Oct 2nd, 2009 Archives

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Hi everyone! So the first day of October is here. I don’t know where the time has gone this year but I certainly didn’t notice it passing. But one thing is for sure and that is that it still doesn’t feel like autumn here with one more sunny weekend about to start.

Maybe that’s why I’m feeling a bit lazy today by doing another updated review of a program already covered. Ok so it’s not too unusual for me to review something twice as long as there has been sufficient changes and improvements to justify it. GoldNuggetInvest for instance. That was reviewed twice, as were a couple of other long term friends of money-news-online such as PanaMoney and GeniusFunds. The one I’m returning to today however is MoneyCare and it’s a little different in the sense that’s it’s still a relatively new program. Not yet six weeks online but the entire program has been overhauled from top to bottom making it virtually unrecognizable from the version to first hit the online investments industry back in late August.

So after thinking it over I decided to go ahead and do a proper update. Of course those of you who already members of MoneyCare have no need for concern. Your accounts are still active but there are a couple of other options open to you know that weren’t there before. The actual plans themselves remain unchanged but there has been some improvements with the payment options. But for the benefit of those not in the know I’ll just quickly run through the plans for you once more.

Keep in mind before joining MoneyCare that you may deposit in either Euros or Dollars with the values being completely interchangeable at a ratio of one to one. By which I mean for example the minimum investment figure can be either €20 or $20. No difference in exchange rates will apply. For review purposes though I am going to stick with greenbacks as that is what most readers here will deal in. So basically there are two investment options open to you. One that pays per business day and one that pays per week. There are a number of variations within depending on how much you’d care to spend.

If you prefer daily payments then you will take the first plan that runs for 50 business days. That’s Monday through Friday remember so no activity on weekends. The minimum deposit is $20 and in return for that MoneyCare offer a daily interest payment of 2% paid five days per week until you have amassed a total return of 100% before your initial deposit is then returned. To put it another way, in return for a $100 deposit then one can expect a daily payment of $2 per day until expiry. That will add up another $100 which constitutes your profit, before having your initial hundred returned. In this plan you will not actually break even until the last day. The maximum deposit is $200.

For the big spenders there are two more options available. They are more or less identical to the previous plans except for the following distinctions. For deposits between $201 and $2000 you will get a daily payment of 2.25% for 50 business days. When you add that to your principal which gets returned you will have a total of 225%. Which is 100% principal plus 125% profit. When depositing here you can expect to break even and see your first profit after 45 days.

And then for those willing to risk $2001 right up to the absolute maximum of $20,000 you can earn 2.5% interest per day for 50 business days. That will all add up in the end to 150% profit plus 100% of your principal, or 250% of your initial spend. You can expect to break even after 40 days and start taking in pure profit after that.

That is all quite generous in my own humble opinion but MoneyCare has another option open to you offering more substantial returns. That always comes at a price of course and that price is that you need to take a greater risk and join the weekly paying plan. it runs for 10 weeks and again has three variations.

The first variation is again open to deposits from a minimum of $20 to a maximum of $200. For that you can expect a series of 10 weekly payments of 12% of your principal. That will see you break even and make your first profit with the ninth payment. Upon completion all payments received will accumulate to 120%. You can count that as your profit as your principal will still be returned. To put it in simpler terms, a $100 investment will get you ten weekly payments of $12 every time. Ten weeks later that will all add up to $120, whereupon your initial hundred then gets handed back, becoming $220.

Needless to say anymore that should you wish to spend a bit more then you will earn a bit more. And risk a bit more too. The other two weekly options open to you include a weekly payment of 15% for 10 weeks on deposits between $201 and $2000 which will add up to 150% profit on top of your principal getting returned. That sees you break even and earn your first profit with your seventh weekly payment.

And finally for deposits ranging from $2001 to $20,000 there is the offer of 10 weekly payments of 18% interest. That has you in profit with your sixth weekly payment and totals at 180% pure profit upon expiry. Add your principal to that and you get 280% returned in total.

Payments are made in the daily plan only on trading days, i.e Monday to Friday. Not so with the weekly plan however with payments being made seven days after whatever day you joined, weekend or otherwise. The thing that has really improved MoneyCare in my opinion however is the expanded list of payment processors. This will go a long way towards finally opening MoneyCare up to the wider audience it deserves with the expanded list now made up of LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, and StrictPay. Room for improvement is still there of course, it always is, but as far as online HYIP games go this list is certainly acceptable.

