Oct 6th, 2009 Archives

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Hi everybody! Today as the first hint of autumn finally seems to be settling in I want to talk about an online investment program that’s a little different to those you might normally associate with my monitoring page. If I had to put a label on it, well then it’s clearly a HYIP. But just not how we usually imagine one. It’s called SeamlessProfitable and I think it might do well.

However the first thing I need to say, and I don’t like to start on a negative note, but SeamlessProfitable is a little bit overly complicated and that can hinder its progress. Especially amongst non-native English speakers. But if you bear with me for a few minutes I think I can explain it well enough for most people to understand. If you make the effort I think you might agree that this program might be worth at least a second look as it’s quite unique in its own way.

There are three plans available from SeamlessProfitable. Well, two plans really. The first two are more like proper investment plans with the third one a type of sweepstakes. The first plan is the closest to a traditional HYIP plan and is called the Stable Daily Plan. The name is a bit misleading as we shall see as there are many variable features in it. So it’s not really that stable, but nonetheless it’s still pretty good.

The minimum amount to invest is just $10 and the maximum is $1500. That much is pretty straight forward. But how long does this plan run for? Well, this is the first unique feature. The investment term is up to you to decide for yourself! Once you have signed up and have decided how much to deposit, you are then asked to decide the length of term. As long as it is a minimum of 30 days. The maximum is 62 days and you are asked to pick any number you like between the two.

The next question is how much will you earn from it? Well, you will be paid every day regardless of the term, but the interest you will be paid is an amount randomly generated by the script. The minimum you will be paid is 3.5% per day. The maximum is 6.5% per day. The thing to remember here is that the amount of interest you earn has no connection with the size of your deposit or the length of your investment term. It is totally random and the guy with the small deposit will earn the very same chance as the guy with the big one. Everybody gets treated equally and we are all on a level playing field. Another unique feature and not an altogether bad one either.

So when it comes to offering you a practical example of the financial benefits of joining SeamlessProfitable it gets a bit tricky. There is just an almost endless list of possible variations when we talk about potential earnings. I’ll try to make an example here but really you’re going to have to get the calculators out for yourselves when investing here as everybody will earn something different. Let’s look first at the worst possible scenario, i.e you earn the minimum rate everyday for the minimum time. You invest $100 for 30 days and you earn 3.5% per day. That’s $3.50 per day for 30 consecutive days which adds up to $105. Of course that’s not really likely to happen. But what if you earned the maximum rate everyday? Well that’s even less likely to happen but if it did then 6.5% would mean $6.50 for 30 days giving you $195. In reality you can expect something in the middle, although to be quite honest I’ve not been a member here long enough to say what exactly a “typical” daily payment would be. However we are told that 5% per day is a fair amount to expect $150 back for you initial hundred would be reasonable, give or take a few dollars. We’ll have a much clearer picture of this as SeamlessProfitable progresses. But the longer you invest for the more you will earn so the maximum that can be potentially made here is if you received the full 6.5% per day for 62 days. As that is unlikely to happen I think it best for everybody that it not even be seriously considered by the way, I’m just saying it for review purposes.

That wasn’t too difficult now was it? It might look a bit puzzling to some at first, but really it’s just like when any new program comes along with unique and fresh ideas. It can take a bit of getting used to, but give it a try and you’ll see it’s quite simple. Just different.

At first glance the next plan is if anything even more of an enigma but in actual fact is quite innovative and, (here comes that word again!) unique. It’s called The Randomly Generated Plan and lives up to its name much more than the previous one. Just like the first plan, the amounts you may deposit vary from $10 to $1500. And again, no favoritism is shown to the wealthy investors. Democracy is not something we tend to associate with HYIPs in general, is it? But it’s nice to see the ten and twenty dollar players get the same break as the ones who throw thousands of dollars around. Anyway, I digress.

The thing about this plan that makes it so difficult for me to explain it is that the terms and conditions change so completely on a regular basis. In fact it’s not really one plan but a series of different ones, and whichever one you participate in will be, well, random.

Confused? You should be because I was at first. But this is how it works. The Randomly Generated Plan as it stands at the moment is only open to a limited number of people. Once the plan has reached its limit, don’t worry. You can still join, however it won’t be exactly the same plan the next time. A completely new plan will be generated with a completely new payment schedule. The most difficult thing for me as a reviewer is that the information I am about to describe to you now will be completely obsolete, probably in a matter of hours. But what I want to do is describe the current version of the plan as it is at the time of writing. So here goes. (Just remember that all of these features are subject to change).

