Mar 30th, 2009 Archives

Place your banner here for $150/week or $500/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $145/week or $480/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $140/week or $460/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $135/week or $440/month. Available NOW.


Hi guys! I hope everybody’s weekend went well and your plans for whatever activities you enjoy went well. I’ve been busy myself of course, searching out new and profitable high quality programs to review. As you know it’s always Monday morning at money-news-online, lol! And I’ve come across quite a few in recent days. Some of them were just awful and I skipped them immediately. Some were just about average but I joined anyway firstly for the sake of diversity but also for the potential. But one program I joined recently that I’m altogether more enthusiastic about is RobusTrade. It’s again an HYIP but a short term one this time so I’m sure many of you will be keen to investigate this further.

There are many positive aspects to RobusTrade but the first one I can mention is that as it only launched two days ago the chances of earning a good profit are greatly enhanced by joining now. I’m not saying to jump right in either of course, you should check it out thoroughly yourself beforehand. I’m just reminding you to keep that in mind and if you like it not to wait around too long.

There are two plans available for you to choose from. One of them is best described as a test plan I suppose, but they don’t actually call it that. And even as test plans go this one is quite generous. It runs for 3 days and will cost a very reasonable $5 to join. You may invest a maximum of $20,000. On expiry you will receive a 106% return on you investment, including your principal.

The second option, Plan 2, is a bit more serious but no less affordable. The minimum investment amount is again $5 and again the maximum is $20,000. The duration of this plan is 15 days though, and on expiry you will receive a return of 150% of your investment amount, including your principal.

As you can see it’s really quite simple. There is nothing difficult or complicated going on here. The plans are both sustainable and profitable and totally affordable to everybody. I mean if five bucks is a problem for anybody I doubt they’re reading this. But something else significant about RobusTrade is the selection of payment options. It’s quite impressive for an HYIP. First of all SolidTrustPay is accepted which is rare enough for this type of program and that alone should settle the nerves of a lot of investors. The others are the more familiar sight of LibertyReserve, StrictPay and PerfectMoney.

Another advantage is that your payments will be made directly into your chosen e-currency account automatically upon expiry. You are requested to allow 24 hours before the payment is complete but often it may be a bit quicker than that.

The security of RobusTrade is up to a decent enough standard. The need for a script has been avoided all together by storing members’ details in an offline database and paying directly into your payment processor account. That pretty much guarantees the site will be free from hackers as obviously there is nothing there to hack. They are also hosted on a DdoS protected dedicated server by BlockDos who are by some distance the best hosting provider around today. I would comfortably expect to see no downtime in RobusTrade for the duration of the program’s life cycle.

Customer support is provided in the form of an online e-mail ticketing system with one address provided for investors queries and a second one provided for general inquiries. So if you have a few questions of your own before joining you don’t need to be a member to get them answered.

The design of RobusTrade is quite slick and professional but remains easy to navigate and quite easy to understand with most aspects explained quite well in plain and simple terms. I don’t like to attach too much importance to the design myself, but the fact is that it does help to attract more investors.

Well so far so good. I know I’ve been positive about RobusTrade so far. So much so you might be forgiven for thinking I have some vested interest in promoting it. Which couldn’t be further from the truth of course are there is a negative side to it as well (isn’t there always?) and I’ll tell you about that too. The text used by RobusTrade is, shall we politely say, “borrowed” from another source. It was used by a long since closed HYIP from last year called InvescoTrade. I personally have no knowledge of this one and never saw it while it was operating. Any readers here who were members of it will see the similarities though. Check it out for yourself here. You can see the very same thing on RobusTrade‘s “About Us” page. Now I am in no position to draw comparisons between these two programs and I am not suggesting they are linked in anyway. But for all the good work the admin did in designing such a good website, if you are going to use a text taken from another website then for goodness sake pick a better one that this!

Also some readers have claimed a link between RobusTrade and TrustCapital, saying that the name TrustCapital was actually mentioned accidentally in the text when the program opened first. Now if that was indeed the case I am not able to confirm it. I never actually saw it personally myself and if it was there it has since been corrected. Anyway, not to overstate the point, but all it really indicates to me is what I already knew. That RobusTrade is not an actual company trading on the world stock markets. It’s an online HYIP and one that should be treated like a game. Quite a good game mind you, and a profitable one at this stage that is open to the widest possible range of investors. So I would say join early for maximum results but always consider the risk against the reward and invest what is suitably affordable under your own personal circumstances.

