Sep 25th, 2009 Archives

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Hi everybody! Out of all the new investment programs I’ve joined this September I suppose the one with the grandest title would probably be the Western Online Investment Company. From here on referred to as WOIC. If only they gave out prizes for long winded names! Unfortunately the name is the only original thing here as the texts are, shall we say, already in use on the pages of another online HYIP. Ok, it’s hardly the first time this has happened so forget about their being any chance of an actual trading corporation being behind this, accept the risks, and act according to how highly you rate your chances.

I want to point out before we start that the interest rates payable to each plan in WOIC are variable. I am going to mention the maximum rate that you can possibly get in each plan but you are by no means assured of ever getting this yourself. And because the rates can vary so much (WOIC publishes the maximum rate but not a minimum – theoretically this could be zero!) I have opted not to give any practical examples of what you may expect to earn. It would simply be too misleading if I tried.

So let’s take a look at the plans. First of all the WOIC is a low ROI investment program with a good spread of plans varying from short to long term. The first of which is called the Trial Plan which is more intended as a test platform for smaller investors. You can start with an investment of $10 and go as far as $49. in return for that you will be paid a return of up to 2% per day on business days only, Monday through Friday, for 15 business days. Principal returned on expiry.

So if you have tried that and it works out ok, or are simply just ready to jump right in with a bigger spend you can consider the Junior Plan. Entry here will cost at least $50 and go up to a maximum of $399. The maximum you might earn here will be 2.3% per business day for 30 business days. Your principal will then be returned.

The oddly titled Normal Plan is next. I say it’s an odd name because the minimum investment sum is $400, far from normal for the average HYIP investor. But if you are lucky enough to be what the WOIC admin considers normal then you are offered a daily rate of interest that can be anything up to 2.6% of your deposit per day. Payments are again made on Monday to Friday for a period of 60 business days. Maximum deposit is $1399 and once again your principal is returned on expiry.

The Senior Plan is next ant this is open for deposits of $1400 minimum and $3,999 maximum. The payable interest rate here can be anything up to 3% and the investment term is 100 business days with payments made Monday to Friday. Principal is as usual returned on expiry.

WOIC has two more plans to choose from, both of which are identical to in their workings to the aforementioned ones, except that the investment term for both is 150 business days. As the cost of investing with these plans can be anything upwards of $4000 with no maximum I think it more prudent that you contact the admin of WOIC personally for more details before discussing it with a financial professional, ie not me!

As I said the daily rates can vary but you can see what they are on any given day as they are published on the WOIC website. So like them or loathe them, at least their won’t be any surprises. You can also inspect a historical record of the actual rates of interest paid out to members of the various plans so you can give yourself a realistic idea of what you can expect to receive as opposed to the advertised maximum. Some days the difference is considerable, so do bear that in mind. Other than that all I can think of saying about the plans is the list of payment options. And it’s above average for an HYIP of average quality. AlertPay, C-Gold, LibertyReserve, Pecunix, PerfectMoney, and StrictPay are all featured.

Moving on to the security, I know that WOIC is hosted on a dedicated server but I must admit I am not that familiar with the provider. They are called CaroHosting. I can’t really vouch for what, if any, protection is offered from DDoS attacks as the site was already taken down by one malicious attack, although it has long since been successfully mitigated. Should you need to contact support then there is the usual ticket submission system. As well as that there are two direct email addresses and a postal address in Indiana in the USA. They also provide a contact telephone number although when I called it earlier, guess what happened? That’s right, nothing! But given the at best questionable status of these activities in the US I’d tend to doubt the authenticity of that information anyway. But don’t let me spoil your high hopes by being cynical. Feel free to contact them by telephone yourself and let me know the results.

But I won’t end on too harsh a note because after all, once you accept WOIC as a regular HYIP gambling site, you know the plans really aren’t that bad at all. So the final word is this: good plans from an average site. Won’t make anyone’s favorites list but still have room for it in my portfolio with a modest investment.

Other news for today.

