April 2009 Archives

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Place your banner here for $140/week or $460/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $135/week or $440/month. Available NOW.


Hi, guys! Hopefully you’re having a great weekend. I certainly am. And I’m in high spirits partially because I received my first weekly payment from ImperialFinances (reviewed here). Yes, I can confirm now that ImperialFinances is paying, and paying fast I must say. I got my first payout from the 35% weekly plan within just a few hours after requesting the payment. The admin of ImperialFinances Will is doing a great job and I think the program has a very bright future ahead. Of course the success of the program depends mostly on the level of investors’ support but according to the admin’s last newsletters the support was awesome so far and we may hope that it will stay the same during the next couple of months. I sincerely believe that ImperialFinances has the huge potential to become one of the best medium-term programs for the last few months because I can see that the team behind ImperialFinances is working hard by improving the program and introducing new features and even investment plans. I remind you that currently ImperialFinances has four investment plans: 35% for 4 weeks, 115% after 10 days, 135% after 20 days and 160% after 1 month. And it seems that just in a couple of days the new daily plan will be introduced by popular demand. You still have the opportunity to influence the admin’s decision regarding the new plan by casting your vote for the favorite plan you would like to see in ImperialFinances in the near future. I feel we should expect more from this admin soon so I will stay tuned for the coming important and hopefully positive updates from him. And this is the latest update from ImperialFinances program:

Hello dear customers, Hope you all are enjoying this wonderful weekend. If you haven’t had time yet, be sure to get out and enjoy it!
It’s been a great week and I am here again to tell you a few things.
1# Today was the first PAYOUT day for the Weekly Plan. All payouts have been processed and ImperialFinances is growing very strong.
2# ImperialFinances has achieved a great member count. At just 7 days we have 276 members and would like to welcome our new customers.
3# The Poll. We are glad to see that everyone is voting for a new plan. It was the best way for us to decide. The leader in front right now is “1.5% daily for 30 days + principal” with 67 votes and 63% of them. After our leader comes “1% daily for 5 days + principal” with 20 votes but still far from leader. If you haven’t yet voted, you still have 3 days before new winner is claimed. Once 10 Days Cycle is over we will send an update newsletter about the winner!
Lastly I would like to say our team is working together on some ideas right now and will let you know more in the upcoming days on what it’s all about. This is all for today.

Nexelim program (reviewed here) got into serious problems as their database crashed and much important data was lost as a result. Fortunately, the admin of Nexelim let investors know that they have nothing to worry about as the most important info about the deposits and earnings is safe. I remind you that Nexelim pays 15% for 8 days (120%) on expiration of your deposit. I’m actually considering to move the program to my Personal Favorites list once I receive the next payout as I believe the program has a very good potential to grow as it still has only about 600 members. I think Nexelim is worth a closer look if you’re not a member yet. Here is the latest update from the admin Paul:
Due to a recent database crash you won’t be able to see your cashout history, referral earnings and earnings from expired deposits. However all of your current deposit/referral earnings are ok. We are sorry for the inconvenience this may have caused. Please note, that in few days our flash splash page will be available. It will help you to improve your advertising efforts.

I can’t access the site of VentureFundsGroup for the last 48 hours so I contacted the admin and am still currently awaiting for his response. Until I get it I decided to move the site to Waiting status on my monitoring page. Hopefully soon it will be back to normal.