Because MoneyCare doesn’t use a script all payments are made directly into your chosen e-currency account without the need for making a request. Automatic payouts certainly have there advantages but on the other hand no script means no members back office area so you’ll have to keep careful track of all transactions in and out of MoneyCare yourself.

The security of MoneyCare is still an advantage though. They remain hosted on the same dedicated server and protected from DDoS attacks by DdoSWiz, who are a respected service provider with a decent reputation. As I already said there is no script in use with deposits and payments coming and going directly from your e-currency account. I already explained the drawbacks to that method but on the other hand it pretty much eliminates the possibility of your account getting hacked. Obviously, as there is no account! There is also a Comodo certificate guaranteeing the authenticity of the MoneyCare website.

Any questions regrading support issues can be addressed directly to the admin via a link to his e-mail address. A postal address is published but it consists merely of a PO box number in Belize where MoneyCare claim registration. A number of documents are made available for you inspection regarding their official incorporation as a company in that country and if you are interested you are free to examine them and contact the relevant authorities there to confirm their validity. A quick search on Google should point you in the right direction. Personally I have no reason to doubt MoneyCare’s claims about being a registered business entity, I just have no allusions about that offering any kind of guarantee or protection. Well established and formerly successful businesses are closing down by the day all over the world, and a certificate of incorporation never stopped it from happening. But I guess some people take comfort in the appearance of legitimacy.

Discussion threads are also open on the main investment forums so anybody wanting to highlight anything in public need only follow the links on the home page to join in the ongoing discussions there.

However the final improvement I wanted to let you know about with MoneyCare, and I guess it really is the most obvious, is the complete redesign of the site. It’s taken on a much more professional look and is really slick and easy to find your way around. I never had too much faith in appearances but it must be said that in a highly competitive, some might say cutthroat business, first impressions can often be critical to a program’s survival. If an investor comes along absolutely determined to spend money somewhere but doesn’t like your website then it won’t take long to find another and forget about yours. So hats off to MoneyCare and their designer for a thoroughly first rate job.

That doesn’t change my original feelings on their trading and investment cover story. Put any spin you like on it but “Caveat Emptor” is still the guiding principle for the investor in the online HYIP world. “Let the buyer beware”. That’s not a bad thing though, it just means exercise a little common sense and restraint. But if anything my estimation of MoneyCare has gone up since these recent changes were made and if anything would indicate the admin’s serious intent. One to watch.

Other news for today.

Please note that Friday is here again and that can only mean that it’s time to make your weekly 8%-10% withdrawal from SazaInvestments program (reviewed here). This program has been an excellent performer for the last three months and the admin was pretty transparent with me about their activities. That’s why SazaInvestments is currently in my Top 5 programs and according to the poll which I’m currently holding on my blog SazaInvestments is the second most popular program behind GoldNuggetInvest only. It means 25% of MNO readers refer to SazaInvestments as their favorite low-ROI program. It appears that the website of SazaInvestments was unavailable for some time today (I didn’t notice it myself) but it doesn’t matter now as their hosting provider BlockDos has successfully mitigated the attack by now. Here is the update I have received today regarding that:
It seems that has a huge attack on our site or so our host, BlockDos told us. It appears to be mitigated now. We just wanted to let you know not to worry because even if our site will have few downtimes from now on, our host is doing their best to keep the site online and we will make the payments in time. Thanks for your trust in us. Regards, SazaInvestments Team”.

I myself totally support the opinion of the admin of SazaInvestments Ricardo (interviewed here) about their hosting provider. BlockDos is nothing less than the best in this industry and when you see their logo on a website (be it GoldNuggetInvest, PanaMoney, GeniusFunds or SazaInvestments) you can be sure that the website is under reliable protection. I also use the services of BlockDos and found them nothing short of perfect, especially on how efficiently the support team works once a problem arises. So due to BlockDos‘ fast action in preventing the attack the members of SazaInvestments can now enjoy their weekly profits as usual. By the way, I have requested the payout already and have been paid just an hour later. What can I say? Maybe SazaInvestments is definitely the second best program now? Anyway, here is the regular reminder from the admin regarding the payouts:
It’s almost Friday so it’s payday again for us. Thanks to our wonderful host our site is online despite the huge attack on us so we can proceed the payments in time. Don’t worry if the site will still have downtimes or load slow. We will keep the payouts open as long as necessary to make all payments and all our clients to be happy. Thanks again for your trust in us and enjoy your payouts. Regards, SazaInvestments Team”.

