Oct 30th, 2009 Archives

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Hi, guys! The most important news for today is definitely the very sudden closure of ShiftMoney. In fact it didn’t go anything like other programs would: the payouts were being processed till the last minute, but then the site disappeared suddenly barely an hour after the regular newsletter had been sent. After that the payouts stopped and the admin never appeared on public forums again or answered any emails. So this was quite a sudden and odd closure, don’t you think? Let’s analyze it and see what might have happened to caused such a sudden disappearance after such a promising first two weeks.

First of all we should remember the first strike came from AlertPay who froze the admin’s account. That happened after just four days and didn’t really affect the program as badly as it might have. Certainly not as bad as it would had it happened later. Then there was a slower growth period but after the first payouts on expiry were processed the growth started up again and by the time of their closure ShiftMoney was approaching 1,000 members.

So what really happened last night? Nobody knows that except the admin but he won’t be telling us anytime soon. Probably never in fact. One thing is for sure though: it was not planned and so the definition of scam can’t be applied here. I wonder how much the admin pocketed after such huge expenses of purchasing sticky topics and huge banners on forums and monitors. But I guess even if he made some profit from ShiftMoney it would be just barely enough to recoup the expenses. There was absolutely no reason to close the program prematurely and in a private conversation with Bernard he really asked my opinion about slow the Christmas holiday period might be and was planing his advertising campaign accordingly. There was nothing to stop him from making ShiftMoney a success – nothing except losing the website and the database without which obviously no payouts can be processed. Even if they can the admin would have to pay from his own pocket which of course nobody would do.

So if we assume that Bernard wanted to scam just after 15 days and planned everything accordingly then:
– Why did he pay for the advertising on forums and monitors including mine for months instead of days?
– Why did he pay for the design of new banners with a Christmas theme and replace his old ones with them just two days before the website’s disappearance?
– Why did he issue a newsletter just an hour before the website vanished into thin air?
– Finally why did he pay on the last day despite having problems with his STP account and paying his STP customers with StrictPay?
But the most essential question of all would be: why to remove the site while he could leave it open and continue to accept deposits for a few more days from unsuspecting investors? So considering all these points we can draw the conclusion that the closure was not planned but rather happened for some other reason. All those points would lead me to believe that the disappearance was unintentional and was connected with some other problems of which we don’t know about and can’t speculate on. Of course, this having been said doesn’t make Bernard look any better than the other admins as he has still disappeared with the money. Not intending to scam is little comfort to those who lost and I know that, but nevertheless I still believe it was not in his power to bring the website back online for some reason beyond his control. Possibly there was some complaints about his domain which caused this outcome but it’s just a guess.

I saw some statements on forums regarding the certificate of incorporation for ShiftMoney. It appeared to be fake and the International Financial Services Commission of Belize said as much on their website. But look at it: http://www.ifsc.gov.bz/notices.html Do you think that was enough to make the program close? Just read further other warnings about fake certificates allegedly issued to MoneyCare (Mcare Ltd) and Infinitiva HYIPs. The warnings were posted weeks ago but don’t seem to have had any affect on those programs at all. Moreover, we all know that even a real certificate of incorporation is no guarantee in any way that your finances are more protected than other HYIPs. Remember SilverLodge and NovalexFinance? They were properly registered but the outcome was the same. Did those certificates help the scammed investors to get their money back? Of course not. So all this fuss about fake certificates is nothing more than the means of self-complacency for the investors. People that behave like ostriches, sticking their head in the sand and pretending the problem is not there because they do not see it. Who have no idea that regardless of the authenticity you will not get your money back in the event you are scammed. So please, just always proceed with caution, remember that 99% of the HYIPs are nothing more than games and that past performance can’t be a good guarantee of future performance. Of course there are other ways to be safer. One is to always diversify your investment portfolio and never invest what you can’t afford to lose (especially with short-term high-ROI programs like ShiftMoney). But to assess a program’s lifecycle based on the authenticity of a certificate of incorporation or the lack of it is stupid to say the least. There are other, more important factors that you should take into consideration and that I usually place in my reviews and news.

