Hi guys! I hope your weekend is going well so far. But especially to all the dads reading this (including my own) I’d like to say Happy Father’s Day! It also occurs to me that this being June 21st it’s also the longest day of the year (or indeed the shortest to southern readers) so make the most of it. I have my own plans but I always have time for money-news-online first. So today I want to review a short term program I joined recently called HeavenInvestment. Some of you may have already seen the name on my monitoring page.
When I say it’s a short term program I mean short. Really short. The investment term runs for just one single day. So there is a chance to make a fast buck here but remember the risk that accompanies programs like this one. I suppose there’s no risk if you know the right time to withdraw, but nobody can accurately predict that. When programs like this go down they go down fast, so it really is a case of first come first served. Get in and get out early to avoid disappointment.
The plan, and there’s just one, is remarkable in its simplicity. Short term programs are usually distinguished by their lack of complications anyway, but HeavenInvestment is especially straight to the point. You are invited to make a minimum deposit of $10 and in return you will be paid 104% interest after 1 day. That’s 100% of you principal plus 4% profit. And that’s it! Just one day and receive $4 for every $100 you invest. The maximum investment is $10,000 by the way, but let’s not go nuts here either OK? The payment processors are limited to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney and I don’t expect that to change. So you can expect to, shall we say, get what you pay for. It’s pretty standard fare anyway for an HYIP of this nature. You are also requested to wait 24 hours before your payment is processed. That payment will be made directly to your e-currency account.
The security is decent enough. The first thing you might notice is as I’ve just said the payments are made directly to your e-currency account so that removes the need for a script. And as there is simply nothing there for hackers, you needn’t worry too much about that. The down side of not having a script is that you also don’t have a members area where you can see all your account details. But as your membership in HeavenInvestment will last for just one day, I doubt that will really be necessary. The site is hosted on a dedicated server and protected from DdoS attacks by the usually reliable folks at DdoSWiz. A respected enough name. Contact between admin and investor comes via an online e-mail ticketing system.
So sorry to make this review a lot shorter than usual but HeavenInvestment but there’s really not much else going on here to report. The million dollar question here though is how long will it last? Well that’s not something I can realistically predict but personally I think it is the admin’s intention to run for a number of weeks rather than days. There are numerous examples of similar programs to this one that ran successfully for a month or more. As the plan only runs for one day, then I would think the best way to approach it is on a day to day basis. However a quick look at the time, effort, and expense that has been put into setting up HeavenInvestment would suggest this is no fly by night scam. Call it cynical if you like but whoever is responsible for this program knows what they’re doing in my opinion it is probably no stranger to the world of online HYIPs. A very professional job has been done on this website and between the design, the hosting, and the protection a lot of money has been spent. Add to that a reasonably extensive advertising campaign on a number of good monitors and forums and I doubt this one is going to disappear anytime soon. But remember nothing lasts forever either. I strongly suggest you ignore the rather bold claim on the home page that your investment is 100% secure though and their claims about ForEx trading are either tedious or laughable. I haven’t decided yet.
As is generally the case with short term HYIPs the quicker you get in the quicker you make a profit. If you do like HeanenInvestment then I suggest you act upon it soon. Make up your mind to join it or to ignore it but if you think it might suit you then don’t sit around looking at it for too long. One crucial thing to remember here though is that many factors that may affect this program’s performance remain essentially beyond the control of the admin. If there is any significant downtime here it can really destroy the program very quickly and the admin’s intentions, regardless of what they were, will not save it. And not just from HeavenInvestment itself either. If for instance there is even a short breakdown in service from either of the two payment processors the consequences for a program like this one are bleak. I’m not saying that’s going to happen of course, but keep it in mind.
Other news for today.
Let’s start today’s news section with an update from Roger Miller (interviewed here) the admin of InvestiMates, one of the most popular investment programs now. It seems the program is doing extremely well and has reached more than $36K in deposits (at the time of writing this) having over 600 members. And it’s just after 2 weeks online. In my opinion, they are amazing results and after the first payouts on expiry from Investimates have been processed I believe the program will become even bigger. Anyway, remember that InvestiMates is just a very-well organized game which totally depends on the new spends so everything will be up to members’ support and of course to the admin’s efforts who in my opinion is doing a great job so far. This is yesterday’s update from InvestiMates (reviewed here):
“How are you Mates?
