Aug 11th, 2009 Archives

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Place your banner here for $145/week or $480/month. Available NOW.
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Hi guys! I’m writing to you today from the wonderful “Garden City” of Malmo in Sweden and must say I am well impressed! A maze of canals and beautiful parks surrounding some fine 17th century buildings certainly make it a worthwhile detination for any traveler, and it’s all very green and eco-friendly. I’ve never seen so many bicycles in my life! But of course there is still time for business and today I want to (finally) get around to reviewing a new short term program called CashXpress. It’s been online for a almost two weeks now and although the plan I deposited in hasn’t expired yet, the first payments have been made to others so I decided to press ahead with the review. Timing being crucial with short term programs such as this.

So starting with the plans, as I said CashXpress is a short term program and there are three plans to chose from. The first one I suppose is probably offered as something of a test plan, if such a thing exists within short term programs at all, and works like this. It’s called the “4 Day Test Plan” and for a minimum spend of just $4 you are offered 1.04% interest per day, paid daily, for 4 days. Your principal is also returned so you can expect a repayment to the total value of 104.16% on your deposit. The maximum to invest is $40.

Small fry in the eyes of most readers I suppose, so maybe more of you will find the next plan called the “13 Day Cash Plan” a bit more useful. The minimum deposit goes up quite a bit but is still quite affordable to most at $33. In return you are offered 3.13% interest, paid daily for 13 days, with your principal returned on expiry. The maximum deposit you can make is $33,000. So what does that mean in practical terms? Well if we take a typical investment of $100 then you can expect to earn $3.13 per day for 13 days. That will all ad up to a total return of $140.69, or $40.69 in profit and your original $100 on top. Please keep in mind that payments are only made on business days from Monday to Friday.

And the third plan is the “24 Day Cash+ Plan“. An ambitious title it must be said! For your investment here you can expect 4.24% interest paid per day for 24 days. The minimum investment this time is $44 and the maximum is $44,000. So for a theoretical deposit of $100 you can expect to earn $4.24 in interest repayments per day giving you a total of $101.76 and then you can expect your original deposit to be returned on expiry. This was my personal favorite and so I decided to make my own deposit here. Of course you can consider this and the other two options and decide which one best suits your own particular needs, but I think CashXpress is a decent enough program and I’m willing to take a chance with the riskiest of the three options. Of course I can be wrong but I have a good feeling about it. At least the plans are realistic and achievable.

One thing I regret to say about CashXpress is that as much as I like it otherwise, it is simply letting itself down with it’s choice of payment processors. At the moment only LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney are being accepted. Of course this is no reflection on those companies who are perfectly fine options in their own right and both of whom have their uses and their advantages, CashXpress simply will not live up to its full potential unless this list is expanded. The appeal is limited but thankfully this is not that difficult an issue to address either. At the time of writing there is no indication that this will change but hopefully the admin will take heed and get working on this ASAP. Other than that you are asked to wait up to 12 hours after making a withdrawal request before it gets processed. Also remember that while deposits are accepted 7 days per week payments are only made on 5, Monday to Friday. So a request on Saturday will not be seen until Monday. Not a bad move really and by taking money 2 days per week while not paying, the admin is protecting himself from a potential cash flow problem and will probably extend the life of the program a little by doing this. It should also be noted that you will earn interest seven days per week, you can only request payment on five. Monday through Friday.

Regarding security as far as I can tell the script is from Neversay and it’s hosted on a dedicated server. I must admit I have never come across the name of the hosting provider before but as it’s a dedicated server I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt for now. They are called DosProtector and I have been informed by Petra from HushHosting that it is part of the Hush network so that should be safe enough.

The FAQ page is fairly comprehensive and that should lighten the workload for the CashXpress admin when it comes to support issues. Which by the way comes in the usual form of an e-mail ticketing system. They also publish a postal address in Fairbanks, Alaska. Now given the at best questionable legal status of HYIPs in the USA, and my personal experience in checking these things out, I would have no choice but to be skeptical about the authenticity of that address. But ever the optimist if any of the hardy souls living in Alaska and reading MNO feel inclined to check this out I would welcome your reports. Not to mention your photographs.

The texts are shall we say “borrowed” from other sources so I would kinda doubt their cover story about being a team of mathematicians and programmers in the field of international currency dealing, but nonetheless CashXpress is a decent HYIP as far as online games go. As I said I do feel the lack of choice with payment processors will be the single biggest obstacle to progress here but it’s not an insurmountable problem either. It’s otherwise a good program but with a few minor adjustments it could become better than average.

