Jul 29th, 2009 Archives

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Hi, guys! I’ve got quite a lot of news today, more than usual in fact, so I’m just publishing that today. But I promise to have a new review for you tomorrow. And I think we’ll start with the update from one of the biggest programs now InvestiMates (reviewed here). It’s definitely one of the most successful HYIPs with two major plans: one of which is 10% for 12 days with daily payouts and the other is the most famous 12% for 12 days with 144% payout on expiry. Fast regular payouts and a professional admin have combined to make this program highly successful among online investors. Surely the admin’s regular updates are also contributing to this success and the last one sent out to members today reminding us of the high stats being achieved by the program and about his two interviews published on my blog. Please read the following update for further information:

Hi Mates, Another good day has passed and it was better than the previous day. This has been the trend at InvestiMates. Everyday is a better day. With InvestiMates reaching 53 days and with over $350,000 deposits and 2114 current total number of members, we have reached the point where InvestiMates has become very stable and growing at record rate everyday. All owed to you, the members. Congratulations to everyone, let’s continue this good job we are doing here. Read on…
I was once again interviewed by Money News Online blog and you can read this 2nd interview here.
You can read the 1st interview here.
With our success with InvestiMates, I am not surprised why some people are trying to blemish InvestiMates at the forums by posting lies and made up stories, but I am proud of InvestiMates members, because they know how to determine the truth from the lies. And I thank you for that.
That is all I have to say. We are almost 2 months old and it is something to be excited about. The happiness and fun continues…

Another program with a similar plan of 12% for 12 daily with payouts on expiry is 12DailyClicks (reviewed here). But unlike InvestiMates it’s an autosurf program. The admin of 12DailyClicks Jeff was brave enough to open his own autosurf program during an otherwise summer season and also following the unfortunate collapse of recent autosurf programs that were considered as possible leaders in the Industry. Anyway, today the first upgrades made in 12DailyClicks expired and some lucky members who managed to get into the program from the day one have been paid by now. I personally saw many happy posts on the forums regarding this. My upgrade is due to expire in a couple of days and of course I’ll report on my blog immediately after I get paid. I’m also planning to conduct an interview with the admin of 12DailyClicks and publish it on my blog soon. I think the admin has some serious intentions here and possibly we will see the next leader in the autosurf industry emerge here soon enough. So stay tuned for the interview and meanwhile please check the latest update from 12DailyClicks which I got just a few hours ago:
Hi, how are you all doing? It’s 12DC Team again.
Today’s the first day when first upgrades expires. In fact, very first ones already expired and they are paid by now. I would like to remind you about the “Got Paid” section where you can see screenshots of random payouts daily.
Also, please, be kind and post on forums if you’ve received a payout. This way we show to the money making community that 12DailyClicks is in business and things are going perfect.
Another thing is, we now have 340+ members joined and the membership keeps increasing all the time. Don’t forget to refer your friends since we offer you to earn nice referral commissions (6% for upgraded members, 2% for free members).
Socialize with us, 12DailyClicks is now on Twitter. That’s our ultimate point of contact with our members, you should wait for fast updates from me and Mike there. Follow us on Twitter now!

Another great program BestInv (reviewed here) is still going strong after about 3 weeks online. This is a very good achievement for such a high paying program like this which is paying 120% after 5 days, 145% after 10 days and 175% after 15 days and accepting all the major payment processors. As you can see the admin of BestInv Olivia (read my interview with her here) recently changed the second set of promotional banners to more attractive ones. Yes, she is still heavily promoting her program on the major blogs and monitors and the membership has already nearly achieved 3,500 members at the time of writing. No wonder that the most recent updates from BestInv were all very encouraging. And this is the latest update from the program where you can find out about the latest success of the program and about some improvements which will surely be welcomed by all the members:
Dear Members, lend me your ears…..I have a very important announcement to make:
1) Today BestInv member count crossed the 3000 mark, presently we are at 3240 members and going strong by the minute. Now the figure 5000 does not seem distant, as a matter of fact i am eyeing at 10000 in the next 30 days.
2) SolidTrustPay and AlertPay deposits are now fully Automatic, therefore your deposit will reflect in your account instantaneously.
3) You can buy or exchange SolidTrustPay, AlertPay & StrictPay Via LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney WITHOUT any fee, so here is the best please to do such exchange. We are creating more flexibility for our members.
Now a small overview on our present investment plan:
we have 3 plans namely-
a) Starter plan
b) Gold plan
c) Special plan
A) In starter plan min deposit is $5 and max is $32,000 – profits for this plan is 120% after 5 days, means if you invest $100 you will earn $120 after 5 days($20 is your profit). You can withdraw the money or reinvest it ( reinvesting is the best way to negate withdraw fees if you want continue to grow your funds with us)
Profit will show into your account after 5 days AND NOT on daily basis (several members mistake our concept as daily commission reflect system, in our case ONLY on EXPIRY will your amount show along with your profit, request you to get this point CRYSTAL clear in your mind, no confusions please)
B) In Gold plan min deposit is $50 and max $32000 – profits for this plan is 145 % after 10 days, means if you invest $100 you will earn $145 after 10 days ($45 is your profit) you can withdraw it any time you want or you can reinvest the amount.
C) In Special plan min deposit is $100 and max $32000 – profits for this plan is 175 % after 10 days, means if you invest $100 you will earn $175 after 15 days ($75 is your profit ) you can withdraw it any time you want or you can reinvest the amount.
Also i must mention that you can invest with all popular and widely used E-currencies such as AlertPay, SolidTrustPay, StrictPay, LibertyReserve & PerfectMoney.
Lastly, very importantly we are Offering %5 Referral Commission Bonus (This Mean If One Of Your Referrals Invest $1000 You Will Earn $50 From This Deposit – You Don’t Need Have A Active Deposit For Earn Referral Commission – And Also You Can Login Into Your Account And Pick Up Your Referral link From Your Referral page)
So that’s all about it friends. Relax and feel free to invest your money with us. The above 3 plans will end on 31st August’09, post which we will roll out our Daily Commission plans.
Like its said…. better late than never….hurry and jump into BestInv.
We are confident to be the best program around and we will prove it through your immaculate service to our members. We will succeed in this endeavour cos we know we would.