InvestiMates has grown at a steady phase since it was launched and yesterday the first set of deposits on the 12 days plans have expired and were paid quickly. Members are happy and I a happy about the success of our program so far. Total deposits have reached over $31,000 and our member base has grown close to 600 now, with a majority of the members being active.
I know I promised there will be promos and contests in the past days but I decided to delay that for a little bit more because I want to wait a couple more days before launching the contests. This is because I want the timing to be perfect. The weekend has come and I believe that the perfect time would be at the start of the week. So expect it to be announced at the start of this week.
I want to address some general questions asked by our members through this newsletter so everyone is pre-informed if they have these questions in mind.
Question # 1. Will I be able to deposit from account balance?
Answer: Right now, this feature is not available but it will be available soon.
Question # 2. Do I need to wait for the next day to be able to make a new deposit if I already deposited today?
Answer: No, you do not need to wait for the next day because each transaction is handled separately and this is not an autosurf program.
I think that sums up this newsletter for today. Thank you for supporting InvestiMates.”
Surfing4Roi (reviewed here) launched an interesting promotion yesterday which I have already mentioned on my blog. Everybody who made their upgrades this Saturday will be able to get paid daily instead of on expiry regardless of whether it’s their first or any subsequent upgrade. Those who avail of this opportunity will no doubt be pleased that by receiving the payouts daily instead of on expiry it significantly reduces the risks. Here is the update from Surfing4Roi:
“This e-mail is sent to those members that have already made their first deposit.
As announced in our last newsletter, you will be able to withdraw every day again for all deposits made today, Saturday 20th June 2009.
This opportunity arises because of our first month celebration and to personally thank you for the support you are providing to Surfing4Roi.”
The admin of EarnerSurfer program Chris extended the promotional offer which will reward the three largest investors in the program with some sweet bonuses. So the results will be now announced only on Monday so you still have the chance to win if you manage to make your upgrade in EarnerSurfer (reviewed here) by that day:
“I just have some quick news to report on today in regards to the current promotion. The promotion has been very welcomed to EarnerSurfer and has been liked by many members who I have talked with. We have received a few requests now about the length of this promotion. In the last newsletter I had said that this promotion would end 24 hours after June 19h at 12:00am midnight. Some members are emailing me asking to please to extend this promotion as they are waiting for funds to deposit. Well, we have thought it over and decided to give everyone two more days of this promotion! It will now officially end on June 22nd at 12:00am
To know the current time of the server, be sure to look at the bottom left of the site. You will find the time there. For all members who deposited today I will update on the top 3 winners after the promotion ends. Be sure to get in now while you have a chance to earn a little extra deposit.
To remind you of the details:
The top 3 members who make the largest deposit for these days will earn a certain percentage of the deposit amount added to their account. There are 3 levels:
1st largest deposit: 15% bonus to account
2nd largest deposit: 10% bonus to account
3rd largest deposit: 5% bonus to account
That’s all for today everyone! Thanks for all the support.
And if you haven’t stopped by the MoneyMakerGroup thread yet, please do, and continue to support us!”
The admin of TheDollarDiggers program Thomas (interviewed here) added a new plan which is aimed to replace the highly popular 12×12 plan which has now been scrapped to ensure the stability of the program in the long run. In my opinion, the new plan is quite a sustainable one offering reasonable returns outlined in the latest update from TheDollarDiggers:
“Many are not happy with my decision to close the Digger 12×12 Classic Plan even though I explained already the reason why.
So I thought of something that I can replace it with that will give nice ROI at the same time sustainable and here comes the newest addition to our already existing sustainable Plans –
First, what is with the name? Well since many cannot afford the hefty amount of an Ad Pack in Digger Infinite Plan which is $500, so here is the alternative.
How this new Plan works?
