Oct 23rd, 2009 Archives

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Hi, guys! I hope you’re all ok and looking forward for the weekend tomorrow. I will not be having any reviews tonight as this is already the second post so will just treat you to some regular news and updates from the programs I monitor. Ok, let’s start with the longest update today from the remarkably popular program PTVPartner. If you’re not on board yet you should really consider joining this one as it’s really one of a kind. And it’s not because of the investment plans (they are simple enough to understand: 110% after 10 days, 125% after 20 days, 145% after 30 days, 190% after 40 days) and not because of the multiple choices of payment processors either (though there’s a pretty decent choice with LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, StrictPay and GlobalDigitalPay processors) and not even because of the payouts (they are always processed within 24 hours of every request being made). In my opinion, PTVPartner is unique mostly because of the innovative admin Garrett (read my interview with him here) and the people whom he managed to put in place around him. There’s a whole community of fellow investors you can meet in PTVPartner meetings / chat rooms. Apparently the site is backed up by some real investments (though there is no solid evidence of that yet) because Garrett quite clearly assured everybody tonight that the coming holiday season when statistically many HYIPs will collapse (due to massive withdrawals) would not be a problem for PTVPartner. Of course we are not in the Christmas season yet so time will tell and if PTVPartner survives this period but I would definitely say it’s very sustainable. More questions continue to pour in from the members regarding the new site which is about to be completed. Today Garrett also revealed what PTVPartner members can expect from the new website when it’s finally launched. And the list was huge I have to say, with a lot of new features including: video player, calculator, calendar and other things that will be useful to you in your investment activities with PTVPartner (reviewed here). Well, you must read the latest newsletter for yourself to see what’s in store for you from Garrett:

