Oct 28th, 2009 Archives

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Hi, guys! I hope you’re all keeping well as usual today. Let me start by saying that those of you asking me about the eagerly awaited interview with the admin of CorpoNano shouldn’t have too much longer to wait. He has promised that it would be sent to me by tomorrow morning so fingers crossed I will be publishing in by tomorrow afternoon. The interview should remind you about the current investment plans CorpoNano is offering and answer some tough questions including one about the authenticity of their certificate of incorporation. Honestly, I can’t wait. Despite the program being so new it’s already attracting enormous interest among my readers which has pushed it into a place in my Top 10. I remind you that CorpoNano is allegedly involved in Nanotechnology business, has a certificate of incorporation from British Virgin Islands, accepts five payment processors and offers direct withdrawals for the following investment plans: 2%-2.5% for 60 days and 15%-21% for 8 weeks with the principal returned on expiry. You can read more about them by checking out my detailed review published here.

Of course the most anticipated news of the day was the newsletter from ShiftMoney (reviewed here). Some members already considered this program to be dead after SolidTrustPay was dropped last night. There were some rumors on forums which were finally cleared up when Bernard offered a full explanation: SolidTrustPay launched some investigation into his exchanging activities and asked for more notarized documents from him personally which he’s going to send to them by tomorrow. Then it will be decided if ShiftMoney will keep their SolidTrustPay account and continue as usual. The decision will be totally in the hands of SolidTrustPay though and we can’t predict the outcome. If he follows their instructions and is who he says he is, then you would think there is little cause for concern. Just be aware the payment processors in general can be notoriously fickle some times and their actions could stretch the limits of anyone’s patience.

I must say that I spoke to Bernard last night on G-Talk after publishing my daily update and I knew that the situation was quite critical. It appears SolidTrustPay questioned Bernard about his exchange business (as they are obviously entitled to). He understandably had some misgivings about disclosing this information to them due to the highly sensitive nature of his business. As he explained to me he really has an exchange business that will back-up the payments to the members of ShiftMoney, however he would also like to keep it separate from his HYI program as well. Then the question arises: why did he then come out with an idea to open a HYIP referring to e-currency exchanges which obviously created those issues first with AlertPay and now with SolidTrustPay? Well, for me it remains a mystery. Anyway, I think the most important question now is what will become of the deposits made via SolidTrustPay? If this includes you then you have two options: You have the choice to receive your STP earnings into your StrictPay account. Or else you may wait for a few days while the matter is under investigation by SolidTrustPay. If you’re in this situation I would suggest you take the first option. And even if you don’t have a StrictPay account you can open one within minutes and then verify it quite fast as well. I must say that StrictPay is really the best payment processor in my opinion. One reason is their excellent level of customer support. They can offer you almost the same deposit and withdrawal options SolidTrustPay offers and will become a good alternative for your money (as you know it’s not recommended to keep your money in just one e-currency). Here the rules anout diversification apply to payment processors almost as much as they do with HYIPs – the more you diversify (only among already established and trusted payment processors) the less risk you take.

