Jul 23rd, 2009 Archives

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Hi guys! I was going to publish another review today but taking into consideration some important events that happened today which should be addressed immediately I decided to postpone it until tomorrow and give you some important updates from really huge programs which I’m sure you’re interested in hearing about.

Ok, the most important thing today was further developments in the recent hacking attempts on GoldNuggetInvest (reviewed here). Many of investors in GNI have received a strange email today from support@goldnuggetinvest.com (this email address doesn’t exist at all as Robert told me so please be aware of that). That was an email with a weird and dangerous offer to download some malicious software in order to get your money from GoldNuggetInvest via LibertyReserve payment processors. I can’t believe that there were some people who actually downloaded this exe file and even tried to install it. Please please DON’T do it under any circumstances! Otherwise you will risk your money in LibertyReserve account to be stolen and as all LibertyReserve transactions are irreversible you will not be helped by their support if one day you wake up and find that all your money in LR is gone. There will be nobody to blame but you. So please IGNORE this email and even better delete it from your computer and avoid clicking on any links coming from support@goldnuggetinvest.com

By the way, here is the email with some malicious links (I repeat DON’T click on them as this email is FAKE):
I am Robert, administrator of GNI – Arbitrage Wagering Pool. As you are aware, recently unknown persons have hacked into our system.
Our experts do all they can to withstand attacks from hackers, but, I am afraid to say we have to confess that on this occasion our server was were breached.
As a result, we have decided to return money to investors of the LibertyReserve fund. This is based on the fact that the hackers attempted to steal money from this system in particular.
Our experts have developed a unique program, which is 100% secure and allows us to refund money from our investment fund to your LibertyReserve account.
In order to secure your savings, please do the following:
1) Download the program from the address http://goldnuggetinvest.com/plugins/moneyback.exe
if this link isn’t available please use mirrors:
2) Launch this program. For your safety, nothing will appear on the monitor.
3) Close then open your Internet Explorer.
4) Through IE browser of any version enter your LR account (if you don’t have IE please download it at http://www.microsoft.com/Downloads/details.aspx?familyid=9AE91EBE-3385-447C-8A30-081805B2F90B&displaylang=en ). If you use version 6 or 8 of IE please download the 7 version and try again.
5) Transfer only USD 0.01 to our account U3539744
The program will report to our server, which is inaccessible to hackers, and the money will be transferred to your LR account. For further reliability, after receipt of transfer, please change the password of your LR account.
We apologise for these temporary inconveniencies, but consider it better for the safety of your savings.
Moreover, I’d like to note that, at the moment, we do not control the GNI server. This server is fully under the hackers’ control. Therefore, please don’t respond to provocative messages allegedly from GNI administration, which you may receive.

Please be aware that Robert is on top of things. His team is already working on installing the GoldNuggetInvest script from scratch and according to him it will take a few hours to finish. The site is offline now but the Robert assures us he will bring it back as soon as possible. Here is the update that was published on the official forum of GoldNuggetInvest:
Guys, the server is up and running and since about half an hour it is just showing our splash screen and nothing else. That is very convincing!
We are currently busy installing the script from scratch, our database etc. It might take a few more hours – but be assured that pending withdrawals will be made, even if I have to sit here until midnight… Since the script is not up I can’t send out a newsletter, so please spread the word, please inform you fellow GNI members in other forums where you are a member, your downline by email etc.
Thanks folks – soon we will have PEACE!

I’m sure that the members of GoldNuggetInvest will be supportive to their program and will not allow hackers to win this battle. GoldNuggetInvest has been the most honest program so far, the payouts have always been made on time and the admin never avoids any questions connected with how they earn the money for their program. I suppose NOW it’s time to show our support to GoldNuggetInvest and let these hackers know that their blackmail attempts will fail. This battle is really crucial because if they succeed in destroying GNI they will extort money from other good paying programs as well. So you might imagine what will happen to the entire HYIP industry then. Don’t we have enough scammers in this industry without allowing these guys to destroy what was created over so many years?

