Sep 22nd, 2009 Archives

Place your banner here for $150/week or $500/month. Available NOW.
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Place your banner here for $140/week or $460/month. Available NOW.
Place your banner here for $135/week or $440/month. Available NOW.


Hi guys! Well I was right that this will certainly be a busy week for MNO as I am back with my second post of the day. This time it is to review a new HYIP called MoneyCare. Thankfully though it won’t be too long this time. That’s no reflection on MoneyCare of course, I just mean that it is a very simple and straight forward program with nothing too difficult or complicated going on. Streamlined I suppose might be a nice word for it.

So without further ado, let’s first see what the plans are before assessing if the are worth joining. I’ll just point out first that MoneyCare is one of very few online HYIPs to give you the choice of depositing in different currencies, namely Euros or Dollars. For the purpose of this review I will use dollars as that remains the first choice of most investors. Actually it’s the only choice in most programs but you know what I mean! But if you do prefer the currency of the new Roman Empire then just keep in mind that Euros and dollars are interchangeable here at a ratio of one to one. For example when I say the minimum investment is $20, it’s also €20.

Basically there are two options open to you. There are a number of variations depending on how much you wish to spend but essentially your choice boils down to this: do you want to get paid by the day or do you want to get paid by the week?

If you prefer daily payments then you will take the first plan that runs for 50 business days. That’s Monday through Friday remember so no activity on weekends. The minimum deposit is $20 and in return for that MoneyCare offer a daily interest payment of 2% paid five days per week until you have amassed a total return of 100% before your initial deposit is then returned. To put it another way, in return for a $100 deposit then one can expect a daily payment of $2 per day until expiry. That will add up another $100 which constitutes your profit, before having your initial hundred returned. In this plan you will not actually break even until the last day. The maximum deposit is $200.

For the big spenders there are two more options available. They are more or less identical to the previous plans except for the following distinctions. For deposits between $201 and $2000 you will get a daily payment of 2.25% for 50 business days. When you add that to your principal which gets returned you will have a total of 225%. Which is 100% principal plus 125% profit. When depositing here you can expect to break even and see your first profit after 45 days.

And then for those willing to risk $2001 right up to the absolute maximum of $20,000 you can earn 2.5% interest per day for 50 business days. That will all add up in the end to 150% profit plus 100% of your principal, or 250% of your initial spend. You can expect to break even after 40 days and start taking in pure profit after that.

That is all quite generous in my own humble opinion but MoneyCare has another option open to you offering more substantial returns. That always comes at a price of course and that price is that you need to take a greater risk and join the weekly paying plan. it runs for 10 weeks and again has three variations.

The first variation is again open to deposits from a minimum of $20 to a maximum of $200. For that you can expect a series of ten weekly payments of 12% of your principal. That will see you break even and make your first profit with the ninth payment. Upon completion all payments received will accumulate to 120%. You can count that as your profit as your principal will still be returned. To put it in simpler terms, a $100 investment will get you ten weekly payments of $12 every time. Ten weeks later that will all add up to $120, whereupon your initial hundred then gets handed back, becoming $220.

Needless to say anymore that should you wish to spend a bit more then you will earn a bit more. And risk a bit more too. The other two weekly options open to you include a weekly payment of 15% for ten weeks on deposits between $201 and $2000 which will add up to 150% profit on top of your principal getting returned. That sees you break even and earn your first profit with your seventh weekly payment.

And finally for deposits ranging from $2001 to $20,000 there is the offer of ten weekly payments of 18% interest. That has you in profit with your sixth weekly payment and totals at 180% pure profit upon expiry. Add your principal to that and you get 280% returned in total.

A couple of other points relevant to the investment plans include the payment schedule. I mentioned at the start that MoneyCare works from Monday to Friday but that may not be strictly true. Under certain circumstances, ie if you join the weekly at the weekend, you payments will be processed at the weekend. Joining the daily plan at the weekend however still means those payments will only be processed on trading days. Other than that one feature that many will enjoy is the fact that payouts are automatic. They will be paid directly into your e-currency account without you ever needing to make a request. That also means there is no registration process. You will simply be redirected to a secure page from your payment processor and make a direct deposit from there. A slight disadvantage to that system is the absence of a “member’s area” where you can keep track of your own investment records within MoneyCare, but that’s not exactly critical either. It just means you need to keep a close personal eye on your investment and keep your own records. Something I’d have advised you to do with all programs anyway.