Other news for today.

First of all I would like to report that I’m going to meet the admin of SilverLodge Louise in person very soon. He has some free time for a week at the end of April and has kindly agreed to meet me for discussing his program. All larger investors are also invited to meet Louise on April, 28 and they get the chance to get SilverLodge MasterCard absolutely free. But you shouldn’t miss the opportunity to become a member of SilverLodge program (reviewed here) as the doors for the general publi? will be closed on April, 15 and on the same day the program will go private for indefinite time. Larger investors of SilverLodge will be applicable to get a bonus on their account till April, 15 only. Here is the exciting news that was published on SilverLodge site:
Dear Members, first we will ultimately close for new signup on April 15, 2009 – after this day there is no opening anymore, we will not accept new members after this day!
Dominique and myself will meet Paul from personally in London on April 27, I look forward to meeting one of the best bloggers in the Internet and I am sure he is exited just like me to finally see each other, we work great together since 7 months and I am sure we will in the future have even a better relationship after this meeting.
Every Investor with investments over $20000 living in London or around, I would personally invite to meet me on April 28, 2009 – if you one of this investors, feel free to contact me and I will give you cordinations how to meet me. Please do not send a email when you are not invested this amount I will only meet our best investors and I am sure we will have some great time together, the drinks are on the house on this day.
If you want to become a high investor we would offer also until April 15, 2009 for the very last time a bonus on your new investments, what would pay 10% for investments higher as $1000, 15% for investments higher as $5000, and 18% for investments higher as $10000, if you plan even higher investments contact me, and I can give you a special rate.
So all Investors who meet me on this day will also get our Master Card free of charge, I have a few with me and will also give Paul one for testing.
Looking forward for a great week

Some readers asked me if there was some recent news from Nexelim program (reviewed here). Well, I guess there is nothing to report about yet as the first payouts on expiry will be processed tomorrow (I remind you that the program is paying 15% for 8 days with the payouts processed on expiry). Despite of this the admin of Nexelim sent out an update where he offered the potential advertisers some good offer to advertise on his site. This is the email I got from Nexelim admin last night:
We are glad to announce that we now offer advertising on our website. Please visit the “Advertising” section of the main menu or simply follow the link below for details:
To further improve your advertisng results on Nexelim we will shortly add the PTP (Paid to promote) feature and also introduce an appealing splash page designed in Adobe Flash to enhance your promotional efforts and thus optimize our advertisers’ effectivity.

I got paid today for the first time from CrystalPay which I just introduced on my blog yesterday. I remind you that CrystalPay is paying 10% for 12 days and 5% for 30 days with daily payouts and you have an opportunity to choose from surfing and non-surfing plan whatever suits your needs. I also remind you that an autosurf with daily payouts cannot be considered as a very stable program and as a rule such programs last shorter than their on expiry competitors. So there is time to join CrystalPay now and don’t delay it for too long. I’m going to review the program on my blog later this week and meanwhile I’m publishing the updates I received from the admin of CrystalPay recently:
Dear member, Thanks for your continuous support and confidence in CrystalPay.
This is to let you know that we have processed all payouts for today.
Please continue to support us on the forums and with the use of your referral links, as we continue to look forward to a profitable relationship.
We have come to stay and revitalize the hopes of everyone in the Auto-surf industry.
We have paid all members as of today, we have decided to reduce the minimum cashout to $2, anyone who has been able to earn $2 can make withdrawals from today, we hope to sustain this process.
We are progressing and will like to thank all members for the support.