Another rumor I can’t help but laugh at to was the one concerning the range of IP-addresses that allegedly belong to scammers. So for instance, if you seee an IP address similar to one that belonged to a program that recently scammed it means it’s probably from the same admin and will scam soon too. It’s an absolute and utter nonsense being spread by some not so smart people. According to their logic MNO blog (my website!) which occupies IP address should have something to do with two German porn sites that can be found on and This is a simply ludicrous assessment and as far away from reality as anything I can think of. The IP-addresses are allocated by the hosting companies and due to the highly volatile nature of HYIPs and the limited number of hosting providers that will handle them, the IP-addresses are often close to one another. Does it mean that the programs are somehow related? No, it doesn’t mean anything. I can tell you even more. Sometimes when one particular IP-address becomes free because it’s previous occupier closed, then that very same address will be allocated to another company, HYIP or otherwise, by the hosting provider. If it’s a new client for the hosting company it can be given the old IP-address that belonged to a scamming HYIP. And there is nothing can be done about this. So I would not use this method to differentiate good HYIPs from bad ones – you will be wrong anyway. An IP number is a bit like a telephone number. Your telephone number is allocated by the phone company just as the IP is allocated by the hosting provider. If you have a similar telephone number to your next door neighbor, does that mean you live in his house?

Anyway, to conclude I would like to say out that I feel sorry for those who lost money in ShiftMoney and I must say I was no less surprised by last night’s disappearance than you were. However, this happened and we will probably never know the real reasons. I’m just sure that this collapse was not planned from the beginning and some unknown and unpredictable factors contributed. The outcome though remains the same – ShiftMoney is gone with the money and it lasted much shorter than it was originally planned.

Other news for today.

First of all I would like to remind to all the members of SazaInvestments (reviewed here) to request your weekly 8%-10% withdrawal via the e-currency you deposited from. The withdrawal button is now enabled as usually happens on Fridays. Here is the latest reminder from them:
It’s almost Friday so it’s payday again for us. Please don’t forget to request your withdrawals and please keep in mind to request them on the same payment processor and right accounts. Thank you all for your trust in us. Regards, SazaInvestments Team”.
By the way, I have just been paid successfully from SazaInvestments to my StrictPay account, only 1 hour after requesting a withdrawal!

Also don’t forget to visit to PTVPartner‘s Halloween party which promises to be a really exciting event. Just look how picturesque the admin of PTVPartner Garrett described the coming party in his latest update:
Halloween Party personal Invitation from PTVPartner
You heard right!
We are having a Halloween Costume Party in the ‘No Name Room’ at PTVPartner.
Talk about your ‘All Nighters’!!! This party will start at 8PM GMT and run until the last member stumbles out the door….. or is Dead and Buried.
All the regular ‘Creature’ comforts have been arranged.
It is BYOG however! (That’s bring your own Ghoul for those that are just not hip).
Come for the Food and Stay for the Fun!!!
Costumes are required, so dress your best and to impress….ok?
You won’t want to miss this one…..it is sure to be a Scream… or a Howl…depending on your preference.
Live Music, Wild Men, Loose Women, Free Booze or sarsaparilla, and all you can eat buffet.
We promise to do our best to make you laugh….till your blood runs cold.
So what are you waiting for. Stop by and RSVP at our forum please.
We are just Dying to meet ya. See ya there.
The Ultimate High Yield Asset for your Offshore Financial Portfolio!!!
Start the Experience … join PTVPartner to … Free your Life!!!

I remind you that PTVPartner is a program that pays you 110% after 10 days, 125% after 20 days, 145% after 30 days and 190% after 40 days and accepts LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, StrictPay and GlobalDigitalPay. More about the unique features of the program can be found in my detailed review published here or in my interview with Garrett published here. I am also looking forward to see the new website of PTVPartner fully functional very soon.