The most exciting update came today from the admin of GoldNuggetInvest Robert (interviewed here). The long-awaited private forum exclusively for the members of GoldNuggetInvest has been launched. All the rules which are very reasonable in my opinion were outlined by Robert himself in another newsletter that GNI members should have received today. There are approaching 5000 members by now but those 5000 members are not just numbers. They are real people behind the success of the program who have all contributed to it’s success by financing the project. People whom GoldNuggetInvest basically helped to survive this current economic recession and people whose tough financial predicaments were considerably eased by GNI. Actually, by receiving 6% weekly in GoldNuggetInvest you will be able to recoup your principal and start enjoying your profits just in less than 4 months. A task even easier to accomplish if you have $21K+ in GoldNuggetInvest – in that case you should expect to be paid 7.5% weekly which will bring you to break-even situation in just 3 months. After that you will be totally in profit which you will be receiving as a residual income from till the moment you decide to withdraw your principal (the lock in period is just 30 days by the way). A more detailed review about how GoldNuggetInvest works can be read here. Note that I’m going to publish the third updated review of GoldNuggetInvest program as soon as the new script is implemented as it’s totally different from the old one. As Robert told me it should take up to 2-3 weeks which I will use to prepare my interview questions for him. As you may be aware he has agreed to participate in another MNO interview, this time however with as many questions as possible to be submitted by the readers on money-news-online. That means you guys so please keep sending questions, comments, and suggestions for Robert to my e-mail if you have anything interesting to contribute). The testing of the script is in full force now and Robert promised to let me have a quick look at the results of their work soon. Robert also told me:
Once we are ready we shut down for a few hours and convert the existing SQL database, which is by the way not encrypted (just the Oroscript itself is encrypted), to the new script.
Next comes the quasi-official reply to the admin of one program who tried to create some trouble for GNI and who tried to tell me that it’s impossible for them to transfer their database to a new script. I hope that everything with the new script will be ready in time for the celebration of three years online for GoldNuggetInvest which is supposed to happen on October, 3. Last but by no means the least important factor which can influence your decision to join GoldNuggetInvest soon is the news about the coming privatization of the program in the beginning of 2010. In due course all details of this event will be announced and made known to you but of course this process will not happen overnight. You should be however be prepared for action and ensure your spot on the program today if you are not already a member. At least make sure that you join GNI and made a test deposit. I’m sure you will become a big fan of the program pretty soon. That’s all I wanted to say to you about GoldNuggetInvest for now so for those who haven’t received the program’s newsletter for whatever reason here it is:

Warm Greetings once more to all Clients, Customers and Friends of GoldNuggetInvest (GNI):
With approximately one week left before we celebrate our third year of on-line presence and one year of opening our doors to the public, today we are announcing what will amount to a series of enhancements and improvements with the objective of:
1. streamlining our operations;
2. reducing if not eliminating confusion and relentless badgering of the program, its friends and administrators;
3. enhanced fact-finding and answers to questions with the assurance said answer is both accurate and on-point;
4. a means of open, honest dialogue between GNI staff and its members in an environment that is safe for all who will participate.
To achieve these ambitious goals and objectives, we have taken the necessary steps to open the Private GNI Members (ONLY), User’s Forum.
You will find our forum at
I also like to take the opportunity to introduce Ingenue to you! Many of you know him already from ASA and other forums. Ingenue is one of our strongest supporters and the latest addition to our team, and as all other team members a long time investor with GNI and now administrator of our very own GNI forum.

This has been an ambitious undertaking given the challenges we have faced over the past year, but a necessary one indeed. The decision to open a private forum was broad, fairly obvious, and will provide a value-added service to our trusted clients and GNI staff alike.
We don’t, at the present time, see a reason to abandon the ASA Monitor/Forum, however, GNI administration cannot be held responsible for any information that is incorrect, misleading or unclear on ANY forum other than the new GNI Private Forum. Because the ASA Forum was NOT owned, administered or moderated by GNI staff, GNI does not have any authority to engage in any activities in support or opposition to the ASA or any other forum that currently is hosted on the World Wide Web, other than its own.

1. For this forum to operate in a “transparent” fashion, participation is limited to verified members of GNI with active accounts; and,
2. All participants in the GNI Private Forum MUST register their user name with their GNI Username. The “displayed” name can be anything you wish, so long as it is not offensive to other members; and,
3. All participants are expected to respect others opinions whether or not they are based in fact.
4. Heated discussions are not discouraged, so long as PERSONAL attacks do not ensue or manifest in any fashion.
5. This will be a moderated forum. Moderators are encouraged to allow the conversation (posts) to develop without interference unless clarification is needed or requested.
6. As is true in any forum, some moderators take a more active/participatory role than others. Those who have the title of moderator do so for a reason that the client base doesn’t have to agree with.
7. The Private Forum IS NOT a democracy. If an idea surfaces and is something that can reasonably be considered or implemented for the benefit of all, you can be sure GNI admin will do just that, take it under consideration.
8. Any forum participant who is either suspended, banned or removed from the Forum will, unless VERY extenuating circumstances prevail, be asked to leave GNI and no longer be permitted to invest with the program.
9. Please be mindful of sensitive issues that concern the program’s operations. Legal questions need to be taken up with your own attorney.
10. Generally speaking, the forum is a place to discuss program related issues. It IS NOT a place to take up your personal issue as the vails of confidentiality no longer apply if this is where the client insists on discussing their matter. To Clarify, NO GNI staff member will seek to address your client specific issue in a public surrounding. If the client insists, this is were it will be discussed, but is never preferable.
11. Finally, let’s keep the tone light, fun, serious if and when it needs to be, informative and honest. Remember, it is as much a privilege to be a participant in this program as it is a privilege for us to be able to assist you with your Customer Service Needs. If we can all remember this, this forum will be as awesome as the GNI Program.

