May 26th, 2009 Archives

Place your banner here for $150/week or $500/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $145/week or $480/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $140/week or $460/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $135/week or $440/month. Available NOW.


Hi all! Well, Monday again and back to the grindstone for most of us. Most but not me. It’s yet another bank holiday here. I have no idea what the special occasion is, but I’ll take it. But of course I still have a new review for you, as well as all the usual news round up. The program I’m looking at today is the oddly named AmericanWorkGroup. I say odd because the standard of English on their homepage would indicate them to be as American as Red Square or The Eiffel Tower. South American possibly, but certainly not the US.

So starting with the plans, AmericanWorkGroup is best described as a long term low rate of interest HYIP. There are four plans that offer you from 1.9% to 2.7% interest depending on the size of your deposit. All four plans run for 150 calendar days, but interest is paid daily on business days only. Personally I believe most of the options here to be beyond the financial reach of the majority of the people who invest in the HYIP world, but I will outline them all anyway. It’s up to you to decide after all.

First up is the Investor” plan. This is open to deposits between $20 and $999 and in return you will earn 1.9% daily from Monday through Friday. So if we take a $100 investment as an example we will earn $1.90 paid five days per week. That’s $9.50 per week. Or is it? Now, here is where it all gets confusing, and to be honest it looks like it was all thrown together in a rather ham fisted and haphazard way. They provide you with an online calculator for you to calculate your potential profits. This little device tells me that I will be paid for Saturday and Sunday, despite the information page saying otherwise. AmericanWorkGroup‘s own calculator tells me I will see a profit of $285 plus my principal returned. This would be accurate if they pay for weekends. If they don’t then my estimation would be a good deal less. The calendar hanging on my kitchen wall says there is a maximum of 108 business days in a 150 calendar day period. Which makes your final profit $205.20. Notice anything different? Very unprofessional. If it interests you I suggest you put the question directly to the admin before starting.

The remaining plans offer 2.2% on deposits from $1000 to $4999, 2.5% on deposits from $5000 to $9999, and finally 2.7% on amounts from $10,000 to the maximum $50,000. Payment options at the moment are somewhat limited with just PerfectMoney and LibertyReserve being accepted for the moment, put the admin insists that plans are underway to add several others in the future.

Moving on to security, this seems to be something of a comedy of errors right now. Don’t get me wrong, AmericanWorkGroup has some fine features any HYIP would be satisfied with. The script for instance is licensed from Tomacero, the same folks who provide it for GoldNuggetInvest. They are using SSL encryption which is always a major plus and of course they are hosted on a dedicated server. All great points that would suggest the project is intended to be taken seriously. But then yesterday I received an update regarding the suspension of the program’s domain. This is based on the fact that they are an online HYIP and as it happens a lot of providers don’t happen to care much for that sort of thing. It’s a bit unfortunate but really, I think the admin should have asked about that first. Anyway they are working from a temporary domain for the moment and a new one should be fixed up soon. I have adjusted the links in their banners here so clicking them will still get you to their homepage.

Contact is via e-mail with two phone numbers also provided. One in the US, the other in Panama. Neither of them were answered when I called and there was no answering service to leave a message. In fact the Panamanian one came up as an invalid number. Check it out yourself, you might have more luck. They also claim to be a registered business in Panama and even offer a certificate to prove it. Well I don’t know what that certificate is, but I know what it isn’t, lol! First of all it’s in English, which as everybody south of the Rio Grande will tell you is not the official language of Panama. Why isn’t it in Spanish? Well that much is easy. It isn’t and actual certificate, but rather a translation. Also the signature and the printed version of the company “president’s” name are quite clearly that of two completely different people. The signature is that not of the AmericanWorkGroup admin but of somebody else. Somebody you may have heard of. Not to go on about it too much, but if you want to compare it to what a genuine Certificate of Incorporation looks like for a Panamanian company, go have a look at NovalexFinance‘s website and compare the two versions. Oh Wait! They’re the same! I mean really the same. AmericanWorkGroup have stolen the translated version of NovalexFinance‘s Incorporation Certificate and tried to pass it off as their own. Except they neglected to remove the names of the NovalexFinance managers. It’s amazing what you can do with PhotoShop these days. Just learn how to use it properly first, lol!

