Hi everybody! Tonight I want to talk a little about a new program that a few of you might be interested in. Take a look anyway and see. Hot off the presses as it were, UnixTrust is a brand new online HYIP that just opened yesterday. In fact I only joined it a couple of hours after it launched. Call it an impulse buy if you must, I juts hope I won’t regret it. But for better or worse I’m in, so of course the next thing that usually happens is that all of you guys have to hear about it!
UnixTrust is a short to mid term program with just the two plans on offer, one of which pays on expiry and the other of which pays by the day. They are both pretty simple, nothing to get too excited about, and fairly average for online HYIPs of this type. The minimum amount you may invest in the first, shorter term plan is $50 and the investment term is 5 days. During that short period you are offered a daily rate of interest of 26% of your deposit. Except of course it isn’t actually going to be paid to you by the day. It’s just calculated by the day and paid in a once off payout on expiry. So if you do some elementary maths you’ll see that 5 times 26% will be a total of 130% of your initial deposit, which is not returned. So in other words invest $100 and get back $130 on expiry. The maximum you can spend here is $2000.
If you prefer smaller, more regular payouts that are ultimately more profitable then the next plan available by UnixTrust offers just that. It is open to deposits starting from a minimum of $10 up to a maximum of $5000. The investment term is 30 days and during that time you are to be paid a 5% interest fee on your deposit per day. Which also means that should UnixTrust actually manage to survive that long you can recoup your principal in 20 days with the remaining 10 days going down as pure profit. For example, if we take our $100 and invest it here we can expect a daily payment of $5 (giving us back the $100 after 20 days) which on expiry will add up to a total of $150. Like the previous plan your principal is also factored into the payments so don’t go asking for that back again.
If you think that this is really a suitable option for you then a couple of other points you need to know include obviously the list of payment options. AlertPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, and StrictPay are all taken by UnixTrust so there is most likely something to suit you in there. The other thing is that because UnixTrust is running on an old version of Neversay deposits must be made in multiples of $5, e.g you can spend $10, $15, $20 and so on, but not $11, $16, $21, etc. It was originally more geared towards buying ad-packs for unit prices in autosurfs you see, before it became popular with HYI style programs. The minimum amount you may withdraw is $1 and you are requested to allow 48 hours for payments to be processed.
A dedicated server and protection from DDoS attacks comes from the ever dependable folks at Koddos. Unfortunately though SSL encryption does not feature and that does take away significantly from the security. The script as I already mentioned is a version of Neversay.
Customer support and communication with the admin is offered via an online e-mail ticket submission system. The admin also has a link to a Yahoo Instant Messenger account for occasional Live Chat when he is logged in. It’s not a 24 hour service of course and we are not informed of whether or not any regular hours are kept. Links to the UnixTrust discussion threads that are open on the main popular investment forums are also provided. Although being barely 36 hours online it’s impossible to say how active, if at all, the admin will be there.
No further information whatsoever is offered as to any kind of outside business interests or investment activity, so basically you need to take it for granted that there is none. A pure investor driven online HYIP with all the risks that accompany that. At least to the credit of the UnixTrust admin the FAQ page makes it perfectly clear that no guarantees about anything are on offer here, so let the buyer beware. One for the gamblers I think, but if you are going to join at all then do it fast. If not, I might have something else for you tomorrow.
Other news for today.
Let’s start today’s news with some important information from PTVPartner that’s been paying for 50 days already and currently occupies the #6 spot on my monitoring page. I remind you in case you haven’t read my review of the program (published here) or interview with the admin Garrett (published here) that PTVPartner is a program offering four investment plans with payments on expiry: 110% after 10 days, 125% after 20 days, 145% after 30 days, 190% after 40 days. There is a different minimum for each plan and you can invest via four different payment processors: LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, StrictPay and the newest addition – GlobalDigitalPay. According to Garrett PTVPartner will soon start accepting bank wires along with Credit and Debit cards so there will be an option for everyone willing to invest in the program. And I have absolutely no doubt that Garrett will accomplish everything he set out to because he’s really one of the most proactive and innovative admins I have seen online. I’m really pleased to be a part of his program! Tonight there will be another meeting in the chat room at midnight GMT and I will try to listen in and find out the latest news and developments which I’ll report to you tomorrow. If you also wish to participate in the upcoming chat meeting please read the detailed instructions Garrett gave in his latest newsletter published below (please note that even non-members can take part into this chat). Personally I would also like to thank Garrett for his appreciation of the work I put into my blog on a daily basis informing you, guys, about the latest happenings in the Industry. And oops, almost forgot one thing: you can try your luck in creating a name for the new chat room and win a cash prize. Note that the prize money will be paid to the winner’s PTVPartner account which can be withdrawn at any time. So obviously you will have to have an account in the program to participate (there is no need to have an active deposit though). But I think Garrett will explain everything better than me so please read all the latest news from him below:
“Have you Noticed???
