to look at a MesirowFinance. It’s a recently launched HYIP that has two short term plans available. Members of the recently reviewed Invest-Power will instantly recognize the same bespectacled blond smiling back at you from both home pages so an honorable mention must go out to that lady’s agent, lol!

As for the plans themselves, well I said there was two of them but realistically I would only take one of them any way seriously. That’s called “The Standard Plan” and it will pay you 112% interest on your investment after 5 days. The minimum to deposit here is $20 which is a little higher than your average HYIP but I think affordable to most people with access to a computer nonetheless. The maximum figure to invest is $4999. LibertyReserve is the only payment processor accepted at the moment and I expect that to remain the case. Payments will be made directly into your account there.

I suppose in the interests of fairness I also need to give a quick mention to the other plan which is called “The Gold Plan”. The minimum investment in it is a whopping $5000 and goes all the way up to $100,000 so I doubt there will be many takers but if you have it to spare you have a chance to earn 118% interest after 5 days. Do you really need me to question the wisdom of investing figures like that in an online HYIP for you? I didn’t think so.

The security of MesirowFinance is reasonable enough. They are hosted on a dedicated server which is always a huge advantage in my book, although it is through BlackLotus. Long term readers will know I have somewhat mixed feelings to say the least on those guys which I don’t need to repeat here. But I will concede they can provide a good service. If they want to that is. And also there is no script involved but that need not interest you as, like I mentioned, payments are direct to your LR account. Their home page makes the claim that they are a registered company for whatever that’s supposed to be worth these days but offer no further information to support that. They list an address in Chicago USA so any readers in that area with an hour to spare might go take a look for us. The FAQ page makes the rather irresponsible claim that your principal is guaranteed 100% from being lost. I strongly urge you to ignore that statement.

Overall I have to say there is nothing to get too excited about in MesirowFinance but there are just a couple of other points that I must mention. Firstly I simply must commend them for coming through the recent difficulties with LR without missing a single payment. There must be something else in the tank keeping them running. I don’t know what it is but I sure ain’t complaining! The other thing is the striking similarities between this and ComradeFinance. I’m not suggesting a link or anything, though if there were it might not be such a bad thing. I’m merely pointing out an example of a program with a similar five day plan and saying that there is a precedent set for for such programs to be a success. ComradeFinance for instance has been running without any problems for six weeks, and also despite only accepting LR successfully came through that recent crisis also without missing a payment. So without getting too enthusiastic about it successful examples are out there, so MesirowFinance is worth taking a gamble on as part of a well diversified portfolio.

Just one more thing is the referral commission system. You are asked to select your referrer manually from a drop-down box when joining. If you wish to support money-news-online and be in my downline please do so. I try my best to provide the readers here with the most accurate and up to date information on all the programs I’m in so it would be much appreciated.

Other news for today.

First of all I’m glad to announce that two programs that I marked as Problematic on my blog yesterday may actually survive. I’m talking about StablePackages (reviewed here) and ResidualForexIncome (reviewed here) programs. They both have already been moved to Paying status and I even upgraded StablePackages to my Personal Favorites status. It really wasn’t expected that the admin of StablePackages (read my interview with him here) not only would be able to process pending withdrawals that piled up while LibertyReserve payment processor was offline but also would be able to continue to be active and optimistic about the future of StablePackages. This is the latest mass email that he sent to the members just a couple of hours ago:
Dear members, We are proud to announce that Stable Packages interview has been published on blog recently. The program keeps growing stably and is getting more mature. Me and my team are warmly thankful for your trust and support. We would greatly appreciate if you could spend a couple of minutes to support our project on public forums and monitors.

As for ResidualForexIncome it seems the program hasn’t solved all their issues with LR who have blocked their account. But anyway the admin of the program (read my interview with him here) was able to pay all the current pendings to AlertPay accounts instead of LR’s. If you’re still having some problem and wern’t paid please submit a support ticket as described in the following most recent update from the administration of ResidualForexIncome and you will be definitely helped and your issue will be fixed:
RFI is dealing with 2 main issues at the moment which have become very urgent since the middle of February: DDoS attacks and LibertyReserve processor downtime and technical problems.
1. Due to heavy and sustainable DDoS attacks to RFI server database connection was interrupted which resulted in inability to credit deposits automatically onto members accounts. Furthermore minor data loss has been discovered recently so if you found your deposit or earnings missing please contact regarding the details of your problem. Please use this email only for these sort of issues.
2. As reported earlier RFI main LR account has been restricted from sending outgoing transfers for more than 5 days so far.
Due to long outage in LR perfomance caused by supposed maintenance no explanation or any comment on this issue has been given from LR side. We are patiently waiting for updates but still no good. Any LR activity is temporarily suspended until account is unblocked and detailed explanation is given. Unfortunately this situation goes beyond RFI control and will.
P.S. Kindly be reminded that you can request a conversion of your payouts from LR to AlertPay by sending a request to attaching your details. This email only please! Hope for your understanding

