Hi everyone! Whether or not anybody cares to admit it, I think it’s probably a fair statement to say if an intelligent alien life form was to land on planet Earth, he would almost certainly think that this wonderful invention we have called “the internet” was created mostly as a vehicle for the trading of pornography. Love it or leave it, there’s simply no denying it. It’s a billion dollar business and it’s here to stay.
Given the widespread acceptance of it I’m quite surprised that before now we the HYIP business has been slow to capitalize on it. Who’d have thought the online investments industry was dominated by such prudish admins, lol! But all that changes now with the creation of XrateInvest. It’s a short term HYIP and has been gaining in popularity with it’s commitment to customer support and more to the point it’s prompt payouts.
So today I’m pleased to bring you an interview with Karin, the admin of XrateInvest. And I’m pleased to see a refreshingly honest and frank approach to my questions. Where others would have tried to avoid them, Karin has tried her best to answer everything as best she can. But before we proceed let me just remind you that XrateInvest has three investment plans paying 1% for 14 days, 1.5% for 28 days, and 17.5% for 6 weeks with your principal returned on expiry. For more info please refer to my original review published here.
“1. Hi Karin, please introduce yourself to the readers of MNO and tell us a bit about your own involvement in XrateInvest. Is this your first online venture? What other experience do you have in this Industry?
Hello Paul, and thank you for the Interview. My name is Karin and I am 45. Oh my god, time is running. Anyway, I came up with the idea of the XrateInvest Platform and I am the admin and responsible for all transactions. If I am on a journey or taking care of our businesses and I can not find time my husband makes all transactions. So all our funds are managed by me and my husband and we decide where and how to invest them.
You question is not so clear. You asked what other experience I have in this Industry. Well in the HYIP Industry I do not have much experience. I followed the HYIP market some years and even invested sometimes. Sometimes I won. Sometimes I lost money. That’s it. It is my first and only online investment program.
In the adult industry I am working together with my husband since 2003. Before I was working offline (not as a escort or anything) in the adult industry. I was working for an adult phone company (later phone and flirt SMS) and even if it may sound funny I was training their female staff for the live hotlines and I was managing and promoting the company at adult fairs. That’s how it all started.
2. Can you also give us some background history on the XrateInvest program? Why did you decide to open your own program and what are you expecting to achieve by this? Tell us about the other people involved in the project and what their roles?
I am expecting people to be more open minded with this industry. Do not feel shy to invest in one of the biggest markets in the world. Financial Crisis? Not for us! I know no one talks about it… But I am sure 99% of Internet users are looking at porn sites on a regular basis and a lot of them also pay for it. So why not invest in it and earn money with it. We are very discreet and no member or direct investor has to be scared that his/her neighbor or grandmother will point on him/her and talk behind their back. No one will know… Only our investors will know and be happy that the account is growing. Maybe we can not provide profits like 200% after 15 days… But therefore investors can be sure that our profits are real, stable, reliable and for a long term.
3. How would you best explain to someone who has never heard of an HYIP before how the system works? From the very first moment I decide to invest until the time I receive my first payment, what happens?
As I follow your Blog now for some time I always find this question. And I guess most of investors know how to invest. If not then you should visit our FAQ or “How to Invest” page. Because with us you can invest direct or become a member first!
4. Tell us about the whole process about joining XrateInvest. I don’t think I’ve seen this method used before about either by registering your account or without registering. Why offer a choice at all and what are the benefits of either? Surely it just adds to the workload for you and confuses some people?
You can invest direct without becoming a member. Therefor you just make a direct investment on our Invest direct in Xrate page. There you can Invest with LR, PM, SP or Pecunix.
Or you can join us and become a member first and make your deposit in your member are
We offer three investment plans and pay 7 days a week! We offer the S, E, and X, Investment Plan. The profits are the same for online members and direct investors.
The benefit of being a member is that you can login to your private members area and see your Earnings, Withdrawal History, Deposit History, Earning History and more online 24hours per day.
But for every withdrawal you have to make a request. And we do not accept Pecunix payments for investors who join as members.
The benefit of being a direct investor is that all investments are safe from hackers because payments are sent directly to the account the investment has been made from. You have to do nothing. Just sit back and relax. Everything is automated and you can keep on smiling day by day (or week by week) when you see the payment is already automatically paid.
So far I can not complain about your idea that it might somehow add to the workload for us or confuse some people! The workload is fine. Up to today I did not have a single email where someone was confused. I think the people who invest in our program are smart enough to understand. About 60% prefer to become a member first and 40% invest direct!
5. What are the plans you are offering investors? What are the minimum and maximum amounts to spend? What payment processors are you currently dealing with? Are payouts automatic or do I need to request them?
We offer three Investment Plans. The S. E.and X. Investment Plan
Our S. (Short time Plan) Term: 14 Days Profit: 1% every day (paid after expiry) Investment: US$ 5-500 Principal Returned Total Roi: 114%
Our E. (Entrepreneur Daily Plan) Term: 28 Days Profit: 1.5 % Daily Investment: US$ 25-10000 Principal Returned Total Roi: 142%
Our X. (Xtra weekly Plan) Term: 42 Days (6 weeks) Profit: 17.5%/weekly (2.5% daily) Profit is paid weekly! Investment: US$ 50-50000 Principal Returned Total Roi: 205%
As a member you need to request the payment in your member area. Direct investors are getting paid automatically. Since LR had some API problems we make every payment manually. This is more secure for our members and for us. As I am not a machine and also my husband is only human too a cashout request from your member area is normally paid within 12 hours. On weekends up to 24 hours! As a member you can invest using LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney or StrictPay. As a direct Investor you can invest using the same E-Currencies plus Pecunix. We wanted to add Solid Trust Pay but at the moment we are not sure about them. We may ad other payment options in the future but we will let our members know when about this in time.