A Non Surf Plan Gives 10% weekly for 15 weeks totals to 150%
Principal NOT returned Weekly cash out Ad Pack cost $30
Daily maximum purchase limit is 50 Ad Packs or $1500
I hope that by this I can appease those who are saddened by the closure of the Digger 12×12 Classic Plan.”
The admin of XagaEnterprise Kevin (interviewed here) is still struggling to pay the refunds to all the members of his program who invested via STP. I remind you that recently SolidTrustPay suspended the account of XagaEnterprise program on the grounds that it was a site connected to gambling activities which is against SolidTrustPay ToS. So here is the latest refund plan from them:
“This is the latest e-mail from STP :
“The total amount you have withdrawn/transferred out of your account is $435.36. If you can send this amount to us by certified cheque or money order we will gladly give all your members a full refund.”
Please remind that STP didn’t force me to pay them. I offered them because I promised to my STP members to give them full refund.
So, next week I will send some money to STP and all STP members will receive full refund. Please be patient.
This information just for STP account holders. For LR/PM/SP members, you are doing fine.”
There is a long-awaited update that I received from StrictPay last night regarding their debit cards. Their new card provider should be well known to all SolidTrustPay card holders as it’s the same GlobeWallet company. All the instructions on how to get your hands on the new StrictPay debit card are given in the following update:
“StrictPay Customers, We are getting closer to having new debit cards in the hands of our customers, and we wanted to share a few details concerning the new debit card provider. The StrictPay debit card is now a GlobeWallet Visa debit card, and is based out of Antigua. As it is a Visa brand debit card, it can be used around the world and will be accepted at any retailer or any ATM location that accepts Visa. We are also excited to announce that we will have two different options to load funds onto your card, concerning the actual time frames to load the funds. We will have the normal next business day load times that our current customers are familiar with, and we will also have a quick loading option for those that wish to use it. We will release more details on the specifics of these options in the near future.
We have placed a very large initial order with the new debit card provider to insure that not only current cardholders will get a new card soon, but also so that anyone placing an order for a new card will receive their card in a timely manner as well. The cost of the new debit card will be $24.95, and of course it is always a choice for our customers as to whether or not they wish to purchase it. If you do purchase a debit card, it will always be the quickest way for you to withdraw funds from your StrictPay account.
Please click on the following two links for specific details concerning the new debit card, and the fees associated with using it.
Thank you as always for choosing StrictPay, and please let us know if there is anything we can do for you. We know you have a lot of options to choose from, and we appreciate you giving us the chance to be your primary payment option.”
Something that is just getting ridiculous in my opinion now is this war hotting up between two payment processors EcuMoney and PerfectMoney. Well, I don’t want to take sides in this battle as I think neither is exactly perfect. But you have to decide what side you’re on. Personally I think that such a war is not only counterproductive but also damaging for the reputation both payment processors and I’d encourage them to put a stop to it for the sake of their clients. So what’s it all about?
This is the latest from EcuMoney blog about the DdoS attacks on their servers. While not naming names (which is kinda tricky and not very honest in itself) the update implies that PerfectMoney was behind the attacks on them. I think in an attempt to bring some attention to their payment processor EcuMoney are just speculating and not providing any evidence whatsoever as to who was behind those attacks. EcuMoney are now getting involved in some very unpleasant and unwelcome activities by sending spam emails and attacking PerfectMoney in other ways. In my opinion spamming is even worse than DdoSing and I can’t tolerate or defend spam attacks at all. Anyway, this is the update taken from EcuMoney blog:
“Attacks against EcuMoney
On June 17th at 6 PM GMT, a DDOS attack was launched against the EcuMoney main server. On 18th at about 5 AM GMT, this attack was mitigated by our datacenter and our site could load normally. On Friday 19th at 11 AM GMT, the DDOS attack began massive and more sophisticated, that makes our website slow to load and frequently generates some “timeout” errors. Our datacenter’s technicians and engeniers are working to mitigate this attack and bring back our website online in the best conditions.
This electronic attack is the logical follow-up of a public attack launched against EcuMoney since a few weeks on some forum, clearly signed and organized by a competitor. Observers know that there are currently 3 e-currencies that Users may easily exchange together; one of them is under regular heavy DDOS attacks since a few months, today comes the turn of EcuMoney; the third one strangely never got attacked since it is on the market, and it is this one that attacked EcuMoney on public boards since a few weeks.