Unfortunately 3 out of 4 programs that I mentioned on my blog yesterday didn’t meet my expectations and seem to be on their way to scamming. Only CapitalCorpex (reviewed here) resumed payouts as usual. As for BVIuion, IntensifyFunds and NordicMutualFunds I’m still waiting for my payouts from those programs. And it’s not just me either but many investors. It’s a very bad sign as no update came from the admins regarding these delays. Possibly LibertyReserve downtime became the last nail in those program’s coffin. Anyway, the hope is still alive and I will wait for 24 more hours before trashing them to Scam folder.

The admin of AggeroInvestment (which is now officially closed by the way) posted some update on the current states of refunds which he’s making to the members not in profit. Unfortunately his AlertPay account was blocked due to some complaints but he promised to do his best and solve the situation as soon as possible. The refunds are still going on and I saw some posts on forums that former members of Aggero are actually receiving them. You should understand that it’s a long process so patiently wait your turn. I hope everyone will be refunded in the end and nobody will lose. Here is the update:
Thank you for all those who posted that they got their refund. I just feel bad that I’ve been refunding almost close to a thousand members already since March 1st yet I do not see many posts about it. The least they can do is post here to calm the other members that are still waiting.
Then I just found out about an hour ago that our AlertPay account has been blocked already due to numerous complaints being filed to them. I was very clear in my previous update that I will be doing refunds starting March 1st up until I can refund everybody even just their startup amount. It won’t be fast as I’ve said, as I am still waiting for some funds to come in. I will call AP now to clarify things.
I surely cannot update anything if I do not have any updates to give. All you should know is I’m doing the refunds and you will have to wait your turn. I have a long list still remaining, remember that we are 8000+ members when we closed and way more than half of them are active.

In desperate hopes to increase interest in his program the admin of Invest-Power (reviewed here) announced that he had launched a couple of more plans to accompany to the existing ones (144% after 12 days and 140% after 10 days). Now you can test Invest-Power with even smaller amounts and smaller terms. This is what the admin offers to investors:
Because we decide to make what is the best for you.
Since we introduced Live Support many members and visitors already used it.
They have been requesting for new short term plans. That’s what I’m going to introduce you now:
We think these plans are reasonable and can generate a big profit for you.
P.S. – Plan images from main page will be modified as soon as my designer is online.

In my opinion after Aggero closed there should appear a replacement soon as such huge success can’t be unnoticed. Many admins will try now to make their surfing programs Number One in the fierce competition for investors’ money. But most of them will fail and only the most shrewd and experienced one could repeat the success of Aggero. I believe the admin of ProjectSurf (reviewed here) is one of a small group of such dedicated and committed admins who will be able to achieve their goals and become successful. And I mean really successful with many months online and thousands of investors. When I chat with the admin of ProjectSurf Frankie I get the impression of a man with such a strong desire to be a winner. I hope he will tell us himself more about his 135% after 15 days manual surf program called ProjectSurf in the upcoming interview that will be published on my blog later next week. Some thoughts Frankie shares with the members of his site in the regular updates, one of which I’m publishing below:
I just want to give everyone an update.
We are 16 days into ProjectSurf and I just want to say that we are growing rapidly and steadily. I also want to let everyone know that I have implemented a “light box” when you first come to the site – this is going to be for exclusive advertisers – and the sole purpose is to give them direct target viewing. I also will be incorporating many other modules to create revenue for my membership to share along with other various projects that I will introduce to everyone as a group. Not that I would have to tell anyone but when you come to the site and view the ads you can select continue to ProjectSurf on the top right hand corner.
When I originally wanted to start this project I only wanted to work with the processors that I have been with for a while as I have relationships with them but as the request grew I have added AP and SP so those have already been installed and they will be verified and open by Thursday I am just waiting on them and they said by Thursday sometime I just want everyone to be aware of it.
I have uploaded some new cool referral banners into the member’s area in all sizes to promote us and help make PS a success.
I do visit the forums when I can but I must say that they are a very harsh and critical place to congregate especially when so many surfs died lately and it is a shame so why would I be different everyone wants to know. It seems many are critical about surfs now and I do not blame them but the forums are not for admins as they are always getting bashed when you tell them you have a plan etc. I just want to let everyone know I do have a great plan with this membership and I will change this industry and I think I am at the right time to do it. I knew that already for the beginning that is why I wanted my own forum to begin with so I can dedicate my time in my own forum with just my members but as time goes on our forum will be more alive and that will be great. I see many members posting great things about PS and I am very happy to see that. I am appreciating the support. It feels good when I look at the forums and I see nice compliments from my members…. And that will drive me to want to succeed for many months to come.
I am sorry about the losses many people endured in this arena with the recent surfs closing but now is also the time to recoup those losses too – I will be here to support my members and I know I can expect the same. I will be here for a long time to come and I will always look for ways to create revenue for my group to share with. I cannot promise everyone the world but I can promise that you have a level headed respectable honest admin running this show and I have great intentions and greed will kick in at all!
On that note – I want to say good night to everyone and lets make PS the best place to surf and earn! Thank You for your support!

