Oct 1st, 2009 Archives

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Hi everybody! The latest addition to my portfolio is yet another short term high ROI program. Not that that’s all I join of course but there does seem to be an abundance of them around at the moment, despite them being marginally less popular than they were in high summer. There is still plenty of room on my monitoring page for long term programs as well and we’ll be getting back to them soon enough.

But today will be the turn of BlitzInvestments. Not a bad program at all with some nice features and one that could well prove a nice little earner for those shrewd enough to get in and out at the right time. In the best tradition of short term HYIPs BlitzInvestments almost makes an art form out of its own simplicity with just one potentially highly profitable plan for you to join and a straight up “yes or no” answer required as to whether or not it’s suitable for you. Before I explain just what that plan consists of though, I would like to make you aware that you are welcome to deposit in your choice of either Dollars or Euros. The numbers themselves are the same with the currencies interchangeable on a one to one basis. For example, the minimum amount to invest is $10 or €10, so exchange rates are not considered. As I am aware that most MNO readers prefer to operate in Dollars then that’s how I will proceed.

Similar to another short term program I reviewed recently I almost found myself doing a double take on it to make sure I saw everything the first time. And I did. There’s really not much to say about the plan except that it’s profitable while remaining (in HYIP terms) relatively sustainable for a short term program. It offers basic return of 150% on your initial deposit after a term of 20 calendar days. The minimum amount to invest is just $10 with the maximum set to $50,000 so I guess all of us will find ourselves well within those boundaries! Your repayment will be on expiry of the plan and as is always the case with high ROI short term plans your principal is already factored into the payout.

So if we look at the simplest practical example of let’s say a $100 investment you should expect to get a once of payment of $150 on expiry, i.e 20 days later. And that’s it! Even the payment system is remarkably easy as BlitzInvestment is not using any script, therefore enabling the program to make direct payments straight into your e-currency account, bypassing the need for any requests to be made.

Other than that I just need to let you know the list of accepted payment options. Not bad for a short term program, BlitzInvestments will deal with LibertyReserve, EcuMoney, PerfectMoney, and StrictPay.

Despite the simplicity of it all, one thing not to be taken lightly by BlitzInvestments was the security of the program. It’s hosted on a dedicated server by BlockDos. Regular readers will by now know how highly I rate them as a service provider, and frankly I have yet to hear any argument to suggest they are anything less than the best hosting provider by a simply ridiculous margin. So no issues of any consequence can be expected on that front. As for the script, as I already mentioned there isn’t one. This has certain advantages and disadvantages but essentially it’s a matter of personal preference for you the investor. In the case of BlitzInvestments what you get upon making your deposit is a confirmation e-mail informing you of some of the details that you might otherwise expect to see in your members area had they been using a script. The important bits anyway, which is how much you can expect to be paid and when you should expect to receive it. What else did you really want to know anyway?

An added security feature of sorts is the Comodo certificate. While it doesn’t guarantee your deposit as such, (nothing can do that), it does guarantee the authenticity of the website and confirms that you are dealing with who you think you’re dealing with.

The overall design is quite snappy. Very smart and well laid out. Easy to navigate and what little there is to explain is explained well. Customer support comes in various forms including first of all a direct e-mail link to the admin. There is also an e-mail based support ticket submission system. Best of all is the use of a Live Chat feature but as always this is not a 24 hour service so check with the admin for information regarding that if you wish. Curiously though is the inclusion of a postal address in Panama City. The very same office building has been used as a point of contact for I don’t know how many online programs by now, so much so that I have this almost surreal mental picture of a bustling skyscraper full to the brim of HYIP admins. Of course I don’t have the ability to confirm this address but neither would I be that inclined to try anyway.

I would regard it the same way I regard the claims surrounding their business and investment claims. As with about 85% of HYIPs BlitzInvestments claims some involvement in the world of ForEx trading, however their explanation of ForEx is a direct copy/paste job of something that can be found on a multitude of other online investment websites. So if you don’t have an original explanation of your own business then I’ll tend to pass on it. But as online HYIP games go it’s a decent enough prospect if you’re in at the right time. Once the first payments are completed after the first twenty days online then this one could well become very hot. It won’t be around forever of course but now is your chance to get ahead of the crowd and take advantage of joining early.