Other news for today.

Let’s start our news section today with a less frequently occurring event nowadays – the most recent update from GoldNuggetInvest program (reviewed here). As I’m sure most of you are aware by now GoldNuggetInvest firmly steadfastly occupies the number one position on my monitoring page. And there are some good reasons for it. First of all is of course the longevity of the program. It started three years ago as a small arbitrage betting club for a limited amount of investors and now has turned into one of the biggest programs ever with hundreds of thousands of dollars in turnover. Secondly, GoldNuggetInvest has a real income to support their quite low-ROI payouts of 6%-7.5% weekly depending on the deposited amount. Actually, no one better than the admin of GoldNuggetInvest Robert Spearman can tell you about this in the exclusive interview to MNO blog published here. Thirdly, the program has undergone some significant changes after being challenged by a bunch of blackmailers and hackers recently. Some have been quick to write off GoldNuggetInvest already but the flawless communication with the members during those difficult days and the professionalism of the whole GNI team helped them overcome a seemingly hopeless situation and turn out winners from this unwelcome entanglement with scammers. So after resuming stable on-time payouts few people can doubt that GoldNuggetInvest is a real program with something more substantial at the core of it. For those who are still in doubt the administration of GoldNuggetInvest needs to prove nothing (I guess it was all already said and done and actions speak louder than words). As with any program with GoldNuggetInvest you should be ready to take the risks but in my opinion they are significantly smaller than in other programs. That is what makes GoldNuggetInvest a unique program and keeps people waiting for their next update with great anticipation.

