Mar 14th, 2009 Archives

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Hi everybody! I hope your all having a good weekend so far, where ever you are. Anyway, for today’s review I want to take a look at an HYIP called GeniusFunds and I believe many of you might be familiar with it already. Several readers have written to me asking about it, almost universally raving about it, and wondering why I had never shown that much interest in it. Well to tell the truth I do regret missing out on GeniusFunds for so long. By the time I became aware of it it was no longer exactly new and I simply had too many new programs, which I generally prefer anyway, to concentrate on. But as the readers mails kept coming I thought why not. And as I just said I usually prefer new programs but there are exceptions to every rule. Take GoldNuggetInvest for example, or NanoMoneyCorp. Both exceptional programs with the best part of six years trading experience between them and still going strong. So it is with that in mind that I want to introduce GeniusFunds to anybody who does not know about it yet. It might be six months online but after closer inspection I think this may very well be another one of those rare exceptions. One that goes against the trend and just runs and runs. So let’s see what it’s all about.

And what better place to start with the investment plans. I suppose I’ll start with the simplified version as there is a bit more to GeniusFunds than the average HYIP. First there is a daily plan. This will pay between 1.00% and 1.90% daily. Then there is the weekly plan that will pay from 6% to 9% once per week. But before investing in either of these we need to step back. Because the first thing you will need to do is open an account with GeniusFunds. That’s a fairly straightforward process. It simply involves filling out an online form with your personal details, including you e-currency account. In this case it has to be either LibertyReserve or SolidTrustPay, but bank wires will also be valid for larger deposits. More about that in a moment. But once your GeniusFunds account is open, you can then deposit money into it. And then after making your initial deposit, you can then decide what portion of your money you want to invest in either plan. If it all looks a bit complicated at first, don’t worry. It isn’t. But as usual anybody joining any program in my downline can contact me anytime with their questions. So anyway, once you have done this you will be sent a verification e-mail where you will be given your assigned account number. You will then need to activate your account by logging in with the password that you will have chosen for yourself earlier in the registration process.

And so now you should hopefully be in. The next question you will be asked is how you wish to deposit. As I said already your options are LR, STP, or bank wire for $500 or more. Now remember to wait a while before your deposit shows up in your account. LR can usually be fast enough but STP might be a couple of hours so don’t panic if it doesn’t appear instantly. But once you have funded your GeniusFunds account you now need to decide how to invest that money. As mentioned there is a daily and a weekly paying program and basically what happens is that you are invited to buy GeniusFunds “shares” in whatever program suits you. A share will cost you $1 regardless of which plan you go with. Indeed you are welcome to divide your deposit up any way you like depending on what you are looking for. I personally divided my own deposit with half in the daily plan and half in the weekly plan. When it comes to withdrawing your dividends, this gets paid directly to your choice of payment processor, and are only paid on business days. The weekly plan pays out on Mondays. A couple of things you need to remember are that first of all compounding is available, the amount of which (if anything) is up to your own discretion. You will need to decide on that when buying your shares. Secondly you should be aware that while your principal will be returned, there is a lock-in period of from 150 to 180 days. And finally the minimum investment with LR is $20 but with STP it’s $50.

But wait! There’s more. As well as these two plans, which I imagine will be the two of most interest to my readers, there is a third option for investors here. In addition to the investment funds GeniusFunds also offers another investment product called “Genius CD”. It is meant for investors who are looking for a medium-income, longer term investment. The term of the investment is three months and the interest is fixed at 6% per month or 18% for the duration of the term while the investment term on shares of the funds lasts from 150 to 180 days from purchase and income ranges from 5 to 9 percent per week.

So you can see these guys are clearly serious about what they are doing here. But what about the security of GeniusFunds? Well as you might imagine from the quality of the site itself, it should come as no surprise that the safety and security of this program is also top notch. Hosted on a dedicated server, it is hosted and fully protected by BlockDos who in my own humble opinion are the worldwide market leaders when it comes to providing such services. It is simply not possible for GeniusFunds to be on a better provider. There are also a variety of other security measures, not least of which is the SSL encryption of the accounts area. On top of that you will see during the sign up process that you decide on your own password and a secret security question for further identity and account protection. It runs on a customized script.

