Hi guys! I hope everyone’s weekend is going well and you are all enjoying yourselves. But not too much either, lol! Anyway, after yesterdays review of IEvolutionSurf, I thought today I should get back to the subject of HYIPs. It might be a subject I’ll be sticking with for a while by the look of things, but that’s a debate for another day. This day however is the turn of UnionFunds, an interesting site that I came across just recently. Maybe not quite the best program out there today but there is bags of potential so I took a chance and joined.
UnionFunds is the latest in a growing line of low rate of interest long term programs I’ve seen in recent weeks. And although I am well aware that most readers seem to prefer the higher risk short term programs of say three to seven or ten days in duration, don’t forget about diversity in your portfolio either. So maybe you’ll keep that in mind when considering some of the recent programs I have reviewed. As for UnionFunds, there are three plans for you to choose from but I think because of financial constraints the first one will be of the most interest to readers here.
Plan One runs for a term of 120 days and offers you the chance to earn 2% interest daily on your principal. The minimum amount to invest is $10 and your original principal is returned on expiry.
Next, Plan Two runs for 150 days and for a minimum spend of $1000 you are offered the opportunity to earn 2.2% interest daily. Your principal will also be returned on expiry.
And finally Plan Three offers you a chance to earn 2.5% daily interest on investments starting from a minimum of $3000. Your principal will also be returned on expiry which this time will be 180 days after tour initial investment.
The accepted payment processors are the usual LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney along also with Pecunix and EvoWallet. You should also be aware that payouts are only made on business days, ie Monday to Friday. And that leads me to the first real complaint I have about UnionFunds. The whole thing is rather poorly explained. For instance if payouts are only made on business days, does that mean that the term of your investment is also in business days? Or is it in calendar days? It’s not really explained. Also, no maximum investment amounts are mentioned for any plan. So can they overlap? Or is there any maximum at all for any plan? Again this is not specified and I must say for a program requiring a minimum of three grand to join one of their plans I’d expect things to be laid out a little better. Also, considering that the plans run from four to six months, the option to withdraw completely from the program if you need to is not offered. I know that many of you are going to complain here and say that I should really find these things out before reviewing it but I have to remind you that I am approaching this from the angle of the average investor and I am basing this review on what you will find on the UnionFunds website as put there by the admin.
Moving to security, this is a bit better. Hosted on a dedicated Staminus server, UnionFunds is also running on a licensed GoldCoders script. So you should have few worries in that area. The design of the site is decent enough and customer support is available only through an online e-mail system.
Overall it’s not a bad HYIP and you should treat it just like what it is. They make some extremely vague claims concerning their investment activities which of course includes ForEx, which if we are to believe site admins is some kind of magical flowing river of money where it is just impossible to lose a dime. No evidence whatsoever (as usual) is offered to back up their claims. So I’d have to conclude that there are better options available it never hurts to diversify, so an affordable deposit in UnionFunds might be ok.
Other news for today.
The admin of two very popular sites already – InvestEvolution (reviewed here) and IEvolutionSurf (reviewed here) – Jack Weiser sent out rather a long update last night. In the update he touched on the topics of payments, promotion, recent downtimes his sites, incorrect turing code issue and some others. Please read the full update below for more news from InvestEvolution and IEvolutionSurf (by the way, the admin aplogized for not providing me with the promised interview as he was extremely busy during the course of last few days):
“Hint: This update contains information about InvestEvolution and IEvolutionSurf.
Nice to see everything smooth again, no downtime and people investing and spreading the word, after two days of low business we finally have a day with nice growth again. All payments are up to date for both programs, I processed them a few hours ago, check your e-currencies and see fresh funds, and if you have two minutes visit our threads in the forum to put your opinion and thoughts about our sites.
Did you notice? Yesterday I step up the marketing campaign, got some advertising spots in the most visited and well-known sites online, go to forums, blogs and most respected monitors and you will see InvestEvolution and IEvolutionSurf is everywhere. “But hey Jack, are you spending our money?” No, I’m not. Everytime you request a cashout I charge you 4% + $0.50, I could simply not charge you but doing it I grab resources to run marketing and promotion campaigns.
The new features
– Paid To Promote. IEvolutionSurf members already can use this tool, you promote your splash page link or referral link and earn $2.00 per each 1,000 credits, each unique visit to your link gives you 1 credit. Everytime you reach 1,000 credits your “Other cash” balance will be credited with $2.00.
Ok, this tool is already implemented in IEvolutionSurf. The question is: “Do you want to have Paid To Promote in InvestEvolution?”
Please submit your opnions to me, you can send via support ticket, using Live Support or posting in the forums. I count with your feedback.
– Testimony Area. This tool is still in development, it will allow member to send his testimony about both programs and show he satisfaction to other members and visitors. I’m still in touch with neversay, I think it should be completed in the next 24 hours.
Why InvestEvolution is listed in more monitors than IEvolutionSurf?
Simply because I don’t think is fair to spend money with monitors twice, I already paid some of them to monitor InvestEvolution, they are welcome to join IEvolutionSurf too. Actually what happens is that most part of monitors are not interested to guide their visitors through good experiences but only make money with the monitoring fees, referral commissions and banner spots. These monitors don’t deserve my attention.
PROMOTION: Membership Guess
Currently InvestEvolution and IEvolutionSurf has together 730 members, what will be the amount of members in InvestEvolution and IEvolutionSurf together at the end of today? Make your guesses, closest answer wins $10 paid to preferred e-currency. Use these forums to post your guess:
I will announce the winner tomorrow (Saturday 28th).
