Jun 14th, 2009 Archives

Place your banner here for $150/week or $500/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $145/week or $480/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $140/week or $460/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $135/week or $440/month. Available NOW.



Hi everyone! I hope your weekend is going well so far. If not, well not to worry, I might have just the thing you need to put a smile on your face. It’s called EarnerSurfer and it’s the program I want to review today. I joined it a couple of days ago during the week and have been giving it some thought since. And I must say I am hugely optimistic about it. In fact I would say enthusiastic might be a better word.

It’s a surfing program as the name might indicate and there has been something of a mini revival of late in the surfing industry. And while absolute runaway success stories remain elusive, there is no denying that there has at least been a positive improvement. And the most promising new site in my opinion to emerge from this recent crop is undoubtedly EarnerSurfer. I’ll stop short of claiming that this one could feasibly lead the entire surfing industry out of it’s current state of semi-hibernation, that’s simply not true, but I do believe that EarnerSurfer can and will become a successful stand alone program over the coming months regardless of the genaral state of the industry or its main competitors. Not a claim I make lightly by the way. But something I believe this program is capable of achieving if managed correctly.

One of the first things you need to note about EarnerSurfer is that it’s not an autosurf. It’s a manual surf. For the benefit of any newcomers to the industry reading this the difference between them is both simple and hugely important all at the same time. A manual surf requires you to physically sit in front of your computer and watch a number of adverts for a certain number of seconds. When you finish watching one advert you are required to physically, or manually, click on the “next” button to continue the process and view the next ad until you have “manually” surfed the required number of ads. With autosurfs it’s a much simpler task of just starting the procedure and allowing your computer to then “automatically” continue the process for you while you make yourself a coffee or whatever.

The crucial difference in the two though is not how the process itself works, but rather how much more popular the manual surf is going to be when it comes to attracting advertisers. For instance if I want to advertise Money-News-Online then for obvious reasons I am going to consider a manual surf as a much more effective platform for doing so. You the viewer will have to physically view my ad for a certain period of time, and not just press the “play ads” button and leave the room as you can with an autosurf. So starting from that point it has to be said that right from the very beginning EarnerSurfer has a distinct advantage over many of it’s competitors.

As for the investment plan itself (there’s only one of them) in more detail, well the first thing you will be asked to do is make a deposit. Then you will be asked to re-direct that deposit into the plan of your choice. But it’s not a difficult choice because as I just said there’s only one. But I think this may be just a convenience for the admin to allow him to add more plans in the future should the need (or demand) arise.

And so what is this plan? Well first of all the minimum amount to invest is $10, i.e the price of one single ad pack. At the present time the maximum number of ad packs you may purchase is 200, or $2000 worth of them. Over the course of time this figure will be increased gradually. The next question is what will you get for your money? EarnerSurfer will require you to manually surf 20 sites per day on a timer of 10 seconds each. You will need to do this for 20 consecutive days and if you can manage that your payment will be 7% interest earned per day and paid on expiry. But don’t worry if you miss a day’s surfing. 20 days is a bit longer than the usual surfing plan and the admin can be quite flexible. You will simply be required to surf an extra day to make up for the one you missed.

Now if we take a practical example of let’s say an investment of $100, that will get you $7 per day or a total of $140 on expiry. As is usually the case, that figure includes your principal. And by the way, for those of you who prefer autosurfs to manual surfs because they appear to be somehow easier, the entire manual surfing process in EarnerSurfer takes a grand total of 3 minutes and 20 seconds per day. Hardly that much of an inconvenience is it? It’s about the length of an advertising break on commercial television except this time you’re getting paid to watch them.

One important thing you should note here is how stable and sustainable this plan is for the long term. Couple that with the obvious benefits to the actual advertisers and we can draw a very fast conclusion that EarnerSurfer is definitely intended to be a long lasting steady performer. Call it a slow burner if you will but that is in no way a bad thing. They might not offer you the same “fast buck” option that you will see elsewhere, but they can deliver on their promise of 140% after 20 days and comfortably so I would think. Putting a cap on maximum investments is also going to go some way towards reducing the impact of hit’n’runners and therefore also making a significant contribution towards the long term survival of the program.

The other important thing you need to know about regarding the investment plan is the accepted payment options. And like everything else here they are quite good. They presently include AlertPay, SolidTrustPay, StrictPay and LibertyReserve.