GeneticsIndustry (reviewed here) announced a great contest that will last for a month. According to the rules there will be some random winners picked up that will get 25% of the deposited amount as an instant bonus which they can withdraw or redeposit into the program. The first winner was already announced last night and he/she received a whopping $80 to his GeneticsIndustry account. My congratulations to the first winner and I hope there will be many more to come. I remind you that by joining GeneticsIndustry you have an opportunity to earn 1.5% forever (i.e. you can withdraw your principal anytime) but moreover, all payments made to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney are instant and you shouldn’t wait for hours between requesting them and actual appearance in your account. You can read my interview with the admin of GeneticsIndustry published here for more details regarding this program. And here are the latest updates from GeneticsIndustry:
Starting from now and till 01.05.2009 we giveaway 25% of ALL your deposits!
1 winner selected randomly, daily, from all users, deposited after that letter, except previously released deposits ones.
Bonus will be credited on account balance and you decide, instantly withdraw it or make additional spent.
We will announce winner username and bonus amount daily through our onsite newsline and e-mail newsletters.
Good Luck!
Today promo winner is: mpicotto
Bonus amount of 80 USD (25% of total 320 USD of deposits) was sent on account balance, available to withdraw anytime!
Congratulations to our first winner!

AsianInvestGroup (reviewed here) announced their weekly rates based on their trading performance for the previous week. Here are the results for your consideration:
Our rates for current week are the following:
Optimized Portfolio – 8.0% weekly (+0.1)
Aggressive Portfolio – 11.3% weekly (+0.5)
Optimized Portfolio Premium (for investments of $1000 and above) – 11.0% weekly
Aggressive Portfolio Premium (for investments of $1000 and above) – 14.3% weekly
I remind you that AsianInvestGroup pays weekly not-fixed interest and accepts many e-currencies including recently added SolidTrustPay and StrictPay.

I had to move MySurfingStar to Waiting status on my monitoring page today. The site simply disappeared and there is no news from usually active admin Estrella. Due to the current events in the program I tend to believe that the recent announcement of AlertPay and SolidTrustPay as the future payment processors was false and misleading to win the time and new investors. It’s hard to admit but something such things happen in this industry and even the sweetest admins from the beginning could turn into ugly scammers quite fast. So you’d better not believe to everybody and take everything being said rather than done with a pinch of salt.

I am moving DukasFund to Waiting status on my monitoring page as well until I get my payment or some clarification on why it’s still pending. The program was quite bad from the beginning anyway and I didn’t believe for a moment that they had something to do with real trading.

Despite ScotFund paid me again today I would not recommend to join this program as it is now quite obvious that it’s only paying to monitors in hope to attract more new victims into their scam. The days of ScotFund are counted anyway so please don’t invest in it!

The vast majority of the programs I monitor are performing quite well and I must report that I received many payments today from the following programs: PanaMoney, Cent2Dollar, SilverLodge, MesirowFinance, NanoMoneyCorp, PrincipalReturn, RobusTrade, NovalexFinance, GeneticsIndustry, AsianInvestGroup, GoldNuggetInvest, FlowBroker, OakCash, GeniusFunds, InfrastructureInv, UnionFunds, EdwardBrownIvestments, ProjectSurf, FinancialProfitsCorp, EnscoOffshore and CrystalPay (the first payment received).

I joined a new promising low-ROI program today called VentureFundsGroup. Appearing online just a couple of weeks ago VentureFundsGroup seems to be not a bad program at all. It is offering quite reasonable plans which will make some investors think that they are real traders which is certainly possible. They are offering: 0.7%-0.8% with daily payouts for a year, 6% weekly for 26 weeks, 25% monthly for 8 months and 140% after 3 months for 3 quarters. None of these plans return principal back to you although compounding is allowed (except the quarter plan). Only one plan which pays you 0.15% daily allows you some privileged options like withdrawing your principal at any time and compounding your profits. VentureFundsGroup is based on a licensed GoldCoders script and their site is hosted on a dedicated HushHosting server. The most interesting feature is the payment options allowed. So in VentureFundsGroup you can deposit via the following methods: AlertPay, LibertyReserve, SolidTrustPay, StrictPay and PerfectMoney. If that’s not what you need you’re welcome to make your deposit via Bank Wires as well. So the variety of payment options is stunning and makes me think that VentureFundsGroup is here for the long haul. Anyway, I will try to review this program on my blog very soon and my readers will be able to read the full review of VentureFundsGroup company pretty soon. Stay tuned for that and see you tomorrow!

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