Do you know that GeniusFunds (reviewed here) had a public holiday in Cyprus yesterday so the usual daily interest of 1.0%-1.9% was not credited to members accounts? Ochi Day, the same holigay that is celebrated in Greece. Also note that the usual weekly earnings of 6%-9% will be adjusted as well for the same reason. Here is the news from GeniusFunds‘ website:
Please note that due to a Public Holiday in Cyprus our offices will be closed all day on Wednesday, 28th of October. No dividends will be paid and our customer support department will only provide limited support by e-mail. Please note that World Bond Market Fund (WBMF) dividends which are paid on weekly basis will be adjusted to reflect the holiday. Thank you for your understanding.
I remind you that so far GeniusFunds has been monitored by my blog since March 2009 and for all this time I can only say that their support and their payments record has been damn near perfect. It’s hard to say how they could improve actually and GeniusFunds firmly occupies #2 on my monitoring page because of that.

And who is the #1 then? GoldNuggetInvest of course (reviewed here). After my Q&A session with the admin of the program Robert (read it here) I received many emails full of praise from readers delighted with such a comprehensive and detailed piece. Many important issues were raised with one of the most serious ones being the current situation with bank wires. Some investors are not receiving their wires in time and some are in pending status for weeks. This situation can’t be tolerated so today the Robert gave another update where he mentioned a possible solution. I really hope that there is some light at the end of the tunnel as apart from this problem GoldNuggetInvest is almost perfect. The program is paying 6%-7.5% weekly like clockwork and which will be even better hopefully after the new script is implemented soon. So for all those who asked me about Bank wire issues here is the latest from Robert Spearman (please read it carefully):
Hi guys, It is needless to say that our current banking issues are not acceptable for our members, as well as for us. We discussed this situation with Yesilada on numerous occasions and expressed our concerns and dissatisfaction – however that has not changed the situation they have with their correspondence bank.
This situation is intolerably and we started to take the necessary steps to find a sustainable solution for our community. We are in contact with two banks who are likely to accept our business model and are willing to open corporate accounts for us. This process should be concluded within the month of November and from then on bank wire withdrawals should be processed and reach the beneficiary within 2 – 3 days.
We are aware of some pending withdrawals and asked Yesilada for a recall of not processed funds, which have been debited to our account since we initiated the transfer. Yesilada promised to inform their correspondence bank(s) and to credit our account. Depending on the location this transfers are directed to, this might take between 2 and 5 banking days, according to Yesilada. We expect to have the first canceled transactions back in our bank account at the beginning of the coming week (Tuesday latest – again according to Yesilada) and will credit members accounts as soon as the funds hit our bank account. This is the only workable way, since everyday a few bank wires are processed. As soon as we credit your account with the refund, you may immediately request a withdrawal to your payment processor of choice, until the new bank account is in place.
Once again, we apologize for this situation but it is out of our control.
Members who doubt our integrity may check the following links about Yesilada Bank:
1. http://www.talkgold.com/forum/showthread.php?t=261114&page=1
2. http://offshorescope.com/user/account_reviews.jsp?location_id=2726&category_id=1&account_id=2577&published=
Since the weekend is approaching soon, have a good one – all of you!

As you might have noticed InvestmentForge program (reviewed here) was offline for over 24 hours. I thought that there was nothing to worry about and I was right. It was just some technical issue which has now been fixed. I’m glad to report that all the withdrawals from InvestmentForge are back to normal now. And here is the latest update taken from the website:
“Dear Investors and Visitors, Because of troubles in the data center of our provider, some users couldn’t enter our site during couple of hours. Now everything is fine.
Anyway, please log in to your member’s are and verify that you have made a withdrawal request on 28.10.2009. If it was not considered by our system, please make another withdraw request.
As for the support team, they are still working 24/7 for our investors and visitors. All the letters, which you have sent, were received. All the answers were given!
Anyway if you have any questions please contact us via Live Chat or simply mail us.
We repeat that it was not our fault. Everything happen because of our provider’s troubles in the data center.
Please sorry for the temporary inconveniences!