I fully understand that the investors have every reason to worry especially when they see some script issues for the last three days. But it’s gonna be this way: either GoldNuggetInvest or these bunch of hackers will prevail. The outcome will be decisive for the future of this industry but I believe in Robert and trust his words. If after three years online you don’t trust him and have your doubts I think you should really leave the program as soon as it’s back online. However I’m sure that the vast majority of members will stay with GoldNuggetInvest and its admin Robert and will not let these lowlifes determine the success or failure of any online investment program.

Please read this LATEST news from Robert, the admin of GoldNuggetInvest (interviewed here), and you will see why I support him so much:
I’d like to express my apologies first for all the inconvenience you have faced with GNI during the last couple of days!

Since the intruder was still able to post his ‘advertisement’ html on our site – even after we have changed all the passwords, we decided to reinstall our server from scratch. Everything has been done to ensure that you will have a pleasant experience with GNI in the future as you had in the past.

This was not the first attack of YOUR project GNI, which is fully dedicated to YOU, our trusted members – and it might not be the last attack we might face. But it was the worst one so far!

I have received many emails from concerned members and although I am repeating myself, I would like to address your concerns once again:

1. Our script is a front-end only! That means we use our script to communicate with our members. You deposit thru our script, you withdraw thru the script and you can follow your investments with GNI growing, but – and that is the important issue I do like to point out: That’s it! Just numbers on a screen. No real money, just ‘pixels’ on your screen. Your money is with our trusted payment processors, your money is with STP, with SP, with LR and PM or in our bank account – after you made a deposit into our project. A day or two later your funds are in transit between the various payment options and finally it is were it should be: in the accounts of the 70+ bookmakers we are currently working with, enabling us to place surebets with your funds. So there is no money in the script, if the intrude us or not, they wont gain a cent.

2. We have received the following email from the extortioners yesterday (just the usual nonsense, but I would like you to know):

hi Robert, please send to our LR U8896390 only the $35000 and we forward hack attack to the xxxxxxxxxx.com (they mentioned another investment program, I just removed the name). And you continue your work without any problems and your competitors will be is down. We serious people. If you have interest – you have 2 hours for transfer.

and a second one:

Robert you not stupid men lol only 35k and your website will be works great.

Of course I am not stupid, thats why I don’t give them a dime! A the end of the day we will know who are the SERIOUS people, despite the fact that these serious people should take English lessons first, before contacting us or any of our members at all :)

There are however some lessons we have learned over the last couple of days – as always in life you need to take some good news out of the bad, and so should it be. These intruders have shown us some vulnerabilities of the script and that is the positive aspect of this turmoil.

We are stronger then ever!

There was also a phishing emails sent out in the early morning hours of today. Some LibertyReserve Recovery Fund or whatsoever. Please note, that we never send out any emails with exe files to download and if you do so you might loose your LibertyReserve account balance. Unfortunately LibertyReserve, is not complying with internationally recognized ‘KYC -Know Your Customer’ regulations and transactions are irreversible. So if you click on any of such links you might loose your money! We have informed you in the past about such, so called phishing attempts, and any internet user should by now be aware of it. If you want to withdraw money from GNI you need to log in to you back office and request a withdrawal – and we will process it. Never click on any link telling you will get you money back, in fact they will steal money from you. Money you will never recover, due to Liberty’s Reserve policy, which I do not want to comment further.

To conclude this newsletter please allow me to state: GNI is for REAL! GNI will be there once all our competitors are GONE (and of course with the money members invested with them…). We are not going anywhere and our only aim is to offer you and your family a decent second income opportunity. That was our intention from day ONE and that will be our intention in the years to come!

Once again, please accept our apologies for all the inconvenience – but see the positive effects of the current events as well: It will make us stronger than ever!

I will keep you updated! All the best. Robert, Admin GNI“.

I believe no comments are needed after reading that. I would only like to echo the remark made by Robert and say that I strongly agree that this is not just an attack on GNI. It is an attack on you. It’s your money they are trying to steal. Jealousy is a very self destructive thing and there are those who look at the success of others and are just gnawed with envy. They do not have the mental capacity to understand the amount of hard work that goes into establishing a successful online business and the years it takes to build a trusted reputation for yourself, so if they can’t take it off of you their next move is to wreck it for others. My advice to the hackers? If you want $35,000 but can’t earn it online, try getting a job! As London prepares for the Olympic Games there is a building boom. I hear scaffolding crews are making some nice money! Anyway, let’s just wait and see what happens next. But I repeat: I believe in GoldNuggetInvest. And you?

