Oct 18th, 2009 Archives

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Hi everyone! Hope you Saturday is going as well as mine so far, in fact I hope you’re having a good weekend overall. There’s still time for more news of course as the HYIP industry doesn’t take days off! Although there are some slow days and today was one of them. Typical for a Saturday really but I’ll be getting to all the news in just a few minutes. Because first I want to let you know about another investment program that came my way just recently.

It’s called PexmoFund and it’s a new short term program with three investment plans that contain something of an autosurf style influence that has been kinda popular with some investors recently. The plans have a selection of payouts made both daily and on expiry. The first of which is called The Skye Plan and is the shortest running option of the three. It runs for 5 days and it offers a once off payment on expiry of 124% on deposits starting from a minimum of $50. You might get the impression from the PexmoFund homepage that payments to this plan are made on a daily basis, but they aren’t. It’s definitely on expiry. Anyway, the math is pretty simple here. For a $100 investment you should expect $124 to be returned 5 days later. That’s 24% profit plus 100% principal.

The next plan is the one I joined myself. It’s called The Eagle Plan and it offers daily payments. Just like a classic surfing program the interest rate available here is 12% per day earned for a duration of 12 days. An investment here will cost you at least $20 this time. So for a $100 investment here you will earn $12 per day for 12 days. This will see you break even and see your first profit after 9 days and finish out the plan with a total of $144, which includes your principal. It can be argued as to which of these first two plans is the safer, less risky option. It’s true that the first one will return everything in one payment after just 5 days, but in the event of any problems with this Eagle Plan, PexmoFund will at least have made some amount of partial daily payments. So for better or worse it’s the one I went for. Suit yourself with your own choice.

The third and final option for investors is The Ocean Plan. Minimum spend this time is just $10, and it runs for 25 days. The rate of interest, which is paid daily, is 6% this time and I have to say I’m not a huge fan here. The risk is massively increased over the previous plan but the reward is only slightly better. For instance, were you to make the same $100 deposit here, it will now take you 17 days to recoup your principal but you will still only finish with a total return of 150%. So that is 50% profit for 25 days compared to 44% profit for just 12 days. Anyway, I think it’s a poorly researched option myself but it’s up to you to do what’s best for your own needs.

PexmoFund accepts a number of different payment options including AlertPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay, StrictPay, and the recently launched new processor RoutePay. Maximum deposits into the plans is $5,000 and minimum withdrawal is $1. Recent programs accepting RoutePay have collapsed after a very short time. I’m not drawing any connection between them and maybe it is just a coincidence, but expect the rumor mill will start turning in earnest any day now. Just remember it’s your money, and you’re entitled to believe what you like and act on it.

The PexmoFund website is hosted on a dedicated server with protection from DDoS attacks from Koddos. That’s quite good of course and there should be few problems on that front. But in my opinion the script let’s them down. Neversay is usually a dependable performer but I don’t care much for this latest version. It’s incompatible with some web browsers for one thing but I also find it overly and unnecessarily complicated. It’s certainly not a good place for first timers to start anyway. Communication and customer support is offered via an e-mail address. There is also a Live Chat feature which is not a 24 hour service. It’s not mentioned what hours this chat feature is available from so it’s best that you ask the admin for more information should you need it.

The text is a straight copy/paste from an actual international pensions and investment company so let’s just abandon all pretense now that there is anything other than an online HYIP game going on here. And forget about any claims of a US registration too, such activities have a questionable at best legal status there. So just consider the information presented to you and do as you wish with it. PexmoFund has its share of supporters and detractors but whatever else you say about them, membership is not compulsorary. Join it if you like, and if you don’t like, I’ll have a number of other options you may prefer to consider during the coming week.

Other news for today.