6. Tell us in as much detail as possible about the security features of XrateInvest. Are you on a dedicated server? What measures have you taken to protect the program from DDoS attacks? Who is your hosting provider and how highly would you rate them as a service provider?
We are hosted on a DDOS and Hacker protected dedicated server. Our hosting company is hushhosting and so far we had no problems at all. I think our longest downtime was 4 hours in 2 months! For members we are using a modified original licensed Neversay script. For direct Investors we developed our own direct payment script. For extra security we make a Database Backup every 12 hours and keep all investor details on and offline.
7. What about the script? Who provides that and how do you rate it? Do you have spyware and anti-virus protection?
As I said we use a original licensed Neversay script provided from Hushhosting. We never had problems with it and it is a very secure script with no backdoors. We do use the latest spyware and anti-virus protection from Kaspersky.
8. What advertising strategy are you using to further promote XrateInvest among potential new investors? Are you happy with the level of support offered by existing members?
So far we are very happy with the support from our members and the feedback. Of course from time to time I get rude emails asking me where to find nude pictures of me and my husband, others are threatening us that we will end up in hell but I just delete such comments or emails. 90% of emails are positive. In the next 2 weeks we will start with a more aggressive marketing strategy to become more known in the HYIP industry and to compete with the Top10!
9. What kind of customer support do you offer? What is the best way they contact you if they have any issues with their investments? Do you offer telephone support or Live Chat at this point? What about investors who aren’t so good with English?
At this point we offer E-Mail support in English, German and French. We also offer Ticket support for direct support on our site. Recently we lunched our site for German speaking investors in German as the number of German investors (also Austrian and Swiss Investors) was increasing day by day.
You can also send as a fax in German, English or French. I removed the Live chat from our site as it was not used and nor really needed. I may introduce it again when the time is right. We do not offer Phone support yet.
10. Maybe you could tell us more now about the outside business interests of XrateInvest? How are you investing members money? How can investors independently verify the truth of any of your claims?
My husband and me, formed this platform. We decided to start this online investment platform this year (2009), well it was more me. We are investing members money first in our own businesses Adult online sites, online shops, cam girls sites and our new adult DVD adult film production.
About 30% of the investors funds are invested in online adult shops. 20% in our own Xrate adult shops and 10% in online adult shops from other adult entrepreneurs. About 25% we invest in our newly formed DVD, adult film production and just 5% in phone sex services (mostly in Germany 0900 or 118.. numbers). We invest the biggest share of the members money in adult content sites. About 50% of the investor funds are invested in Cam Girl Sites and Adult Sites.
The investor can soon verify our claims if he is willing to take part on an over 18 fax request verification process. Therefor we need the members national ID or the Passport. This is for active members only and we will give the member a 6 hour test tour for one of our sites. If the member is scared of ID theft he can overwrite his Passport No or/and his full name or implement a watermark. We will just check the age and the country where the fax was send from. In some countries members will also be able to verify their age using a 3rd party (for example in Germany
11. I have seen your claims that your hosting provider (HushHosting) does not allow you to provide links to adult orientated material, but I read their terms of service and only see that they prohibit child pornography. So why no links to the online shops? If that is really the business you are financing through your HYIP, surely it only makes sense to promote that too?
Our site (XrateInvesr) is hosted on a server in Malaysia. And they do not allow adult content at all. If we are allowed to implement links or banners on our site that will forward the user to adult content sites hosted in other countries, then it’s still a question for me but I will try to find out. When I first ordered other sites (not HYIP but adult content sites) with HushHosting I got a refund because of that issue.
12. If you are not permitted to publish these links yourself, then money-news-online has no such restrictions. Perhaps you can provide me with the necessary information and the links that investors will need to verify all of this?
Thats what our over 18 fax request verification process is therefor. The fax has nothing to do with our hosted country and also the 3rd party verification process will help. As soon as we set up everything you, our members and the Money-News-Online readers will be the first to know.
13. With so many good programs around now, what would be the one thing you would say to investors who are still undecided on which program to pick? What are the benefits of joining XrateInvest over any other program? What are the advantages to the investor?
I do not want to repeat what other admins like to say, but I think I have to. We are real. I know, I think in the MNO Interview history you never found a admin saying: “sorry, I am just sitting here waiting for your funds to pay old investors with new funds…”
The only think I can say we are real adult entrepreneurs and we know what we are doing. And I think we are the first and only online investment platform on the online investment market investing in our own adult businesses and in other successful adult entrepreneurs.
14. And finally what can we expect to see next from XrateInvest? What are your plans for the short to medium term future of the program?
You can expect a lot from us. XrateInvest is just starting. Not only the unique option that investors can invest direct or become a member first, or our completely different investment strategy. Not even the over 18 verification process will make us more strong. But the most important part. We keep on paying and paying and paying for a very long future long after you forget about most other online HYIPs around at the moment. Thank you Paul for your great Blog and for the Interview.”
And thanks a lot to Karin as well for such an interesting and revealing interview. And granted while it is at least a different and unique approach than that adopted by most online HYIPs, it doesn’t mean that you the investor should treat XrateInvest any differently. By which I mean you are ultimately responsible for your own money so it’s up to you and no one else, not me, not Xrateinvest, to satisfy yourself about the information presented to you by any program admin. My personal opinion of Xrateinvest is based entirely on my own experience with them and so far I have yet to find reason for complaint. But nonetheless you are advised to excercise the same level of caution you do with all programs.
That’s about it for the moment guys, but don’t go too far! I’ll be back later this evening with a full news update from all the programs covered by the money-news-online monitoring page so stay tuned for that. See you later, guys!
Filed under Interviews by on Oct 8th, 2009. 1 Comment.
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