So the final verdict is that this is not a Forex trading company as stated but a rather average HYIP and an amateur one at that. There was some great ideas here but were poorly executed. Treat it as such. My best hope for it is that it’s something of a learning curve for the admin and it improves over time.

Other news for today.

First of all I would like to warn everybody about OakCash. The program seems to have stopped paying and now I’m sure that only some selective payouts to monitoring sites are being processed. Not only big payouts are being skipped but some small amounts less than a dollar are not getting paid either. That’s why I have to admit that OakCash has serious problems and definitely will close very soon. The program although showed a good result of being online for two and a half months and came through two full 31 day cycles. So those who joined the program during the first month online should have already been in profit. Unfortunately, as we know such programs like OakCash are not forever as they are just investment games which are not backed up by real funds.

Obviously the same level of caution should now apply to such investment games as SilverLodge (reviewed here) the admin of which Louise failed to provide any proof of their trading activities on the silver markets as I reported earlier. Moreover, I received more complaints that the promised MasterCards were never received by the many members who ordered them before. Really, that would be strange if the admin really was aware of how MasterCard works if he promised to give me one without even asking for any verification documents like MasterCard would themselves require. Yes, so far SilverLodge is paying but again today I received one more troubling sign that made me move the program down my list. A couple of readers reported to me that they were asked to provide their STP accounts although they deposited via different ones. In my opinion, that can mean only one thing: they have a lot of cash in STP which they are trying to dump because eventually they will not be able to withdraw anyway in event of their account being frozen due to fraud (which I believe it’s coming soon). Also I can tell you that there was absolutely no response to me and no apologies offered from Louise so far for our meeting not taking place. I guess he simply has nothing to say. So I urge you to be extremely cautious with SilverLodge from now on. I can only say that the program is back on track after the first payments from 140% after 1 month will be paid. Until then I reduced SilverLodge‘s rankings despite the fact that the payments are still being processed on time.

It seems the admin of LonixFinance (reviewed here) finally upgraded their server to a dedicated one which will definitely increase the level of security for the site. However at the same time it could lead to some mistakes in your account which should be immediately reported to the admin of LonixFinance for a fast correction:
Hi Dear Member, Today again we change server and if any user any problem about deposit withdraw or not show deposit please contact to support. Again apologize from you dear member.

AsianInvestGroup (reviewed here) today announced the weekly rates for the previous week. What makes me feel good is the fact that the rates are going up again for both Optimized and Aggressive portfolios. Here is the latest statement from AsianInvestGroup:
Our rates for current week are the following:
Optimized Portfolio – 8.5% weekly (+0.2)
Aggressive Portfolio – 9.6% weekly (+0.4)
Optimized Portfolio Premium (for investments of $1000 and above) – 11.5% weekly
Aggressive Portfolio Premium (for investments of $1000 and above) – 12.6% weekly

The admin of DamexTrade program (reviewed here) has introduced compounding, and the level of which can be changed from your member’s area under “Deposit information” tab. The plans DamexTrade is offering to online investors have changed as well: now you will be paid 2.45%-3.45% for 120 days (instead of 75 days like it was before) with the principal returned on expiry. DamexTrade also updated the members about changing the server and the temporary difficulties which you may experience in your account:
Please note to all member, our time server is different now because we using new server. So we need your patience for waiting the profit automatically credited to balance. Do not worry, we are here and we not going anywhere. If the profit not credited within 48 hours, contact us soon.