Have you noticed our … Incredible Growth? Expanding Features? Increased Popularity? Stable Payouts? Superior Support? Pleasant Atmosphere? Member Excitement? Comprehensive Communication?
If you haven’t noticed ….. then you just aren’t looking.
PTVPartner is the, up and coming, High Yield Financial Giant.
And if all that is not enough for you, then you can add…
One-of—a-Kind Investor Interaction via Voice/Text Chat Room! Innovative Radio Podcasts! Scheduled Conferences! The List just goes on and on and on and on…..
Don’t you think it is time to … Start the Experience … join PTVPartner … and Free your Life???
Meeting Tonight at Midnight GMT in our Community Chat Room. Yes, we will be covering the events of the week, what is in store for the future, the Primary Project Supporting PTV and allow a Question and Answer session to follow. Our Chat Room holds 100 seats. Members and Non-Members are allowed. First-Come .. First-Serve. You must register for the chat client in order to enter.
If you have not used our chat room before, it is easy. No plug-in is required. Nothing to download. Just register for the chat room. Don’t worry, we do not email the chat room registrants. We do email our website registrants with these types of releases and updates, but not the chat room registrants.
GDP is Live
We know, we have already mentioned this before, but we feel that GDP is going to quickly be a rising star. Those of you, who have not checked them out, we would highly recommend that you do so. The sooner GDP activity increases, the sooner you will likely see all the planned features for their future. (shhh, you didn’t hear it from me, but did someone mention debit card?).
Money-new-online is by far the number one rated HYIP Newsletter – Blog site online. If you have not subscribed to their service then you are, by all means, missing out on the latest HYIP world info and Insight. Paul does a fantastic job and in depth research plus it is apparent he spends a great deal of time evaluating the programs he reports on. There is no better info anywhere I can find regarding the world of HYIP than that available at Money-News-Online. If that were not enough … it is free. So what do you have to lose? Check them out at
New Room Naming Contest $150.00 in Prizes
We want to again Advise you and Invite you to enter our contest. Not much effort required on your part. Just …
1) Come to our Forum
2) Go to the Contest Section
3) Click reply and
4) Suggest a name for our New room
You will need a PTVPartner account. But you do not need to fund it to win. This is a contest for active and inactive account holders. We just want your input (and your email so we can send you these updates of course… tricky aye?). If you don’t want to receive our updates, then create an email account just for our program then abandon it. We really don’t care. Just come by and Enter.
1st place receives $50. 2nd = $40. 3rd = $30. 4th = $20. 5th = $10.
Not bad for just suggesting a name. The funds are paid to your PTVPartner account and are available for immediate withdraw. Nothing to lose!
New Room
We have created this new room for several reasons.
Some like to go over there and listen to the Podcasts. Some like to go and Listen to the Music we have loaded for them to enjoy. Some turn on the music and then surf the web or surf our site. Some use it for Private Chats. Some can’t wait for the next PTV Party.
We are sure there are lots more uses that will be discovered. Whatever you like is just fine with us. We created the room as part of our desire to create an Online Community of like minded investors, individuals, members, friends and acquaintances.
Our desire has not changed…
We are the Next Financial Giant.
And … The Ultimate High Yield Asset for your Offshore Financial Portfolio
Don’t you think it is time for you to …
Start the Experience … join PTVPartner and … Free your Life?
The Ultimate High Yield Asset for your Offshore Financial Portfolio!!!
Start the Experience … join PTVPartner to … Free your Life!!!”