Other news for today.

The hottest news topic after GNI is undoubtedly the delays with payouts from NovalexFinance. Many readers asked me if I had received any reply from the admin of the program Luis. Well, I’m afraid to say that he was silent and didn’t manage to somehow address my concerns in any way. I believe not getting a reply from him together with the not-payment of so many readers of MNO gives me a formal reason to move his program to Not Paying status. Yes, with a very heavy heart I have to admit that after 8 months with a flawless payment history NovalexFinance is slowly dying. Why slowly? Well, simply because some investors who deposited via StrictPay are still getting paid on time. Do you know why this happens? The answer is pretty obvious: if somebody complains to StrictPay about not-payments and they find the complaints to be justified they will immediately freeze the account of NovalexFinance which I’d imagine is full of money by now. Of course, with such payment processors as LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney where all the transactions are irreversible they have nothing to worry about and delay the payments indefinitely and never answer emails about it. However, their support is still online and sometimes they are still offering excuses. The vast majority of people are being fed some story about some payment processor glitch that prevents them from doing payouts (they promise to pay manually within the next 24-48 hours). Other people are answered with an excuse that NovalexFinance had some issues with funding their PerfectMoney account (something similar was used by SilverLodge administration just before they collapsed) which prevented them from sending money to that payment processor. So as you can see all possible excuses are being made by their support but unfortunately the promises to pay the pending payouts remain unfulfilled. Of course, the most disturbing sight is the complete lack of any kind of official update from NovalexFinance‘s administration. So I would ask you NOT to make any further deposits in NovalexFinance program. I consider them an official scam now until proven otherwise (let’s call spade a spade). A miracle can still happen IF somebody deposits huge amounts in NovalexFinance which would help them to recover within the next couple of days (but since you’re informed of their destiny now I hope it will not be you). The chances of that happening are quite slim though.

Unfortunately, one more program seemed to collapse today. And it’s Veolex. It’s strange that I found out about delayed payouts from one of my readers because I was paid on time two days ago. The admin didn’t reply to my concerns yet so I have moved his program to Waiting status (so far). It’s strange that the possible demise of Veolex has strangely coincided with the term to pay out for the new promo deposits that offered 108% after 10 days (it was announced on 13/07). But was it just a coincidence or a well-planned combination from the admin’s side to scam everybody? I believe most probably it’s the second option. The admin of Veolex is definitely another scammer in the history books of HYIPs and will surely not be the last one.

AsianInvestGroup which has been a wonderful performer and paying for 5 months now apparently faced some huge DdoS attack. The site seems to be struggling and more often down than up (like at the time of writing). The worst thing is the silence from the admin’s part which doesn’t help at all. I guess he should really publish some update on that and give the investors an approximate time frame as to when the site of AsianInvestGroup will be back online. Well, I think I will have to contact him myself and I hope to receive some reasonable reply from him by tomorrow. Of course I will update you on my blog straight away but for now I would hold off from moving his site to Waiting status. I will do this tomorrow if I don’t get some encouraging info regarding the downtime. On a brighter note the old investors of AsianInvestGroup should remember that the program experienced quite a lot of downtime for one reason or another during their lifespan and some even lasted over 72 hours. But they’ve always bounced back so the odds of seeing them back soon are still pretty good in my book. So we will wait and see here as well!

Following in the footsteps of Veolex another program which was reviewed on my blog just yesterday (read the review here) DirectResult introduced a similar plan of 130% after 10 days. This all looks kinda strange for a low-ROI program and I wonder if they have some cash flow problems or are going to go under soon since they introduced such a high-paying plan so abruptly. I really hope it’s not the case with DirectResult program but anyway I would advise you to exercise caution with them. Here is the official update regarding that newly introduced plan from the admin of DirectResult Lesley:
My name is Lesley Sullivan and I have been managing DirectResult since it started. I am always keen to listen to others, especially investors. Over the past few days, I discovered that many investors want a short-term commitment, especially since DirectResult just started online.
I am glad to announce the addition of a new plan. If you are new to DirectResult and wish to test us, this plan is good for you. If you wish to make a quick return with the aim to diversify in a short time, you will like this plan. This plan is good for any type of investor as a matter of fact.
Quick1: Capital + Profit = 130% in 10 Days (Min is $10. Max is $5000)
Note that there is always someone available to respond to your enquiries. I am all ears and would be delighted to hear any ideas or suggestions you believe will benefit you and us.