First of all I would like to bring you another lengthy update from Garrett, the admin of PTVPartner program (interviewed here). I must say I’m pretty impressed by how he’s handling his program and thoroughly testing his new website. I was asked to test his new website a couple of days ago and found out that it was not compatible with the Opera web browser (all the links were dead). So once again it forced Garrett to postpone the launch of the new PTVPartner website which is definitely one of the best I have seen in the Industry. You can view a provisional version of it here (use FireFox browser for that) and listen to PTV-Radio where you can find the latest podcast about the income revenues for PTVPartner and why such high-paying plans of 110% after 10 days, 125% after 20 days, 145% after 30 days and 190% after 40 days can be sustainable in the long run. Listening to the radio podcasts you will be able to understand where (allegedly) PTVPartner invests their (our!) money and why it can be such a profitable business. I’m eagerly awaiting the launch of the new website myself but must admit that Garrett is doing absolutely the right thing by trying to ensure that everything’s working properly on his new site beforehand. I must say that I missed last Monday’s chat meeting among PTVPartner members for personal reasons but I’m going to be in the chat room next Monday especially considering that the capacity will be increased to 100 members (it used to be 50). I think I will let you read the latest update yourself as it’s covering too many topics to try and summarize it here:
It’s Official. The Chat rooms are a success.
We had a good time the other evening in the new chat room. Not a huge attendance, but we had fun.
In case you haven’t heard we have established a second room and currently it is without name. This is where the contest comes into play. The second room (not included the other cultural rooms), is designed as a place to relax, unwind, listen to music and just hang out with old friends, meet news ones etc. This room will soon be open, for your enjoyment, around the clock. As its popularity grows we will maintain it as a permanent fixture. So be sure and come by to check out the new chat room and enter the ‘Name the Chat Room’ contest. Top prize is $50.00.
Not About Entertainment
I had an interesting conversation today with a person who claimed they were conducting a HYIP News Interview. Actually I found out that it was an interview after the fact, but nevertheless. They were relatively abusive in their accusations. They were demanding answers to questions that have been answered countless times. We pointed them to the appropriate areas to retrieve the answers (not knowing they were supposedly conducting an interview). That was not adequate. They relentlessly made accusations and chided to obtain their answers. We assisted to the best of our ability. (I have had flu like symptoms for 2 days now. I am medicated and, let’s just say, less patient than normal, and leave it at that). Among other things, they made the statement similar to this “this is about the money, not about the fancy website or the have a good time chat room”. And for them, as well as many of you reading, they are exactly correct. We agree. They/you should look at PTV, make the evaluation of whether it is a worthy candidate for their portfolio and participate or not. The question I want to pose is this, …Once you do that …Is it OK for us, and those that want to be included, to 1) Make new friends, 2) Enjoy ourselves, 3) Plan our futures and 4) Share our experiences while we make it ‘about the money’? If that is not offensive, then we are going to continue, setting a new pace, breaking new ground and continue our strive to create a new breed of HYIP.
New Website
Our New website is getting closer to release. Anticipation is driving me crazy. But we discovered, thanks to Paul at Money-News-Online, that the site was not optimized for the Opera web browser. So, since our main designer is on a honeymoon weekend, we halted the integration and are waiting for his return to work on Monday so that we can continue and hopefully complete the process by early next Week.
Global Digital Pay
The DDos attack they suffered recently really did a number on them. But we feel that it most likely taught them many valuable things as well. They are about to complete the processes they have initiated to more substantially combat these types of attacks and once done we feel they will sail smoothly forward. We continue to anxiously await their integration into our program and are certain they will be well received by all those seeking a strong, reliable and well planned Digital Currency. If you have not checked out GDP then you should really do so.
New FAQ’s available in the Forum
We have added two FAQ’s to the Forum. We felt they were important enough that we wanted to share them with you here as well.
Why would PTVGroup share this opportunity with us?
Why wouldn’t they keep it all for themselves, or only share with Family and close personal friends?
I want to ask “Garrett” why his group is not helping those really in need?
I am really skeptical because I don’t think this is how the real world works!
First and Foremost, you are absolutely correct. Over the last three years, that is exactly what we have done. In fact, one of the things that assisted in opening the door for PTVPartner to become a reality was that the road was partially paved by others in our group enabling their family members to participate.
I made the statement that PTVPartner does not need your investments to perpetuate this Investment. That is not to say that your money is not used. I believe, that what you and others, fail to understand is that when we acquired this project, in order to capitalize on it in its entirety, we had to allow outside participation. We acquired the initial Interest and Control of the project, but to fully perpetuate it, we enlisted the partial assistance of others. Because the project is so entirely enormous and I, as well as a handful of others, wanted to make PTVPartner a reality, a place was reserved for your participation.
We did not need your funds. We very easily could have done this without you. But like you said…..
ask “Garrett” why his group is not helping those really in need?
I, as well as others, am of the opinion that THIS group IS really in need. We have all seen it. Every single person around this arena has seen programs come and go. Exchangers scamming programs, programs scamming exchangers and Ecurrencies scamming both. I have said it before and it is still true, the majority of this arena is nothing but scammers scamming scammers. If, what I just said is true, then is THIS group not REALLY in need?
The value of PTVPartner’s involvement in our Investment Projects is diminutive in comparison to the overall scheme of things. We sought out, and acquired, a miniscule slice of this project in order to make PTVPartner a reality, because it was my passion to create it. I wanted this. I rallied for this. I desired this.
We constantly seek out and strive to work with humanitarian projects whenever it is possible. It is a business principle that has been a part of our existence since we collaborated in the very beginning. Whenever the opportunity exists, we endeavor to enable those that need, want or desire assistance. That is why we originated in the Venture Capitalization Field,…. to assist others. It is a philosophy that has benefited us since our inception. We won’t deviate from that because it is not ‘mainstream philosophy’.
At some point in our future, the shroud that envelopes us will be removed, and you will clearly see that we have been, are today and will continue to operate exactly as we claim. By spreading the wealth, sharing the wealth, enabling those that are seeking for increase, desiring to move forward, trying to progress…. We create! That is what we do! It is that creative process that drives us. It is in this capacity…watching things, people, entities, economies, mature and progress that has, is and will continue to reward us the most.
It may not be …. “how the real world works” …. but perhaps it should be!
Can we Refer Ourselves and keep the referral fees?
The short answer is No.
The affiliate program was created and designed to allow you to benefit from referring others while assisting us in spreading the word about PTVPartner. It was not intended to be abused through self referring.
The Moderators are paid the 6% referral fees from all members that come to PTVPartner un-associated to any affiliate link.
At some point in the near future, the abuse will have grown to the point we will eliminate the referral program all together. We decided not to select the Multi-Level Affiliate program because it would possibly be more profoundly abused thru the ‘stacking’ of multiple self referred accounts.
We have pointed out that this program has a ‘Limited’ position or opportunity in its association with our Group. Meaning, …that at some point, we will not be able to allow new members to participate. Likewise, we may also find it necessary to revoke memberships of those that have abused the privileges made available.
Meeting 10/20/2009
We have planned another meeting on October 20th at Midnight GMT. Our chat room now hold 100 seats so there should be plenty of room. It seems like as each day goes by we have more and more people coming by the chat room, checking out the program, loving what they see, and praising our efforts.
We hope that you too take the opportunity to visit PTVPartner. We feel that we have created not only a first rate program but a wonderful community is beginning to grow. You should make it a point to judge for yourself, see what we have to offer, make a decision based on your own analysis. You will very quickly see that we have created ….
The Ultimate High Yield Asset for your Offshore Financial Portfolio!!!

