July 2009 Archives

Place your banner here for $150/week or $500/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $145/week or $480/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $140/week or $460/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $135/week or $440/month. Available NOW.


Hi, guys! I didn’t notice much of a difference in weather conditions in Russia compared to London. The same rain here that I saw when leaving London but at the same time everything is being compensated for by meetings with family and old friends. I was quite busy as you can imagine with personal stuff so I hope you won’t mind me not bringing you another review today. But what’s arguably more important anyway is reporting the latest news from the industry which occurred over the last 48 hours.

Ok, I think we’ll start with a well-established program which is now #1 on many monitoring sites including mine. Of course I’m talking about NovalexFinance. The admin of the program Luis put a warning on his site about a copycat website which is trying to take advantage of the enormous popularity of real NovalexFinance program among investors and steal some money from them. Fortunately it seems the site has been removed now as I can’t access it now. Surely these newly launched copycat sites only go to indicating the popularity of the real program with only people with no involvement with online money making activities remain unaware of. Despite some controversy continuing to surrounded NovalexFinance, it remains one of the biggest investment opportunities available for doubling your money in just 50 days. I’m sure the admin will forgive me if I let you in on a little secret. He recently bought banners on my blog and monitoring page for three more months which is also quite a good sign showing that the financial stats of the program are quite healthy, allowing to to fulfill all his obligations to investors in full. It also indicates his long term intentions. Why pay for advertising for three months if you intend to scam next week? I myself am always paid on time every time and that is why NovalexFinance is currently on top of my list. If you want to read more on NovalexFinance program please refer to my detailed review published here with the recent update from the admin is available for reading below:

Copycat Warning.
Recently we have found some SCAM websites – such as novalex-finance.com – which has launched fake copies of NovalexFinance official website. Now we recommend our members and all other investors to use only NovalexFinance site as our company’s official domain name.

As you might remember I have reviewed ProInvestex site a couple of days back already so for those who would like to get a bit more acquainted with its investment offers please read it here. I have also sent some questions for an interview to the admin so hopefully I will be able to publish his answers on my blog soon enough. Anyway, yesterday he announced the first contests for the members of ProInvestex that will reward large investors and the best referrers with some cash prizes. Some investors are labeling this new promotion as “too good to be true” and I saw quite negative comments concerning it. I’m not sure how it’s all connected but hopefully this update will not affect the program’s performance in a negative way. Anyway, here is the first newsletter from ProInvestex:
Regards to you today, this would be our first official newsletter since the launch of ProInvestex – “Your Reliable Investment Solution”. We welcome you on board and We are glad to inform you that this program is going very smoothly and sound.
Let me begin by informing you that our site has been reviewed by Money-News-Online and we give an opinion that you find some time to read it, we also have threads on three major online forums: MMG, TG and DTM this can be found on the Rate Us page.
Please you are advice to give your support and suggestion or better still stay informed by visiting the forums for updates.
Here is the Big One for You, ProInvestex announces its first contest today dated, Thursday July 09, 2009, it works like this:
Upgrade Contest :Upgrade with $100-$500 and get $40 for free :Upgrade with $501-$2500 and get $150 for free : Upgrade with $2501-$5000 and get $350 for free : Upgrade with $5000 and above and get $500 for free
Referral Contest : Refer 5 -10 investors and get $30 : Refer 11-50 investors and get $100 : Refer 51-100 investors and get $250 : Refer 101 and above and earn $500
All members are opened to participate in both contests, winners would be announced weekly as this would last for a period of one month. Take advantage of this great earning opportunity while enjoying the benefits of flexibility and cashability.
In ProInvestex, we guarantee safety of everyone’s investment and profits via the provision of a variety of investment solutions to help you achieve your investment objectives and administered securities. We offer full-service, professional investment management and advice tailored to your unique goals and objectives. We are so confident in our system from our management team to investment packages and we say You will achieve result, Guaranteed!

