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13/03/09. ScotFund Review and Other News



Hi everybody! I hope you all had a good week and are now looking forward to a few days off to relax. Of course the work never stops for money-news-online and I’m still hoping to catch up on a number of programs over the weekend. As with my previous review I think I will stay with HYIPs for the moment. I have a number of them that you may wish to consider.

One of which is called ScotFund. Now I have a few misgivings here but I will get to that at the end. First of all though I want to look at the merits of the program itself as the most important thing every online investor wants to know is not do are they a real registered company but rather will I make any money out of it. So let’s see if we can answer that with a look at the plans.

There are two plans on offer from ScotFund but realistically, having seen the minimum figures involved, only one of them is going to be of any real interest to most readers here. And that is the “General Silver” plan. An investment here will cost you a minimum of $20 and runs for 20 days. During that time you will be paid a daily rate of interest of 3% and then on expiry have your principal returned. So you can see that with such a low return you will not break even, much less be in profit, until after your investment matures. For instance if we take a sample investment of let’s say $100, at the end of the final day you will have been paid a total of $60 in pure profit, but must now wait for your original principal to be returned before considering this a success.

Then there is the “General Gold” plan. The daily rate of interest paid on your investment here is 3.5%, but as the minimum amount you will need to spend to join this option is $5000, I think I should just tell you that the term and conditions are otherwise identical to the previous plan and that if you are actually interested then consult the ScotFund website for more information. The payment processors being accepted are PerfectMoney and LibertyReserve. I don’t expect that to change. To date by the way, it has to be said that all payouts have been made pretty quickly so no real complaints in that department.

The security side of things is acceptable. ScotFund is based on a licensed GoldCoders script which at this stage is a name I guess most investors would be familiar with. DdoS protection and hosting come from BlackLotus. Not my own favorite as many of you will know but nonetheless capable of providing a good service. The real gem though is that ScotFund is one of a growing number of programs to implement SSL encryption, and while it doesn’t mean the program is any less likely to scam, i.e does mean you are safe enough from hackers. It also demonstrates the extra time effort and expense put into the program by the admin if that means anything to you.

On the downside I simply can not avoid mentioning that you are strongly advised against accepting any “guarantees” offered on your investment. Such things simply do not exist in this business so treat this particular site as a game. Their address and phone number are obviously not their own. I recognize some of the text from another site but as a large number of HYIPs shall we say “borrow” from each other without actually being connected, it would be pointless to start going into details here. It proves nothing anyway. Just be careful, diversify your portfolio, don’t invest what you can’t afford to lose and treat all HYIPs, not just this one, as a game. You will maximize your profits and minimize your losses. I’ll just remind you that ScotFund is online since the start of February and will shortly be completing its second cycle. So in that sense we can be sure that there are already many people out there to already have profited from this one.

Other news for today.

First of all let me announce some very exciting news from NanoMoneyCorp program (reviewed here). The thing is the company is celebrating 3 years online which is an enormous achievement for any online HYIP. It can indicate that NanoMoneyCorp really has some substantial income from investments to provide the investors with good income for such a long time:
Celebrating THREE years on-line!
Dear investors and partners! We have not announced but not forget the glorious date for us and all of you. On 1 March 2009 we have celebrated our third year of on-line investment activity.
For this time we became one of the most trusted and high paying company in shaky investment business. We have survived through many obstacles like e-gold troubles, copy-cat sites and various DDOS attacks. But all these made us stronger, wiser and more flexible. We would like to thank everyone who stayed with us for such a long time. From our side we would do our best to satisfy all your needs and will provide the best possible on-line investment services as usual!

By the way, by joining NanoMoneyCorp you will have the choice of three plans: 1.2% for 30 business days, 1.5% for 50 business days and 1.8% for 100 business days. For every plan you will receive your principal back at the end of your investment term.

It seems that FloatingFastProfit is officially closed now which was caused allegedly by the emptying of the admin’s LibertyReserve account by some unknown hacker. Anyway, the admin is promising refunds and everyone who is not in profit from FloatingFastProfit are required to remember their data for future reference. Here is the official update:
The FloatingFastProfit project in process of the closing. You can read about reasons in your FloatingFastProfit account.
Please, write down the address of our blog:
The main site of FloatingFastProfit project will be closed on March, 15. Communication will continue only via official blog.
Login into your FloatingFastProfit account and write down your FloatingFastProfit digital account ID, e-mail address and the LibertyReserve account number which you registered with your FloatingFastProfit account. This information will require for refund. REMEMBER THESE DATA!
Today I sent another 2 complaints to LibertyReserve Abuse department regarding stolen funds. To get latest update, login into your FloatingFastProfit account.
P. S. Members which made deposits after incident with our LibertyReserve account will be refunded first.

