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29/09/09. GoldNuggetInvest Improvements and Other News


Hi, guys! Finally I got around to visiting Buckingham Palace today and I must say it was worth it. Having been living in London for over a year (in total) I thought it a bit lazy not to visit Her Majesty’s Palace before now. I guess my invitation to tea must have been lost in the mail! But it was really something unique and you’d be strongly advised to take a look if you ever visit London. But as tomorrow will be the last day it’s open to the public for another year I thought I should at least try it. I mean some years back I was in New York all of one day before going to the Statue of Liberty, but I suppose when you live somewhere you feel less of a tourist, even if you are not a native to that country.

The same goes with GoldNuggetInvest program (reviewed here). I hope you haven’t missed your chance to register, deposit and start earning up to 7.5% weekly from a unique arbitrage betting system thoroughly described by the admin of GoldNuggetInvest Robert Spearman in his last interview for my blog published here. Don’t believe me? Then ask the thousands of other satisfied members of GoldNuggetInvest who are absolutely happy that they have joined My recent poll shows as well that GoldNuggetInvest is still the most popular program. For your information, I’m still accepting your questions for the next interview with Robert which Ill be sending him in a few days so you still have a chance for your question to be listed as well. Simply email me to and submit your question. And yes, you can write to the same email every time if you have any trouble with GoldNuggetInvest. I would say I have a very good relationship with Robert and his program and I can ensure you that all the members that sign-up under me will be taken care of on a priority basis. If you doubt that you are registered under me simply choose “moneynews” username from the drop-down sponsor menu you will see in “Sign-Up” page.

Now remember how I promised to tell you how things are going with the new script? Well, in my opinion it’s very well constructed and designed. It looks a bit like Neversay, which I don’t always like too much for various reasons, but in this case everything is explained much better. And this script is working with all types of browser correctly. So let’s see some of the new features.

First of all there is a “Fund E-Wallet” feature which is quite new for GNI. This is where you will have to make the deposits from your e-currency accounts or Bank Wires. And it’s where your account balance can be seen before you invest in your chosen plan. After successfully funding your account you will be able to invest the money clicking on the “Deposit” button in your chosen plan within the amount you have in your E-Wallet. Everything else is very typical and I don’t think it will cause you any trouble when handling your account. It’s all straight forward and user friendly. I’m going to describe the new script in a step-by-step tutorial once it becomes becomes operational so stay tuned for that. Meanwhile for the more curious readers I suggest you take a sneak peak at what the new member’s area will look like pretty soon. Here is a link to the screenshot made from my testing account.

The next main feature is the forum. If you haven’t registered an account in GoldNuggetInvest‘s new private members only forum then please do so here. Note that you will not be able to post in the forum or even to read it unless your registration is manually approved by the administration. Needless to say that to activate your account with the minimum of fuss then you should use your own username from the program and the email address which you currently use with GNI (gmail is still the preferred provider). I looked it over today and it made a very good impression on me. It’s very well structured and laid out for you easily find your thread in the folders and subfolders. The folders are divided into three main categories: General Category (with General Discussion and Forum Technical Issue folders available), GoldNuggetInvest (having four folders: GNI News – Newsletters, General GNI Discussion, Deposit & Withdrawal Issues and GNI Navigation & Technical Issues) and Foreign Language Forums (with the folders in 5 languages: German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch and French). If you are a member of GoldNuggetInvest then registering on their official forum is essential. Of course they’re not leaving the ASA forum for good either and you can get your replies there as well (for the moment anyway) but from now on the only official GNI forum will be on their own site and the place where you will be guaranteed support to you queries. So don’t delay with that and get registered as soon as you can.

I could go on and on for hours about how good GoldNuggetInvest is but I guess the admins of the other programs I monitor will be getting a bit annoyed by now, lol. Anyway, I will return to the subject of the new script in an updated review of GoldNuggetInvest as soon as it’s finally implemented. Also I remind you that the new interview with Robert is coming It’s more like a public Q and A session really as you (the readers) are the ones asking the questions this time so please keep submitting your comments queries and suggestions. That’s all about GNI today and hopefully you satisfied your curiosity about what’s going on inside your favorite program. More new updates to follow so stay tuned for that!

Other news for today.