Moving on to the design and security of EarnerSurfer, some long time surfing fans will agree that there is definitely a familiar look to this one. Such surfing luminaries as AggeroInvestment and PremiumAdsClub (PAC) immediately spring to mind. There’s nothing to suggest a connection between them of course but if there was one I can tell you I would welcome it. However the similarities are actually down to the same designer, Gotenks. I’m sure many will recognize his name and regard it as synonymous with quality and efficiency. Another of his more recent projects is xChanger.org which you can see for yourself is an excellent job. Anyway, Gotenks has also provided the script for EarnerSurfer and his past record in this field is really all you need to know about here to know that its going to be difficult to improve on. One of many benefits to this particular script is the multi lingual options that are already built in. You will have the option of viewing the site in English, French, German, Russian, Spanish and Italian. However it is a proper translation, and not the nonsense that often comes out of online auto translators. Surely this can only benefit EarnerSurfer by throwing it open to a huge number of members who might have otherwise been hindered by a limited command of the English language.

Hosting is on a dedicated server with protection from DdoS attacks from Koddos. Not a name I’ve seen on many of the sites I’ve reviewed recently, but nevertheless a good solid, dependable and trusted provider. A quick look at some of the other sites hosted by them will verify that. The actual server itself is provided by Staminus which is a name some of you will recognize as quite simply the best option money can buy in this field. Customer support is offered via an online e-mail ticketing system. The admin, whose name is Chris, has proved to be quite responsive this far and has also been pretty active on the main forums. Anybody with any doubts should feel free to throw a couple of question to him before spending (as is your right) and I’m sure he can explain the whole thing better than I ever could.

Concerns about the general health of the surfing industry aside, I have tried and tried again to find a flaw with EarnerSurfer. Well, I’m still looking. The amount of work put into this has been excellent. From day one this has been what I would call the finished product. The program I see before me is a prime example of a professionally planned, researched, developed, and executed program. They’ve thought of everything. I strongly suspect a skilled expert to be the driving force behind this project. It’s definitely taking a long term view here and has put everything in place to archive their goal of becoming a long term stable, sustainable, and above all profitable venture for all who get involved. I wouldn’t like to say that EarnerSurfer will somehow lead the entire surfing industry out of the doldrums it finds itself in at the moment. But that isn’t their responsibility. I would say a more important assessment is what I believe will be their ability to strive and succeed as a stand alone business and not be affected by the conditions in the rest of the industry. I think EarnerSurfer is going to be huge all by itself, without any negative affects stemming from the past failures of others in this arena. A success story in the making and you heard it here first. You should of course not allow yourself to be carried away by my own personal enthusiasm and remind you that you are always welcome to do as much research as possible on this one. I think it will be a long lasting program but you need to look into it yourselves.

Other news for today.

Let’s start today’s news with the first newsletter sent to all the members by a new but already very popular program InvestiMates from its admin Roger Miller. The admin gave us some very good stats after the first week online and mentioned that those who joined in the early stages will be in profit in just a couple of days time. This will surely be a reward for everybody who trusted in Roger and gave him a second chance after his previous program USDozen failed just after 4 weeks online. I for one would like to know more about the reasons behind this failure and also about the future plans Roger has for the members of his new program. So I’ve sent him some questions and am expecting to have a reply by tomorrow when hopefully I will publish the interview on my blog. And meanwhile, please read this update from InvestiMates (reviewed here) received yesterday:
Dear Mates, How are you doing? Firstly, thank you for being a mate at InvestiMates, I appreciate your continued support and patronage. Without you, InvestiMates is nothing. So thank you so much for supporting me and my program.
InvestiMates is growing at a steady and progressive rate and that makes me very happy and I hope it makes you happy to see the growth too. We now have $17,455 in total deposits and 429 total members in our InvestiMates family. And that is just after roughly 7 days of being online. I consider this an achievement and I am pleased to e-mail you about it if you haven’t noticed yet hehe.
If you have made deposits already then you will surely be in profit in no time. The first set of deposits will be expiring in a few days from now and I am expecting some gradual increase in growth rate then.
I am thinking about launching a contest. I do not know if it will be a referral contest or some unique contest, I am still thinking what idea is best for a contest. More details to be posted and e-mailed as soon as it is ready.
More promotions will be available for everyone to enjoy pretty soon. Watch out and always read the e-mails I send out so you will stay updated. Your Mate, Roger Miller

OilInsider (reviewed here) is surely becoming one of my favorites for its flawless performance. This was another week when I received my payments on time (on Thursday and Friday) and this time the total rate of interest for both “Weekly Petroleum Status” and “Weekly Natural Gas Storage” plans reached 10.2%. It’s not bad at all and a little bit higher than average. Hopefully OilInsider will continue its great job online for the benefit of all investors. This is one of the most promising recent programs online so please pay special attention to OilInsider:
Earned interest of 4.1% for Thursday, June 11 has been paid Friday, June 12, 2009
Earned interest of 6.1% for Wednesday, June 10 has been paid Thursday, June 11, 2009

NovalexFinance (reviewed here) is definitely one of the most established and one of the most popular programs among online investors. It pays 100% of your principal after 30 days and 100% of profit after another 20 days. So you actually can double your money in just 50 days. One of my readers recently let me know about their meeting they held in Nigeria which I was not aware of. So I checked the website of NovalexFinance and I really found the information of the meeting supposedly having taken place in Warri, Nigeria yesterday:
NovalexFinance Meeting on June 13th.
Address: PTI – Petroleum Training Institute, Conference Center Effurun, Delta State, Warri, Nigeria.
Date: 13th June 2009 (Saturday) Time: 10:00 AM – Africa Time. Contact number: +234-8075280397.