The current version of SeamlessProfitable‘s Randomly Generated Plan will run for 53 days. During that time you will be given payments of various percentages on various different days throughout the term. So if you were to join the current incarnation it would work as follows:

Day One: You invest $100.
2 days after that: You get 12%
3 days later (day 5): You get 25%
5 days later (day 10): You get 34%
3 days later (day 13): You get 23%
7 days later (day 20): You get 56%
6 days later (day 26): You get 43%
6 days later (day 32): You get 46%
4 days later (day 36): You get 31%
6 days later (day 42): You get 45%
3 days later (day 45): You get 24%
6 days later (day 51): You get 41%
2 days later (day 53): You get 18%

So we can see from all that that the current version of the plan will run for 53 days and your total payments add up to 398%. That works out at roughly 7.5% interest per day. In this example that is $398 in return for your initial $100 deposit.

But please remember one very important thing here and I really can’t stress this enough. This is just a sample plan. If you like the sound of it and would like to join then you must remember that the terms will be different when you go to join. It may run for a longer or shorter term. It may pay more or less interest. It will however follow the same basic principal as the one I have listed here but the finer details will not be exactly as they are in this version.

The third option that I mentioned at the start is a sweepstakes. Sorry to skip over this one but as a monitor I’m unable to track its performance (if there is such a thing) and as an investor it’s not something that’s of particular interest to me. It’s just like a lottery so there is no more guarantee of winning than there is of winning any random gamble. But for your information just be aware that the facility is there for you should this sort of thing be of interest to you. You may enter the lottery with as little as $5 and up to $150. See the SeamlessProfitable homepage or contact the admin directly for more information on that.

There’s just a couple of other quick points I want to make about the investment plans before we move on. First of all you have your choice of currencies. You may invest in Dollars or Euros. As usual I have been talking in Dollars here as I know that’s how most MNO readers work. But Euros are there for you if that is what you prefer. Another thing is the payments. This is one aspect where SeamlessProfitable really shines and is way ahead of the competition. Payments are not automatic but they are instant. As soon as you request your payment it will be in your e-currency account within seconds. So when I say it’s not “automatic” I mean you still have to ask for it but it’s not processed by the admin. It’s processed automatically by the script. Unfortunately the choice of payment processors really lets them down. It’s limited to just LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. And unfortunately it’s really hard to see this changing. Reason being that LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney are the only payment processors where such immediate withdrawals are possible. That’s a pity really because otherwise SeamlessProfitable is a really outstanding program and it’s regrettable that this might hold it back from reaching the full potential it deserves. But that’s really the admin’s call and if he does add some other processors, instant payments or not there will surely be a huge amount of interest. One other important thing to remember is that your principal will not be returned in either of the two plans on offer.

The security of SeamlessProfitable is quite good. The first thing to catch my eye though was the script. It’s totally unique and custom designed for the program. Ok, I know there are other programs using custom made scripts but this one is probably the best I’ve seen so far. I guess they’ve laid hands on a pretty talented programmer along the way. As I already said the script supports instant and immediate payouts and it’s also protected by SSL encryption so an excellent package all round. The hosting provider is the excellent DdoSWiz who have them on a dedicated server with protection from DDoS attacks.

You can address any questions to the admin directly via the online e-mail support ticketing system. Discussion threads have been started on some of the investment forums but as the admin has not provided links to them I can’t really say if he’ll be that active on them. Not that it’s the most important thing in the world either. Take care of your own site first before hanging around on forums all day is what I think.

So how can I summarize SeamlessProfitable. Well for a start I have little doubt that the admin has a good deal of expertise in this industry and that’s fine by me. There are a number of criticisms to be made of his program however, not least of which is that it will be overly complicated and unnecessarily so to many investors. To such an extent it may even frighten off a couple of the less experienced ones. I’ve made my feelings known about limiting the choice of payment processor a million times before, but that doesn’t spell disaster either. LibertyReserve in particular is still the market leader so there is still a massive customer base to attract. Overall though I have to say that I like it. It’s new and full of fresh and innovative ideas and what’s more there’s no rubbish about billion dollar ForEx deals. It’s a game, that’s how it’s offered to you and that’s how you should take it. There’s a good chance you will earn a profit from it (while it’s early) and it was quite refreshing to see a program like it. At the moment though I think it might be a little difficult for a sufficient number of investors to slow it down a bit, but hopefully if not an overnight sensation SeamlessProfitable can still be a slow burner.