A slight disappointment by the way is the payment options. Or should I say lack of them. You are restricted to LibertyReserve. And although I made the point in an recent review that this never seemed to hurt NanoMoneyCorp, they are a long established and trusted program who have spent years cultivating their reputation. MoneyCare is not. Not yet anyway. Any significant LR downtime could inflict irreparable damage here, not to mention that the lack of choice is doing nothing more than closing the door to countless investors. Good and all as LR is, investors want choice. Even if they were going to join with LR anyway! Having said that, after three weeks online the feedback I have heard seem largely positive so the investors not bothered by that seem to like what they are getting. And it’s not a difficult issue to fix either.

The security of MoneyCare is certainly an advantage though. They are hosted on a dedicated server and protected from DDoS attacks by DdoSWiz, who are a respected service provider with a decent reputation. There is no script in use with deposits and payments coming and going directly from your e-currency account. I already explained the drawbacks to that method but on the other hand it pretty much eliminates the possibility of your account getting hacked. Obviously, as there is no account! There is also a Comodo certificate guaranteeing the authenticity of the MoneyCare website.

Any questions regrading support issues can be addressed directly to the admin via a link to his e-mail address. A postal address is published but it consists merely of a PO box number in Belize where MoneyCare claim registration. A number of documents are made available for you inspection regarding their official incorporation as a company in that country and if you are interested you are free to examine them and contact the relevant authorities there to confirm their validity. A quick search on Google should point you in the right direction. Personally I have no reason to doubt MoneyCare‘s claims about being a registered business entity, I just have no allusions about that offering any kind of guarantee or protection. Well established and formerly successful businesses are closing down by the day all over the world, and a certificate of incorporation never stopped it from happening. But I guess some people take comfort in the appearance of legitimacy.

There claims about there outside business and investment activities are there on the “About us” page for all to see. Sorry if I just skip over this bit. Regular readers will by now know my opinions regarding such things but I will be more than happy to come back and analyze them should MoneyCare still be in operation next year. But you can read it for yourself and take what you like from it. For me I will take MoneyCorp as an average HYIP that could be a lot better with actually not that much extra work. A couple of other payment processors would make a world of difference here. Other than that I suggest you disregard claims that 80% of your principal is guaranteed unless you get that claim verified by an independent financial regulatory body. But I would still be quite hopeful of MoneyCare surviving online for long enough to profit.

Other news for today.

Before we get too far into today’s news section I want to return to last Sunday’s interview with the admin of FlipReturn (read it here). I suggested some of her comments regarding GoldNuggetInvest (reviewed here) were likely to stir up a hornets nest of argument and debate, and boy was I right! To make it easier for me to deal with the deluge of mail I’m getting on this I’d like to once and for all make one thing crystal clear to everybody. Her opinions are just that. Opinions. In no way, shape, or form do I agree with them. I do not believe that GNI will close anytime soon, in fact I believe quite the opposite. They have never been in better shape, with new members continuing to pour in and old ones constantly adding to their investments.

As far as I can tell, the admin of FlipReturn is basing this assertion on the fact that after three years online GNI are “suddenly” changing their script. Now I could imagine a lot of warning signs concerning the health of a program, but this wouldn’t be one of them. In fact the real reasons for this change have already been well documented elsewhere and originate from GNI’s brush with an extortionist and hacker during the summer months, something of which I know many of you still hold vivid and unpleasant memories.

In the long run it may even prove to have been a blessing in disguise, as it may have inflicted a nasty but ultimately harmless fright to jilt any creeping feelings of complacency. Progress after all needs to be a state of perpetual motion and the race for excellence has no finishing line! So this new script currently undergoing a series of rigorous tests by industry professionals is to ensure the long term safety and protection of your accounts. Ultimately you guys are the financiers of GoldNuggetInvest so the sanctity of your accounts is paramount.

How this can possibly be construed to be anything else, much less a warning sign, is utterly beyond me. But can I please please please ask you all just one more time, if you have any questions about this then direct them towards the admin of FlipReturn, because in my opinion GoldNuggetInvest is firmly cemented in its place as the number one online investment program on the internet today. Arguably the best ever in fact.

Staying with the topic of GoldNuggetInvest, you may be aware that the program will shortly be celebrating its third anniversary in business. And so to mark this momentous occasion the admin, Robert Spearman, has graciously agreed to take the time to answer a third interview for money-news-online. You may remember the last two that he gave (read them here and here) as being wonderfully insightful but also an eloquent explanation of how his business generates a sustainable second income (in some cases primary income!) for so may people.

This time the interview will hopefully be a little different however with Robert agreeing to field some questions from you, the readers of MNO. I think this is an excellent opportunity for all of you to ask Robert what’s on your mind about GoldNuggetInvest, discuss your experiences there, offer some constructive criticism, make suggestions for the future improvement, and so on. I sincerely hope as many of you as possible will take this unique opportunity to get your questions answered under public scrutiny and have your say about the program at the same time. So get your thinking caps on guys and submit your questions and comments for Robert to my e-mail address Just remember that I’m not trying to rush you but I can’t wait forever either so please, if you do have questions submit them to me as soon as possible.