No more downtimes. Now I have server mirror out of Panama running, in case of failure the new mirror will be in place in few minutes. You should consider recent problems was caused by a power crash in their internet pipe (second Hushhosting), not related to DDOS attack, I stand that we really have the best technology available in the industry now, you don’t need to worry about hackers in the program, I also don’t intend to use it as excuse.
Incorrect Turing Code
Many members contacted me about this problem recently. Let me give the basics of internet loading for those who doesn’t understand, I’m not a guru as well so forgive if explanation is not so good. Everytime you access a page your brownser stores this page in your computer in order to avoid complete reload next time, it goes to cache, and everytime you use sites that require login normally cookies are downloaded to your computer too. Now imagine Turing code is an image that is different for every login, if your brownser show you the Turing code of your last visit you will not sucess to login, simply because it changes every single refresh. So please follow these steps if you get error “Turing code not correct!”:
1) Clean your cookies and cache;
2) Restart your brownser;
3) Go to the site site and press Ctrl + F5;
4) Then try to login and it should work.
A very long update today. Don’t forget to post your guess for the question “What will be the amount of members in InvestEvolution and IEvolutionSurf together at the end of today?” The closest answer get $10 paid his preferred e-currency.
Do you have friends that invest in Hyips and Autosurfs? Invite them to join us, the success is just beginning!”
The admin of another popular surfing program MySurfingStar (reviewed here) assured everybody that SolidTrustPay is the next in line to be added but probably it will be an option only by next week. Anyway, the new contest is on and hopefully it will attract the new members which MySurfingStar obviously needs to sustain the coming batch of payouts on expiry the first of those are going to be processed in a week from now. This is the latest update from the admin of MySurfingStar Estrella:
“Hello everybody, Weekend is here and I am sending another newsletter with very important news:
1. The leader until now in our poll for – Next payment processor – is definitely STP. Anyway, I have sent documents for verification to AlertPay too.
STP was not verified yet, but I have talked with them on live chat. They have a lot of requests and this is why they are delaying the new ones.
Hope STP account will be ready on until Tuesday.
2. New contest
Because during last contest MSS was down a bit, I have received some requests from members to create another contest like that.
OK, here it is.
1st prize – $150 directly to your payment processor – AlertPay, LibertyReserve or SolidTrustPay.
2nd prize – $125 directly to your payment processor – AlertPay, LibertyReserve or SolidTrustPay.
3rd prize – $100 directly to your payment processor – AlertPay, LibertyReserve or SolidTrustPay.
Rules are simple here: if you have 3 active referrals you get $10 in any plan you want. Just send a request to with your ID and desired plan.
## – During contest referral commission will be fixed for all membeship levels – 7% – ##
## – IMPORTANT – Contest will start on 29 March 12:00 AM until 3 April 12:00 AM server time – ##
Note: Current referrals are not counted.
Note: Payments for contest will be made in 12 hours after contest is over and winners will be announced in a newsletter.
Hope you will enjoy MSS 2nd contest.”
I have been paid today by the following programs: FinancialProfitsCorp, MySurfingStar, GeniusFunds, NanoMoneyCorp, AcrylicTrade, MesirowFinance, ComradeFinance, SilverLodge, ProjectSurf, AsianInvestGroup, FlowBroker, UnionFunds, MajorBarter, EdwardBrownInvestments, OakCash, Cent2Dollar, EnscoOffshore, InfrastructureInv, GeneticsIndustry, NovalexFinance, LloydFunds (the first weekly payment received) and PrincipalReturn (the first payments received).
By the way, I joined PrincipalReturn yesterday but forgot to introduce it to you all. But meanwhile I managed to receive two first payouts from this program aleready. Anyway, PrincipalReturn is a good program accepting LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney and paying from 2% to 3% daily (depending on the amount deposited with $10 minimum) for 30 calendar days after which you will receive your principal back. There is another plan which is more risky but more profitable with 200% after 30 calendar days with a $100 minimum to deposit. PrincipalReturn site doesn’t have a script so all the payouts will be paid directly to the e-currency account you made your initial deposit from. The site is hosted by DdoSWiz and apparently has some good DDoS-protection with them. The texts on the main page are stolen from MesirowFinance website but as I don’t consider those two programs as “global investment management companies” anyway but rather as investment games and I have no problem with it. Just treat it as it deserves and don’t put in too much money. Anyway PrincipalReturn may be worth investing a couple of dollars. The review of the program will be published on my blog tomorrow.
Another program which I just joined a couple of hours ago is much better quality and I’m quite excited to present it to you today. Ok, the name of this newly launched program is RobusTrade and it’s paying 106% after 3 days and 150% after 15 days. The deposits in both plans can be made from as little as $5 and the payouts are processed directly to your e-currency accounts (there is no need to create an account and to request a payment). But the most important thing is the vriety of payment options you can deposit into RobusTrade with. There are four very popular payment processors accepted: LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, StrictPay and the not very common in HYIP industry SolidTrustPay. RobusTrade has a very memorable professionally made design and layout and is hosted on a dedicated server by one of the best hosting providers BlockDos. So we should expect no downtimes and stable work for RobusTrade for weeks to come which will definitely make the site very popular among investors. Remember that RobusTrade has just launched today therefore there is a big chance to be in profit with it. I will try to review the site on my blog as soon as possible to give you the full picture of this extremely promising program. Stay with my blog and I will see you all tomorrow!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Mar 28th, 2009. Comment.
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