One of the most interesting and long-lasting programs Verifield (reviewed here) launched their own allegiance program. This is not a typical program for HYIPs and will definitely boost the program’s growth. I remind you that Verifield is currently occupying the #7 spot on my monitoring page and has been paying since March 2009. It’s a pretty good timeframe for an HYIP paying 103% in 3 days, 108.4% in 7 days, 139% in 30 days, 196%-208% in 60 days with instant payments to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. Now with this new original allegiance program being launched I believe Verifield can expect a sharp raise in popularity and the investors can receive an additional cash boost by helping to promote the program. Every detail on how this is done is explained on Verifield website and you can read it below:
Introducing Allegiance Program
Verifield are proud to offer all clients to participate in our Allegiance Program. Anyone can participate. Just show your cooperation with Verifield Allegiance Program and receive additional cash bonus on your account. The bonus will be added in Verifield Credits, special bonus points given to participants for useful actions or information towards Verifield success and presence development in the Online Investment industry. Post a banner on your website, leave feedback on any forum, support company development and get additional cash balance on your Verifield account.
Verifield announces Credits – special bonus points, added to your account for your actions towards Verifield Development.
Credit can be exchanged instantly to your available balance, which also can be withdrawn instantly!
Do anything in order to support Verifield Development locally or online and receive bonus credits for EVERY of your actions.
Verifield pays credits for any action, just imagine and get paid for almost any type of help, see for examples below:
Leave a feedback on a forum, use your native language
Help with website correction or translation
Distribute Verifield news and announcements in your blog, on a forum, anywhere
Create a banner or promo, get paid and published your work on our website
Build your own blog about Verifield
Drive traffic to Verifield website and see your Verifield credits grow in real time!
Propose a unique Verifield promotion strategy along with your practical example and receive Verifield credits.
Build your ad-campaign at any search engine or other website, along with using your referral link, provide the receipt as proof and receive credits for visitors and bonus credits for your campaign.