There is one more interesting program launched a couple of days ago and I would like to introduce to you today. It’s called FoxFund and I think the admin of the program Justin explains it better than me in his first introductory newsletter sent to all the members of the program yesterday:
Welcome, you are on a ride with one of the most reliable trading service online: FoxFund. FoxFund is an offshore registered company which has been in operation since 2007 although this is our first online venture. Our team of professionals has been on this project over months and has finally arrived with a comfortable investment plan and a solid system which would last for a long period of time. Our major business in FoxFund Inc is foreign exchange and stock trade however we invest in very profitable and high standard systems which guarantees our returns hence we are able to pay you during non-forex trading days.
Our script was designed by Neversay who seem to be one of the most trusted programmer in the online investment sector, our site uses the new version neversay script which is secured and hacker proof, it’s got some lovely feature which allows you to secure your account by activating the IP security setting, Our Host: FoxFund is hosted on a dedicated server with an Unlimited DDOS Protection with KODDOS company, hence we are here 24/7, our site would never go down and is accessible from all part of the world.
With all these in place we consider investing with our company a golden opportunity, your investment returns are guaranteed, we are so confident in your success with us, all that is required from you is keep a good spirit and stay on the ride a little long and enjoy the flow of success.

But what about the plans you might ask? Well, FoxFund has different plans but there is good choice here with something for everyone:
1) 3.2% daily for 45 days with daily payouts allowed ($10 is the minimum investment allowed). The total ROI you will get after 45 days will be 144% which is pretty moderate but kinda sustainable in the long run.
2) 5% daily for 30 days with daily payouts allowed ($100 is the minimum investment allowed in this plan). This is the plan I like the most so I invested in it. The total ROI you will get after 30 days will be 150% which is definitely higher that the previous plan offered.
3) 16.8% for 7 days with 117.6% ROI paid on expiry ($50 minimum to invest). This plan will be interested to investors who want to be in profit in the shortest possible period of time.
4) 6.5% daily for 21 days with the 136.5% ROI paid on expiry ($100 minimum to deposit). This is the highest paying plan as unlike the others you will also get your principal back on expiry so your ROI will actually increase to 236.5% on expiry. This plan will only suit your needs if you like to take a risk as you will not see any part of your deposit for 3 weeks and we all know a lot can happen during this time.

In spite of them having quite a good layout, attractive design and the many payment processors accepted by FoxFund including SolidTrustPay, AlertPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and StrictPay I dislike the script the program is using. It’s the same one which you might remember from ProInvestex: it doesn’t support the Opera web browser, it can appear quite complicated, but most importantly – can be easily hacked. I remind you that ProInvestex program suffered from that same problem and had to close not very long after being launched. I hope FoxFund will not share this fate and I would recommend the admin to keep a close eye on this problem.

Anyway, the admin of FoxFund seems to be quite keen in attracting interest to his program as his most recent newsletter promised that his program will soon be more popular despite the only moderate growth during the first two days online. By the way, FoxFund is the program I want to report on for my blog tomorrow so you will be able to read my opinion on that then. Meanwhile please read the latest update from the admin of FoxFund:
It is only 48hours since the opening of our program: FoxFund and we are pleased to announce to you the results have been awesome some beyond our expectation, we want to say a big thanks to every one who has joined our program and to those who have been supporting us on forums we say we are proud to have you in our project.
FoxFund in two days already has about 90 members, which falls into the class of free member (49) , active member and (33) VIP member (8) having a total deposit of $3110, more members have chosen the Elite and the Executive plans however we have few people who upgraded with the Exclusive and Elegant plans. Daily payment has been made and we are sure every one who has requested cash out has received his or her funds, even if payments are made 24hours of the day, 7days a week.
Advertising of our program has already commenced and I am sure some of you must have seen our banners in some HYIP Monitors website and Blogs, we have requested for monitoring, review and interview from three of the most used blogs and we do hope to have our program announced shortly, once this is done we would have the links on our main page and rating page of our site, while this is been done we have started negotiation for banner advert with some of the most used forums and other major advertising platforms.
We have given our word “FoxFund is Golden” and we are going to keep to every single statement we’ve made, we are people you can trust with your trades as we place you as our utmost priority, your investment returns are guaranteed we say stay on the ride and let’s keep going smoothly.