I would like to start the news section today with the latest update from the admin of PTVPartner program Garrett. He hasn’t been very active lately so this new update is most welcome. The most important thing about PTVPartner is the upcoming addition of StrictPay as a payment option. After coming third in my recent poll about the MNO readers choice of payment processor this is certain to attract more new investors to PTVPartner. The program offers four investment plans with the payments on expiry: 110% after 10 days, 125% after 20 days, 145% after 30 days and 190% after 40 days (read more about it in my review here). The admin has more exciting plans up his sleeve including the launch of an updated version of the website soon and the pending acceptance of Bank Wires. In addition, you are welcome to visit the chat room of the website and listen to my recent interview with Garrett (read the paper version here). I should warn you though that the voice in the interview is not mine. I don’t have a British accent just, lol! I don’t know who reads the questions but don’t let that stop you. Especially as it’s just so easy to log into the Chat Room: just click on “Chat” tab on PTVPartner website, register your username and password and enter. Inside you can chat with the moderators and the other members of the program. Garrett is there occasionally as well so you will be able to ask any questions. I consider PTVPartner as one of the most promising programs online and I believe Garrett will be able to implement everything that he has planned so far. Read the latest newsletter here for more information:
I can’t see how…But it is getting better every day.
We are definitely the up and coming main event in the world of HYIP. There is Buzz all around the net concerning our opportunity.
New members, larger deposits, numbers increasing, participation levels increasing, chat room expanding, new features arriving, our membership is over 1000 now, Active Investments have broken $300K a few days ago, withdraw requests s are on time every time so I guess we can say It is getting better and better.
If you have not seen the new website lately, we have made several changes and I am quite sure you will notice them immediately. This is an exciting project for us and one that has been well received. Members too are excited. We anticipate less than 10 days to full implementation. Be sure and check it out at
Be certain and stop by the chat room or our private forum and tell us what you think. We are looking for feedback so we can provide exactly what you want.
We have added a Video Player to our chat room. This will allow us to present recorded messages on demand for our membership. The first message we have added is the recorded (MNO) Money News Online Interview. It has been presented in 3 eight minute segments. You can simply come to the chat room and listen to it at any time. It is available when you are interested.
In the future we will begin recording any sessions we deem appropriate and adding them to the lineup as well. We will be adding a recording of the Why Here? / Why Now? Section in the next few days.
We will announce shortly the addition of GDP and SP. Both of these require a verification process. In addition we will be adding some Offshore Financial centers as well. These will allow for Bank Wire transfer, Debit Cards as well as financial services in the form of financial entities such as IBC’s, Foundations, Trusts, Bearer share corps etc. As we get closer we will release additional information.
Be sure and check with us often as we have a long list of improvements, features and changes that we will be adding over the next few weeks.
Come by and see us. You’ll truly be amazed at what we have been, are now and will be becoming.
Start the Experience … and … Free your Life!!!

MoneyCare program (reviewed here) have completely redesigned their website and what’s more, they have added two more payment processors. So from now on you can deposit via three payment processors: LibertyReserve as well as the newly added PerfectMoney and StrictPay. I remind you that MoneyCare offers two investment plans with daily and weekly payments: 2%-3% for 50 business days, and 12%-18% for 10 weeks. The principal is not included in regular payments and will be returned to you on expiry of your investment. The best thing about MoneyCare program in my opinion is that you don’t have to bother about requesting your daily or weekly payouts as they are being done automatically. Surely that with the new more attractive design and the new payment options available MoneyCare has every chance of becoming a really big and popular program pretty soon.

Today I joined another program which I believe also has a great chances of success. It’s called BlitzInvestments and it launched just today so it’s brand-new. The program has only one investment plan: 150% after 20 calendar days. As you might guess the payouts are automatic and are done straight to the e-currency account you deposited from. There is no script and all you will get after investing is a confirmation email to after depositing (informing you of the amount due to be paid and when). BlitzInvestments accepts four e-currencies: LibertyReserve, EcuMoney, PerfectMoney and StrictPay in both USD and EUR denominations. The minimum to invest is $10 with the maximum an astronomical $50,000. What I like about BlitzInvestments is their really crisp and clear design, the domain registered for 10 (!) years and the hosting on a dedicated server protected by the world’s leading hosting provider BlockDos. There are also claims about Panamanian incorporation (they even list an address in Panama) although even if it’s true it can’t be any guarantee for your investments. As an assurance of their address they have a Comodo seal with up to 1,000,000 dollars insurance. BlitzInvestments program claims to be trading in Forex which remains unproven. Anyway despite this I would treat BlitzInvestments as another investment game though with some pretty good chances for profiting for those who join early enough. Of course, the real expansion of BlitzInvestments will take place after 20 calendar days, when the first payouts on expiry should be processed. I will bring you a more detailed review of it on my blog pretty soon. Stay tuned for that!