Other news for today.

Let’s start with some news from SensibleInvest program (reviewed here). In my opinion it sounds too good to be true but now SensibleInvest is offering two more plans where you will get paid 105% – 107% after just one day. Well, it’s up to you to decide if you want to play with those plans just bear in mind that the program is now online for over a month and every day it’s getting riskier. Being a game in itself it’s kinda suspicious to me to receive some promo plans together with the news about the bonus (note that they are only paid to LibertyReserve, I wonder why, lol). Anyway, I have kinda mixed feelings about those new plans but I hope SensibleInvest will be able to continue for a while longer. The risk is there of course, it always is, but there is simply no way to earn money from HYIPs without that risk. So either you’re joining the new plans in SensibleInvest or just get really sensible (sorry for the repetition!) and pass on it, it’s always your choice! Here is the latest from the admin Sandra (read my interview with her here):
Welcome again.
Exactly one month ago we have lift off. It was a month full of success both for us and for you. Each of you have earned more or less money, it depended of how much who invested with us.
As you know, I have opened a special plan (20% daily for 6 days) active to the end of November. It is very popular among the investors. Within hours we had a lot of your deposits.
That is not all my dear! Today, we all enjoy that we exist 30 days, so specially for you I have prepared a mega surprise and a little competition.
1) The new plan! 105% after 1 day (min $50 max $10,000) and 107% after 1 day (min $500 max $10,000) Please note that it will be active for only 1 week (7 days from today) – this is a unique plan for exceptional people. Hurry up, because it is active only for a week!
2) The special bonus for members who use LibertyReserve – any person who will invest $50 or more (via LibertyReserve) will receive 5% extra! For example: If you invest $500 via LibertyReserve, you will get $50 bonus and 5% extra ($25). The promotion lasts until 10th October 2009 and relates only to members of LibertyReserve.
I encourage you all to the discussions on forums. We have sticked our subjects and we purchased ads so you can easily find us!
Thanks for trusting us! Sandra.

One thing I do love about the admin of MindPowerSurf, Mircea, is that he doesn’t stack his updates with meaningless rubbish (like some of the admins do) and doesn’t repeatedly say the same thing over and over again. They are always straight to the point, like his approach to his program in general. I have sent him some questions for an interview so hopefully he will answer it soon and we all can enjoy the opinion of an experienced man from the Industry. I myself am looking forward to it and I hope I won’t be disappointed! So here is the latest from MindPowerSurf (reviewed here):
I thank you all for great support. I just completed another batch of cashout requests for today and will continue after sending this update. Running days: 7, Total members: 256, VIP members: 20, Active members: 116. Alexa Ranking: 384,887 with visitors all over the world: 35.3% United States 16.9% Denmark 11.7% Bangladesh 8.3% China 5.7% Canada 4.5% India 3.3% Germany 2.1% Romania 1.9% Indonesia 1.2% Poland 1.2% Singapore 7.8% OTHER A very good statistic We have now Sticky thread in MMG and TG and we are listed in more than 10 another forums and over 20 monitors and also reviews in 3 reputable blogs I invite the free members and benefit of earnings from surf and referral commissions. I kindly ask members who got paid to post in forums and vote in monitors from Rate us page. I will add also codes for forums tomorrow. Have a nice week and enjoy surfing. Mircea I Admin MPS”.

The admin of XrateInvest (reviewed here) asked me to publish some news about them opening a new XXX Web platform soon as well as opening a proper German version of the site. I’m happy to oblige but please don’t ask me for information to get you access to this platform. I don’t have any details yet and when this happens I will let you know on my blog or via private email if the site is not be available for viewing by a wider audience. Here is the most recent update from XrateInvest:
Dear Members, we have an increasing number of German Investors and devided to offer our sites also for our German speaking members in German from today.
Please visit www.xgerman.xrateinvest.com for the German Version of the XrateInvest Site. Please note that the direct investment and member sites are still in English.
The XrateInvest Live Chat was not very active so we decided to remove the chat. We have implemented our Fax Number for contacts and end of this week we lunch a new XXX Web platform. Everybody who is interested and is over 18 can take part of our verification process (online from Friday) to see the our newest XXXsite. Membership
is not free. But a review is free.
All the best and a big thank you to all investors from the XrateInvest Team. We thank you for your trust in our company!
Best wishes. Karin Bertschi