I was about to list ProjectSurf as Not Paying but received a surprising update today together with a couple of pendings that were paid to my STP account. I have more pending payouts like I’m sure many of you have but I still want to give Frankie, the admin of ProjectSurf, another chance. I believe that his program that is so much supported on forums will be able to overcome this slow period and cashflow problems and get back on track little by little. In his latest update the admin of ProjectSurf confessed that he didn’t like complainers and jokers so he would not be replying on major forums. If you have some questions or issues with your accounts please address them to Frankie on the ProjectSurf official forum. Frankie also promised that after all the pendings are paid he would lower the ROI (now it’s 9% for 15 days with 135% payout on expiry) and the program would be adjusted to a more sustainable model. I really hope he will succeed in this but so far I can’t return it to my Personal Favorites list. Although I put ProjectSurf back to Paying status be aware that the payouts are still to catch up and have patience if you decide to join it. Here is the latest from the admin of ProjectSurf:
Quick Update.. I will have a more detailed update by tomorrow… I just want to thank all my supporting members I have on the Forums I take notice and I see the support I am getting and I greatly appreciate it. There are also members that are just “complainers” and those are the ones that are hurting this program by complaining to the processors and I have to issue them refunds so that they do not ruin it for the real members that are supportive of me so payout’s are a little slower and I need those reserves to deal with them while my revenue is being transferred to the PP but I will tell you that I am recording all their IP Address, emails, Processor ID’s etc an they will not be able to join at a later date when they see I am the real deal! … it takes 9 business days just to transfer funds inside the PP. .. I even had a complainer that was paid her pending’s .. Upgraded and 4 days later complained to the PP – I totally ignored that person and I see that person on the forum complaining… well there you go… I ignored your complaint for a reason so that you can get your refund and be out of my program as I do not need one “bad” apple ruin it for others.
I will update everyone more tomorrow… but I just want to say that I have been through more then any other admin…. and I am still here and will continue to be here and get this program back on track… I will do my best as I have great plans an it does not just include surfing but a whole network I want to set up… I have had many big “hit and runners” that were paid and I have pretty much everyone in profit except a few members. I have spent my own money paying members and a lot of energy doing this program even hated by two scam forums TalkGold and ASA Monitor cause I speak the truth.
I will create a good program and I will get this site back on track… when all the pending’s are paid. I will lower the ROI and it will fluctuate as revenue consist but I will create niches/projects that will create more revenue but I will do it in a way that it will create a long consistent program of monetary incentives.
– More on that tomorrow-
If anyone has a support issue please post it in the forum … I have “CLOWNS” now sending me fake support issues…. So if you are dedicated to my program you will see this update and put all support request in the ProjectSurf forum… otherwise it will be ignored .. I spent 2 hours going through fake support tickets..
So if you put one in .. Please do it again in the forum….
I am doing my best …. and I will say it again… I am not just doing it for the “players” in the surf world that take these chances with surfs… but also real people… real single moms… people sending me “GOD BLESS YOU’s” and everyone in between .. while exposing the truth… you can say I love controversy but truth has to be told!

At the same time I have moved MuleSurf which I reviewed just a few days ago to Waiting status because I have now three pending withdrawals to LR (while many investors have even four). I could justify the slow processing of withdrawals to LibertyReserve a couple of days ago due to the unstable work of the payment processor but now it seems that the admin of the program has to step up and provide us with a new update regarding the pending payouts before it’s too late. I still believe the situation can be improved but so far please hold off from depositing in MuleSurf program.

Some good news for those who considered to deposit into LloydFunds after reading my review published here but was scared off by the huge minimum of $250 and $500 to deposit. From now on the admin of LloydFunds gives you an opportunity to invest in his program starting from as low as $50 until they reach 2,000 members:
Dear Members, many individuals ask if we could not set down our minimum investment, so they can try us and making a test spend, we followed this request, and we open the doors now from a minimum of $50, until we reach a member base of 2000 Members.

Sorry for not updating you last night but I had a day off and just published the second interview with the admin of PanaMoney (you can read it here by the way if you haven’t done so yet). So today I’m giving you the list of the programs that paid me for the last two days: FinancialProfitsCorp, SilverLodge, ImperialFinances, GoldNuggetInvest, NovalexFinance, NorthBizz, Nexelim, UnionFunds, MajorBarter, GeniusFunds, InfrastructureInv, ComradeFinance, YenStock, RobusTrade, EdwardBrownInvestments, NewDayInvestment, NanoMoneyCorp, OakCash, FlowBroker, EnscoOffshore and ProjectSurf.

I also joined a new program yesterday with the rather long name of DimensionalWealthFund. Hosted on a dedicated Piradius server the program is running on a Neversay script although it’s not an autosurf. DimensionalWealthFund is an HYIP with quite a sustainable medium-term investment plan of 0.6%-1.4% for 25 calendar days with the principal returned at the end of your investment period. The rate of interest in DimensionalWealthFund depends on the amount invested and you have the opportunity to earn between 15% and 35% pure profit on your investment. The investments can be done in $5 installments but the minimum to deposit in the program is set to $15. Currently DimensionalWealthFund accepts four e-currencies: LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, EcuMoney and StrictPay. The program experienced huge growth and reached 400 members after the first eight days of its existence. Although I think that mostly this growth can be explained by many cheaters’ accounts that wanted to take the advantage of getting $15 sign-up bonus which was canceled now. Now these accounts have been deleted and the admin introduced a promo plan instead of giving the bonuses. I consider this program as one of the most interesting ones to be launched recently and hopefully will bring you a more detailed review of DimensionalWealthFund on my blog by tomorrow. Stay tuned for that and see you all then!

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