Well, today’s update from GoldNuggetInvest was detailed and to the point as usual and it touched on the following topics: recent challenges the program has faced, the introduction of a new team member responsible for online chat, the latest stages of preparation of a new more secure script which will be launched very soon, postponing of phone support till further notice, reaction to the membership’s speculation regarding the coming privatization of the program and evidence of trading and the dropping of V-Money payment processors due to the impossibility of exchanging it to other e-currencies. In addition, please note that SolidTrustPay site is down at the moment so all the payouts to STP are postponed until the site is back online. If you haven’t received today’s update from GoldNuggetInvest for some reason please read it carefully below:
Greetings GNI Customers, Clients and Friends:
It’s hard to believe the Summer (and for you Down Under – the winter) of 2009 is rapidly coming to a conclusion. We trust you all have been well and taken some well-deserved rest as we head into the Fall Season.
These past few weeks have NOT been without challenges; be forewarned, similar challenges will face us for the foreseeable future. Despite the barrage of attacks, we will continue to meet our obligations to the Company Principals and Clients alike, all of whom have placed their trust in us to continue to act responsibly and in a fashion consistent with Accepted & Reasonable Business and Professional Practices.
Whenever possible, we use these practices as the minimum standards as to those guidelines which steer our business decisions. Although, and in selective circumstances, we are compelled to make unpopular decisions. When doing so, it is to ensure the health and longevity of the GNI project, not to serve our individual/ personal needs.
Having said this, I would like to make some announcements which we feel will benefit the program, increase our efficiency, show a commitment to those “on the fence” of our seriousness of running a superior program and to help offset the additional workload that comes with a proven successful project like ours:
1. New Team Member: We would like to introduce the newest member of the GNI Team, Lim Teng Aun. Lim lives in Singapore with his family and will be helping with the Customer Service activities. Lim has, thus far, done a tremendous job and we look forward to him helping with our program for many years. Please drop by our new “CS Chat” and say, “Hello” to Lim.
After suppressing the barrage of attacks in the middle of July which included DDoS, counterfeit correspondence, attempts to blackmail us (the program) and the re-routing of client deposits to rogue LibertyReserve accounts, we launched a security audit to assess what aspects of the program had been compromised, the steps necessary to mitigate the ensuing problems and finally, evaluate any recommended changes made by outside vendors assisting us to reduce the possibility of any further or future attacks on the program.
2. New Customer Service Help Desk: Of significance was that which suggested there were penetrable vulnerabilities in our Ticket Based Customer Service Help Desk; we would be best served by disabling this module and replace it with something different. So we did. In its place, we have recently launched a Chat Desk which also serves as a means of communicating issues directly to the CS department for resolution. We are hoping this will be sufficient for the time being.
3. New Script: We are currently in the testing phase with our brand new script. From a user standpoint, this amounts to one of the most significant and beneficial change to the operational aspect of this venture. Not only is the software easier to use, it has features that will make everyone experience far more enjoyable. We’re putting the finishing touches together as this letter is being read by you; which compels me to say, all newsletters, once the new software is installed, should receive the correspondence.
4. Phone Support: While the number has been purchased and the capability to start this feature is now available, it is not the appropriate time. With our new “chat” facility, new script and new Team Member, we would be (if we are not already), stretching our resources too thin. Once things have returned to a state of manageable chaos, we will implement the telephone service. When? – It’s better to see how things develop before obligating ourselves.
5. This Newsletter: In our attempts to better serve our clients, we will be putting out this newsletter on a regular basis. At no point will we be going longer than once a month. It’s important to keep the lines of communication wide open and members informed. Communication is a two-way street. It is our reasonable expectation that members follow the rules, respect the direction(s)/instruction(s) that we provide and understand that we do our very best to accommodate all of you in a fair and equitable manner. Please don’t ask us to make an exception when it wouldn’t be fair to others here at GNI.
6. Speculation: There are two matters that just won’t “simmer down.” One is understandable, the other is not.
A. GOING PRIVATE. It is understandable that persons which include active members as well as those who have just heard about GNI are concerned that they will not be able to get their deposit level(s) up to that which they want by a certain date which we have thrown around in both the newsletter and our sponsored forum. Technology, being what it is, has cleared a significant amount of room for those who trade for and on behalf of GNI and its clients. As such, we don’t anticipate a closing date prior to December 1st; a more likely time-frame will be sometime in the first quarter of 2010.
We Understand EVERYONE’S concerns. This decision, however, is made at the Administrative/Principal level to include all the partners at GNI. The date that is selected will be predicated on several factors, none of which are relevant at this time, for this newsletter. We will give all of you PLENTY of advanced notice before implementing and change of this magnitude.
B. Evidence of Trade(s). It is possible to give the community our Wagering chits. We could give thousands of them. It is equally as easy to open up fotoshop and create the same documentation. Of what benefit would it be to do either one of these activities. The point is, those who choose to believe in our program won’t increase or decrease their level of investment based on some wagering chits, those who don’t want to believe, won’t, regardless of what we do.
So it’s those who are sitting on the fence, scared and unsure, that apparently need this to feel comfortable. Well, we’re in a fortunate position that we don’t need their investment to expand our base. We are not encouraging or discouraging anyone from becoming clients of GNI. We ONLY want new members who believe in us, believe in what we’re doing and, as demonstrated during those two weeks in July, will support us when we needed you, like we (GNI) does on a daily basis.
We trust you understand this and support our position.
7. No more V-Money. Those who maintain a balance in Vmoney are encouraged to contact Robert at “” to exchange their their V-Money balances to any of the other accepted payment processor. V-Money have become un-exchangeable during the last couple of weeks, so we needed to drop it.
Once again, we thank you for your loyalty. It does NOT go unnoticed and makes our jobs worth all the while. We thank you for your support and ask that, upon receipt of payments, consider giving a portion to the charitable organization of your choice. This is so very important during a global recession!
With our Best Regards, Robert and the GNI Team
Note: SolidTrustPay continues to run at a Snail’s Pace. Withdrawals will be processed as soon as we can access their website. Please be patient. This information was just posted on STPs official blog:
We have been receiving reports that some members are unable to access the SolidTrustPay website. There are no issues with access at our offices, and we are continuing to monitor regular traffic, but our tech department is looking into the situation.
We ask for your patience – we are confident that all areas will have full access shortly.