XagaEnterpise (reviewed here) is celebrating 6 months online. And though for some this figure will not look so impressive like the three years of GoldNuggetInvest, XagaEnterprise still has some very good potential to grow and bring profits to its investors. I remind you that in XagaEnterprise you have a choice between receiving 1.2% for the life of the program (the payouts are being processed on every business day) and two timely plans of 0.5% for 30 business days and 0.7% for 90 business days (your principal will be returned on expiry). XagaEnterprise accepts StrictPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney and you can start your investment in each plan with as little as $1 (it’s one of the smallest minimums I’ve seen in any serious program). Moreover, the admin of the program Kevin (interviewed here) states that his program is not a ponzi-game but a real business with a real income from so called “casino comps” which he better explains on the XagaEnterprise site himself backing up his claims with some screenshots of his earnings which you can find on the website as well. This is the latest newsletter from Kevin:
XagaEnterprise was created on March 28. Today, XagaEnterprise officially has been online for 6 months.
I can’t believe it myself that XagaEnterprise has become a big investment program. XagaEnterprise has survived many problems and managed to be online and healthy.
Thank you for supporting us. To those who believe in XagaEnterprise since the very beginning, I believe you are already in profit. Hundreds of you are happy now. It’s time to reap your reward. Unlimited payments for Life! For new members, don’t you worry about it. There will be time you will get your reward too. Just be patient and keep supporting us.
I remind you that this is just the beginning. XagaEnterprise will improve and improve. Taking on the next step to become a giant.
In 2010, you will see some of our actions. I will videotape some of XagaEnterprise activities. And many more in 2010. So stay tuned.
Thank you very much. Go Xaga!
Best Regards, Kevin. The creator of XagaEnterprise

GainRoi (reviewed here) made another fine achievement today by reaching over 1000 members only after 9 days online. Note that it has been achieved even before the first payment on expiry is processed. It should happen tomorrow. In my opinion it’s quite a positive sign and I believe that even despite the recent AlertPay issue GainRoi will be able to continue after the first payouts are processed. At the time of writing GainRoi had exactly 1046 members and hopefully the growth will continue tomorrow after the first payments on expiry are confirmed. I will keep you updated of course and below I’m re-publishing the latest newsletter I received to my mailbox just a couple of hours ago:
Dear Friends, I am very happy to share that GainRoi has crossed 1000 members today. Our continuous effort to provide quality service has played a key role in our steady progress.
We would like to ensure a high degree of transparency between our investors and our principles, in order to build a long lasting relationship.
GainRoi, with its unique concept, would definitely win the hearts and minds of those who would want a substantial growth in their investments.
My heartiest thanks to those 1000 members for having faith in us. I am very sure that many more will join us in our journey to success. Regards.

IncoForex (reviewed here) was offline for the most part of the day due to another DDoS-attack on their server and the admin had to issue the following statement about that:
Yesterday our site was attacked by a group of criminals via DDOS attack. Keeping our promises to ensure the safety of your investment in the best way, we did everything to resist this threat and discharge our obligations.
At the moment IncoForex site is back online and I have already been paid instantly to my LR account as usual. Hopefully these attacks will not disturb IncoForex anymore. If you want to get to know the admin of the program and find out how IncoForex works please don’t hesitate to check out my interview with the admin Diane here.

That’s all I wanted to say for today, guys. Except for the payment report on the programs that paid me today. They are: FlipReturn, PanaMoney, GainRoi, GeniusFunds, GoldNuggetInvest, ProfitEx, MoneyCare, NanoMoneyCorp, ForexMonk, WLInvestments, Infinitum, CorpusTrust, WOIC, Verifield, CSMFinance, SensibleInvest, StableInterest, FxCapitalInvestment, XagaEnterprise, AxaCofinance, CedexInvest, GlobalFund, CoolReturn, XrateInvest, TheFifthContract, BlackDiamondPortfolio, IncoForex, Capitalex, MoneyTurbo and PTVPartner. I think it’s also worth mentioning that from PTVPartner I have been paid on the expiry of my 145% after 30 days plan. I hope this post was of interest to you and see you on my blog tomorrow everyone!

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