ShiftMoney (reviewed here) is another popular program that takes the 8th place in my rating. Although it’s quite new (just over a week online) it’s already become one of the most popular and fastest growing medium-term programs around. Even their recent issues with the AlertPay payment processor wasn’t going to rain on their parade – at the moment of writing ShiftMoney had over 520 registered members. Perhaps this growth was so strong because of their alleged involvement with the extremely profitable business of trading and exchanging e-currencies (they even have a certificate of incorporation from Belize). Many other interesting features combine with highly profitable investment plans: 110% after 5 days, 150% after 15 days, 200% after 25 days – and contribute into such enormous growing popularity among online investors. The payment processors accepted by ShiftMoney are: LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, StrictPay and SolidTrustPay along with Bank wires (for 25 day plan only). I believe it’s only the beginning of ShiftMoney‘s adventure and advise everybody to experience this very profitable program first hand. The admin of the ShiftMoney program Bernard apologized to MNO readers both personally (e-mailing me privately) and publicly (in his recent newsletter) for delaying the expected interview with him. But I still hope to publish it by tomorrow and finally hear Bernard’s opinions on the industry and the possible proof of their online exchange activities which are yet to be confirmed. Here is the most recent daily newsletter from him:
“How are you today? I hope you are fine. Today’s news will be short. I just want to update you that I already got in touch with AlertPay and requested them to speed up process of reimburse. If you made a deposit using this e-currency I believe in the next 48 hours or sooner AlertPay will process your refund, as long as you have opened a dispute.
Yesterday I suggested some options to continue investing with us, we are accepting four payment systems in this moment. SolidTrustPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney and StrictPay. We also accept Bank wires, that’s a very good option for members that have no e-currency account and want more security in their investments. Deposits through bank wires can be made directly from your account, log in and click menu ‘Make Deposit’, choose your investment plan, amount to spend and mark ‘Bank wire’ as spending form. In the next screen you will find bank information to send wires. Don’t forget to read rules for Bank wires before deposit.
Today a very respected news site published an article about our business. You can click here to read the review published by E-commerce Journal about ShiftMoney Inc. If you don’t know E-commerce Journal, they are a very reputed news site about virtual economy with thousands of daily visitors, in Alexa this site is the 22,865 in the rank of United States and 40,187 in the global rank. Another well visited and respected site will publish an interview with me soon, Money-news-online sent interview questions yesterday, I would answer them today but it was not possible, I expect to forward answers to Paul tomorrow. You can read the review published by MNO in this link. Adding to this other bloggers sent me questions to respond, please be patient. I will return a response in the next 48 hours or sooner.
I’m very glad with the support this week. I see that the members have won the fears and are relying on our business today. And I thank you all for that. Me and Felix are working hard to keep generating the rates we offer for you in the market of e-currencies, yesterday we have many requests in the exchange sites and funds invested in ShiftMoney Inc. were very handy.
In this moment the program has 518 registered members. Refer your friends to ShiftMoney Inc. everybody. This could be the last chance to make real money with hyips in 2009. ShiftMoney Staff.”
Well, as an occasional but by no means loyal reader of E-Commerce Journal I’d say they are really doing a great job by covering e-currencies and a lot of financial news from the bricks-and-mortar investment world to the world of virtual business. However, their assessment of HYIPs though being really good for newbies can sometimes lack some in depth analysis of a particular program. They tend to base their reviews on the assumption that an HYIP is a real business and rarely consider the fact that even a really great HYIP can be ponzi-based in its nature. No disrespect to E-commerce Journal, (this has nothing to do with them), I just want to remind those new to the online investment world to be aware of the risks involved in playing here. Just consider all of them as games and you will avoid disappointment. Of course, there are definitely some programs that are backed-up to a greater or lesser extent by real business and can be sustainable for quite a long time but by their very nature as purely internet based businesses it’s all but impossible to objectively analyze them from this point of view.
So where am I leading with all of this? Well, it leads me nicely onto the subject of WLInvestments (reviewed here) which is now covered by ECJ as well. And so here is the latest update from them WLInvestments continues to pay like clockwork and still has some potential.
“Dear investors and friends, As covered up in our earlier news letter, we were reviewed by Ecommerce-Journal.
a) Ecommerce-Journal Review and Interview.
Most importantly, so far only 4 investment programs have been critically appraised by Ecommerce-Journal and we are proud to be amongst that list. Our interview with Ecommerce-Journal will be published on Thursday.
b) Deposit Bonus – With regard to request of many members and considering our successful stint so far, WLInvestments now offer 20% bonus on new investments. Investors will earn additional interest on this bonus as well as it is completely withdrawal at the maturity of investment.
However, in order to rule out the possibility of abuse of bonus policy, such investments cannot be prematurely withdrawn. Kindly visit for more information.
Deposit bonus on investments are for promotional purpose and not forever.
Deposit bonus is only valid for investments on or before 12 GMT 23th October and less than $2500.