One of the most successful short-term programs SensibleInvest (reviewed here) is celebrating their first month online with the introduction of a new investment plan which should become more popular than their previous ones (115% after 7 days, 135% after 14 days, 160% after 20 days) as it will pay daily instead of on expiry. So the risk for the new 20% for 6 days plan is significantly less than in the previous ones which means we can expect more people investing in this plan. However according to the admin the plan is only temporary and will run till November. There is no need to hurry to invest in the program now as the older the program the higher the risks and we all know that SensibleInvest will not last forever. Anyway, the new plan is added and you like it you’re welcome to invest. Here is the description of the plan given by the admin of SensibleInvest Sandra (read my interview with her here) in her latest update:
Dear members! We are almost a month online. Our investment performance is very good. Our specialists are amazing! We are able to generate much more money than we planned. On the occasion that we exist almost a month, I prepared a special plan, 20% daily for 6 days. The minimum is $10 and the maximum is $10 000.
If you invest $100 you will get $20 every day for 6 days – total $120 in 6 days.
You can withdraw money every day!
Remember about the bonus for investors who invest $500 or more. We will add it in 24 hours or few minutes if I am online!
Since today the daily plan is active!
I encourage everyone to invest in a special plan.
Attention! This plan will be active only until November!
I wish you a nice day and big earnings.
Yours admin, Sandra

GainRoi (reviewed here) paid me on expiry today. I received my payment for the 120% after 10 days plan quite fast after requesting it. And as far as I know many members of GainRoi who deposited on the first day into the shortest term plan were paid as well. So I was right about them when I said that the issue with AlertPay will not be a huge obstacle for the program and that it would continue its path to success despite this. I have sent some interview questions to the admin, Joshua, by the way so hopefully I will have his answers soon for publishing.

It appears that GainRoi was not the only one having issues with AlertPay recently. Today was the turn of AxaCofinance (reviewed here) to come under scrutiny. AlertPay simply blocked their account without any warning and unverified their account for some reason. I think AlertPay should really change their verification policies as they are clearly not efficient. Ask yourself if it’s logical to wait for the verification process to be completed after 10-15 days just to discover later that your account still gets blocked anyway and no reason offered. Such actions really shouldn’t be tolerated, especially from such a reliable company as AlertPay. It’s simply not right to first verify an account and then change your mind after a couple of weeks. Anyway, it’s a known fact that 100% of HYIP admins use fake identities to verify their AlertPay accounts (what sane admin would send real documents to AlertPay, lol). This is AlertPay‘s task to check these documents in advance. I guess this is the reason the process can take weeks. Or is this simply AlertPay‘s incompetence? If AlertPay explain these actions by claiming to care about their members then they shouldn’t be hypocrites. If they accept HYIPs it means it’s totally ok with them to profit from them (otherwise they would make a strict policy against accepting them like PayPal do). So I find it totally inappropriate the actions for freezing some accounts days after verification is complete. In my opinion, it only leads to one major inconvenience after another for the investors who otherwise would simply get their profits without all the trouble. Now that the AlertPay account of AxaCofinance is frozen and the admin can’t process the withdrawals anymore the investors have only one choice – to ask AlertPay for a refund which is potentially a very long process. To be fair it’s not always that long but knowing how their support works now you could wait for weeks before your request is fulfilled. Anyway, this is the harsh reality the AlertPay investors of AxaCofinance have to deal with today. Here is how the admin of AxaCofinance explained the situation (please note that the payouts to other processors are continuing unabated):
Hello dear members.
I come back to you today with a bad news for members who deposited using AlertPay. Today when I logged into my AlertPay account, I had the bad surprise to see my AlertPay blocked, AlertPay requesting a new verification process.
Of course the account has been verified by them before, as you noticed when you deposited. Anyway he’s now “not verified” and blocked pending a verification. AlertPay didn’t contact me about that.
I would you keep in mind that my account has been verified after 35 days of verification and they replied my ticket after 17 days….Now, 2 weeks later, after accepted thousands dollars of deposit, they decided to unverifiy my account without reasons, or if, they no explained me.
The account AlertPay have enough funds to refund all AlertPay deposit, also I decided to not try more negotiations with them. Considering their way to work is special, and I don’t approve this. I sent a ticket hoping they will read it fast, requesting they refund all deposits.
I would also request all members who deposited with AlertPay to request a refund to AlertPay, as I can’t do it, not allowed to sent payment. Anyway they continued to accept deposit… Weird politic for a considered professional payment processor.
I also disabled new deposit and new withdrawal with AlertPay. I’m really sorry about this, but please understand I’m not in fault in this story. I provided all my identity papers to AlertPay, they accepted, to later change their opinion. Does my passport changed in their system the last 2 weeks? Anyway. Thanks for your understanding.
Of course, This problem won’t affect our work with AxaCofinance, all others members who deposited using LR, PM, STP or SP are not concerned with this news.
Best regards, David.