This could seem weird as NovalexFinance is officially registered in Panama so what’s the point in holding a meeting in Nigeria unless you’re operating from there? Well, the reason for it seems to be more logical than I thought at first. Since one of their representatives lives in Nigeria the meeting must have been a sort of local conference where some points could be discussed. Anyway, the contact phone number listed on the News section of the site coincides with the phone number given on the Contact page of NovalexFinance website so I guess the meeting was with one of their representatives as a promotion. Anyway, I would be interested to know what was discussed there so if any Nigerian readers (and I know there are many) attended maybe you could please let me know at abramsonp@gmail.com I hope you will share some info with me which I will be able to publish on my blog soon. I will also try to contact the admin of NovalexFinance and ask him about it.

Unfortunately the admin of XagaEnterprise Kevin (interviewed here) was forced to stop accepting SolidTrustPay as one of his payment processors. Obviously, XagaEnterprise has violated the terms of SolidTrustPay payment processor that prohibits all gambling sites which XagaEnterprise is connected with. Kevin is trying to resolve the issue with STP but till then if you invested in XagaEnterprise via SolidTrustPay and would like to get paid via LibertyReserve please contact him. I’m sure he will help you out. Here is the news update from Kevin:
I am so sorry that I have to disable STP option. I have a problem with my STP account. My account has been downgraded from verified to active.
Here is the email I received from STP :
“Hello Kevin, Your account has once again been downgraded to active.
To re-verify your account we are going to require a precise business plan on how your business is going to be run. The dates and percentages of payouts need to be included along with, the percentage of commisions being sent to yourself. We are going to require the exact business that is being done inside the casinos to be able to verify your account as a merchant, as we do not accept gambling websites. Please respond at your earliest convenience.
Kind regards, SolidTrustPay Investigations Dept.”
I believe the main reason that STP did this because they think I disobey their policy :
https://solidtrustpay.com/htdocs/useragreement.php Please see number 8.
I will contact them again on Monday to solve this problem. I will inform the result on Monday.
Till this issue is resolved, those who want to get paid by LR can send me an e-mail and update their account with LR number. Thank You.

StrictPay payment processor put some limits for deposits and withdrawals from SolidTrustPay payment processor. Now it’s $2K for deposits and $2K for withdrawals for any 7 day period. Also StrictPay promises to send a long-awaited update soon regarding their new debit cards. This is quite a good news and I fully expect that soon all the debit card issues in StrictPay will be a thing of the past. Here is the latest from them:
StrictPay Customers, We have been reviewing our procedures concerning the SolidTrustPay option of deposit and withdraw, and we need to implement some changes. These changes are effective immediately.
All customers can now have a total of $2,000 in SolidTrustPay deposits, and $2,000 in SolidTrustPay withdraws, in a 7 day span. This 7 day span is written into our system so that it will be updated to the minute in real time, and the goal of this was to make it easier for everyone to track if they do multiple deposits and withdraws. SolidTrustPay deposits and withdraws will also take 1 to 2 business days to complete. Occasionally there are times that SolidTrustPay needs to review the transactions before our funding department can complete the process, and this is factored into this new time frame.
We appreciate your understanding that these changes are to insure the long term success of StrictPay. We also will be sending out an email next week concerning the details of the new debit card provider, including time frames, fees, etc. Please watch for this email next week sometime, and the update will also be posted at the News link on the front page of the StrictPay website.

Do you remember CorpusTrust program (reviewed here) with its CryptoCard to ensure the absolute security of the program? Well, it seems the example was borrowed by another popular program with instant payouts Verifield (reviewed here). Unlike CorpusTrust though obtaining this SafeCard is not compulsory but strongly recommended if you want your account in Verifield to be absolutely secure. As it’s explained on the Verifield website “SafeCard is a code card with 99 codes provided for complete Verifield account safety and possible fraud prevention. Once you receive the SafeCard, it will be required to perform major transactions inside your Verifield account.” It will surely protect your account from others trying to log into it and commit a transaction that is going to be instant in most cases and so irreversible. More about newly introduced SafeCard you can read on Verifield website in the respective topic. This is an announcement I found on their website:
Verifield announces SafeCard
Presenting a new security feature – SafeCard. Now all account holders have an option to create a SafeCard, new code card offered for all Verifield accounts. Generate your SafeCard today and prevent anyone from compromising your account safety. Verifield recommend to renew your SafeCard at least once a month for complete account security.