Thanks a lot for continued trust with WLInvestments Inc, Co, Ltd.
Best Regards, Selina M Johnson, General Enquiry Desk, WLInvestments Inc, Co, Ltd”.
Somebody asked me today about payment issues in BlitzInvestments. Well, I must say I was kinda surprised myself when yesterday I didn’t receive the first payment on expiry on the only plan BlitzInvestments is offering to online investors – 150% after 20 calendar days. So I have contacted the admin and received a reply that all the withdrawals were being processed within 24 hours after the deposit’s expiry. However, I fount it necessary to point it out to the administration of BlitzInvestments that the confirmation email I have received from them after making a deposit said: “Payout date: October 19, 2009”. There was no cryptic double meaning about that in the email and of course I couldn’t know that since the date was pretty clearly stated. Anyway, I have received my first withdrawal on expiry from BlitzInvestments today and it was within the extra 24 hour period. I believe other people were paid too today. However, I find it necessary for the program’s administration to clarify that rule in all future confirmation e-mails. It was promised to do so but today after redepositing I have found exactly the same thing with only the exact date shown as the date of my upcoming payment. I find it kinda misleading so I would like to clarify to all the readers of MNO blog that by depositing in BlitzInvestments please be aware that the payout date shown in the confirmation email received is not necessarily the date on which you will receive your payout, it’s the date of the expiry for your deposit. According to the BlitzInvestments‘ FAQ section “once your deposit expires, the payout will be sent directly to your e-currency account within 24 hours.” So I find it necessary to clarify on my blog the difference between the date of expiry and the actual payout date to avoid further confusion. Anyway, BlitzInvestments paid me today and that pushed it higher up my monitoring list. I hope to see them around for a long time to come and remember that you can always read my detailed review of the program here.
I must also report that not all programs are doing as well as BlitzInvestments. Today I had to move Metualis and PexmoFund to Problem status on my monitoring page. Please DON’T invest in those programs anymore! Metualis went down suddenly and without warning. It looked to me as if the admin of the program simply forgot to pay his investors for the last couple of days. I can’t say the same about PexmoFund which appeared to have become a real fast scam having been only 6 days online. Hard to believe it happened so fast but I think the admin just wanted some fast easy money. One pattern I have noticed though that all three programs that accepted RoutePay finished very fast. So I believe that they are somehow connected with this new payment processor. So starting now I’m going to remove RoutePay from the list of payment processors and consider it a scam until proven otherwise. I consider it my priority to protect the readers of MNO from shady payment processors and I believe now that RoutePay is definitely one of them. And almost forgot, I’m not going to accept programs for monitoring if they accept RoutePay either. As for PexmoFund, you can see that other monitors are still showing them as Paying but not MNO. I believe it’s only a matter of time before others change their status. I have received some complaints today from my readers and I believe it’s enough to move the program to Problem status and to warn you not to invest in them. I know that somebody filed a dispute with AlertPay already and I hope all the investors that did deposit into PexmoFund did so via AlertPay and will be reimbursed soon (I doubt very much it will happen for any RoutePay investors, lol!).
The admin of ReliableFunds David (his program was reviewed on MNO here) has some good news for the hundreds of investors in his program. First of all, from now on you can invest in any of the plans (21% for 5 days, 115% after 10 days, 125% after 15 days) using your credit card through AlertPay‘s interface. Secondly, David told me that the phone support will be added very shortly (in a matter of hours). And third, the new slogan for ReliableFunds has been chosen and the winner (coincidentally another person named David) has been received his prize. Finally, David agreed to answer some questions for an interview with MNO so we can expect more details pretty soon. Here are a couple of most recent updates from David:
“ReliableFunds Newsletter
Hi fellas, Our search for slogan has finally come to the end! We have found our winner and it’s David (not me). His idea for our slogan was “When Reliability Reaches the Reality”! Congratulations and thank you all for participation!
Don’t forget to vote in monitors and post your payments in forums!
And please update your forum signatures with your referral link. Thank You! Dave.”
“Hello all! I have great news for you all! From now on we are accepting Visa Card, American Express and Master Cards payments through AlertPay! Dave.”
The admin of MindPowerSurf Mircea (interviewed here) has completed all the pending withdrawals for today and shared the news about the program’s rating that finally officially entered the Alexa Top 100,000 sites:
“Just completed all payments for today for all the processors. All things are fine due to your great support. Alexa Ranking : 97,494 Have a nice day Mircea I Admin MPS”.