Moreover some technical elements *and inside information* clearly show that this e-currency is at the origin of the current DDOS attack against EcuMoney.
Though we could see this as a sign of the “importance” of EcuMoney on the e-currency market after only a few months online, we are not ready to accept being attacked without replying, and there will be some serious consequences for the attacker, by various ways. The e-currency market does not need such actors, and we will actively contribute to clean it from garbage: There is no place for a competitor using such methods.
That will not be done by public messages (EcuMoney never communicates on public boards), but by legal and underground operations.
Our first objective is of course our website to be back online in correct conditions as usual. Our team is in permanent contact with the datacenter, but the mitigation of this kind of DDOS attacks requests a lot of time. Be sure that, of course, your ECU are safe (The servers have not been touched, it is only the access to the servers that is difficult), and that we will not postpone any of our development projects. After only a few months on the market, EcuMoney has became one of the most used and respected e-currency on the market, and the actions of a competitor run by a gang of international scammers will not change anything. Thank you for your patience!”
And this is the spam email which I received again today (I can guess who is sending them especially after the disguised threat from EcuMoney to try to destroy PerfectMoney‘s reputation by using some “underground operations”). Anyway, I believe my readers should know the nonsense being spread about PerfectMoney:
“We informed you some days ago about the real face of PerfectMoney: An international scam, organized around around a few sites (media, hosting, hyip, exchangers), run by international scammers based in Russia. Today the situation is clear: Nobody wants PerfectMoney anymore. Most exchangers do not accept PerfectMoney now, or charge very high fees. It means that if you have, now, some PerfectMoney yet, try to exchange or sell it as soon as possible, even with a high rate, as it will be soon completely impossible! The last exchangers that accept PerfectMoney are waiting their payments since a few WEEKS now, and will more than probably completely stop accepting this dead e-currency very quickly.
Remember e-gold! Most of us have money in our e-gold account: NICE DIGITS ON A SCREEN, but for sure not usable money!
FACT: The Hellenic bank in Cyprus is about to close the PerfectMoney account (CY02005002400002400781226901). That will be the 4th bank that kicks the ass of these scammers! This should be a good reason for PerfectMoney to decide to terminate their business and leave the building.
PerfectMoney continues to announce some “new features”, clearly the last attempts to get money before the runaway. In the same time, PerfectMoney is trying to eliminate his major competitors on the e-currency market: The 3 last months, LibertyReserve was attacked by DOS on a regular basis and every week or so their website came unavailable. Since 4 days now, EcuMoney is the target of the DOS attacks of PerfectMoney. The PerfectMoney scammers probably imagine that by making their competitors unavailable, users can not exchange their PerfectMoney for other e-currencies.
E-currency was always a very special world, but it is the first time that such methods are used in this market, at such a scale. But as it is also the first time that the scammers have a NAME (Privet, Maxim Igorevitch Sviridov! You are of course not the top boss of this scam, but maybe you can get in trouble soon too. Alexander, privet too, you also are well known. Etc.), an ADDRESS (Number 1 Avenue Lenin in Moscow, offices 109 and 110), there will be probably consequences for these scammers of their criminal acts. To help people recover their PerfectMoney we will publish some interesting photos very soon on a nice blog. Photos, with passport copies, addresses, and FACTS. Scammers, for this time, are identified and will face the consequences of their acts.
So guys, if you have still not wiped your PerfectMoney account, don’t wait. Or you will be only one of the victims of this e-currency scam.”
I would like to comment on this rather racist and downright fascist email as I also come from Russia and while I temporarily live in London, Russia remains my real home. So does that automatically make make me a scammer by birth? Well, I don’t think so. It’s total and indefensible fascism by defining you as a scammer by simply knowing that you’re from Russia, exactly like fascists did during the Great Patriotic War (that’s World War II to all you non-Russians) when they claimed all Jews were evil just because they were Jews. I thought that such lessons from history had been learnt by everyone by now but if they jump to the conclusion that you’re a scammer simply because Russia is your home then I have no respect for such people. And if you believe that then you have no business reading MNO either.