SigmaTral site (reviewed here) was offline for the most part of the day yesterday. Fortunately, everything is alright now and all the pendings have been paid. Even when SigmaTral was offline there was a message left on the website which helped investors not to panic:
Dear members, We are under maintenance. We will come back in 12 – 24 hours. Sorry for the inconvenience. Best Regards“.

ExcellentProfit program which is yet to be reviewed on my blog (that will be fixed next week) is doing well. All the payments are being made on time. The administration of the program is really supportive and recently even put the clarification on ExcellentProfit website regarding the profits being credited to members’ accounts only on business days. Here it is:
Hello dear clients, This is Nathan from the support department. We wanted to clarify to everyone that all Weekly Plan Investment Products are paid on all business days. *Business days does not include Saturday and Sunday. In addition to that, the daily ROI Investment Product do not generate interests on weekends. Please refer our FAQ to get more answers on the following matter. Good day everyone.

GlobalTraderGroup (reviewed here) announced a bonus which will be paid to all new investors that are going to make their deposits up until next Monday. Here are the rules on how to get the bonus:
Greetings. We have an offer for a limited time until Monday 15th.
To new investors who sign up and make your deposit, we offer: 3% bonus up to $ 700.00, 5% of $ 701 to $ 5,000, 8% over $ 5,000.
This is our way to welcome the new members.
*Offer valid only for new sign ups. Please contact us if any question to us.

I was always wondering about the updates being published on InvestmentForge website (reviewed here). While the program itself is a good and paying performer their updates are simply misleading and pointless in my opinion. They simply give us some news from all over the Internet without any reasonable connection to their own program. Just read what I found in the news section of InvestmentForge site this time:
Dear readers, Hedge Fund Paulson & Co Buys $100 Million CB Richard Ellis Stock, $50 Million Offering Launch Real estate services company, CB Richard Ellis Group, Inc. has reached an agreement to sell in a direct placement 13,440,860 shares of its Class A common stock for gross proceeds of approximately $100.0 million, to hedge fund manager Paulson & Co. Inc. on behalf of several of its investment funds and accounts it manages.
In addition, Ellis plans to sell Class A common stock, having an aggregate offering price of up to $50.0 million through J.P. Morgan.
Paulson Investment Company, Inc. is an investment banker for emerging companies nationwide and a full service brokerage firm engaged in the purchase and sales of securities from and to the public and for its own account and in investment banking activities. Paulson Investment Company, Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Paulson Capital Corp., a publicly traded company since 1971, and trades on the Nasdaq Capital Market under the symbol “PLCC”.
InvestmentForge have agreed with this decision and hope that this will bring pure profit.

Any suggestions as to what any of this actually has to do with InvestmentForge?

Merchandies finally added AlertPay to their list of accepted payment processors and from now on you can deposit into this program using four payment processors. I remind you that Merchandies is paying 22.2% for 5 days (total 111% including the principal). The minimum to invest is $20 and for the deposits more than $4K there are higher rates available. Please refer to Merchandies site or to my review of the program published here to find out more.

Good news for all members of SilverLodge site (reviewed here). They seem to have changed their opinion again but this time it was definitely to a positive one. As you might remember the administration of SilverLodge promised not to pay to anybody this weekend and take it off as a break from their business. However, I know that many members of SilverLodge site are getting paid even on Saturday and Sunday. All the payments have been done except to LibertyReserve which site login area seem to be inaccessible to everybody at this point. I remind you that according to the latest update from SilverLodge the sign-ups will not be allowed starting next Monday and the program will go private.

Obviously due to problems with LibertyReserve some programs have to delay the payments to their members until the problem is fixed. Some programs informed their members about that issue. For instance, the admin of CoolReturn (reviewed here) sent the following update to his members:
All LibertyReserve payouts are delayed due to LibertyReserve problem. When LibertyReserve will up we will complete all payouts in short time depending if LibertyReserve come back when we are in office.
I hope all other programs will follow that example and update their members on the situation unless LibertyReserve is back to normal soon.

This is all I wanted to discuss on my blog today. So to finish here is the list of paying programs that paid me for the last 36 hours: SilverLodge, SigmaTral, TheDollarDiggers, LloydFunds, AsianInvestGroup, EarnerSurfer, YesICanSurf, GeniusFunds, ForexExperts, NanoMoneyCorp, OilInsider, GoldNuggetInvest, MajorBarter, XagaEnterprise, CoolReturn, Ivy-Castle, NovalexFinance, ExcellentProfit, Merchandies, ElegantMoney, EnscoOffshore, NorthBizz, VentureFundsGroup, SteadyGrowthInvest and InvestiMates. See you on my blog tomorrow, guys!

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