I don’t remember if I saw this update before but only today I discovered that StableInterest program (reviewed here) started accepting PerfectMoney payment processor as well. I found the following update today on the site of StableInterest:
Dear friends, Starting from now, you can make deposits to StableInterest portfolios, using PerfectMoney e-currency.
To make new deposit using PerfectMoney, one should SIGN UP for a new account, and choose PerfectMoney from the drop-down menu.
All current accounts and portfolios launched via LibertyReserve are restricted from switching to PerfectMoney until there are any working programs on them. Once the programs are closed, one may switch to PerfectMoney and back.
Hope the alternative deposit method is worth your attention.

It seems the admin of TheDollarDiggers program Thomas has fully implemented his cycle into the script and from now on you can buy the positions straight from your member’s area in the program. I remind you that TheDollarDiggers has now officially become an AutoCylcerPTC program with three revenue streams for the members. It’s a significant achievement already especially if you consider that the program is still in Pre-Launch stage. If you are more interested in participating in the regular surfing program then you should know that TheDollarDiggers has the main plan of 2% for 15 days with daily payouts and the principal returned on expiry. The rest about the Cycler plan has been explained in full detail by the admin in today’s newsletter:
While TDD is still in Soft Launch mode I am making some tweaking with the plans I am offering.
With the Digger Plan it will be as is. 2% daily for 15 days, principal back after expiry.
But for the Cycler Plan. I decided to make it a 3 stages cycler. So how it will be? Here is the detailed explanation.
The Cycler Plan will now have not only one Stage but 3. In each Stages, members will receive incentive every time your positions cycled. The amount of each position in this new and revamped 3 Stage Cycler is $1.30. And once your position cycled out from Stage 3, you will get $130.
Here are the given incentives in each Stage.
Stage 1 – Get $1 for every position cycled
– So this means that once your position in Stage one cycled you will receive almost 77% of your spend of $1.30. Then your position will be move to Stage 2.
Stage 2 – Get 4 free re -entry positions in Stage 1
– Every position you have cycled in this Stage will give you 4 new positions in Stage 1 ready to earn $1 once cycled out in Stage 1. Then your position now will be moved to Stage 3.
Stage 3 – Get $130 + 2 free units in Digger Plan
– Once cycled from this Stage, the amount of $130 will be put in your account balance in TDD and you can withdraw it anytime you like. Then $10 will be invested for you in the Digger Plan that will give you 2% daily for 15 days total to 30% profit plus principal back after 15 days.
This is a nice way to earn extra rather than just surfing daily. TDD is not just a boring same old Autosurf program. We are AutoCylcerPTC program. I will dig more ways to make my members earn more and incorporating this 3 Stage Cycler will surely help my members to earn some extra profits online.
This will also help TDD to have some extra funds that will be used for maintaining the site, hosting, advertising and payments to members with upgrades.
Now how to join in this great 3 Stage Cycler you may ask.
In your members area, when you click the BUY ADS under the Members Panel, you will see the newly added plan which is named 3 Stage Cycler Plan, you can purchase from 1 position worth $1.30 up to 153 positions worth $198.90.
This plan will expire once your position in the Plan cycled out in Stage 3 already. I will manually expire it.
The Excel file will now be named, 3 Stage Cycler Plan List and you can see it also in your members area. You have to download it first to see the list of positions.
Now the promo of Buy 4 get 1 free position will now become Buy 20 get 5 free positions in 3 Stage Cycler Plan.
I also uploaded the updated list for 3 Stage Cycler and you can now check your positions, this is to members who purchased when it is still Cycler Plan.
This will be the final changes that will be made for this new feature of TDD.
Go start purchasing now everyone!

That’s all the news for today except to add the list of programs that paid me today. They are: Fexity, GeniusFunds, DamexTrade, MajorBarter, TraderSolid, UnitFX, GoldNuggetInvest, VentureFundsGroup, TheDollarDiggers, PanaMoney, EnscoOffshore, NovalexFinance, ForexExperts, EdwardBrownInvestments, Poplans, LonixFinance, NanoMoneyCorp, Ivy-Castle, GearsOfProfit, SteadyGrowthInvest, HighRiseFinance, SigmaTral, EwoCapital and AmericanWorkGroup (the first payment received). See you all tomorrow!

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