Don’t forget that Friday is another payday for the members of SazaInvestments and at the time of publishing there is still a few hours remaining until the withdrawal button is disabled again for another week. So if you haven’t made your withdrawal request in SazaInvestments please do it soon. I myself requested the payment and was paid within minutes after that. I must admit that their support is working fine and the admin seems to know how to satisfy investors with timely payments. You can read more on SazaInvestments program in my interview with the admin published here or in my detailed review of the program published here. So just to remind you again here is the latest from SazaInvestments:
New Friday, new payday for us. Please don’t forget to request your withdrawals as is payday again on our site. Thank you all for your trust in us.

ElegantMoney has paid me today for the first expired payment which I invested in the 200% after 1 month plan. So it seems the program is doing fine which made me reinvest into the same plan again. Other plans available for investors of ElegantMoney are: 115% after 7 days and 140% after 14 days. All the major payment processors accepted and the minimum to invest is just $10 so the program is affordable to everyone. I remind you that you can read more about ElegantMoney by looking into my detailed review of the program published here.

ProspectHits (reviewed here) is one of just two autosurf programs that remain on my monitoring page. Today the program paid me for my expired deposit in the plan 10% for 13 days. The admin of the program was responsive and polite so far and I hope the program will stay online for a long time. Of course, much will depend on the investors and how much they are going to reinvest into the program. The memory of some recent high profile closures is still fresh with a lot of investors and to be honest still stings a bit. Hit’n’Runners being one of several reasons for it. Hopefully ProspectHits will not share the same fate and short lifespan and stay afloat for longer.

Just two more things I would like you to bring to your attention before I finish. First is the list of programs that paid me for the last two days. The list is quite long as I have many programs on my monitoring page now but who can complain when you have to say that all the programs are paying instead of moving some to your scam folder? So yesterday and today I was paid from: Veolex, ProInvestex, Verifield, SteadyGrowthInvest, PanaMoney, InvestiMates, ElegantMoney, CoolReturn, EnscoOffshore, NovalexFinance, ExcellentProfit, GoldNuggetInvest, NanoMoneyCorp, GeniusFunds, StableInterest, YesICanSurf, FlipReturn, OnisGroup, SazaInvestments, Merchandies, GlobalTraderGroup, OilInsider, InvestmentForge, AsianInvestGroup and ProspectHits.

The other thing I wanted to say was that I came across a very nice looking HYIP program today. It’s called BestInv and it just launched. I believe this program can become very successful in the near future. Of course, it’s up to the admin of BestInv but judging by a decent layout, 3 years domain registration, licensed GoldCoders script and hosting on a dedicated server with DdosWiz protection I would say that the admin is pretty serious to make his program a long-lasting success. In addition, six payment processors are accepted by BestInv giving you a pretty good choice. Your deposit will be accepted via LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, StrictPay, AlertPay or C-Gold payment processors. There are three plans on offer there: 120% after 5 days (with $5 minimum allowed), 145% after 10 days ($50 minimum) and 175% after 15 days (with a $100 minimum). The payments are processed on expiry within 24 hours of placing your withdrawal request. As I said already BestInv program just launched yesterday and if you’re interested in joining it’s best to do it now when the program is still new. To me BestInv is just an HYIP game though claiming to be “a private investment group operating on the world securities and currencies markets since 2001”. As you might know I’m quite skeptical of these bold statements except for some rare exceptions. You are free to ask the admin how come that they operated online since 2001 but started to accept investments just yesterday. Anyway, BestInv looks to me like a promising program but (as always!) only invest amounts you can afford to lose. I’m going to review the program on my blog after I receive the first payment so stay tuned for that!

Another program I joined today is SolidCapital. I’m less enthusiastic about this one as there is really nothing special about it. It’s just another long-term program paying from 2% to 4% daily for 150 business days with the principal returned on expiry. The program is based on a GoldCoders licensed script so many of you should be familiar with it. The minimum you may invest in SolidCapital is $10 only and there is $500K maximum (do they really think anybody will invest such a huge amount?). The payment processors accepted are: LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and StrictPay. Although there is a Bank wire option also listed on the website I’m not sure if it will be available for the investors. I don’t know if the website has any DDoS-protection but one thing is for sure: they have SSL and that’s always good for online security. I would advise you to always use secure channels if a website has it. I just joined SolidCapital today and the review will be published after the first payment is received. See you all back here on my blog tomorrow, guys!

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