I would absolutely hate to be the weather reporter in Belize. One of the local reporters describes the weather here in this way: There will be sun from all directions, followed by night with some stars, mostly above us. The following days will be just like that.
And that about sums it up for Belize Weather yesterday, today, tomorrow and …
New Website
We are still working on it, what can I say? The anticipation is Driving me crazy.
But we are going to ensure that all is correct and up to date. Other issues arise from time to time as well and to maintain sole focus on the integration is impossible, but we are at about 90%. Our hope is that it will be completed before the weekend arrives. Sorry for the delays.
For those of you that have not seen the new site, you can view everything, except the ‘Client Account’ areas, by going here.
Did you find the hidden video? (don’ t give it away, ok?)
On the New Website there is an icon, located at the top of the page, we have named ‘PTV Radio’. If you click this icon it will take you to an audio player. On the bottom of the player is a drop down arrow that when clicked will reveal the play list. Right now the only thing there are our ‘Podcasts’ and a relaxing Ocean recording. Later we add Music as well.
We are also going to add several other features to the website. We have been given numerous ideas from members, non-members and even our sworn adversaries. Thanks to all of you that have shown your creativity and the desire to share, assist, or enlighten whether intentional or not.
Some of the features that we will be adding are as follows:
(Disclaimer: the ideas, features, discussions, verbalization, content, direction, attitude, aptitude, decisions, forward thinking, hindsight, foresight upside and downside are not intended to reflect that of any person, entity, individual, corporation, website, program whether online or offline, whether real or imagined, either previous or futuristic. The content and information being made available is strictly for the benefit of our members. Any resemblance, likeness, similarity, or comparison made is strictly a result of prior member participation, very good ideas borrowed, a pro-active Staff and Admin, years of research, or some cockamamie (hair brained, absurd, silly, ridicules, half-baked, loopy) idea you have self-conceived… well … hope that covers it!)
Video Player. We are going to add a Video Player to the website. Many members around the world cannot access the YouTube player we have in our chat room. So we will add our own player to the website and offer Video Content, use it as an Educational Venue, we will also place support videos there as well as offer Music Videos for you to enjoy.
Calculator. We will be adding a calculator feature. Many have asked for this and we will create the program when we get time to do so. You can look for it in your Client Account area in the near future.
Calendar. We will be adding a Calendar to the ‘Client Account’ area that will reflect your Investments. It will post your investment amount and program entered on the day you participated. It will also post your Return on the day it is due. Several Members have asked about this feature. We realize it was from another program. It is a very unique idea and we like it.
Auto-Reinvest Changes. We plan on making a change to the way the auto-reinvest feature works. Currently, when you select the auto-reinvest feature, it will allow you to select a % to reinvest, but only allows the reinvestment to the original plan you participated in. We will add the ability for you to select which plan you reinvest to. For example, You start out in the 10 day plan, with this new feature, when your plan matures, you will be able to select which plan your reinvestment % is returned to. So each Investment would have its own re-invest options including % to re-invest and which plan you desire to re-invest in.
3D Gallery. We are going to add a 3Dimensional Photo Gallery to the website. This way we can post the Fantastic Photos we have acquired to the Gallery for your enjoyment as well. This will be a somewhat unique feature and will certainly compliment our already incredible new website.
We have scheduled another meeting for Monday the 26th of October at Midnight GMT. We are hopeful that the new website will be in place by then and that the chat room will have full audio capabilities. The last meeting had problems with audio so things didn’t go as well as expected. Everything is now stable and should work fine.
At the meeting we will discuss new features, future plans and of course go over the Primary project.
Halloween Party!!!
The PTV Moderator Staff wanted to throw a Halloween party. Here is the release from the Moderator Staff.
Halloween with PTVPartner!!!!!!!!
We would like to celebrate special events each month that you have in your various countries. We will celebrate for a 12 hour period GMT so all can come!!!
To “kick” this off, we’re having a “Halloween” celebration with our US friends in our “Name the Room” portion of chat.
If you aren’t familiar with this celebration, it’s “The day that is often associated with orange and black, and is strongly associated with symbols like the jack-o’-lantern. Halloween activities include trick-or-treating (give candy or you may be tricked), attending costume parties, haunted houses, pranks”. Tradition says we can “bob for apples” (we’ll explain), drink hot or cold Apple Cider, check out the carved pumpkins (jack-o-lanterns), and pick the best costume.
Costumes are a plus… DJ’s will be provided… just come ready to have a lot of fun … We’ll provide the cider and apples and trick-or-treat candy.
This will be a party where you can let your hair down and join in the fun!! If you would like to join us, please reply in the forum thread (r.s.v.p.) so we can put the plans in motion.
Hope you’ll join us for the fun!!!
PTVPartner Team
Without the Sour, you would not notice the Sweet the following is the Sour!
There are some new FAQ’s. I posted about a couple of them recently.
We had a few members that all of a sudden started making manual deposits instead of making deposits from within their PTVPartner account. Let me state here, we don’t want manual deposits. If you just must make them manually, for some unknown reason, then understand that these are the conditions. There will a 3 to 5 day processing period, a 25% fee with a $5 minimum and no maximum plus no referral fees will be paid on the deposit. Sorry to be so extremely harsh. Like we said, we don’t want manual deposits. If you just refuse to make automated deposits, then those are the conditions. The only other alternative would be to wait for the Bank Wire option or to refrain from participating completely.
Winter Woes???
Since we began, similar questions have been asked, but last night a member really defined the question. I thought I would include the question and answer here for the benefit of all.
Question. Since many people pull their funds out of online programs over the Holiday season to assist with Christmas and other things, which causes the collapse of many programs, What has PTVPartner done to ensure they don’t have the same problems and can survive this time of year?
Answer. Nothing! We don’t need to do anything. We know that most don’t believe us when we say that we are not dependent on new member deposits to meet our withdraw demands. But that is the case! So, the answer to the question remains… We have done nothing, nor will do anything, because we don’t need to. If you need funds for the holidays and want to remove your funds then by all means do it. You won’t hurt PTVPartner.
Just use smart investing strategies. If the age old adage of “A penny saved is a penny earned” is true, then when you pull funds out of your investments, whether PTVPartner or any others, you are in fact financing your future by refraining from earning profits today. So plan your purchases and expenditures to Maximize your earnings. As an example, I would not personally give up a 45% profit margin in order to avoid a 1 to 3% interest rate on my credit card for the month. I gladly would pay the credit card interest for the month with the profits from my 45% per month investment returns. The point is, make wise decisions and if you have the need to remove profits, principle, or both then know that it is not going to affect anyone but you.
We would like to again, and as always, invite you to come by our chat room, introduce yourself and give us a chance to meet you. You won’t be sorry you did.
Start the Experience … join PTVPartner to Free your Life!!!