The admin of BestInv program Olivia (interviewed here) also mentioned STP issues in her latest update to the members of the program sent just a few hours ago. All in all, the update was kinda encouraging celebrating the already huge success of BestInv and promising to work hard to achieve even better results in the near future. The membership is just exploding and after a little over than 1 month online BestInv now has over 6,700 members. Well, this is pretty impressive! Of course, many members were attracted to the program by the high-paying plans of 120% after 5 days, 145% after 10 days and 175% after 15 days and by the fact that the program accepts all the major payment processors as well as an overall high quality website of the program itself. To read more about BestInv please refer to my detailed review published here. And here is the latest news for the members:
Dear Members, Phew!! Our program has already taken a Gigantic shape. What started as an ant is a huge mammoth now, and it doesn’t seem to stop growing.
My heartiest thanks to all the 6600+ members for their trust and faith in us. Every minute of BestInv is dedicated towards providing the best of service to them.
We intend to stay there for a long time, and we have everything our arsenal to make sure that happens.
With the increase in the size of the member base, my job has become more demanding than ever. Like I said, I spend almost 18-20 hours a day online to ensure smooth functioning of BestInv. The idea is simple, hard work gives good fruit. I know that the efforts I inject today will result in BestInv becoming the best program in the internet history. It’s a promising statement, and I know I will make it possible. Where there is a will, there is a way.
OK, It’s time for some announcements, kindly pay attention to the points below:
a) STP (SolidTrustPay) is having certain issues, their website is not accessible. Therefore all requests pertaining to STP is on hold for now. The STP site issue is expected to resolve soon, following which we will execute every request in a systematic fashion.
b) A mouth watering and tempting bonus of $250 will be given to those making a deposit of $10k or more. The Special plan offers 175% in 15 days, means if you invest 10k, you would get back 17.5k in 15 days. Thats a wow. Friends, its truly happening in here, invest and watch your funds grow.
c) Well some, so called, smart members out there happen to create several user ID’s in order to get referral commission. My message to those members would be “Waky! …Waky! ….You are being watched”. Please don’t indulge yourself in such cheap activities. You are not only disgracing the program, but asking yourself to get banned.
Look friends, I am working day in and day out to help you only. Treat this program seriously and let your funds grow to help you in the long run. Its a simple barter policy I have applied here, you give your trust and I give my service. Nothing else matters.
There could be times when our website would be slow or some minor glitches might appear here and there, just don’t get all psyched up, sit back and wait for a while for us to get back on track. I don’t want people screaming “Oh my God, they ran away with my money” … lol.
So friends, I have dedicated a good portion of my life into BestInv and I see a bright future for all of us.
Let’s work together towards a better future, let’s make this world a better place for us all.

I’m glad to report that the admin of FoxFund Justin (interviewed here) replied to me and explained everything about some members having troubles in withdrawing their funds. It seems the issue is a technical one caused by an unnecessary complication in the script. This is one of the major drawbacks to the program and was already mentioned by me in the detailed review of FoxFund published here. Apart from that everything seems to be working fine and all the members are being paid on time. I must say I like the admin’s attitude to solving problems with diligence and that shows his intentions in maintaining his program in good financial health. The recent promotions launched yesterday will hopefully help to promote FoxFund even further. Here is the latest from FoxFund:
This message is sent in responds to our recent findings about some members having difficulties in trying to withdraw their profits, if you are having some difficulties in trying to withdraw then use this method
Step 1: Activate your payment processor details in you member area if you didn’t do this during the opening of your account, to enable this, login into your account and click on preference and fill in the correct details of your payment processor where you want your profits to be sent to e.g AP –, LR – U5230832, PM – U2263573 please fill in yours as this info are for FoxFund.
Step 2: Transfer your earning to your wallet, to do this simple click on transfer cash balance on the menu of the member area.
Step 3: To finally withdraw, click on Request Cash out fill in the amount you desire to withdraw and you will have good success.
I hope this explanation helps all those who face some challenges during withdrawals, however if you are still not clear with this do an email and we would respond to you within the shortest time.
Meanwhile FoxFund is paying and we are still going to process all payments, also let me inform all members that this week is FoxFund promotional week, this would only be done monthly, this opportunity is open to all members and we hope you all get the best from it.

One quality I admire in good admins is the ability to stand up and face criticism with dignity and take a valuable lesson from it. Such a quality definitely applies to the admin of AxaCofinance which was reviewed on my blog yesterday (read the review here). The lesson learned will definitely help him improve his program and that is the most important thing for members. Here is the reaction of the admin of AxaCofinance to my review:
Thank you to Paul from, for the first review about AxaCofinance. We will give attention of all critics to improve our site. AxaCofinance was created for members and will take all critics as positive. You can read this nice review by clicking the small banner.