It seems that DirectResult (reviewed here) is really desperate to get investors’ money for some reason. I don’t know if they have any cashflow problems yet but their constant bonuses, special plans and promotions look kinda suspicious in the eyes of some experienced players in this industry. Of course, it might be nothing to worry about but such activity never goes unnoticed by the investors who will draw their own conclusions anyway. Here is DirectResult‘s latest promo campaign for your attention:
Any investment of $10 or above made between Wednesday the 29th of July and Sunday the 2nd of August will be credited with 10% of the investment amount. The above translates this way: if you invest $10, your investment will be increased to $11. If you invest $100, your investment will be increased to $110. If you invest $1000, your investment will be increased to $1100. This offer is for any amount above $10. Also, you can invest as many times as you wish and in any investment plan of your choice, provided the amount you are investing is not below the minimum for the plan you have chosen.
This offer is to encourage old and new members to start testing DirectResult. Active investors are also permitted to participate in this offer.
We will manually increase the investments, so allow up to 30 minutes for the increment to be made to your account.

GlobalTraderGroup (reviewed here) introduced a new Weekly Plan which is offering 11% interest paid, well, weekly. It’s strange that the investment period was not specified and so we could speculate that it will be indefinite. GlobalTraderGroup has been online since January 2009 and you can read more about the admin and the plans in the interview published on my blog here. And this is the latest update from GlobalTraderGroup regarding the new plan:
It is with great pleasure that we launch a new product to further benefit our customers.
Now you have a “Weekly plan” with profit of 11% per week.
Now you have no reason not to win an extraordinary income!
We are constantly growing and always want to innovate for the benefit of all our customers.

The admin of YesICanSurf (interviewed here) recently reminded members of the program that the date when the program will celebrate the success of their new promotional contest draws near and all members are encouraged to participate in this event. Here is the latest from YesICanSurf:
Greetings to our YesICanSurf family, and to all new members !
I just want to thank all of you for your support of YICSurf on the forums etc. We are slowly but steadily moving towards the 1000 member mark, and I believe we’ll arrive there on schedule before August 6th…..especially if every upgraded member invites just one new surfer!! Remember, we will ALL celebrate with a surf party if we meet or beat our goal!! Wooohooo!!

Please beware of phishing emails allegedly from PanaMoney‘s administration which are circulating online. Don’t click any links in the emails and don’t allow the crooks to get your passwords in PanaMoney and empty your accounts. Remember that such bonuses are too good to be true and experienced players in this Industry already know that such emails cannot be trusted. Here is the phishing email I got today:
Dear Members, Due to the equipment upgrade of our DDoS protection provider, the client’s area of our website can be unavailable from some locations.
PanaMoney Technologies, Inc. offers bonus ThankYou $500 for 100 clients who Upgrade Technical security.
Just upgarde technical security and get your bonus debited into you balance on in 1 week after technical upgarade complated.
Upgrade Technical Security Now
Make sure you enter a valid information. There is no expiration given for this PanaMoney Technical Upgrade Bonus.

As for PanaMoney itself the program is still doing fine and is paying me on a daily basis. If you want to read more about the program please refer to my review published here and the interview with the admin of PanaMoney (published here).

Unfortunately I would like to end my news section for today with the not so good news for the members of GermanEinsteinTrust. I myself received my weekly payment on Saturday but it seems that at least several members were not paid either their profits or the principal back. So I would suggest you all to be cautious with GermanEinsteinTrust program and not to invest there at least before we get something more encouraging from the admin. This was his latest update regarding the delayed payments published on one public forum:
Dear Investors, please hold on 2 days. My son had a small accident. But he is home tomorrow for all news!
I am not making payments. Just the trades. And try to keep the site updated till he is back (one or two days)
Regards, Holgar Martens
Due to this news I have no choice but to move GermanEinsteinTrust to Paying Selectively status on my monitoring page. Please be aware of that and don’t invest until all the payouts are processed. Of course, such selective payouts cannot be tolerated but since the admin is still updating its members about the current state of things I would give him the benefit of the doubt. Of course, I will keep you updated and once the program is back to normal you’ll be able to read about that on my blog.

And so to finish today’s update I would like to give you the list of programs that paid me over the last 24 hours: BestInv, RegalProfit, YesICanSurf, SteadyGrowthInvest, SolidCapital, 12DailyClicks, XagaEnterprise, AssetsParty, GlobalTraderGroup, DirectResult, PanaMoney, InvestiMates, OnisGroup, RoxiTrade, ExcellentProfit, Verifield, GeniusFunds, GoldNuggetInvest, CoolReturn, EnscoOffshore, InvestmentForge, ElegantMoney and FoxFund (the first payments received). I’ll see you on my blog tomorrow with another review and more news from the Industry! Stay tuned and always stay on the money with money-news-online blog!

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