Some good news from GainRoi (reviewed here) was announced today. After seemingly unresolvable differences with AlertPay that affected their growth this payment processor is once again to be accepted by them. This is the first time in my memory when the AlertPay issue was successfully dealt with and a program re-added AlertPay to their list of payment processor. I’m not sure how the admin of the program Joshua (interviewed here) did this but everything is working now and you’re allowed to invest via AlertPay again. In addition, another referral contest with more serious prizes has been announced in the latest update from GainRoi which is paying 120% after 10 days, 150% after 20 days and 200% after 30 days. Please read more below:
Hi Dear Friends, I have a couple updates to our precious members.
First of all, AlertPay issue is fixed now!
So everyone are invited to make deposits with AlertPay payment processor.
** For those who don’t have AP at their GainRoi account: because of security reasons you can’t edit your account by yourself, so if you need to add AlertPay to your account, please use our support center and contact our support team.
Just give us your AlertPay account and we will do the rest for you as soon as possible.
The next thing is our upcoming new referral contest that will take place from October 18 and will end at October 25.
First place will get 300$, second place 150$ and third place will take 75$. Good luck.
And the last thing: if you are an active investor and got some payments from our program, please take some time to vote for us at forums and monitors.
I wish you all the best and have a pleasant weekend.
Regards. Joshua

Unfortunately not everybody is so lucky with AlertPay. The problem that RoyalRoi‘s Richard had with them is still not fixed and access to his AlertPay account has not been restored yet. He’s still waiting for a reply from AlertPay and hopes that it will be solved by Monday. However, not this fact was not the main point I wanted to make but rather his decision to halt payouts at the weekend. It would not sound so suspicious were it not made on a Saturday or accompanied by the recent AlertPay issues. I suggest to everybody concerned to wait until Monday when the payouts should resume and AlertPay may possibly solve the issue (though I doubt it will happen that fast). So this latest decision can create a certain amount of panic among investors and become a very damaging factor for the program’s future. Now I don’t want to speculate on RoyalRoi‘s future and I will definitely publish the interview which I have already received from Richard today. However, I’m going to do it on Monday when supposedly the payouts should resume. So here is this controversial update from the admin of RoyalRoi:
It’s Richard Clifford again. This is an important newsletter so please read it carefully.
The first thing I would like to tell you all about is that starting from now I will take a rest during weekends. Which means that payouts will be sent during business days only. The same thing applies for all contact requests. This new rule was implemented because I’m a human being too and I do need to relax sometimes too, lol.
Another thing is, I received a couple of e-mail requests that the deposits were not credited to RoyalRoi member accounts. Well, if this is the problem for you, please send your inquiry to deposits@royalroi.com
Regarding the AlertPay issue – I am still awaiting a response from them. Honestly, I do hope they fix this as soon as possible and RoyalRoi can work with this e-currency again.
That’s all for today, please now support RoyalRoi and appreciate my work here. Richard Clifford

