Sep 15th, 2009 Archives

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Hi everybody! The first of two blog posts I have for you today is the latest interview I have conducted with the admin of a new HYIP. Yes I know there has been a few of them already this week so why not continue? We’ll be getting back to the reviews soon enough anyway (I have a few in mind) so I thought for a change this week I’d start with some interviews. And so today is the turn of one Garrett Rainier from the increasingly popular PTVPartner.

I can only repeat what I already said in my original review (published here) that I am a bit more enthusiastic about this program than many of the recently opened short term programs I could compare it too and would not be at all surprised if we see bigger things from this one and see it run for that bit longer than such programs usually go for. The reasons for which are outlined already in my review so it’s hardly necessary repeat them again. Especially as Garrett has done a better job of talking up PTVPartner here than I could. But just to refresh your memory anyway, PTVPartner offers plans that pay 110% after 10 days, 125% after 20 days, 145% after 30 days, and 190% after 40 days.

1. Hi, please introduce yourself to the readers of money-news-online and tell us a bit more about your personal involvement in PTVPartner. What experience do you have in either handling investors money or in the online HYIP business?

Hello. My name is Garrett Rainier and I am the Admin of PTVPartner. I personally have been a member of the PTV Group for over 20 years. However I was not an expat until around 18 years ago when we finally where prepared to make that leap. We call Belize our home, but enjoy spending several months a year in other places, namely Canada and Western Europe.

PTV Group is a compilation of some 120 plus expats and others that have bonded through various business ventures or activities over the years. It was formalized as a group in the 1983 and was primarily involved in Venture Capitalization and Private Placement Funding.

This became a field of expertise for our group. Several of our more influential and prominent members created a Council, or Team, that manages the Investment portfolio of the group.

A little over 7 years ago I personally became fascinated with the HYIP world. I have participated in numerous HYIPs as an Investor. I have earned a great deal at times and lost a great deal as well. It had become a wonderful hobby for me to try and outwit the programs as they came and went.

After watching the devastation that far too many programs caused for huge memberships and topped off by the ‘fall’ of e-gold, I decided I wanted to create a program of my own. I rallied for just that opportunity. With the backing of several of the Group’s members, approval was granted and I began.

After almost 2 years of work, formulating plans and working out the bugs and strategy of financial support from the backend, we began in January to put together the actual Web Presence.

In regards to my personal ability to handle member’s money and investments, that is best left up to those that have so adequately handled the investments of billions of dollars over the years. My forte’ is in business administration and journalism. I also understand the HYIP arena relatively well and will provide every single aspect that has been missing from practically every single program to date and that starts with a reality backed program. A program that isn’t dependant on new member participation to make payout. A program that can survive the adversities that have plagued every honest program that has gone before. A truly honest program that offers un-rivaled support, an Administrative presence, an easy to use and understand interface, a community gathering place, educational facilities, communicative updates and a social network of like-minded individuals.

This has become one the most challenging yet enjoyable projects I have ever been involved with. On any given day you will find me working for its improvement. My relaxation time has now become our own chat room. You can find me listening in there almost 16 hours a day. So if you need me, you know where to find me.

2. Can you tell us a bit about the history of PTVPartner? How long have you been in operation? If there is anyone else involved, eg an assistant or a business partner, can you tell us about them? What was your initial motivation behind establishing your own program?

PTVPartner officially launched on 8/29/2009. Our first plans matured 10 days later. Of course payments have never been late (in fact they are usually early). And, as I stated previously we have the Council or Board that oversees the investments, three individuals that handle the IT security, an accountant and his assistant that of course handle fund transfers, myself and to date thirteen moderators for support.

3. Can you now explain to the readers in detail about the various investment plans on offer from PTVPartner? What are the returns offered, how long are the investment terms, etc?

We decide to include 4 levels of Investments or Venture Programs for our clients.  They include the ‘Introductory’, or 10 day plan, in which your participation here is from $10.00 (recently reduced by popular request) to $250.00. This plan returns 110%.

Next we have the ‘Advantage’, or 20 day plan, with the participation range from $50.00 to $500.00.This Plan returns 125%.

Followed by the ‘Leverage’, or 30 day plan, in which the minimum participation is $100.00 to a maximum of $2000.00. This plan returns 145%.

Finally, the ‘Prestige’, or 40 day plan, which is of course the top plan, best choice and most rewarding. Here you may participate with as little as $200.00 to a maximum of $10,000.00. This plan returns 190%.

With all plans, the ‘Return’ is a combination of the principle and interest returned at the end of the venture.