I hope you have already read today’s interview with Bernard, the admin of ShiftMoney (if not – click here to read). I know that he has many plans in mind for the program. In his email to me he shared that he has developed an advertising strategy to help promote ShiftMoney in November and is now in the process of developing a strategy for December. So far I’m quite impressed with his long-term plans. Surely the investors that deposit into ShiftMoney in the early stages (the program has been online for 10 days) reap the rewards and I sincerely hope you will be one of the smart ones. I must say ShiftMoney has survived their recent AlertPay issue successfully and will most probably continue with the same level of success without it. Over 640 members have already registered with the program and that number is going nowhere but up. There are three investment plans on offer in ShiftMoney: 110% after 5 days, 150% after 15 days and 200% after 25 days which you can utilize by depositing via four payment processors: SolidTrustPay, StrictPay, LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. There is also a Bank Wire option available for deposits in the 25 day plan (please read more about that in my detailed review of ShiftMoney published here). Bernard though announced more contests in tonight’s newsletter in order to encourage members to promote the program among their friends. The contests are as original as the program itself. For the first contest you will be rewarded $1 for every new member who joins under your referral. And for the second contest One lucky winner per day will win $20. To win you must post a screenshot announcing your payment from one of the plans on one of the main forums. Winners are selected randomly. See the details in the following ShiftMoney newsletter:
Today’s newsletter is arriving to you a little later than usual. I needed some time to implement few settings in the site. This is our 10th day online, we are glad to have you. Let’s go to the news and updates of today. This has been a very positive week for the program. I must again thank everyone for the support and confidence in this money opportunity that me and Felix are bringing to you. The best reward for an administrator is the respect and confidence of members. I am always here to respond all your questions and doubts you may have, if you need assistance please contact me, I’m online on business days in the Live Support from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm EST. If you prefer you can send an email to our Customer Department.
Today Money-news-online published the interview with me, Paul sent very interesting questions and I believe many of them can respond to your doubts. Thank you Paul for the opportunity to respond publicly to the questions of many investors. If you want to read the interview please click here.
But the very purpose of today’s newsletter is the announcement of the some promotions we have just created. We appreciate your support and these promotions are up to reward members that are helping us to grow more and more. As you can see ShiftMoney Inc. has over 600 members now, we think it can be much better. Please read the topics below.
Walking To The 1000
Starting from now you earn $1.00 (one dollar) per each active referral you get. This promotion will continue until we reach the mark of 1000 registered members. Based on current growth I honestly think it will not take very long, so the time to call your friends to join ShiftMoney Inc. is now. Do not lose time!
The bonus is not added automatically, you will find a link in the homepage of ShiftMoney Inc. to claim your bonus. Only active members can participate. We will count new referrals, don’t claim bonus for referrals you got before this promotion and please do not register multiple accounts in order to take advantage, if we find members cheating they will be suspended.
Lucky Payment Screenshot
We have processed over 340 withdrawal requests so far but just not many members have spread the word in the forums. I still do not see your support in the forum threads, and it’s very important. So I invite you to visit Moneymakergroup.com or Talkgold.com and post a proof that you have got paid by ShiftMoney Inc. (screenshots please). Everyday we will randomly select 1 person and pay $20 prize. You can earn $20 for free just for pressing the ‘Print Screen’ in your keyboard.
I am registered in Moneymakergroup, I check the forum daily and respond the posts of members that need support. Felix has an account in Talkgold and he will support you in this forum if you need.
Positive posts are very good for the marketing of a Hyip, we have spent nice cash to advertise ShiftMoney Inc. in the forums, blogs, news and monitor sites, now we want to pay you members to help us in this advertising campaign. So go to the forums and publish a screenshot of your payment, we will draw $20 on daily basis, today could be your lucky day.
ShiftMoney Staff.

A special reminder now for all the members of SazaInvestments! (reviewed here) Please don’t forget that Friday is with us again and that can only mean it’s time to request your weekly 8% to 10% payout from them. The admin of the program Ricardo (interviewed here) kindly asks members to request their cashouts only to the payment processor they deposited from otherwise the money will be returned to your SazaInvestments‘ account unpaid. So please obey the rules and make your withdrawal within the next few hours. Here is the reminder:
It’s almost Friday again so it’s payday for us. Please don’t forget to request your withdrawals and try to do it right or you’ll have the amounts returned to your account. We know it’s not convenient for many of you but you have to understand that they are too many payouts to be completed manually each week to be able to have the time to check in history for those who are not request it right. We hope you can understand us and help us by doing things right. Thank you all for your trust in us. Regards, SazaInvestments Team”.