The final news story today is from the by now predictably excellent but also one of the most distinguished new programs, SeamlessProfitable (reviewed here). The program is growing in popularity partially due I’m sure to the purchase of sticky topics on some major investment forums and some expensive advertising on monitors. Yesterday SeamlessProfitable passed 20,000 in their Alexa rating of the most popular sites in the world which is simply a remarkable achievement for a program that has been online for less than three weeks. I have no doubt that the admin of the Dave (interviewed here) knows exactly how to sustain the program’s growth in the long run. This is definitely essential to sustain SeamlessProfitable‘s high-paying returns. And after everything Dave still finds time to constantly improve his already pretty unique website (the need for permanent progress and improvement is a character trait that I definitely admire in any admin). They are becoming almost unstoppable and a serious name in the online investments industry. It won’t be long before they are among the industry leaders, and of that you can be sure. And remember, you heard it on MNO first! Here is the most recent update published on SeamlessProfitable‘s blog (yes, they have their own blog as well):
“Dear members and visitors, After a few days of silence, the time has come to cover all SeamlessProfitable changes and improvements. First, let’s shortly mention all website enhancements. Those were mostly cosmetic:
– Offline chat icon does no longer stretches and always looks clean. Though, you can see an offline chat icon for only few minutes during a day (when operators change their shift), this kind of tiny things matter for a high- quality project.
– “400 Bad Request” error will no longer disturb you when your IP changes. After receiving tens of complaints about this error, we stopped explaining that this is a part of our security system which is preventing your account theft and decided to disable error alert. From now, our attack prevention system works silently still protecting your sensitive data.
– Our blog was finally fixed to allow commenting without any slight issues. You are welcome to leave your comments and discuss SeamlessProfitable with other members.
– Several cosmetic enhancements to the blog: displaying exact commenting time, correct sorting of recent blog posts in a short list.
Besides all said, we are now starting a huge advertising campaign by purchasing top-rated monitorings, best banner placements and building a strong partnership with rating websites. So, don’t wonder the fact that SeamlessProfitable might already be seen on most monitors and blogs. This is just a beginning of our fame and acknowledgment.
Some of you might wonder why we do no longer purchase stickies on TG and MMG. To be short, we always optimize things. Thus, only the most efficient ads should be paid.
What is next? Next couple of days we will work on SeamlessProfitable account area. It will be completely redesigned to become more intuitive and user-friendly. This will also include deposit payouts schedule feature everyone was asking for.
Thanks for reading, SeamlessProfitable Team”.
I would like to make an important announcement about my weekly digest. As some of my readers complained to me they haven’t been receiving it for quite a long time. I believe that this might be due to an issue I have with my current autoresponder. So I will try to add a new autoresponder plug-in to my WordPress blog tomorrow and will update the subscription form then. I believe it’s not appropriate to send a weekly digest on a regular basis while not everybody is receiving it properly. So please don’t be surprised if you get an email with a confirmation link to confirm your subscription to MNO digest. The thing is I will be adding you to my new mailing list only after you confirm your subscription (if you wish to receive messages from me in the future). If you don’t want to do it simply ignore the message that might be in your mailbox tomorrow. If you somehow miss it or don’t get it for some reason you will still have an option to subscribe to my digest again with the new subscription form that will be placed on my blog tomorrow. After everything is done I hope to send you my digest again with some gift attached. So don’t out on that tomorrow! I will keep you updated though regarding the course of things. Thanks for your patience and understanding!
And so to finish I would like to give the payment report of the programs that paid me over last 24 hours. They are: CorpoNano, SavInvest, NanoMoneyCorp, AmericanInvestmentFund, PanaMoney, PTVPartner, ShiftMoney, GoldNuggetInvest, WOIC, YesICanSurf, SeamlessProfitable, Verifield, InvestmentForge, BlackDiamondPortfolio, PremiumCapital, CSMFinance, StableInterest, MindPowerSurf, Capitalex, KobelCapital, IncoForex, OneDailyPro, BlitzInvestments, MoneyCare, WLInvestments, GeniusFunds, GainRoi, AxaCofinance, CorpusTrust, Infinitum, 4CountriesCapital, XomFund, GlobalFund, CedexInvest, AimTrust and UnixTrust (the first payments received). That’s it for today guys, see you all back here tomorrow!
Filed under Daily News, Reviews by on Oct 21st, 2009. Comment.
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