We have been asked why we did not do a daily payout. The response is quite simple. The Private Placement Programs we participate in do not pay out daily. For us to do so would require less of a return and would not provide the best possible program we can provide.

4. Do you think that by only accepting LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney you are hindering the growth of PTVPartner? Especially as they have limited appeal in the U.S.A and Canada where you might expect to find some bigger investors? Will you be adding more processors in the near future?

We have been asked about this a lot, so I suppose the answer is yes. The reason we selected these two processors to begin with was to allow members the most anonymous venue of participation. Like it or not, most of the world is of an oppressive nature. Governments like control. The majority of HYIP participants don’t pay taxes on the money they earn in this arena. Governments don’t approve of this and attempt to cause problems for Members and perhaps at some point ourselves. So an anonymous entity was expected to be preferred. We personally do not want to participate with any vehicle that will cause undue scrutiny on our endeavors or those of our members.

PerfectMoney allows for Bank wire transfers to and from your account. Direct funding is an option that will save you thousands per year. LibertyReserve is the largest payment processor, period.

However, we have had numerous requests and will be adding AlertPay as our next payment processor. More may follow in the future. But really, we want to provide the opportunity to members, but we realize that we have a finite ability to please everyone. We are not here to acquire every member that reads this article. We do not need the funds of our clients to continue our ventures, or participate in any opportunity. Quite frankly, we are not here because we need anything. We are here because we are needed.

5. How does the whole investment cycle work? If you assume I am a complete newcomer here, can you tell me exactly what I will have to do after I decide to invest with PTVPartner? What happens between my first deposit and my first payout?

We have tried to make it quite simple really. Come to our site and open an account. It is free to open.

Once you have an account, Log In, then you can fund it with LibertyReserve or PerfectMoney.

Once that is done, select a Venture you want to participate in, set the compounding feature, if you desire it (this by the way, prevents you from losing a day of interest on your next venture if you intend on making one), and wait for the term to complete.

At the end of the day, midnight, Zurich Time (GMT -2), your venture will mature and the funds will be immediately placed in your withdraw account. From there you may request a withdraw or re-participate them, or any combination of the above.

Withdrawal requests are processed once daily, again, after midnight Zurich time (GMT+2). Generally this will happen within 1to 3 hours. Please note that we are processing the withdrawals manually. We use our mass pay system, but we only do so after a manual accounting and visual inspection or verification as a Security Feature.

While you are waiting for your Venture to mature, we request that you come by the chat room and introduce yourself. You will almost assuredly catch me there.

Certainly one of mods will be there. Not only would we love to meet you, but you should get to know us. It is always helpful to meet and become familiar with those behind the scenes. It will certainly alleviate some of your anxiety as you are hanging out with others that have a vested interest and meet those that want to provide support.

Let me take a minute here to inform you. Our Mods are paid, but it isn’t much. Most of them do the work because they enjoy being of service to others. We have set our system up so that any and every investor, that comes to our site, without a referral or affiliate link attached, generates a referral fee for the Mods. These fees are pooled and paid to the moderator staff.

6. What about the security of the PTVPartner website? What steps have you taken to protect both yourselves and members from things like malicious hackers? Are you on a dedicated server and how protected are you from DdoS attacks? Who is your hosting provider and how highly do you rate the service provided by them?

We have gone to extreme lengths to ensure the safety and security of our server, site and program. I am going to simply copy and paste a list of the features here as they are certainly worth understanding.

a) Our program is hosted on a Dedicated Server by Dragonara is renowned for their ability to stop even the most vicious DDOS attack. The security and privacy provided by their service is the absolute envy of DDOS hosting providers.

b) Our Server, on which PTVPartner is secured, is managed on a perpetual basis. This includes debugging, checking firewall and other logs, regular updates, security monitoring, anti-viral updates and routine and redundant back-ups. Direct attempts to access SSH, (known as Shell), of server are disabled as well as a Secret Port ID is used in order to ensure that no one is capable of accessing without knowing the port and double passwords information.

c) Our script is configured with its own private encryption class. This allows it to encode and decode All sensitive information in the database, such as, passwords and balance information. This encryption cannot be decoded by any other software and is multiple times stronger then ordinary base64, md5 or SHA1/256 encodings.

d) The website, including the script and database are redundantly backed up several times per day.

e) SSL is installed throughout the entire site. All sensitive data transferred to, or from, our clients is encrypted and secured.

f) Our script has undergone extensive testing and has proven itself to be fully safe from mySQL injections.

g) The script source code is encoded and protected with IonCube. This provides an increased layer of security against any abusive attempts.

As you can see, we have gone above and beyond all necessity to ensure that our script, website, server and the opportunity is safe and secure.

