April 2009 Archives

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Hi everybody! Today as I guess the headline above just told you I am talking with the admin of the recently launched DimensionalWealthFund (reviewed here). Just to give a brief re-cap, the program is a medium term low rate of interest HYIP that pays from 0.6% to 1.4% interest daily depending on the size of your principal for 25 days.

I have much to comment on regarding the admin’s handling of this interview and the temptation to start right here before you have read it is enormous I can tell you! But I suggest you read it all first and draw your own conclusions. I found this to be shall we say an eye-opener at least and I think the experienced investors reading this will be a bit amused if they do not have any money invested with DimensionalWealthFund. They might be a bit concerned if they do.

1. Hi, please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO and tell us a bit about your own involvement in DimensionalWealthFund. Is this your first online venture? What other experience do you have in this Industry?

Hello everybody!! I’m Alex and I am the owner of DWF. It’s not my first venture online. I have learned from the best but excuse me if I don’t mention them here.

2. Can you also give us some background history on DimensionalWealthFund? Why did you decide to open your own program and what are you expecting to achieve by this? Are you alone or do you have a business partner or assistant?

This investment form is 2 years old. I decided to start it after I’ve studied this industry for some time and see the weakness of it but also the strong points of it in the same time. I’ve build a team of 4 bank managers to help me to invest the funds. There is no guarantees that this will bring me success but at least I’m trying.

3. What are the plans you are offering investors? What are the minimum and maximum amounts to spend? What payment processors are you currently dealing with? Are payouts automatic or do I need to request them?

The plans are these:

– Basic: 0.6% daily for 25 calendar days.
– Pro: 1% daily for 25 calendar days.
– Elite: 1.4% daily for 25 calendar days.
Principal back after 25 calendar days.

And a promo plan of 4.6% daily for 30 days (principle included). I had offered a welcome bonus of 15$ (meant for real investors not for children who are trying to cheat) but this was not a successful campaign so I stopped it and made the promo plan instead. You need to request payout (it’s not automatic).
Regarding payment processors I think I’ve chosen the best ones for now. I don’t intend to add STP or AP (which are big scammers) or others. I think I’ve made by best choice for now. Maybe we’ll drop LR in the near future if they will continue to act like now but we can’t be sure of this yet.

4. How would you best explain to someone who has never heard of an HYIP before how the whole thing works? From the very first moment I decide to invest until the time I receive my first payment, what happens? What do I need to do do and what then goes on behind the scenes?

I actually am glad that you put this question. In this interview I’m sure members will hear some things unusual for this industry. We are not a usual HYIP site. Why? Because I am not expecting their deposits to invest and get profit. I’ve already invest my funds for get profit long before deciding to start this site, only to be sure I will have fund to sustain the plans from the site with the profit I already have. From this point of view, what you said in your review regards this site is a little bit wrong because they wouldn’t have to treat this site as just another HYIP but they should treat any investment site as of the same risk.

5. Tell us in as much detail as possible about the security features of DimensionalWealthFund. Are you on a dedicated server? What measures have you taken to protect the program from DdoS attacks and malicious hackers? What about the script? Neversay is traditionally associated with autosurfs. Does it also work well for HYIPs?

We are using Neversay script for this investment site because I think it’s still the safest. Also I’m glad you’ve asked about protection. The so called Anti-ddos protection, or any other kind of protection are pretty much fairy tales. Yes, there is anti-ddos protection really but it costs thousands of dollars and not just few hundred as most of hosts in this industry are pretending. For these few hundred they could handle only a minor attack actually. For a real professional attack no suck host could handle it and this money would be spent for nothing actually. So don’t give me this “how safe your site is” thing because it’s really bullshit. I am sorry to say this straight but all members in this industry are keep asking for the truth and honest admins but they don’t really want to hear the truth. They are just asking to be lied to nicely. Well, I’m not that kind of admin, sorry! The only best protection is to make hourly backups of the database and hope the attackers will loose their patience and stop and than to put the site back online again. As long as the database is safe, everything would be back to normal after this.

6. What advertising strategy are you using to further promote DimensionalWealthFund among potential new investors? Are you happy with the level of support offered by existing members?

Another badly understood thing in this industry is the advertising strategy (or so they call it). Instead of paying thousands of dollars for advertising which would bring me nothing more than expenses, I preferred to spend those funds to bring profit before even opening this site. I think it’s more important to pay the members with the profit you promised in your plans than to spend a lot of money in advertising which would bring you no results. I believe the best advertising option is referral commission that I’m offering (like more other sites) because I think that mouth-to-mouth advertising is still the best but it seems that members still didn’t understand this well. Well, if they don’t want to earn from referral commissions it’s not my problem actually but I also don’t intend to invest thousands of dollars on advertising just to get no results and to look good in newbies eyes. Sorry to say this.

7. What about the success of the program overall so far? Are you pleased with the level of growth to date? Can you give us any statistics on the amount of members and the total amount deposited? What are your expectations over the coming months?