Yes, I heard the rumors that PerfectMoney‘s owners can be from Russia and I would not be surprised if they really were. So what? How on Earth does that make them scammers? Have they stolen any money already? It’s the same as calling any HYIP a scam if it’s not properly registered but still paying its customers. Do you think that LibertyReserve and EcuMoney are any better than PerfectMoney? Well, if you do then you’re definitely mistaken as these three ecurrencies are totally anonymous and if something happens with them I doubt very much that you will get your money back. Even EcuMoney claiming to be properly registered in New Zealand its still a fake company which was proven many times on many forums. Somebody inquired about them to the legal financial authorities of New Zealand and got a reply that this registration was nonsense and that EcuMoney was not under any license by the New Zealand government. But does that make it a scam? I don’t think so. So why jump to conclusions that difficulties with exchanges in PerfectMoney and high fees is a sign of their coming closure.
Yes, it’s true that the panic among the investors and an attempt by everybody to withdraw all their money at the same time can be the main reason for the collapse of any payment system. And this is what the spam attacker definitely desires with all his heart, spreading rumors about PerfectMoney‘s closure. Heck, even the regular financial institutions can go bankrupt when their clients panic and trying to withdraw all the money at the same time. I’ll give you an example from my own experience. When the recession just hit Russia in the end of 2008 the bank where I had an account was a victim of some malicious attacks spread via the Internet, text messages and other means (similar to what is now used against PerfectMoney). So scared of the recession and these spam messages within the next couple of weeks most of the clients rushed into the bank to withdraw all their deposits which almost made this bank collapse because it wasn’t able to pay everybody all at once having most of its funds tied up in credits given to other people. The end of the story can be deemed a happy ending as the panic ceased and the bank was acquired by another larger bank with enough financial assets to pay off the debts. But in the payment processor world such spam attacks together with withdrawing difficulties and panic among account holders can really damage any processor and even lead to its closure (let’s get things straight). That is why it’s very important to stay calm and not panic.
Of course, any client has the right to be concerned about his money and have the opportunity to withdraw his money from any payment processor at any time. And the admin of PerfectMoney has already mentioned a particular exchanger where you can always exchange your money (with 10% fee now) as well as Bank Wires that you can use to withdraw your funds for smaller fees.
And remember one simple thing: NEVER keep significantly large amounts of money in any totally anonymous (and thus potentially risky) payment processors like LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and EcuMoney. If you ask me I consider other properly licensed payment processors as AlertPay, StrictPay and SolidTrustPay as a much more safer options. But if you use anonymous e-currencies such as the ones listed above just prepare yourself to lose money because it MAY happen one day. I’m not telling you that you WILL lose your funds but just accept the possibility is there (just remember the recent examples of e-Gold, E-Bullion, AlterGold and other payment processors). So stick with the established processors and only keep the amounts absolutely necessary for your immediate transactions in any e-currencies! Remember that it’s always safer to have your money in your bank account than in any payment processor. But since these payment processors are an essential part of the industry prepare to deal with them and take all the possible risks involved.
Anyway, sorry for my rant here and I find it necessary to give you my honest opinion on what is happening in the payment processor world. Just take it or else give me your own opinion about it! I would like to discuss it with you so you’re free to leave your comments in my ShoutBox or email me if you have any further questions.
That’s it for today except that I just wanted to let you know the list of programs that paid me for the last 36 hours: Merchandies, GoldNuggetInvest, SigmaTral, InvestiMates, HeavenInvestment, TheDollarDiggers, VentureFundsGroup, ElegantMoney, GeniusFunds, GlobalTraderGroup, Surfing4Roi, Ivy-Castle, Surfing4Roi, EnscoOffshore, NanoMoneyCorp, CoolReturn, YesICanSurf, NorthBizz, XagaEnterprise, AsianInvestGroup, OilInsider, Treckswana, SteadyGrowthInvest, NovalexFinance and Veolex (the first payment received). Thanks for reading. I will see you tomorrow with the review of Veolex and more news from the Industry.
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Jun 21st, 2009. Comment.
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