Right then, getting back to the news! I’m glad to report that after less than 24 hours online the new high-ROI program GainRoi (will be reviewed on my blog soon) is gaining much attention and rightly so. Over 160 members within the first day of operation can be considered as reasonable success. I remind you that GainRoi accepts five payment processors and is run on a dedicated and DDoS-protected server on a licensed GoldCoders script. The investment plans are kinda reasonable: 120% after 10 days, 150% after 20 days and 200% after 30 days. You should be aware that GainRoi is just a short-term HYIP and that means it will have to end eventually. I for one totally agree with the admin of GainRoi Joshua that made his first appearance on the major investment forums today with the following message to investors:
Hi all, I’m Admin Of This Project.
There are many out there who have pre-conceived notion regarding online investment programs, but they don’t realize that even the best and long lasting Hyip programs have collapsed creating a ripple in the Hyip world.
In a nutshell, when HYIP was born, it came with a twin named ‘RISK’. No one should forget that. No investment platform can offer the returns that is offered in the HYIP world, not even close.
So the theory goes like this, if you want to make high returns, u have to get into a degree of risk. In the process one can make a lot of money. The golden rule of HYIP says ‘Never chip in more than you can afford to lose’. That’s the principle every one should follow.
It does not make sense bad mouthing a HYIP program, some are running for over 4 years now, and some have a comparatively short life span. We are confident to be out there for a good amount of time, because our plans are different and we have left no stone unturned in creating a good service platform for our investors. Our investment offer’s are both logical and sustainable.
I hereby appeal to the investors out there, that if you want to give a decent shape to the funds that you have with you, then GainRoi is the right place for you. ‘Ball is in your court’, play it the way you want.
GainRoi. Joshua

AtlantisMutual (reviewed here) announced some kind of investment insurance program for members today. I must admit I didn’t quite fully understand the whole thing. Maybe it was just me but I felt the whole thing to be poorly explained. I hope the admin of the program will agree to clarify the issue of insurance in the upcoming interview with him. Here is what I found on AtlantisMutual site today:
Investment insurance
Brand new two-level investment insurance system allows Atlantis MIA’s provide the safest investment service on the market. Read more about Atlantis MIA investment insurance and reducing risks involved in investing.

If you’re a fan of AlertPay payment processor you may be interested to learn that AxaCofinance program (reviewed here) added AlertPay as their fifth payment processor. AxaCofinance program has been a stable performer for about two months and the news about the addition of AlertPay will certainly bring new investors to the program. Here is the update recent update from the admin:
Hello dear members. After 20 days without newsletter, which don’t means we are not working, I come back today to you with some very important information.
I would start by telling you, this is a special day for AxaCofinance. Yes, today is the 50th day online for AxaCofinance.
We appreciated all mails, all feedbacks are welcome to improve our services.
We try to provide the best, and this will continue for a long time.
AxaCofinance is working so well, to be honest, we never thought about such success. We are so honored with that.
We are installing a new “support ticket system”, to be more efficient with support, as we had some problems recently with our actual support system.
We received many request to increase the maximum deposit of $25 000. We are thinking about change this limit to $50 000 soon. We will announce you this, when it will be active.
I would end this Newsletter with the most interesting news for today
We accept now AlertPay to deposit/withdraw on AxaCofinance, many members contacted us in the past about this, Also we are glad to accept this payments processor.
Have a nice day. Best regards, David. AxaCofinance.

By the way, I was wondering what your favorite payment processor is? What do you think about payment processors in general? Can they be reliable? And what is the most reliable payment processor in your opinion? I have decided to re-open the voting feature on my blog because I like to know your opinions. You can cast your vote for your favorite payment processor in my Poll that is located in the end of the right blog sidebar (just under my ShoutBox). Every vote counts so please cast yours! The voting will be open for a few days and the results will be announced on my blog soon. There will be more polls added soon so don’t forget to check out my blog often. Remember that I really appreciate what my readers have to say and always listen to your opinions! Thanks in advance for voting.