The admin of FxCapitalInvestment (reviewed here) reminded all the members that the cashouts had been processed. Actually he’s doing it almost daily but today I would like to thank him for this wonderful program that has been paying for 40 days already. I think it’s a very good achievement for the program that has such short-term plans like 117.6% after 7 days. Anyway, please remember that the past performance is in no way an indication of the future performance so proceed carefully if you want to invest. Here is the last update from the them:
Good-Day to all members of FxCapitalInvestment.
I wish to announce to you that all pending cashout for today Thursday have been completed. All paid members should please cast a vote for us in any of the below Forums.
Thanks for all your support and have a wonderful week.
Greg. Admin

The admin of UnixTrust program (reviewed here) also issued an update today which really contained no new information except maybe the admin’s response to some rumors that have been circulating about UnixTrust on forums. Anyway, in my opinion such rumors whether true or not still won’t be proved and will stay just rumors. However, I have a feeling that the admin of UnixTrust did run some programs in the past. So I’m going to interview him on my blog and publish the interview after the first payouts from 130% after 5 days plan are processed. Here is the latest newsletter from them anyway:
It’s nice to inform you that UnixTrust is doing well with a steady growth, we are not going to be in any rush but we will get there. I see some speculations about UnixTrust been connected to some site. Well as the Admin I give you my words that UnixTrust is in no way related to any program (s).
UnixTrust is paying its members and we only need the support of members to help us stay here much longer. Yes, we want to make money but we are going to help you earn also, you have nothing to be worry about, we are simple and stable paying HYIP.
Thanks. Ballack.

Sometimes the question arises if we should trust the certificates of incorporation some HYIP programs put on their websites or they all are fake? I don’t know about all of them and that’s why I always advise readers to investigate further if you feel it to be important. So the latest case was CorpoNano (reviewed here) claiming to have a certificate of incorporation from the British Virgin Islands. So one of my readers followed my advice and wrote to the BVI authorities. Well, as you might expect the answer was that no CorpoNano company had been registered there. In fact they’d never even heard of them. So I immediately contacted the admin of the program for an explanation. The answer was that CorpoNano Corporation wasn’t a real company but rather they had a business connection in British Virgin Islands and the incorporation of a new company is now pending. Well, I can excuse them for that as even a real bona fide legal certificate of incorporation doesn’t mean anything (remember SilverLodge who swindled all the members’ money and now being online under a different name!). So actually the admin accepted the interview sent by me and promised to answer all the questions properly including the one about the fake certificate. I must say it didn’t affect CorpoNano‘s performance in any way as I have received my payout as fast as usual and hopefully the upcoming clarification regarding the issue in my interview will help to shed some light on affair. Don’t miss the interview right here on MNO next week!

Other programs are also paying well and today I received payments from the following: BlitzInvetsments, FxCapitalInvestment, SeamlessProfitable, GeniusFunds, MoneyCare, WLInvestments, GoldNuggetInvest, IncoForex, CSMFinance, CedexInvest, InvestmentForge, Verifield, PanaMoney, UnixTrade, MindPowerSurf, OneDailyPro, NanoMoneyCorp, GlobalFund, Capitalex, ShiftMoney, XrateInvest, 4CountriesCapital, PTVPartner, CorpoNano, AimTrust, SavInvest, KobelCapital, StableInterest, XomFund, BlackDiamondPortfolio and XagaEnterprise.

The new low-ROI program I have joined today is MandarinInvest. The program just launched a couple of days ago and in my opinion looks very promising. MandarinInvest has its own customized script, they are hosted on a Staminus dedicated server with DdosWiz protection against DDoS-attacks, has a Panamanian certificate of incorporation and a multilingual site. MandarinInvest accepts seven different e-currencies including: AlertPay, StrictPay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, EcuMoney, C-Gold and Pecunix. They offer the following investment plans: 1% for 30 days, 1.3% for 100 days and 1.6%-2.1% for 150 days. The profits are credited to your MandarinInvest account every calendar day and you should make a withdrawal request to get them. Your principal will be returned on expiry and you can invest in the program for as little as $1 (there are different minimums for the different investment plans). That’s not all though! MandarinInvest has a support phone number, is protected with SSL-protocol and accepts both USD and EUR currencies. You should know that in order to invest in MandarinInvest first you should fund your internal account with the desired amount and can only make your deposit after that. Please note that there are deposit fees applied to every deposit. In many ways the MandarinInvest program is really special and to get to know it better I suggest you read the proper review that I’m going to publish on my blog tomorrow!

By the way, sorry for the delay but the next MNO digest (with a free gift!) will be available to my readers on the weekend. So please subscribe in order to receive it (the subscription form is located in the very bottom of the right sidebar of my blog. That’s it for today and I’ll see you all again tomorrow!

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