Let’s look at some good news for the owners of StrictPay debit cards who are now able to withdraw to their debit cards again with some temporary limitations caused by the restructuring in their card provider company. Here is the most recent update from them:
StrictPay Customers, As we recently updated everyone, our debit card provider is going through an ownership restructure. And while we still feel it is imperative that we see the outcome of this change in ownership, and any possible changes in terms and conditions, before we commit fully to the new ownership, we also know that our customers have needs as well. In the interest of continuing to offer our customers as many options as possible to manage their funds, we have chosen to enable the withdraw via debit card option for all customers again. While our debit card provider continues to shift their ownership we will need to change two aspects of the debit card loads, but we feel that when the ownership change is completed that all prior limits and time frames will be back to their original status. The two things that will change are as follows:
1. The maximum debit card load per day is $500. All fees, withdraw limits, and purchase limits will stay exactly as they currently are. Please visit for further details on fees and limits.
2. The time frame for funds to reach your debit card will now be 1 to 2 business days, as opposed to our normal 1 business day load time. When you put in your withdraw via debit card request, you can expect the funds to reach your card around 6pm PST one of the two following business days.
We also will now be moving forward with all debit card orders/purchases as well. If you already have a debit card purchase pending and in our system, it will now be sent to our provider, and if you wish to purchase a StrictPay debit card, but have not done so before, you can now continue with that purchase. Please login to your StrictPay account, and click on link above the debit card image to make your purchase.
Again, we expect these two changes to revert back to their original status as soon as the ownership shift is completed, and we will update everyone as soon as we have any new details. We know that being able to access your funds as conveniently as possible is one of the main reasons you choose StrictPay as your payment option, and we are glad to have this convenient option available for our customers again. We have always prided ourselves on having a debit card available to our customers from the day we opened, and we know how important it is for some of you to have the option to put your funds directly into your hands. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this process, and as always we thank you for choosing StrictPay as your payment option.

It seems that some jealous competitors can’t leave ProjectSurf (reviewed here) site alone. Today the site was inaccessible for several hours due to another DdoS attack. Fortunately the admin of ProjectSurf Frankie (interviewed here) is as usual on top of things as he already upgraded the necessary level of DdoS protection with his hosting provider. He has sent another update today to all the members of ProjectSurf which I’m publishing below:
Hello Everyone, I apologize about the brief down time, it was confirmed we were hit with a HUGE DDOS attack and when I say huge – I mean it knocked my site and 4 others down – The professional “idiots” were using 30-40 bots from remote locations- so I upgraded my protection even more to elite speed. Total hosting package is about 400.00 a month in case you wanted to know. I am serious about this project and I will do my best to change this industry for the better. I will work hard and I have a few things in the works to add to the revenue incentives.
All Pendings are Paid and I even credited some that missed surfing. I would greatly appreciate showing support for ProjectSurf in the forums.. This industry has became very critical and it is about time it changes starting with me! –
I will extend the contest to another day – but I can tell you I have 3 people who are doing really good with their signature so it might be tough to beat but – please go out there and show your support based on your expectations already, Nothing More – Nothing Less. I am up against a whole new generation of people looking at this industry impacted and I will prevail! –
Please note: This is why it is very important to register in our own forum. You can find it here:
It is on a separate server and were you will find the latest information and news! Please everyone register, I have over 500 members but only 70 registered- it will be for your benefit.
Please if you were paid please show your support in the fourms and monitors and mostly our forum on project surf!. I will do my best to make this project a success.
Thank You all for your support!

Tradirex site (reviewed here) is back online and paying. The admin admitted that the downtime was caused by their own erroneous actions and took the blame on himself. Fortunately it seems this downtime has not seriously affected the program as I saw many paying posts on forums today. The website should be already available to everybody but if you’re still unable to access Tradirex you should wait until DNS propagates it in your corner of the world. Here is the latest update from the admin of Tradirex (interviewed here):
I would reassure you concerning the downtime this night. We made a mistake with dns, witch caused this issues and downtime. Site is now online in 90% of countries and will be for everyone in max few hours. Please accept our apologies, we are responsible and assume this error, no due to host or other, but only caused by us….
I saw many bad posts in forums posted this last hours and I ‘m very chocked to see bad post only 2 hour after site offline, I no posted in forums (was busy to fix problems) but I replied all members who contacted me, explaining the problem, also I don’t understand that some of you posted bad when they know we will come back online… No blame anyone, I can understand fears of members, Now all is fixed.

Thanks to everybody who reported to me that Pioneer-Fund stopped paying a couple of days ago. I searched and discovered that it’s true as I also have a couple of pending payouts. I have moved it to Waiting status already and encourage you not to deposit there until the payouts resume.

Somebody reported to me that they were not paid by InfrastructureInv today. Well, you should know that you may receive your payment at any time of the day. InfrastructureInv was just added to my listing a couple of days ago by the way and I have even not reviewed it properly. But I already noticed that the payouts from InfrastructureInv are kinda chaotic and you can expect them to be paid differently every day.

Among the programs that paid me today are also SilverLodge, ScotFund, MyMBO, MesirowFinance, GoldNuggetInvest, ComradeFinance, OakCash, GeniusFunds, EnscoOffshore, Tradirex, NanoMoneyCorp, AsianInvestGroup, GeneticsIndustry, MajorBarter and AcrylicTrade. I’ll see you on my blog tomorrow with the detailed review of a very interesting program called GeniusFunds! Stay tuned and have a nice weekend!

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