IncoForex (reviewed here) just added a Spanish language version to their website. The first version of the new multilingual IncoForex website was Italian and now there’s anotherone for the investors. I hope there is more to come as there is always room for improvement on the way to make IncoForex a truly international company. Here is the latest update from that from the admin Jarmo (read my interview with him here):
Our site is available for Spanish people!
From now our Spanish investors can fully use all our site’s features on their native language!
Spanish version is available here.
If you have found any errors and mistakes in Spanish translation please contact us

Thanks to one of my readers who sent me today some curious information about CSMFinance program. He contacted the admin with some questions and it had been confirmed to him that all the payouts from CSMFinance are instant but the best thing is that you can request your payout to any payment processor as they seem totally interchangeable. So if you make your investment in CSMFinance via PerfectMoney you can request your instant withdrawals via LibertyReserve and vice versa. Isn’t that great? CSMFinance is paying from 1.7% to 2.1% daily for 200 calendar days with principal returned on expiry. It’s definitely a program that deserves a closer look (read my review here for more info).

Remember that I reported to you that SolidTrustPay has some serious delays with processing withdrawals via Debit cards. Well, I’m glad to report that seemingly they started to catch up and finally credited the oldest pendings. I can’t say that everybody was paid but I know that somebody was for sure. Let’s hope such delays will not happen again in the future as SolidTrustPay is really a good payment processor that needs some better service to become competitive against to the current market leaders AlertPay and StrictPay. And by the way, if you don’t want to wait for your Debit card withdrawal for some time you can use the services of Xchanger that offer to exchange your STP to SP or LR (the current fee for both exchanges is 6%).

CoolReturn (reviewed here) is offering a one time new plan with up to 200% payout on expiry. Although it was explained how they are going to make money on the ICC cricket championship I still find this offer quite suspicious. The trick is very familiar to me how an HYIP that pays stably for months comes out with an enormously profitable offer (much better than their previous plans in fact) and how it all ends with the admin running away with the members’ money. I really hope I’m mistaken about CoolReturn and they honestly have something real to offer but please proceed firmly aware of all the risks involved. Here is the latest update from the admin which I received today:
ICC Champions Trophy is underway with great thrill and excitement and only 3 matches are left (2 semi-finals + 1 final). Special offer is on board regarding this ICC Champions Trophy 2009
Features of ICC Champions Trophy Offer
1.) Deposit directly to LibertyReserve A/C U6525350 (CoolReturn)
2.) This offer will close 5th October 2009 13:00 GMT, so deposit before this time
3.) Payout will be done to your LibertyReserve directly on 15th October 2009
4.) Mention your email address and “ICC” in memo field of LibertyReserve
5.) No need to signup/register but if you are registered then mention your username in LR memo field
Deposit 10$-500$ and get 150% Payout
Deposit 501$-1000$ and get 175% Payout
Deposit 1001$-5000$ and get 200% Payout
Our strategy during ICC Champions Trophy Betting
We don’t do simple betting like who will win and who will lose and then sit back and wait for 6-7 hours for result and winning. No, instead we do betting during whole match because since start of match till end rate of both teams is fluctuates rapidly. After each wicket/six/over rate is changed. For example during one previous match between India and Pakistan once India rate was 4 and at one stage Pakistan\’s rate was 4. We wait for moment when one team\’s rate is going up and when it is highest we place bet. During that match we placed bets on both teams and made 200%+ profit during one match. For example:
India rate = 4 x 10000$ bet & Possible Return = 40,000$
Pakistan rate = 4 x 10000$ bet & Possible Return = 40,000$
Total Bets = 20,000$
Net Return = 40,000$
Now whichever team wins we made 200% profit during one match with just one kind of betting. A lot of other kinds of betting not included like Who will be next out, highest wicket taker, highest scorer, total score, etc.
So be confident and deposit funds as your investment is safe and after closing of Tournament on 5th October we need some time to withdraw funds and transfer to LR to payout. So after careful calculation we set 15th October 2009 as payout date.
If you have bigger amount or need customize offer for this ICC trophy reply back with details.
Thank you. Administration