NanoMoneyCorp (reviewed here) is the only program except GNI that has been online and paying for three years which makes it kinda precious to me, lol. Anyway, there was another update appeared on their site today. It has nothing to do with the program itself (which keeps paying like clockwork by the way) but rather is aimed at protecting their business reputation from the bad effect that can be possibly done by some of their jealous competitors. So here is the latest from NanoMoneyCorp:
What is Glitterbux?
Recently we came to know that another scam called glitterbux.com has gone with people’s money has redirected their domain name to NanoMoneyCorp.
It looks like they are too jealous to our success and wanted to frame us just to avoid any responsibilities.
We want to inform you that we have nothing in common with site glitterbux.com and any of the people connected with that site or company. As well we do not responsible for any obligations or transactions made to or from the glitterbux.com
Unfortunately we can’t block this so everyone who input glitterbux.com in their browser would be redirected to our company’s site.

Despite issues with accessibility experienced by some members to AssetsParty (reviewed here) due to the upgrading of their server to a more powerful one, the payments are still getting through automatically and I have nothing to complain about. It didn’t affect the payouts at all and I’m still getting my 1.8%daily. So we can conclude that everything is working fine in AssetsParty. Here is the latest update from the program admin :
Dear Member, We have been moved our website to a high performance server, but seems there has some problem with DNS, so maybe some of members can’t access to AssetsParty. Please don’t worry about this, we will fix it ASAP.

The admin of CoolReturn program (reviewed here) sent an update intended I think for members who don’t quite understand how the bonus system works on his website. So if you’re one of them this is how it all works in CoolReturn with a couple of practical examples:
Often new members ask for explanation of deposit bonus. To make this bonus easier please take it in this way
Load 10$ from liberty reserve and get 20$ in your account
Load 20$ from liberty reserve and get 40$ in your account
Load 30$ from liberty reserve and get 60$ in your account
Load 100$+ and get up to 30% bonus.
Everything is going fine without problem.

Just a couple of minutes ago I received an update from the admin of InvestiMates Roger (interviewed here) reporting on the further success of the program and another milestone reached. By the way, since publishing my review of InvestiMates (read it here) about 7 weeks passed and the program is still alive and kicking. So I thought: why not interview Roger again and publish the interview on the day InvestiMates celebrates 50 days online? I’m glad to report that Roger agreed to this idea and I have already sent him a few more questions. The interview will touch on some important changes the program undergone since the first interview was published and hopefully we will be able to find out the secret to the huge success of InvestiMates program and the admin’s plans for the future. I’m sure the second interview will be as interesting as the first so stay tuned for that and check my blog often over the next few days. Anyway, here is the latest update from Roger:
Hello Mates, Today we broke the $250,000 deposit mark! And also reached 1,700 plus, total members! It is something to rejoice about on our 47th day of being online.
I was asked earlier if reinvesting from account balance would credit commission to the upline of the member, and yes do not worry about that, your upline is credited accordingly even if you make a deposit from your account balance.
Another thing, please try to rate InvestiMates on the monitor page after you get paid for your withdrawals to let everyone know that InvestiMates is paying and everyone is happy about it.
Ok so if you have any questions or concerns just e-mail me.

I think that covers everything I intended and again sorry for not posting the review like I wanted. But I think there were some serious issues with many programs today that needed to be addressed immediately. To finish my post I just mention the programs from my monitoring page that paid me over the last 24 hours: YesICanSurf, DirectResult, CoolReturn, SolidCapital, RegalProfit, OnisGroup, InvestiMates, SteadyGrowthInvest, BestInv, GeniusFunds, ExcellentProfit, InvestmentForge, NanoMoneyCorp, NeqxGroup, StableInterest, AssetsParty, XagaEnterprise, FlipReturn, EnscoOffshore and PanaMoney. See you on my blog tomorrow, guys!

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