I’m glad to report to you that I’m going to finally send the questions for the third interview with the admin of GoldNuggetInvest Robert tonight. I went through all the questions that have been submitted by my readers and I can definitely use some of them in the interview. Please don’t get mad at me if you don’t see your questions among others in the interview. It just means that they were already asked in the previous interviews with Robert (which by the way you can read here and here) or explained in my detailed review of GoldNuggetInvest program published here, or already covered on the GNI website. Anyway, thanks a lot for your participation. Seriously I didn’t think there would be so much. It just proves one simple thing – how much MNO readers love GoldNuggetInvest!

Speaking of GoldNuggetInvest, Robert recently told members about how to proceed in the event of some difficulties with deposits that may not have been credited to their account automatically (it happened more than once in the past) and with withdrawals in case they were processed in your backoffice in GoldNuggetInvest but you haven’t actually got the money to your payment processor (that happens very rarely but I am aware of some cases with STP). So if you love GoldNuggetInvest just like I do and more than 40% of all MNO readers do according to the last week’s poll please follow these simple rules so as not to overload Robert and his team with unnecessary multiple tickets:
For any failed deposit or withdrawal please note the following:
In the past some members with failed deposits sent out multiple emails to Todd, Lim, me – since a couple of weeks to Rumiko as well, contacted us via life support or pm’ed me at ASA and/or Todd at ASA as well. Todd and Lim forwarded those requests to me by email, often not knowing that the member contacted both of them and often me too. At the end of the day I got several emails, for the same request in my inbox.
Often members are forgetting that I have to trade as well, therefore need to optimize our administrative efforts and am not checking emails all day, some are even forgetting that patience is a virtue….
So there was need to improve our efforts to credit failed deposits effectively and in a timely manner. I discussed this issue with Lim about a week ago and advised him to collect all failed deposit claims over a 24 hour period and to send them over to me just once a day – in one single email. We tried this out over the last couple of days and this system is working very effective.
I also would like to encourage you, instead of opening a new thread for each failed deposit here in the forum to send your request to Lim at goldnuggetinvestcs4@gmail.com only.
Same for failed (not received) withdrawal requests: As it could happen that you made a deposit via our site and it was not automatically credited to your GNI account, it can also happen that we process withdrawals, they are marked as processed in your GNI account, but never hit your payment processor account. Although this is much more rarely than failed deposits.
And please address our support team for ANY other support requests – not me. I am receiving plenty of emails every day with general support issues, like email change requests, password issues, how to invest etc. and it cost me a lot of time day by day to go through all of them and to forward them to our support team. If there is something needed to be addressed direct to me, Lim will include this in his daily report to me – and I can answer your request in a timely manner.
We are such a great family and as families usually do: we need to work hand in hand!

I would like to give you a brief update on the SolidTrustPay Debit card withdrawals. A friend of mine contacted STP today as he was waiting for his debit card load for 3 business days already. A member of support staff told him that currently loading to cards will take up to 4-5 business days. And the next question was: why does it take so long and will it be permanent terms for loading Debit cards from now on? The answer was they have a huge workload now for Debit cards but that is just another excuse in my opinion. Anyway, just thought it would be useful for MNO readers to know that you should expect your STP Debit cards to be loaded in 4-5 business days instead of the 1-2 business days that it used to be. I hope SolidTrustPay will really improve their service soon and speed up the withdrawals soon. For now we have what we have.

Finally I just want to quickly run through the list of programs that paid me today: GoldNuggetInvest, FlipReturn, PanaMoney, PTVPartner, GeniusFunds, SeamlessProfitable, StableInterest, MoneyCare, InvestmentForge, TheFifthContract, Infinitum, MindPowerSurf, KobelCapital, XrateInvest, BlackDiamondPortfolio, Metualis, CoolReturn, CorpusTrust, GlobalFund, Verifield, CSMFinance, CedexInvest, GainRoi and NanoMoneyCorp. That is it for today and I will see you all here tomorrow!

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