The level of customer service and support on offer here is also the envy of most programs. It brings a level of professionalism and efficiency sadly lacking in this industry and really does expose so many other programs for the truly amateur operations that they are. Contact is available in a variety of ways, including live chat via the site itself. It is also a multilingual site, presently available in English, Chinese and Indonesian with Spanish and Russian to follow.

Overall I have to say I am hugely impressed by GeniusFunds. So much so that what I might usually consider a drawback in most other programs, i.e the fact that it’s runnig for six months, is not really an issue for me at all in this case. As I said at the top, GeniusFunds is one of the rare exceptions one can be lucky to find from time to time in this industry. And they seem to have a policy of never standing still, with new and innovative improvements being carried out on an ongoing basis. So is there anything negative to say here? Only that I’m sorry I didn’t sign up six months ago!

Other news for today.

As usual I must applaud the admin of ProjectSurf Frankie (interviewed here) for his explanation of his plans on how he is about to make money for his site. I truly believe that unlike many other autosurfs that are here for a quick scam he really cares about the members of ProjectSurf and is really passionate about what he is doing. I believe that ProjectSurf will become the next big thing in the autosurf industry in the course of the coming months if the admin keeps up the pace in which he implements some new ideas that will allow his site to take the lead ahead of others. With the attractive plan of 9% for 15 days (135% profit) and such a committed admin as Frankie I believe ProjectSurf can become a sustainable program for some time. Of course I can give you no guarantees whatsoever but at least ProjectSurf is the best surfing site I have seen in recent weeks. I’m sure Frankie will be able to do what he has in mind. Here is the latest update from him:
Hello everyone, I just would like to give everyone an update before the weekend.
More Payouts have been completed through the day.
I just would like to personally express that this industry is by far very critical at the moment whereas many surfs already have failed right from the beginning – I constantly see surfs everyday being moved to “scam” folders within a short period of time and I blame the Forums for the most part because they plainly allow these types of programs to be publicized without any due diligence what so ever. They can really care less about anyone and it really shows in their forums.
Well – I decided to add a new category to my Forum (www.ProjectSurf.Info) were members can express their opinions about the other forums I have listed! ( I know I will) – Please feel free to say anything you would like – just try to be Professional.
As I said this before and I will say it again, I am building this from the ground up and I will do it with constructive projects and diversification through many channels and outlets. I came here with a Plan and I will do my best for everyone to make this project a success.
I am taking my project very seriously and I will do my best to change this industry and give everyone a great program filled with projects and revenue when I can.
I want everyone to be registered in our own Forum as I will really only be participating there for the most part.
This is my project and I feel it is only Professional to discuss anything related to my project in our own forum. So please if you are not registered please do so so I can focus and devote my time and attention to my own forum and not somewhere else.
I will do my best to make this Project a Success and within the next few days you will see changes to this site that are going to create revenue for us as a group!
Please feel free to say what you want in my forum and you can contact me anytime as well.
This is construed as a advertising portal with incentives when it is feasible, I will work hard and always try to make that happen but that is the business model of this project/projects!

There are many reports on the forums that investors were not paid from UCGCapital for the last couple of days. Neither was I! So I decided to put the site to Waiting status temporariry even despite finding the following update on their website:
Dear clients, Due to slow LibertyReserve support withdrawals can be late up to 24 hours. Please be patient, we will figure this our with LibertyReserve as fast as possible.
I can doubt the honesty of the admin of UCGCapital. First, I don’t understand how LibertyReserve “being slow” can cause a cessation of payouts. As far as I know other programs didn’t get into much difficulties paying their members and API interface is working fine as well. Secondly, I requested my last two withdrawals to PerfectMoney and hasn’t been paid yet. So is PerfectMoney is also slow at their end, lol?

4BrothersInvestments didn’t pay me yesterday and I don’t know what the reason for that was again. The program was quite unstable for the last week or so with some payouts missing that were explained by the issues the admins of the program were having with their LR account. There was no explanation provided yet as to why 4BrothersInvestments didn’t pay last night.

I was paid today from the following programs: ProjectSurf, MyMBO, GoldNuggetInvest, 7Inv, GeniusFunds, GeneticsIndustry, OakCash, ComradeFinance, EnscoOffshore, ScotFund, NovalexFinance, Tradirex, CrazyCashSurf and SI-Fund (the first payment received). See you tomorrow with more news from the industry!

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