Other news for today.

It’s weird that I was contacted today by the support team of NanoMoneyCorp with the offer to conduct an interview with them. It’s so strange because I myself sent him interview questions (which they promised to answer soon by the way) back in January 2009 when I just started monitoring NanoMoneyCorp but haven’t received a response. So I have decided to send them an updated version of the interview which will not be so easy for them. I think it will take guts to explain to the investors some questions I asked. It’s not about the payouts of course (they are stable like clockwork for over three years already) but some other questions connected to their public statements about their involvement in business including their bold statements on working for the Taiwanese government while at the same time having their headquarters in HongKong and a certificate of incorporation from the Seychelles. I hope the admin of NanoMoneyCorp will finally put to rest any doubts some investors still have about the program. And I really hope that my questions will be finally answered. And they will be if they have nothing to hide. So call it a challenge but for such huge program like NanoMoneyCorp (reviewed here) with a lot of experience and three attractive plans on offer (1.2% for 30 business days, 1.5% for 50 business days and 1.8% for 100 business days) there should be no problem to finally clear up some niggling doubts and finally tell us what they really do to earn profits for themselves as well as for the investors. Currently the SSL-secured version of NanoMoneyCorp website is not working but you still can access it via http. They hope the secured version will be back online soon:
Secured connection issues
We have to admit that due to heavy DDOS attack it is not possible to connect to SSL version of our site.
We are working on that issue and hope to come back to normal work soon. Thank you for your patience and sorry for any possible inconveniences.

FlipReturn program (reviewed here) is going to make some changes to their very popular SuperFlip plan which pays you between 15% to 20% weekly for 10 weeks for the deposits starting from $10. The thing is that if you want to deposit into the weekly plan and don’t have much money to invest you should act within the next week as starting next Monday the minimum to invest in the SuperFlip plan will be raised to $500:
From Monday 05.10 I will change the entry level of the Super Flip, you need to invest at least $500 to join the entry level in the SuperFlip.
I myself might write an updated review of FlipReturn on my blog next week as a lot happened since I first reviewed them including a complete overhaul of the design and a new weekly plan. I hope my readers will appreciate this as my attempt to give them the most up-to-date reviews of popular programs.

The same goes with MoneyCare (reviewed here) which recently added some new payment processors and did a complete redesign of the website. Definitely MoneyCare deserves a second review which I hope to publish on my blog tomorrow.

ForexMonk (reviewed here) sent out another update saying that all the withdrawals were paid. However I saw one complaint on an investment forum stating that somebody wasn’t paid to PerfectMoney. So was everybody paid or not? I have received all my payouts earlier this morning and hopefully the admin of ForexMonk will clarify the situation with the payouts in his next update. Here is the latest newsletter from him:
Today was a great day for us, Our members reach more than 350 + Members and a total of $13,000 + worth of investments! Also we process a total of $5,000+ in withdrawals. We thank you for all the members who promote and support our program. we will start a referral contest within this week. also a purchase contest will be started next week. this will be part of our massive advertising campaign.
Again, all withdrawals request has been processed. If you got paid check our monitoring page and vote for us, this will help us to further develop and improved our investment services!
Sincerely Yours, Nicholas Anderson. Project Manger – Director. ForexMonk Trading Solutions

Another program – InvestRoyal – definitely has some payout issues and stopped paying. Some monitoring sites (including mine) already list the program in Problem Status. The admin hasn’t replied to my email either so I can only guess that InvestRoyal is gone for good. What can I say? These things happen.

Apart from that I have been paid from the following programs today: GoldNuggetInvest, ForexMonk, MoneyCare, GeniusFunds, PanaMoney, WLInvestments, WOIC, IncoForex, CSMFinance, ProfitEx, XagaEnterprise, Capitalex, AimTrust, BlackDiamondPortfolio, SensibleInvest, YesICanSurf, Infinitum, GlobalFund, CedexInvest, XrateInvest, TheFifthContract, MoneyTurbo, FlipReturn and BlitzInvestments (the first payments received). That’s it for today and I’ll see you here again tomorrow!

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