Please be aware of a phishing site claiming to be from NanoMoneyCorp website (reviewed here). I warn you that if you click on the phishing link sent by the scammers you will enter a malicious website that looks exactly like the original and therefore might submit some sensitive info and lose access to your original NanoMoneyCorp account (in worst case you can even lose your money in NanoMoneyCorp). So please be extremely careful when opening emails from NanoMoneyCorp and don’t click on suspicious links! Look for more info on that on their website or read the warning below:
Phishing letters! IMPORTANT!
Dear investors and partners! Recently we came to know that someone is sending letterers to our investors asking them to confirm access to our site.
These letters look all the same but some variations are possible. Please never press any links in the e-mails sent from us!
The only link we can send you is a confirmation link after your registration. So if you receive a letter like this,
“Dear investor, We are happy to announce new bonus for you.
Your bonus for a program PLP-103073BA is approved now.
The amount of $67.50 has been sent to your account.
Should you need any additional assistance from us contact us immediately.
Wish you all the best and thank you for your collaboration with us.
Wish you all the best. Regards, NanoMoneyCorp Support Team.”
Please do not press that link! You will lose access to your account and may lose your money!
You can easily check if this letter is fake or real. When we send a confirmation letter about referral bonus that means that we have already transferred your referral bonus to your e-currency account. So if there is no money on your account and you have got the letter just ignore it and don’t press that link!

The administration of StrictPay payment processor has sent out an email informing SP debit card holders about a new feature that will allow you to withdraw your money from your StrictPay account faster than usual for an additional fee. Please look at their recent update to find out more:
StrictPay Debit Card Customers, We are pleased to announce a new quicker withdraw option for all customers who have a StrictPay debit card. We now offer the Quick Debit Card withdraw option, that will allow you to get funds from your StrictPay account to your StrictPay debit card within 24 hours at the longest. Our funding department will still have the goal to be even much quicker than 24 hours, and you could see funds enter your debit card balance within a few hours as well.
To take advantage of this new withdraw option, please login to your StrictPay account, click on the Withdraw link, and choose the Quick Debit Card option. You will then only need to enter the amount you wish to load, enter your Access Code, and then confirm the request. The fee is $4.95 plus 2.9%, and you will have your funds within 24 hours.
We have raised the limit for each debit card withdraw request from $500.00 to $1034.96 so you will be able to load exactly $1000 into your debit card balance. We also will allow you to have two requests in the system at any one time, and this will be two requests whether you use the quick withdraw, our normal withdraw, or both. Standard Debit Card withdraws will take 1 to 3 business days for the funds to reach your debit card balance.
As always, we know you have many options, and we appreciate you choosing StrictPay as your primary online payment processor.

As usual I would like to report to you the programs paid me today. I have received payments from the following: 12DailyClicks, BestInv, PlusInv, GoldNuggetInvest, FoxFund, DirectResult, NanoMoneyCorp, Verifield, InvestmentForge, GeniusFunds, AssetsParty, CashXpress, SolidCapital, OnisGroup, ExcellentProfit, CoolReturn, PanaMoney, XagaEnterprise, InvestiMates and IncoForex (the first payments received).

IncoForex is the newest addition in my list of good programs and I honestly believe that they can become the next big thing among low-ROI programs. There are many specific things about IncoForex which I’m going to touch upon in my review tomorrow. Today I would like only to highlight some features briefly. Ok, IncoForex is allegedly backed-up by real trading which is conducted by their officially registered program in Dominica. As the results of the trading can vary the profits can as well. The investment term is 180 trading days during which you can’t withdraw your principal except under emergency cases when it’s allowed with a 35% fee. The profits are calculated daily in your account and are dependent on the trading results and the amount deposited but could reach up to 3% daily. I noticed that usually they are less than 1% but you can increase your profits by setting up a level of compounding. The script is also original and customized which is a definite advantage. IncoForex website has SSL certificate installed which gives an additional layer of protection for the members’ accounts. The site is hosted on a dedicated Staminus server and the domain is registered up to the year of 2014. There are some incorporation certificates presented on the site although I could not view their original size versions for some reason. Withdrawals are usually instant. I am talking about LibertyReserve withdrawals but IncoForex also accepts PerfectMoney, EcuMoney and Bank Transfers. I think that would be it to give you a brief description of the website and apart from quite a low ROI and the limited choice of payment processors I can’t see any significant drawbacks to the program. IncoForex has been online only for over two weeks so I believe that there is some good potential for the members that will decide to join it early enough. Well, more on IncoForex will be published on my blog tomorrow so stay tuned and see you all then!

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