I would like to list the programs from which I received payments today. They are: 13Daily.Pro, StablePackages, DukasFund, ComradeFinance, CapitalCorpex, GoldNuggetInvest, ResidualForexIncome, 13x11Pro, 4BrothersInvestments, PanaMoney, MajorBarter, NanoMoneyCorp, 10DailyIncome, FloatingFastProfit and UCGCapital.

There are two new HYIPs I have joined today. One of them is for those who prefer programs that pay weekly and very moderate returns. I’m talking about AsianInvestGroup – the program the site of which has been online since 2007 and the domain is registered till 2015 (!) but which started to widely advertise just a couple of weeks ago. The program promises low variable weekly returns of 6%-9% (for Optimized Portfolio investors) or 2%-12% returns (for Aggressive Portfolio investors). The minimum amount that is allowed to invest is $10 for Optimized plan and $20 for Aggressive plan. The duration of the investment is 20 weeks after which you can withdraw your funds at any time. There are pretty many payment options accepted by AsianInvestGroup: LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, Pecunix, V-Money and C-Gold. Bank Wires are available on request from larger investors. You can set the compounding option if you want bigger returns in the end (several options available available from 20% to 100%). The website of AsianInvestGroup made quite a good impression on me: it looks solid and really professional without any excessive graphics and flashy images. The website is hosted on a dedicated Staminus server and has an SSL-protection for the accounts. So if you look for some serious and low-ROI program I believe you will want to have a closer look at AsianInvestGroup which I’m going to review on my blog pretty soon.

Another program is called EnscoOffshore. It’s also a very interesting one that just have started with higher percentage starting from 2.5% daily to 3.5% daily (depending on the amount deposited). The longevity of the investment term is 60 calendar days after which you will get your principal back. So actually you may have 150% pure profit + 100% deposit back in just 60 days (not bad, eh?). If you need to withdraw your principal before the end of the term you can also do so but with a 25% fee. And all you can do for that is click Withdraw Principal link available in your account. It means that if after 10+ calendar days you will change your mind and decide to drop EnscoOffshore you can do it with a light heart knowing you will still be in profit. PerfectMoney and LibertyReserve are accepted in EnscoOffshore and the minimum to deposit is only $10 so in my opinion it’s affordable to anyone. On the contact page they have their address in the Netherlands with the phone number but I haven’t verified it yet. I hope to do so by the time the review of EnscoOffshore gets published on my blog. But by all means, EnscoOffshore deserves to be a part of your diversified investment portfolio. It’s a quality program with reasonable plans and SSL-certificate installed running on a dedicated server and licensed GoldCoders script and using DDoS-protection by Dragonara. In my opinion, EnscoOffshore has every chance to become a successful program and remember that it just launched yesterday.

That’s all for today. As you might have noticed I’m updating my blog now even more often and sometimes I will be publishing new reviews and interviews even twice a day. So be sure to check out my blog more often and I’m sure you will be rewarded with new interesting material and news and views from the industry. See you tomorrow, guys!

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