Again I would like you to read the latest newsletter from ShiftMoney and please don’t panic. Bernard explicitly states that ShiftMoney will continue with or without SolidTrustPay. So far SolidTrustPay deposits are open again but Bernard asked everybody only use the withdrawal option (if you want to be paid to StrictPay) and NOT deposit via STP as of now. So I suggest you to make your STP withdrawals to StrictPay and be grateful to Bernard as he was quite open and didn’t vanish into thin air like so many others would. I really believe that he wants only the best for his program and from my conversation with him last night I realized that he’s a man that will not give up so easily and therefore should be supported by the members. Here is the latest newsletter from him:
Today we have a long newsletter, please read all. I personally like to work with honesty and transparency, I have been always very sincere with you, we are always pointing the facts and making the best possible to provide to you the greatest service, this will not change. I am not in the Hyips to create stories or excuses. We had some demands from SolidTrustPay, what is very normal. They requested notarized documents, due this I spent all morning managing this issue and that’s why you did not see me active today early, sorry for that. All deposits made yesterday using SolidTrustPay were refunded, I did not want members to create assumptions or doubts about our services, so this measure were taken. I’m preparing the documents to send to SolidTrustPay this Wednesday (tomorrow), they should have it within a few days or so.
Meanwhile if you request withdrawal using SolidTrustPay we give you two options: 1) Process your withdrawal immediately using StrictPay, please provide your StrictPay information;
2) Delay your withdrawal until we have our account okay again.
It would be really appreciated if you choose first option, we want solve this as soon as possible, I don’t mind if I have to shut down another payment processor to maintain ShiftMoney Inc. operating. Because I’m sure we can keep online without this e-currency too. If I need to discontinue acceptance of SolidTrustPay I will do it and all your withdrawals will be accomplished using StrictPay. When you are sure about business you do, it’s not a problem at all. I will need to sacrifice much of our own gains so far, but I’m sure that in the long run we will be rewarded. If I had your support and positive feedback it already will have been well worth.
We have received many support requests in the last hours. Our inbox has now many messages we still need to reply, I’m responding all e-mails now. Please wait some time to receive an answer.
We have enabled SolidTrustPay deposits again but please do NOT invest using SolidTrustPay until we have this situation solved. I enabled it because members that need to request a cashout will be able to do it now. I’m very optimistic it will be solved soon, if it’s not possible to be solved we will pay you using StrictPay, it’s not a problem for us actually and we would really prefer to pay you with StrictPay, this e-currency is not as bureaucratic as others, easy to use and we have been very well served by them.
I really want to solve this situation as soon as possible, it is not easy to deal with few e-currencies when you claim to have real business but you want to maintain your privacy. I understand their part, unfortunately it’s not easy to distinguish who is serious and who is not. I encourage you to contact me, please use Live Support (I will be online today for longer time today due this issue), and ask me to process your payment using StrictPay, if you still do not have a StrictPay account click here. I’m pretty sure of the business me and Felix do, I am sorry to be causing some many inconveniences to you members. We are not promising to pay you tomorrow, or next week, we will pay you in the moment you request.
So if you have invested using SolidTrustPay please help us to solve this situation as soon as possible, we really wish to cause the minimal problems. Allow us to pay you using StrictPay. I really did not spend my time developing this site and all background behind ShiftMoney Inc. to give up now. You have my word I do not give up that easy and I’m not making promises here, we are ready to pay your SolidTrustPay withdrawals now, just contact me with your StrictPay information and I will process your payment.
I just have to thank all members who keep with us despite all the problems we have faced, you are the greatest members of ShiftMoney Inc. You are the reason we keep working, and I’m not doing any favor to you. The capital you invest is the source of my earnings, so I have an obligation to do the best for you, it means I’m doing the best for me as well. Although all problems we have now have 902 registered members. Thank you very much for your support.
To complete this newsletter I’d like to send here something one member requested me yesterday in the Live Support and I promised it would be available today. The member contacted us saying our Certificate of Incoporation was strange, not looking legitimate. He asked me if we could provide a scan of original document. Actually the version we offer in the site is a PDF version provided by Incorporation company. I scanned the Certificate of Incorporation I received from IFSC Belize. It’s available in this link.
ShiftMoney Staff.

One more thing about ShiftMoney: please be aware that the phishing e-mails are still circulating sent from oskarferengi@gmail.com and asking you to deposit to some LR or PM account directly in order to obtain high returns of 144% after 3 days. Please don’t send any money there as the email is obviously fake and you can even see that it was sent from a different e-mail address. So please be careful and only invest via ShiftMoney‘s website!

Unfortunately I was not able to hear Garrett (PTVPartner admin) again last night. I knew I was late last night but I could still see that the microphone Garrett was using was turned on but I wasn’t able to hear a word. So I missed it all over again. Thanks to Garrett though that he supplies me with the daily newsletters from PTVPartner program where I can catch up with all the news and developments the program is undergoing at the moment. I guess I have not missed too much from last night’s meeting in the chat room except maybe some exciting news about the new PTVPartner website that must be ready pretty soon. I can’t believe the waiting period is over! It’s so frustrating to see the website without being able to use it properly. And you know what? Halloween is coming and Garrett and his team are throwing a party where everybody is invited. For those still unfamiliar with PTVPartner I remind you that you can invest in any of four investment plans: 110% after 10 days, 125% after 20 days, 145% after 30 days, 190% after 40 days using four different processors. Read more of it in my review of PTVPartner (published here) and my interview with Garrett (published here). By the way, you can find an audio version of that interview in the PTV Radio section on the new website. Here are the latest updates from them:
There ain’t no stopping it now.
This Program is exceeding even our anticipations. Memberships on the Rise, Alexa rating is going thru the roof, Participation Levels are astounding, members are getting paid, following our suggestions by pocketing their seed money and participating with profits, the chat room crowd is growing and the need for support is minimal. Hard to beat the positive direction we are heading.
If you have not checked out our chat room, then you need to come by and just say hi. You don’t have to join, you don’t even have to register at the website. Just visit the chat room, we are anxious to meet you.
Ready for Halloween?
The PTVPartner Moderator Staff wanted to throw a Halloween party.
We would like to celebrate special events each month that you have in your various countries. We will celebrate for a 12 hour period GMT so all can come!!!
To “kick” this off, we’re having a “Halloween” celebration with our US friends in our “Name the Room” portion of chat.
If you aren’t familiar with this celebration, it’s “The day that is often associated with orange and black, and is strongly associated with symbols like the jack-o’-lantern. Halloween activities include trick-or-treating (give candy or you may be tricked), attending costume parties, haunted houses, pranks”. Tradition says we can “bob for apples” (we’ ll explain), drink hot or cold Apple Cider, check out the carved pumpkins (jack-o-lanterns), and pick the best costume.
Costumes are a plus… DJ’s will be provided… just come ready to have a lot of fun… We’ll provide the cider and apples and trick-or-treat candy.
New Website
We have made some huge strides today. We are on track to finalize the integration sometime this week or weekend. If you would like to see the new site in advance you can view it here at https://www.ptvpartner.com/new
Did you find the hidden video? (don’ t give it away… ok?)
On the New Website there is an icon, located at the top of the page, we have named ‘PTV Radio’. If you click this ICON it will take you to an audio player. On the bottom of the player is a drop down arrow that when clicked will reveal the play list. Right now the only thing there are our ‘Podcasts’ and a relaxing Ocean recording.
We have schedule another meeting for Tuesday the 3nd of November at Midnight GMT.
At the meeting we will discuss new features, future plans and of course go over the Primary project.
Don’t forget about our contest. Come by the forum for details.
Start the Experience … Free your Life!!!