There was an important announcement issued by the admin of PTVPartner Garrett (interviewed here) today. Please read it carefully and make sure that you take part in the upcoming discussion if you care about the future development of PTVPartner. I remind you that PTVPartner pays you 110% after 10 days, 125% after 20 days, 145% after 30 days and 190% after 40 days (all the payouts are being made on expiry). Read more about PTVPartner in my original review published here. Meanwhile here is the latest:
Live Meeting to Discuss our Venture Details and Poll Contest. $50 top prize!!!
I wanted to make two announcements.
One, our affiliate program contest is still ongoing. With a TOP prize of $50.00 and 4 subsequent prizes of $40, $30, $20, and $10 .. Just for voting… You don’t want to miss out. We want to accomplish three things with this poll. 1) We want your opinion regarding the affiliate program. Should we change it? Should we eliminate it? 2) We want you to visit our site and check out all that we have to offer. 3) We want you to come by the chat room, which you must do to participate. You must receive a unique number from the On Duty Moderator.
Don’t miss your chance to vote the poll and win a $50 cash prize.
Second, I wanted to announce that we will be discussing our Main Supporting Venture – the Backbone of PTVPartner – Monday the 5th of October at midnight GMT. This meeting will be held in our chat room.
Our chat room only holds 50 persons at this time. We will record the Meeting and make it available for you to playback ‘On-Demand’ within a few days following the meeting. At the end of the meeting we will conduct a Q&A session for those that have or want to ask questions. This is certain to be a very interesting event and you certainly won’t want to miss it.
Start the Experience … Free your Life!!!

Those who tried to deposit in Capitalex (reviewed here) recently via LibertyReserve and whose deposit was not credited to their accounts are advised to contact the administration of the website with the details:
There is some problem with LibertyReserve SCI section. All deposit with LibertyReserve should be added to your account immediately after payment. If you can’t see your deposit in your account, contact and provide us your deposit amount, date and batch number.
Good Day. Capitalex

It seems we live now in the era of fast scams with some admins urgently needing some easy money for the upcoming Christmas holidays. How else can we explain the collapse of ForexMonk whose admin scammed his members after only six days online? Thank you, guys, for letting me know about the pending payouts and because of you MNO was the first monitoring site to move ForexMonk to Problem status. Of course I contacted the admin for an explanation but I doubt I will be getting a reply.

The list of Paying programs monitored by MNO is still pretty extensive and includes the following that all paid me today: GainRoi, FxCapitalInvestment, WOIC, AdsDailyPro, MoneyCare, Verifield, CSMFinance, GoldNuggetInvest, NanoMoneyCorp, ProfitEx, WLInvestments, GeniusFunds, SensibleInvest, MoneyTurbo, PanaMoney, BlitzInvestments, StableInterest, AimTrust, BlackDiamondPortfolio, CoolReturn, XrateInvest, Capitalex, TheFifthContract, GlobalFund, CedexInvest, PTVPartner, AxaCofinance, XagaEnterprise and SazaInvestments.

I have added another program to my monitoring today and it’s a brand-new one called KobelCapital. That sounds funny as “kobel” means, well, a slightly rude word in Russian. So has it something to do with Russia? According to the website it’s no, they list their address and phone number in Mexico. The appearance of the KobelCapital website is quite nice with a customized GoldCoders script, dedicated DDoS-protected server and the domain name registered for three years. KobelCapital only accepts LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. It’s offering only one investment plan with four variations of it depending on the deposited amount. Generally you will be paid from 2.55% to 3.35% for 90 calendar days. After expiry you will get your deposit back. I have my own suspicion who the admin the program might be but I will not say it here as it’s purely unproved speculation. However if I’m right we should expect at least a few months of stable work from KobelCapital of course with the greatest benefits to those who join early. I think the possibility to recoup your principal in just 40 days and earn 229.5% pure profit in just three months time worth the risk. More about KobelCapital in my detailed review tomorrow.

And for now that’s about it. Bye for now and see you here again tomorrow guys, for the most up to date news anywhere on the online investments business!

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