We would all like to acknowledge the incredible investment of time and energy the ten individuals whom Todd asked to assist with the UAT (Users Acceptance Testing). This time consuming, labor intensive process is an integral part of the development process and will ensure the script functions as it was intended, the security features are vigilant and able to withstand the barrage of anticipated attacks that will be made against it, GNI and you, our trusted clients and that the software is user friendly such that all persons are able to successfully navigate through the web site.
We are still targeting to get this implemented by our “birthday” of October 3rd. Time is not being very friendly right now.

GNI, from a financial standpoint is solid and will be positioned, come the first quarter of 2010, to go private. We are not able nor willing to discuss ANY aspects of this endeavor and this time. Suffice to say, it will necessarily involved some rather exciting changes.
We wish to take a moment to thank those of you who continue to stand by us and with us. To those of you who don’t, we encourage you to leave in a manner that is friendly, amicable and resonates nothing but good mutual good fortune to each other.
It sure is one hell of a ride. We hope you are enjoying this as much as we are!
Take care and God bless all of us, Robert and your GNI team.
(Remember always to pay your taxes and those who are less fortunate than us. There’s a lot of hunger in this world. Let’s do what we can to help.)

One more program which I’m really proud to be a member of is SazaInvestments (reviewed here). The admin of the program Ricardo (interviewed here) is doing a great job by paying every Friday without any hassles. The withdrawal button has just been just enabled again and if you’re a member of SazaInvestments you should login and request your weekly 8%-10% withdrawal. The withdrawal button is only open on Fridays for 24 hours so please don’t forget to request your withdrawal:
It’s almost Friday so it’s payday again for us. We hope you don’t mind that we changed the hour a little but it’s more convenient for us to make the payments this way and we will keep it this way the next couple of month. Thank you all for your trust in us. Regards, SazaInvestments Team”.

If you made a recent deposit to XagaEnterprise (reviewed here) and it wasn’t credited to your account yet then you’re advised to contact the admin and ask about it immediately. LibertyReserve had some problems recently which could affect the process of automatic crediting by XagaEnterprise‘s script. Here is the reminder from XagaEnterprise regarding this:
If you make a deposit and you don’t see it on the back office, please send us an email. LR API is not working good currently, so I have to adjust the balance manually.
Don’t forget to post, rate, and promote.
Thank you. Regards, Diana. Customer Service

The admin of Xchanger Andrei sent another update in which he increased the maximums allowed to exchange to all three levels of members. You can read more about the members levels in the interview published on my blog here and you can read more about the changes on the official blog by him. Here is the most recent update from Xchanger which is endorsed by MNO blog by the way:
Hi everyone, Short update. We have updated the membership levels a bit, basically we increased the limits for Silver&Gold members from $500 per 24 hours to $1000 per 24 hours (Silver) and $1500 per 24 hours for Gold members. The limits are for exchanges from STP or SP. There are no limits for exchanges from LR.
More details about the membership levels can be found on the blog here.
Have a great day everyone

The situation with the AlertPay account held by GainRoi program is still unclear and that’s why I postponed the review again. Tomorrow night I’m going to publish the review regardless of what happens. I know that AlertPay support can be very slow to reply (my last ticket took 10 days to get answered!) Anyway, the members of GainRoi that made deposits via AlertPay have nothing to worry about: they will be refunded in full within the next few days if all efforts by the admin fail to find a solution to the situation. The admin of GainRoi Joshua assured me that they would be able to continue with or without AlertPay and somehow I tend to believe they probably will. Therefore you should expect the review of GainRoi to be published on my blog tomorrow.

Today I was paid by the following programs: WOIC, FxCapitalInvestment, PanaMoney, Verifield, IncoForex, AimTrust, MoneyCare, GeniusFunds, Capitalex, WLInvestments, GoldNuggetInvest, XagaEnterprise, CSMFinance, InvestRoyal, GlobalFund, CoolReturn, XrateInvest, NanoMoneyCorp, StableInterest, ProComInvest, GainRoi, InvestmentForge, TheFifthContract, Infinitum, CedexInvest, AxaCofinance, PTVPatner, SazaInvestments and MoneyTurbo. By the way, for tomorrow’s first blog post you will be able to read the interview with the admin of MoneyTurbo. I asked him some pretty tough questions and you will be able to decide for yourself if MoneyTurbo can be trusted with your hard-earned money. And of course as usual the most up-to-date industry news will be published on my blog tomorrow night. See you then and stay tuned to MNO blog!

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