7. Could you also tell the readers about the script PTVPartner is running off?

The script is a custom script designed and created exclusively for PTVPartner.

8. What advertising strategy have you been using to promote PTVPartner to date? How big a role have existing members played in this promotion? Are you satisfied with the level of growth so far? Do you think it could be improved upon or would you say it is at a manageable and sustainable level?

We are really just getting started. We have begun with, of course, the ‘Affiliate Program’ which return 6% to anyone who refers another member. This is a lifetime referral fee. So every new money deposit that is made by your referrals generates a 6% Commission. As I stated earlier, any member that arrives at our site without a referee attached, still generates a referral fee. These ‘House’ generated clients referral commissions are divided among the Moderator and IT staff.

We also have created and placed banners in the traditional places, along with sticky threads and signatures.

As we develop, we don’t intend on following the footsteps of most. We aren’t going to spend members money on 100’s of banners etc. We have invested our own funds on the advertising. Next we plan on going outside the box and attempting to provide our opportunity to new markets that we feel need our options. These will include the Work-from-Home market as well as Paid-to-Click and Multi-Level Marketing.

In fact, we have considered, and would be interested in your reader feedback (come to our forum, register and vote the poll please)changing the referral fee structure from a flat 6% to a three level deep plan (3%-2%-2%). This is much more valuable to the membership in the long run. And this will be a very long run. But we are going to see what the membership and potential membership thoughts are first.

The growth so far is outstanding. The only thing we are experiencing that we want to improve on really, is our chat room participation. We would like to again invite our members and any potential members to come by and visit. We would greatly enjoy the chat and the chance to get to meet you.

9. Maybe you could tell us more now about the outside business interests of PTVPartner? How are you investing members money? Can you offer any proof either of this income or of your incorporation as an actual business entity?

I would really encourage any reader here to come to our site and read the information we have available there. The length we have gone to, in an effort to explain, is tremendous really. Read the ‘Why Here? / Why Now?’ section along with the ‘About Us’ as well as in the forum the ‘Admin Updates’. These three will enlighten you more than you can imagine.

But I will attempt to offer something here that will be sufficient to at least peak some interest.

Private Placement Funding is our mainstay. Especially in the wake of the failing global economy, Businesses need money. It is their Lifeblood. It is a must-have. And the reality is, there is simply not enough to go around. In the private sector they literally compete for it.

Without saying too much and potentially upsetting or jeopardizing any of our relationships, currently there are joint ventures that involve a collaborative of Businesses in Dubai, Venezuela, Canada, Subic Bay and Saudi Arabia. The Ventures involve Trillions of dollars. Our Group has a pledged collaborative participation level of 750 Billion. We will not facilitate that pledge alone of course, and that is NOT where PTVPartner comes in either.

We are not naive enough to think for one minute that PTVPartner, thru ecurrency, would produce even 1/100th of the necessary capital. Like I said before, we did not come here looking for monetary assistance to support our endeavors. We came here to provide an opportunity. Our partners have currently allocated as much as 1/1000th of a percent of these ventures for funding via PTVPartner. That is the extent of PTVPartners’ participation level at this time. The return goal is a standard 50% minimum weekly. From this your profits are derived.

In regards to proof I would direct your readers to our forum, where they may read the thread entitled ‘How can we verify where you invest our funds?’ located in the ‘Admin Updates section’.

10. What kind of customer service and support do you offer to investors? What are the most effective ways of getting in contact with you if I have questions or problems? I know you have Live Chat support but what is the best time of day (GMT) to find either you or a PTVPartner employee there?

We offer 4 different support opportunities for members.

My favorite is the Chat Room. That is where you will find me. Generally for around 10 to 14 hours a day. I say generally because I do hang out there most of the time. I work in the background and listen and pop in when I feel I am needed. The Chat Room is Moderated around the clock 24/7. It is a Voice, Text and Video Chat Room. Of course Voice and Video are by choice and are not required. I would encourage you to have speakers though as I would much rather talk than type. Feel free to come by and ask questions, chit chat, or just eaves drop.

We have four chat rooms currently. Our Main Support room, our Russian and Chinese rooms and a Gaming Room. The gaming room came with the software so we thru it up there too.

We plan on adding additional rooms as the need arises. We intend on using our rooms for Conferences, Live releases, Q & A sessions as well as Educational facilities.

We are starting a daily Q & A session. At least I plan on devoting my full attention to the chat room for questions from 12 to 1am GMT and again at 12 to 1pm GMT. Like I stated I am there throughout the day, but this will be a scheduled event so you know I am available.