I have added QuartaDimensio to my listing tonight. I can’t introduce it to you properly yet as the admin hasn’t yet replied to some important questions that were asked by myself. However, I can say already that QuartaDimensio really looks more legitimate and definitely a lot different that most other programs. They (just like GoldNuggetInvest) make money on Arbitrage betting, however the minimum to deposit is quite high and is $1,000. There are different investment plans: with daily profits, weekly profits (7%-14% weekly), bi-weekly profits (15%-30% bi-weekly) and monthly profits (30%-50% per month). The deposit period is 12 months after which you can reinvest. If you wish you can request your principal before the 12 month period which you will receive within 48 hours minus a 25% fee. QuartaDimensio accepts a number of payment processors (LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, C-Gold and Pecunix) along with credit cards, MoneyBookers and Bank wires. It looks like QuartaDimensio has a legal London address and phone number (yet to be verified). The interface of the programs is absolutely stunning and it will take me some time to properly research all the features the program is offering and write a more detailed review on it. I’m not sure about the depositing option now, I think it works only in manual mode now but I will explain it better when I get some answers from the admin of the program. Anyway, I’m glad I will finally be monitoring it and hopefully QuartaDimensio will become the next big HYIP pretty soon.

Some more news came from BlackDiamondPortfolio today. The program was really painfully slow in growing and after 39 days online has only 46 members according to official stats. Maybe this thing actually helps to maintain a good payout record. Apart from one small issue all the withdrawal requests are being processed on time – within 24 hours. BlackDiamondPortfolio still offers four investment plans: 1.3% daily, 110% after 7 days, 125% after 14 days, 160% after 30 days like it was described in my review (published here). So to cope with the slow growth the admin of BlackDiamondPortfolio Manny offered a 5% bonus on all new deposits and promised to promote the program more actively in order to help it grow. Anyway, if you’re interested in a stable performer BlackDiamondPortfolio might be a good option for diversifying your investments a bit. Here is the latest newsletter:
We are well over 1 month online, we have experience extremely slow growth over the past 3 weeks or so, and hoping to kick it up a little. We have almost no support on the forums and monitors, and I hope after you guys receive your payments you can just drop in on the forum and post screenshots or what not. I do plan on purchasing some stickies on the forums in the near future, and considering adding more monitors. Anyhow, I wanted to run a little promo. All deposits will get an extra 5% up to $1000. This promo will last up until the 50TH day online. That will complete the first official newsletter, want to get a little more movement on this program, and we’ll see if this incentive will help a little. Talk to you guys soon, have a great day!
Manny. BlackDiamondPortfolio

FxCapitalInvetsment (reviewed here) is still paying on time. For 45 days now in fact. I have currently has some issues with my payments and one of my referrals also had some issues with withdrawals. But after I contacted the admin Greg (interviewed here) everything was fixed in no time. That’s what I call a proper support service! Here is the latest from FxCapitalInvestment:
I wish to announce to you that second round of pending cashout have been completed. All paid members should please cast a vote for us in any of the below Forums.
Thanks for all your support and have a wonderful week. Greg. Admin

That’s all the news for today. Hope you will be back tomorrow for more. Remember to always check my monitoring page to find out if a program is paying or not. The payment report for today includes the programs that paid me for the last 24 hours. They are: 4CountriesCapital, GoldNuggetInvest, PanaMoney, LogicProfit, GeniusFunds, MoneyCare, IncoForex, FxCapitalInvetsment, CSMFinance, AimTrust, PremiumCapital, SeamlessProfitable, NanoMoneyCorp, InvestmentForge, Verifield, StableInterest, OneDailyPro, BlackDiamondPortfolio, MandarinInvest, TheKapital, KobelCapital, XomFund, GlobalFund, WLInvestments, SavInvest, Capitalex, CedexInvest, ShiftMoney, PTVPartner, CorpoNano and XagaEnterprise. See you tomorrow, folks!

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