I am not pleased at all regarding our site’s progress. I have invested my own funds quite some time ago to get profit and I expected to get much better results (as investments) so far, which I didn’t yet. Why? Maybe because I’m not an ordinary scammer and I prefer to invest and get profit instead of giving all the look they expected for to get scammed. I won’t ever give the total amounts invested on our site because I believe in privacy policy even if we have stats. As for as many members we have so far, you can always see the stats on the site. I was expecting much more from this site but didn’t get it yet. Not even the members paid posted on forums (only some monitors). Still hoping for better results.

8. What kind of customer support do you offer members? How can they contact you if they have any issues with their investments? Do you offer telephone or e-mail support?

Regarding customer support, we are offering the best we can. Usually there is always somebody online (at least 20 hours out of 24 hours) to offer support on email. I don’t intend to offer phone support because I don’t believe in it. And support personnel would just note your problems and report to me and not solve your problem actually which is an expensive that I’d prefer to invest and get profit also than to spend it for no results.

9. Maybe you could tell us more now about the outside business interests of DimensionalWealthFund? How are you investing members money? I have seen hundreds if not thousands of programs claiming to be involved in things like Stocks bonds and equities trading but have never seen a shred of evidence to prove any of it. How can investors independently verify the truth of any of these claims?

Regarding how we invest money: I don’t think that I should prove anything or justify how I’m making profit. If it would be easy to make it, anybody would do it. I’m not gonna lie to you either, saying that I’m investing in this or that. It’s actually not your problem how we invest money to make profit. If you want such justify go to a bank and get that low profit. All I can say is that we’ve started long time ago investing our own funds to can get profit already and only after that started this site. All sites which pretend that they invest your money but expect your funds to be invested are liars in my opinion because they couldn’t have time enough to wait for these funds, invest them and make profit in time to pay you accordingly to their plans. That’s why we’ve started to invest long time ago and got our own profit already.

10. With so many new programs coming online every day, what would be the one thing you would say to investors who are still undecided on which program to pick? What are the benefits of joining DimensionalWealthFund over any other program?

Why would you choose us before other programs? Actually why not? At least I’m telling you what you always asked for: the truth and nothing but the truth. Why else? Because as I’ve said before we’ve used our own funds to already got profit before starting this site to can be sure we’ll pay you accordingly to our plans. How can you be sure of this? Only by testing it. Everybody is asking how can I be sure this site that is not a scam?! Well, to tell you the truth the only way is to test it. Nothing can offer you 100% guarantee for anything in this world. And lately, with this crisis, you can’t be sure even of your bank (which by the way would give you much less profit anyway).

11. And finally what is your honest opinion of my blog? Is it of any real benefit do you think to online investors? Can you offer any suggestions on how it might be improved?

Paul, I like very much your blog. I really think it’s a real benefit for all members who’d read it. Regarding improvements….yes…they are. First, I’d test any program in your place for at least two weeks (from my own money) before making a blog. To be sure it’s safe. Beside this, in my opinion it’s useless to search for a custom (expensive) script, custom design, anti-ddos protection and dedicated server to be sure a site is safe. The better they are, the better the scam. The only guarantee for a site is paying (in my opinion) is to test it yourself (no matter of other details) and to see it’s paying for some time (regardless of advertising funds spent) because the only real quality to make a site working (and not a ponzi scam) is the admin’s ability of investing money and get profit. Hope this will help you in further reviews and interview because I really like you and I really think you have talent for writing.

OK. Now I am all in favor of giving a program admin a fair and equal chance to prove himself and explain his program. That is what Alex has just done for DimensionalWealthFund. And speaking as someone with many years experience in this industry I find some answers ranging from puzzling to alarming. To start with the suggestion that AP and STP are “scams” when in fact they are the only widely used payment processors with an actual grievance policy, a published contact address, a working telephone line, a license issued by the Canadian government, and the only ones to be held accountable for their actions by the law. Bizarre!

Regarding the feeling that an admin does not have to offer any explanation on what they do with investors money, well I again beg to differ. Anyone who will gladly accept $15,000 of somebody else’s money should be held accountable and it is the investors right as the owner of that money to satisfy himself about that.

There are a number of other points but I will let you think about that yourselves. I just want to mention the most worrying one which is the cavalier attitude to security as being an unwelcome and totally unnecessary expense. That just defies all known logic and practically amounts to an open invitation to hackers and DdoS attacks. Whatever about the other points raised, and everybody is entitled to their opinion, this is just something I simply can not agree with. And as for the idea that the better the security, the better the scam (!), well I’ve been scratching my head all day thinking about that.

Maybe this sounds like I am turning completely against DimensionalWealthFund here. Well, referring back to my own review I stand by my original assessment that the actual plans themselves are realistic and sustainable. I would re-evaluate some other points though as there is simply too much in this interview that I, as an investor, cannot agree with. On the other hand I guess I should in a way thank Alex for his candid answers. Not everybody cares so little about the opinions of others which is sometimes an admirable quality. Just not when those others are the ones funding your program, lol! At the end of the day, the decision to spend rests entirely with you guys reading this anyway, so feel free to get a second opinion or add your thoughts to this.

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