I have received another regular payment from FxCapitalInvestment (reviewed here) today and reinvested some money via AlertPay. Unfortunately my account was not credited automatically and I had to contact the admin who quickly fixed this for me. Greg (interviewed here) sent another newsletter today with some bonus offers for the FxCapitalInvestment members. Please read the update here for more details:
FxCapitalInvestment is intended for people willing to achieve their financial freedom and break their way into passive income but unable to do so because they’re not financial experts. We are a long term high yield investment program, backed up by Forex market trading and investing in various funds and activities. Profits from these investments are used to enhance our program and increase its stability for the long term.
Earn free upgrade bonus
Buy $100-$199 and get free $10 added to your wallet
Buy $200-$399 and get free $20 added to your wallet
Buy $400-$599 and get free $30 added to your wallet
Buy $600-$999 and get free $50 added to your wallet
Buy $1000-$1099 and get free $80 added to your wallet
Buy $2000-$25000 and get free $150 added to your wallet
I appreciate your continuous support, thanks for being a part of FxCapitalInvestment and good luck on the contest, I hope you enjoy it.
Your Admin, Greg

The admin of MindPowerSurf Mircea (interviewed here) issued another update about the program’s growth and the pending payouts. Here it is:
I completed all cashouts requests for all processors. One single request is in pending because this member #199 – jerry didn`t set his LR account and I can not pay him. I sent him many emails but no anser yet. All things are fine here. Take a look also at Alexa Rankig: 111,720 here: http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/mindpowersurf.com Have a nice weekend Mircea I Admin MPS”.

The admin of PexmoFund Carrick (pretty strange name, ain’t it?) is also quite satisfied with the growth of his program PexmoFund that has just been reviewed on my blog above. The deposits reached $8K after just three days online. I think it’s a result of the advertising campaign as well as the good choice of payment processors and investment plans. Here is the newsletter:
Welcome to PexmoFund – Worldwide Investment Group, This newsletter is simple to give you an update on the status of our program! We opened on the 14th and in only three days we have reached a total of 164 members with over $8,000 deposits, To me this is pretty nice statistics.
All payment are been processed by the day, we make no delay as paying our members is very keen to the entire PexmoFund management team, we are opened to giving you the best service and we welcome suggestions from our members. Our program would be reviewed shortly by some of the major online investment blogs however we have a list of monitors which you can check our present payment status with.
PexmoFund is Online to help you reach that goal of profit making in a very stable way. Thanks, Carrick

I have been paid today from the following programs: PexmoFund, ShiftMoney, FxCapitalInvestment, GainRoi, CSMFinance, IncoForex, GeniusFunds, MoneyCare, OneDailyPro, SavInvest, AmericanInvestmentFund, CedexInvest, Capitalex, XagaEnterprise, GlobalFund, KobelCapital, MindPowerSurf, AxaCofinance, SeamlessProfitable, BlackDiamondPortfolio, AimTrust, Metualis, NanoMoneyCorp, XrateInvest and CorpoNano (the first payment received).

You must be wondering what this CorpoNano program is all about. Well, I think we might be looking at the next big thing here. CorpoNano was launched just a week ago and as NanoMoneyCorp (reviewed here) is allegedly involved in Nanotechnology and close scientific research fields. CorpoNano provides investors a certificate of incorporation registered in the British Virgin Islands. It’s hosted on a dedicated hosting with Koddos protection. The website of CorpoNano is pretty crisp and well explained and I like the design very much. It has the multilingual interface in three languages already (which in itself is pretty impressive): English, German and French. You can invest in CorpoNano via three e-currencies: StrictPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. Note that for LR and PM deposits you can use the choice between USD and EUR and the minimum to invest is as little as $10. The most important thing that in CorpoNano is they don’t have a script installed so all the payouts will be processed to the account you made your deposit with every calendar day (or week for the weekly plan). So there is no need to request a payout at all. There are daily and weekly plans available: for the daily one you’ll be paid 2%-2.5% for 60 calendar days and for the weekly plan – 15%-21% for 8 weeks. Please note that your initial deposit will be returned at the end of your investment which together with the great organization and newness of the program makes it quite achievable for an average investor to be in profit. I’m going to bring you a more detailed review of CorpoNano soon on my blog so stay tuned for that!

So far that’s it for today and please read my blog tomorrow for another review and more news from the Industry! Stay with MNO and always be on the money!

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