Good news for the members of 4CountriesCapital (reviewed here)! They finished trading last night in good profit and a new trader will start on Friday. It seems 4CountriesCapital are doing really well and paying in time. I remind you that they have four investment plans with principal returned in all of them: 1.5% for 10 days, 2% for 20 days, 2.8% for 30 days, 16% for 6 weeks. I hope the admin Jana will answer my questions for an interview soon which I sent her yesterday. Here is the latest news from 4CountriesCapital:
Dear Members, With a profit of 3.91% we closed today. Jakob Knoblauch made the 4CountriesCapital portfolio very profitable again and he had a good day on the German SDax. Our 2nd NYSE Euronext Trader Maeva Garnier from Paris is back home and will start trading for us again this Friday as I said yesterday. So that it for today. I am back with an update tomorrow. All payments for today are proceeded.
Best Regards, Mrs. Jana Dagg. Founder Member and Managing Director

There is some great news for the members of CSMFinance as well today! First of all, they started to fulfill their promise to add the multilingual versions of the website. And the first language beside English is Indonesian:
CSM is announcing Indonesian version of the website! Now all Indonesian CSM account holders can enjoy our website in their native language! Congratulations to all Indonesian customers!
Apart from that CSMFinance will be trading on the Forex market from now on together with US Stocks market. Some charts have been already published on their website:
In addition to US Stock Market, since September CSM has started exploring Forex market. 200,000 EUR were almost tripled by our experienced team in less than 2 months! Click here to check out detailed trade report!
I remind you that I consider CSMFinance as one of the most promising low-ROI programs around now. It pays you 1.7%-2.1% for 200 calendar days providing instant payouts to LibertyReserve and PerfectMoney. Please read more about CSMFinance in my detailed review published here.

The admin of FxCapitalInvestment (interviewed here) just finished another batch of payments to members. FxCapitalInvestment has been online for about seven weeks and still pays to its members which is a very good result for such a short-term program. Please read more about FxCapitalInvestment in my review published here The following is the latest update from the admin:
Good-day to all members of FxCapitalInvestment, I wish to personally welcome all new members to FXCI and also say a big thank you to all our old members.
I wish to announce to you that all pending cashout for today have been completed. All paid members should please cast a vote for us in any of the below Forums.
Thanks for all your support and have a wonderful day.
Greg. Admin

Do you still remember Capitalex program (reviewed here)? Recently it has been moved to my Premium listing and it’s paying just fine for about two months now. Today I have received the payment on expiry for my investment in the 2.5% for 40 business days plan. It was paid quite fast and without any problems so I assume that Capitalex still has a way to go and definitely doesn’t have any cashflow problems. So the possibility to make 100% profit in Capitalex in just 40 business days is real and I was left re-assured about that today.

Today I have added another program to my monitoring though was hesitant to do so in the beginning. The program is called SteadyFunds. The thing is I don’t like the idea of installing anything on my computer. And of course after seeing that SteadyFunds insists you do so, I refused to monitor them. You know that installing any software can be dangerous and could one day be the reason you could lose your money from some payment processors. So only after the admin of SteadyFunds added another option of direct deposits did I accept his program. The program looks pretty simple: two payment processors (LR and PM), minimum to invest is $10, investment plans offer from 1% to 1.4% daily for 30 days (depending on your deposited amount) with the principal returned back on expiry. There is an instruction available for the members willing to download the client on their PC (for security reasons that is not recommended). The website looks quite shabby though and even the FAQ page is almost empty. The thing I like is that SteadyFunds has two mirror sites hosted by two different providers so in case of DDoS-attack another site should be available. One of the sites is hosted on a dedicated server by DdoSWiz which is a kinda reliable provider. I don’t think the program will become popular though anytime soon unless the admin makes some necessary changes to attract the investors who might prefer to take a look at much more established sites offering similar returns (like GoldNuggetInvest or GeniusFunds for instance). Anyway, I will review the program more thoroughly after I receive the first payout from it.

To finish for today I would like to list all the programs that paid me over the last 48 hours. They are: SazaInvestments, XagaEnterprise, GoldNuggetInvest, Capitalex, GainRoi, ReliableFunds, Verifield, PremiumCapital, SeamlessProfitable, GeniusFunds, BlitzInvestments, IncoForex, InvestmentForge, 4CountriesCapital, LogicProfit, MoneyCare, PanaMoney, WLInvestments, TheKapital, CedexInvest, OneDailyPro, CSMFinance, MandarinInvest, FxCapitalInvestment, YesICanSurf, GlobalFund, XomFund, SavInvest, PTVPartner, BlackDiamondPortfolio, AimTrust, CorpoNano, KobelCapital and NanoMoneyCorp. See you on my blog tomorrow, guys!

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