Next we have the Private Forum. This too is moderated 24/7. Most of the time you will not wait, more than a few minutes, for a reply to any question.

We will launch soon a Live Help Operator. This is designed for non-members to receive instant help for sign up or access questions etc. Most support related questions are better served in the main chat. But this feature will be available soon. It too will be operated 24/7 with no downtime.

Finally, we have the support ticket. I am surprised how much this is actually used, although mainly by monitors soliciting us. So I guess it serves its purpose. I personally dislike using support ticket features. When I go to a site, If I need support, I want it now! I don’t want to wait until they feel like getting around to me. Even though we try and answer our support tickets every 30 minutes, I still recommend the Chat Room. You are more than welcome to come into the chat room and personal message a moderator or myself for any and all questions. Monitors, please use the support ticket.

11. I see that you have also attached your own forum to the PTVPartner website. But can you tell us why it is private? I can understand why non-members shouldn’t contribute but why can’t the wider investing public at least view it?

Well, this is after all a private program. We felt that we could better serve our members needs by keeping our forum private. It is free to join and only takes a moment or two to register. Plus it allows us to capture your email so we can keep you informed of what is going on.

12. A lot of good HYIPs have opened recently. There is a pretty big choice out there for the investor so if you had just one thing to say to potential members to convince them to join PTVPartner, what would it be? In your own words what makes your program better than anything else I could join?

I kind of disagree with you in regards to a big choice being available. The online investor has become a savvy participant over the last few years. They have had to. They no longer have to wade thru the garbage in order to determine what will work and what won’t work, thanks, in a large part, to successful blogs like Money-News-Online.

I don’t have to sell the program. The investors have determined for themselves that we stand out in a crowd. It is not hard to see really. What better time to get involved?

13. What are your plans for the immediate future of PTVPartner? Can we expect any new developments or improvements over the coming weeks or are you satisfied with the state of the program as it is?

Now I have something interesting to answer. And the answer is Yes and No. Yes, we will be making significant improvements and No, we are not satisfied at all.

The website is not at all what we wanted. But after 9 months of working on the script and design, I grew weary of waiting. The script was ready but the design was far from it. Since we didn’t really care how fast of a start we had, we decided to release it as it was. Now we have a tremendous site being developed. I promise you that you will find it extremely progressive. We are using 3D imaging, some flash touches, and a totally unique in design Javascript Inlay. This will be a completely original style that is sure to be the talk-of-the-town. We are very excited about it.

Additional features of the site will include a calendar which will display your ventures start and end date as well as the capital and return involved, plus we will place a calculator in your member area so that you can calculate your options.

14. And finally what is your opinion of the online investments industry overall? In your experience, and not counting your own program, how would you rate the chances of the average investor of earning more money than they lose? Are there any tips or advice you would offer readers to help them protect their earnings and their identities online?

I would say that the average investor has a very hard time if they are participating in the majority of the programs online. What’s unfortunate is that there are so many, so called investors, who jump on a program simply for the high returns. They fail to do any research, check the monitors, research the forums, Google the pieces and crumbs that are made available.

The programs are manipulative and underhanded as a whole. It’s unfortunate but true. Programs start up and fail in less than a week or month. It seems to be mainly a market of scammers scamming scammers. You have e-currencies scamming the exchangers, exchangers scamming the hyips, hyips scamming the members, it is vicious. These are the main reasons we determined to become involved. I know you are saying… “We have heard all this before.” But have you really? Only time will tell … and fortunately time is on our side.

That is why our slogan is what it is:
Start the Experience – until now most of the hyip participants have not had a good experience. They simply jump from one ponzi to another hoping to get in and get out before the thing collapses. Here, we will help you to be astute. Provide you with a stable, long term, reliable program that is like the energizer bunny…just keeps going and going and….

Join PTVPartner and … Free your Life!!! Remove yourself from worry. Relax, learn, improve, succeed. Our desire is for your success. Welcome, to PTVPartner.”

Now there’s a man who loves to talk almost as much as I do! Seriously though, there is quite a bit of reading there and plenty of good advice too. Very interesting I thought and even if you decide the program isn’t quite suitable for you, I hope you’ll at least agree it was worth your while reading it. One thing I am looking forward to is Garrett’s suggestion that he may put a “youtube” presentation together based on this interview so if he does then I will of course put the link up right here on

That’s all for now guys, but don’t worry, that’s not all for today! Owing to the PTVPartner interview being somewhat longer than usual I’ve decided to prevent everyone’s brain from going into meltdown and split today’s post. So I want to postpone the regular news update until later this evening. So don’t go far and check back later for all the news from the programs monitored by MNO. See you then!

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