Ok, back to the news now. The admin of FxCapitalInvestment (reviewed here) sent out another update informing members of the success his site is enjoying and strangely publishing some currency news which I believe has absolutely nothing to do with his site. I don’t believe that FxCapitalInvestment is a real investment company but rather a game where you can win and lose. Anyway, I have sent the admin some questions which I believe will shed some light on the real involvement of FxCapitalInvestment with Forex. It will be published on my blog as soon as I get a reply from the admin. Here is the latest newsletter from him:
How was your weekend?
I am happy to announce to you that we just completed the 5th round of payment in just one week of launching FxCapitalInvestment, Isn’t that amazing!!!!
I advise all free members to upgrade their account and take advantage of earning profit daily from FxCapitaliInvestment.
All paid members should please visit our thread on forums and cast a vote. Thanks for all your support.
CURRENCIES: Dollar Rises Ahead Of Fed Meeting, G20
The U.S. dollar advanced on Monday, up for a third day versus the euro and a basket of currencies, as investors shied away from risk-oriented trades ahead of this week’s meeting of U.S. Federal Reserve policy makers.
The single currency changed hands at $1.4660, down from $1.4720 in North American trade late Friday.
The dollar rose to 92.26 Japanese yen, up from 91.43 yen Friday.
The dollar index (DXY), a measure of the greenback against a trade-weighted basket of rival currencies, rose to 76.886, up from 76.446.
“The U.S. dollar is continuing to gain ground as markets par back ‘risk-on’ trades, selling the major and emerging currencies as well as equities and commodities,” said currency strategists at Brown Brothers Harriman in a research note. “The tone appears to be one of consolidation as the market focuses on this week’s key events.

I have added another HYIP to my listing last night. It’s called WOIC which stands for Western Online Investment Company. They offer several investment plans with variable returns of up to: 2% for 15 business days, 2.3% for 30 business days, 2.6% for 60 business days, 3% for 100 business days, 3.5%-4.2% for 150 business days. Your principal will be returned on the completion of your investment term with WOIC and actually you can deposit only a certain minimum in every plan. The daily results of trading are being published on their website so you will see straight away what the rates usually are. The minimum investment in the shortest plan is $10 and WOIC accepts six payment processors: AlertPay, LibertyReserve, StrictPay, PerfectMoney, Pecunix and C-Gold. Not a bad choice of payment processors I would say and some reasonable investment plans on offer too! The script WOIC is using is new to me as well as their hosting provider CaroHosting on whose dedicated server they host their website. I’m not sure if they have DDoS-protection at all as they have already faced some difficulties with accessibility and that’s only the beginning of their program. Here is what I got from them today:
Some one is attacking our old server with DDOS, access with will not success in some locations that without DNS updated. Please use our new server IP to manage your account, all the Data Base has been renewed.
Contact us if you have questions. Sincerely yours, Western Online Investment Company
We will see what happens next and soon I will make more detailed review on WOIC program. Stay tuned for that!

However another program also struck me with their excellent website. It’s called CSMFinance and one can see with the naked eye how much effort was made in bringing this one online. First it’s flash design and beautiful layout which will attract a lot of attention. But then you will see that the script used by CSMFinance is also unique and offers some interesting features like showing their trading activity, providing you with their contact address in the Dominican Republic and a phone number (yet to be verified). Of course, I will be doing my in-depth analysis of the program in the upcoming review but at the moment I can say that CSMFinance is created to be big and it reminds me of PanaMoney in some respects. Anyway, the investment plans on offer are quite sustainable and could really (yes it is always possible!) be backed by trading: you will be paid from 1.7% to 2.1% depending on your initial deposit amount during 200 calendar days. You should notice that your principal will be returned to you after the expiration of your investment but you will already be in profit from CSMFinance in less than two months. I think the program will almost definitely survive. CSMFinance started just two days ago so your chances to be in profit from it are quite big. Only two payment processors are accepted by CSMFinance at the moment, namely LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. However, you can make a deposit via Bank Wire as well. Everything is well explained in the flashy help page which is also kinda unique to CSMFinance. The protection of the site is one of the best as well: a dedicated server with Dragonara DdoS protection and 256 bit SSL encryption installed. Again, CSMFinance looks to me much better than their low-ROI competitors and I can say for sure that they have spent a lot of money to create this program. The Companies’ Certificate of Incorporation in the Republic of Seychelles and claims of investing in various fields give a strongly positive first impression here, and this could yet possibly become a new leader in the low-ROI yield market. More on that in my detailed review which you will be able to read on my blog pretty soon!

And so to finish today’s news section I would like to give you the list of programs that paid me today: GoldNuggetInvest, PTVPartner, PanaMoney, Infinitum, GeniusFunds, WLInvestments, MoneyCare, StableInterest, NanoMoneyCorp, InvestmentForge, FlipReturn, SensibleInvest, GlobalFund, MoneyTurbo, CedexInvest, CoolReturn, InvestRoyal, CorpusTrust, XrateInvest (the first payment received), ProComInvest (the first payment received) and GainRoi (the first payment received). Check out my blog tomorrow for two more reviews and the most up to date news from the Industry! Yes, tomorrow I will be publishing two posts again so don’t miss either!

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